I am Really an Insider

Chapter 223 220: Moving towards the top (5K votes requested)

The starting lineup of the Mavericks is similar to last season, except that Devin Harris, Wayne's little brother from the 2004 class, has been straightened up.

The starting five are Harris, Terry, Josh Howard, Dirk and the Mavericks' biggest player, Dampier, known as the second center in the Western Conference.

On the bench, there was also Jerry Stackhouse.

The offensive firepower can be said to be quite brave.

Chinese fans are so happy today. Now they can watch Trail Blazers VS Mavericks, and later Lakers VS Suns. It’s really exciting.

There are three games in the opening game, two of which have Chinese players.

Can this be unpleasant?

Stern captured the hearts of the fans.

Since it was Wayne's first time to play in the West, most Western teams were not yet so hostile to Wayne.

Including calves.

Originally in the West, the Nuggets, Spurs and Trail Blazers were the most hostile to Wayne.

Not to mention the Nuggets, as long as Angua is around, the Nuggets will be Wayne's enemy.

The Spurs know everything. How long has it been since the 2005 Finals?

If you still don’t understand, just Google the keywords Wayne, Bowen, Xiang, atrophy of the lungs, and retirement, and you’ll understand instantly.

These few words simply sum up the tragic end of Bowen's career.

As for the Trail Blazers, they were not very friendly to Wayne last season because they had guns.

But by this time, Wayne himself was a member of the Trail Blazers.

Therefore, the Western Conference is fully prepared, and Wayne's enemies are the Spurs and Nuggets.

Of course, Wayne had no worries about this.

The best thing a reverse social butterfly knows how to do is make enemies.

In the future, there will definitely be more and more people in the West who are at odds with Wayne.

The referee threw the basketball into the air, and my sister-in-law used her height and wingspan to win the ball.

Pao'er faced Harris steadily with the ball. At this time, Gasol came up to cover Paul.

Is this okay?

Dampier can only keep up with Paul.

Therefore, he did not move forward to defend, but huddled in a deeper position and waited for Paul to come to the door.

The result was that Paul didn't waste a second after breaking through the screen and passed the ball directly to Gasol.

Gasol raised the basketball and was about to shoot, but Dampier quickly blocked it.

"Hey, do you think I don't know you have mid-range?"

Dampier was secretly delighted and praised his superb defensive awareness.


My sister-in-law suddenly put away the basketball and turned her shot into a surprise!

Most insiders like Gasol, who has exquisite skills and accurate shooting, have one characteristic - they played guard when they were young.

Gasol is like this, so his ability to break through the frame is actually underestimated.

Although he can't be like Wayne, he can directly pull his opponent out for a duel.

But it is still very efficient to occasionally highlight the frame.

Dampier, who was focused forward, was passed by Gasol. At this time, Dirk had two choices, either to cover the basket or to defend Wayne.

He chose the former without hesitation, letting go of Wayne, who still had a chance of missing an open shot.

But if he doesn't cover the basket, Gasol will dunk directly!

Dirk quickly moved toward the basket, and Dampier immediately chased Wayne. This was a tacit defense change.

However, Gasol's pass was one step faster than Dampier.

Spanish golden boy Rubio once asked Dajia for passing advice. He not only has good vision, but also has first-class passing skills.

Just like this, from Paoer's pick-and-roll attack to Gasol's breakthrough with the ball.

The ball circled around and ended up in Wayne's hands.

What is the first offensive option? I have to make a tactical fallback!

Wayne caught the ball and shot, giving Dampier no chance to interfere.

Dirk immediately stuck Gasol under the basket, but his efforts were completely in vain.

Wayne's three-pointer was solid and he scored his first point with the Trail Blazers!

“With beautiful coordination, the Blazers trio started a very beautiful offense right from the start.

They seemed to have a good understanding of each other, and it didn't feel like it was their first time playing together. "

Reggie Miller applauded. If the Pacers' previous style of play was rough and violent, it was fierce physical defense and it was a life-threatening impact.

So this pioneer is elegance.

Every run and every pass was so perfect, using softness to overcome strength.

However, it's hard to say how good the Trail Blazers' current tacit understanding is.


I can't help but think that all three of them have very high golf IQs and are very good at reading the game.

If you don't have a tacit understanding, I will force you to establish a tacit understanding.

Dirk shook his head, Wayne really couldn't let it go. But today, it is estimated that this situation will happen many times.

Dampier's current defense is limited to physical combat in the paint.

But the pace is too slow, and defending a technical player like Gasol will be at a disadvantage.

Today, Dirk is destined to often fall into the same dilemma as just now.

After the Mavericks beat him, "Little General" Avery Johnson yelled something at Harris on the sidelines.

