I am Really an Insider

Chapter 217 214: Money war, meeting on the south coast (2nd update, please vote)

Chapter 217 214 Money War, Meeting on the South Coast (Second update, please vote)

In the three-year playoff journey, the total record is 0 wins and 12 losses.

"LOGO Man" Jerry West said: "This team is difficult to lead."

After not performing well in the playoffs for three years, the owner of the Grizzlies is anxious.

No big star is willing to come to Memphis. Without a big star, the results are neither good nor bad. The grades were neither good nor bad, and no one wanted to come to Memphis, a vicious cycle.

This is not possible!

Pau Gasol played for the Grizzlies for five years and his record was 0 wins and 12 losses in the playoffs.

The Grizzlies management believes that this is basically the limit of the Spaniard as the core leader of the team.

What's the point of spending it like this anymore?

Let’s do it again!

So, they traded Shane Battier for Rudy Gay, and this was just a signal.

Next, it's Gasol's turn.

Seeing the management busy selling the team and rebuilding every day, as if rebuilding only takes a year or two, LOGO Man felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

I really want to change a place and start over again.

Well, in a novel that Wayne read, if the Grizzlies want to rise again, they have to wait until the young diamond boss buys the team and signs an undrafted guy named Link. Nirvana rebirth.

But that's just a novel. In reality, the rise of the Grizzlies will definitely take much longer than that.

The key to whether they can rise depends on the second-round pick sent by the Trail Blazers.

After Pau Gasol learned that he had been traded, he told the Grizzlies a shocking secret, thinking that it was a peaceful breakup: "My younger brother is better than me. You must not miss him!"

As for whether the Grizzlies believe it or not, Gasol can't control it.

I don’t know what Xiaojia feels: "I obviously had the opportunity to go to the big football market, but you pushed me to go to the big country. You are my brother!"

In fact, after Gasol was traded to the Trail Blazers, the most anxious person was not West, but Popovich!

"Haha, that's a few coins in exchange for 100 yuan!" Popovich responded in an interview with reporters after the deal was concluded.

Can old thief Vicki not be irritable?

The Lakers used to have a glorious bandit tradition of "picking guards to grab centers."

Later, some pioneers formed the group Wei Ge and his sister-in-law. This damn western region left no way for people to survive!

All monsters!

Popovich was really anxious and jumped in a hurry.

You guys are really playing this game, it’s not fair at all!

When Wayne first came to the West, Popovich thought that the Trail Blazers were not a threat anyway.

But now that Gasol has joined the Trail Blazers, the situation is different.

Although Gasol has played until now, he has three honors: Rookie of the Year, Rookie First Team and All-Star Substitute.

Oh, last season's All-Star substitute was chosen because Stoudemire was out for the season.

In terms of honor, Gasol is not even a serious All-Star player.

But he is really strong.

He averages close to 20+10 points per game, is skilled in the low post, has a height of 213cm and a wingspan of 230cm, and his defense is above average, not to mention top-notch.

His style of play is just not that exciting, but his defense is not as vulnerable as he thought.

Gasol may not be that interesting as the cornerstone of the team, but he's more than enough as a support player!

Can Popovich not be irritable?

A lottery team, a fringe playoff team, has now suddenly become a powerhouse.

What a fight.

Randolph: You are the coin, and your whole family is the coin! The bad old man is very bad!

Well, in this transaction, people say that the draft pick is the main part, and Zach is just the balancer.

It is estimated that the fat man who is used to breaking things will rise early in Memphis after this stimulation.

I don't know why, but seeing Popovich being so irritable, even though it was none of Wayne's business, Wayne still felt secretly happy.

You are the one who is angry!

Let me tell you, even if I can't meet you next season, I, Brother Yao, can still clean up the mess for you.

Are you kidding me about the drug combination? snort!

This season, it’s truly the Wild West.

The Lakers, Spurs, Suns, Mavericks, Nuggets, Jazz, and Trail Blazers are all pretty strong.

Mosaic may not want to be expelled from the ranks of "strong teams", so on the third day of the free agent market, they lured the big money with 58 million in four years.

Originally, the salary offered by the Bulls was higher than that of Mosaic, and they gave him 60 million in four years.

As a result, Goulei lied: "Let me tell you, Ben, Mosaic is a team with a great center tradition! Moreover, our coach Van Gundy is very good at defense, and you will definitely shine in his hands!"

We still have Tracy and Shane Battier, and we need to strengthen this summer. We are closer to victory than the Bulls!

And being in the West can save you from killing each other with your old friends, so why not? "

Da Ben was deceived and became lame, so he boarded Mosaic's pirate ship.

This can cause great harm to the bull.

Although Mosaic's offer is not higher than that of the Bulls, it is still a full 10 million more than the Pistons. There is still a chance to win, so Ben naturally prefers places where he can win.

At this point, the Houston media started to go awry again.

"DPOY+ scoring champion, Mosaic is about to take off, heading straight for the championship!"

How could there be so few repertoires for the championship every year?

The Eastern Conference teams fainted in the bathroom crying.

Everyone who can be signed has been signed by Western Conference teams.

However, this is just the beginning. The battle to grab people in the Western Conference has just begun.

The Lakers and Trail Blazers are eyeing the defensively active second-round pick Trevor Ariza in 2004. As a result, the Lakers once again took the initiative and recruited Ariza for 9.3 million in three years.

Paul Allen is really angry and insists on forcing me to use my money power?

So after the Blazers failed to sign Ariza, they immediately poached James Posey, the hero of the Heat's championship last season, with a two-year, 15 million contract.

Posey has a player option after this season, but even if the rest of the contract is executed, it will only be worth 6.4 million a year.

Now the Trail Blazers are directly earning 15 million in two years. On average, the annual salary is 1 million less than that of the Heat. Can this be tolerated?

For a puzzle-type player like Posey, to be honest, one championship is enough, and it is still profitable!

So, he readily agreed to the Blazers' invitation.

It’s not that I don’t love Miami, but they really give too much!

Posey had just been taken down, and the Lakers traded Chris Mihm and Smush Parker from the Warriors for the Green Hat.

After all, the Cuckold is a point guard who is familiar with the triangle offense. The Jackson needs him now, and he must answer the call.

The Warriors actually didn't want to let him go, but Lao Yu cried, made a fuss, and hung himself. Anyway, he was just making a fuss, and finally forced the Warriors to make a deal.

After Fisher, the Trail Blazers took action again, first renewing the contract of white center Przbilla, and then giving the 36-year-old "kidney fighter" Mourning, who only received a veteran's basic salary of 1.1 million last season, a shocking offer. 4.5 million per year for a person!

This is probably the legendary money war.

Mourning was also confused because he was actually still considering whether to continue playing next season.

After all, I have won a championship, and it is time to enjoy retirement life. But if he continues to earn more, Mourning will not refuse.

Now money suddenly fell from the sky, and Mourning said he couldn't control it.

"Fuck!" Pat Riley was speechless. He had originally prepared 2.5 million a year to keep Mourning, and he felt that this was already very sincere.

After all, few veterans can still get a raise at this age.

Who knew that the Blazers' 4.5 million would completely disrupt Riley's plan.

Now how do you ask Riley to get the 2.5 million?


Forget about poaching Posey, but still poaching Mourning, just be a human being!

Mourning hesitated for a while, and finally told Riley very apologetically: "I decided to go to the west to see how dangerous it is."

Riley: Look at Hammer, you are just greedy for his money!

As a result, Mourning joined the Trail Blazers for 4.5 million, and Wayne was joined by a dragon and a phoenix!

My brother Wei really wants to cry. Why did you all go and help him?

When we first won the championship, we said we were good brothers for life.

In the next few days, it was basically a money-burning show for the Lakers and Trail Blazers.

After the Lakers got Fisher, they signed anti-aircraft gun Radmanovic.

Not to be outdone, the Trail Blazers took down 3D swingman Amy Uduka.

On the Trail Blazers side, after establishing the combination of Wayne and his sister-in-law, they basically signed some high-quality role players, who are not strained on defense and do not need the ball for offense.

The Lakers and Trail Blazers' crazy man-stealing plan made the entire league tremble.

At the same time, watching the formation of the drug-taking group and Wayne's sister-in-law group, LeBron James, the son of the 2003 draft who faced an early contract extension, had new plans for his career.

While the Trail Blazers and Lakers were spending money like crazy, LeBron James took the lead in convening Bosh, Wade and Carmelo Anthony for a meeting on the balcony of a beach hotel in Miami.

The four of them had a good relationship in private. They were eating French fries and humming songs, drinking watermelon juice and looking at the beach, and chatting about this year's transfer market.

"It's crazy. Two of our team's champions were poached by the Trail Blazers. They simply doubled their salary and raised their salary. It's incredible!" Dwyane Wade, the new FMVP, said, shaking his head.

"Hahahaha, this is Paul Allen, man, he never skimps on money. But Wayne joining the Trail Blazers is really something I didn't expect. Their series of operations must have been planned for a long time.

You'll see each other more often next season, Cameron. "James smiled and looked at Anthony.

"Hey, annoying guy, can we not talk about him?" Anthony shrugged. When he mentioned Wayne, he remembered the pain of the Denver All-Star two years ago.

"Hey, next season, the Western Conference will probably be really, really strong." Doesn't James feel pain? He was also unhappy when he was blocked by Wayne in the first round in his playoff debut.

In fact, he didn't call everyone to talk this time just to talk nonsense.

It was this series of operations between the Trail Blazers and the Lakers that made James decide to talk to everyone.

"Everyone should renew their contract with the team in advance this summer." James got to the point.

"Yeah, what are your plans." Wade looked at James, and he knew he had a plan, a plan that might change the league's structure.

"Just sign for five years, what else can we do?" Guagua replied without thinking.

Bosh didn't speak. He vaguely felt that this meeting was not that simple.

"That's right, usually the contract is signed directly for 5 years.

But have you ever thought about a possibility, if we all sign a 3+1 contract this year with a player option in the last year?"

When James said this, he looked at everyone's looks.

"If that were the case, we would be entering free agency the same year." Wade continued to echo.

"So what? We signed a five-year contract and entered the free agent market in the same year." Anthony spread his hands, but Guagua was not yet in the game.

"No, no, no, I mean, if in the summer of 2010, we were all still young. If none of us had won a championship at that time, could we have gone to the same team to report?"

"Bang!" Bosh almost lost his grip on the watermelon juice, which frightened Benlong to death!

Reporting to the same team, several stars in their prime?

Is this possible! ?

Anthony didn't speak, but fell into deep thought.

It doesn't seem safe to sign a three-year contract instead of a five-year contract.

Under normal circumstances, it is the agent who negotiates the contract.

But this time James directly discussed the 2003 class as a player, which caught everyone off guard.

"Anyway, I'll do it, what about you Dwayne?"

"I will do the same, LeBron, I also plan to renew a 3+1 contract."

After saying that, the two looked at Bosh and Angua.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Bosh was stunned.

"Me too, I have to think about it." Angua scratched his head. He felt that this was unrealistic.

"Well, I think this is our 2003 opportunity to rule the alliance. Everyone, think about it!"

James raised his watermelon juice, looked at the beach in Miami, and squinted his eyes.

That summer four years from now will definitely be even crazier than this year.

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