Harris also raised his hand and showed two fingers.

"Singles at No. 2!"

As a young point guard, Harris understands these five tactics of the Mavericks.

Don't tell me, Harris's tactics are somewhat similar to Kobe's.

It’s all singles anyway!

The ball was passed to Terry, and the Mavericks' lineup suddenly opened up.

Why is the Mavericks' offense so efficient despite so many isolation plays?

Because they have too many people who can shoot!

Except for Dampier, all of the five starting players can shoot and are accurate.

Put it this way, the second center in the Western Conference was lagging behind on both offense and defense today.

As for why the Mavericks chose to let Terry play in isolation, to put it bluntly, they looked down on Anthony Parker.

Although the title of King of Europe has been mixed in recent years, the European League and the NBA are still different.

As soon as he returned to the NBA and became a starter, many people had big questions about his ability.

The Mavericks want to help the Trail Blazers inspect the goods.

Terry broke through immediately after holding the ball and was very fast.

Terry has always been an indispensable part of the Mavericks' offense. In Wayne's previous life, in the 2011 Finals, most people only remember Dirk becoming a god in his first game.

However, Terry also averaged 18 points and 49.4% shooting in that series.

It would be no exaggeration to say that this performance surpassed that of Mousse at the time.

After Terry broke through, he first looked at his teammates, looking for opportunities to break through and score the ball.

He is not the kind of defender who only has eyes for the basket. His choices are relatively balanced in terms of passing the ball and taking his own shots.

But after discovering that the Trail Blazers were resolutely defending 1-1, Terry took off and threw from the mid-range!

At this moment, Parker, whose height and wingspan was more advantageous, interfered in time.

Parker is a full 10 centimeters taller than Terry, and coupled with his wingspan advantage, Terry is in trouble.

In the end, his throw hit the neck of the basket, and the Trail Blazers' defense worked!

"Great defense, Parker didn't let Terry succeed. Gasso got the rebound, and the Trail Blazers fought back!"

"This" Johnson didn't expect that Anthony Parker did have something.

Parker's performance did not surprise McMillan.

It may not be possible to say that Parker is a top defensive player, but his defense is definitely above average, at least it is not a weakness.

At this time, Candace Parker, the "female version of Mousse" who is still in college, cheered for her brother's return to the NBA.

What level would you say Parker is? His sister can dunk at the same level!

The Trail Blazers counterattack relatively quickly, which is also a characteristic of McMillan's coaching.

The changing rhythm always catches the opponent off guard.

Fast when it should be fast, slow when it should be slow, one fast and one slow, retract and release freely.

Paoluo immediately accelerated after receiving the basketball. Fortunately, Harris was also a fast man, otherwise he would not have been able to catch up with Paoer, who was not seriously injured.

Pao'er made an emergency stop outside the three-point line and immediately stopped the car.

Don't ask, just ask: if you have a strong core, you can do whatever you want.

Paul looked at Uduka who cut in from the right after completing the defense, but passed the ball to the left with his hand.

Wayne received the basketball and made a strong drive.

Dampier and Dirk both shrank toward the basket, preparing to make a dumpling.

Since we are talking about making dumplings, we have to mention my sister-in-law.

I saw Wayne paused under the basket, but instead of forcing the ball, he reached his hand to Dirk's waist and sent the ball away.

My sister-in-law caught the basketball in the mid-range and shot with a take-off height as high as a Coke can.

This is how my sister-in-law shoots, it seems to be just a symbolic jump.

Then, the basketball hit again, 5-0.

"This is a hammer!" Avery Johnson burst out. He now knows why Popovich was so angry when he saw the Randolph Gasol deal.

Two insiders who can shoot and support together are simply unplayable.

Although when Wayne was with the Pacers, O'Brien could also shoot.

But his support ability has always been a bit lacking, and he mainly has to work in the low post.

Now Gaso can really pass the ball. Who can withstand this?

The cooperation between the International Twin Towers was a great success. Wayne and his sister-in-law stayed and flew together and had a great time playing together.

What's better than being spotted by a teammate when you're open?

At this time, Dirk was unwilling to be lonely.

Both are international players. One of you won the World Championship, and the other stepped on me and finished seventh.

Are you still bullying me now that you're in the NBA?

I, King Silver Horn, am not a vegetarian!

So, Harris showed four fingers.

Singles at No. 4!

Dirk is at MVP level this season, especially his face-to-frame offense, which is indeed quite good.

The Mavericks' offense emphasizes quick singles, so Dirk didn't waste time. After receiving the ball, he took a three-threat step forward, then quickly recovered the basketball and shot a fadeaway jumper.

It's that simple, it's that direct.

Wayne tried his best to block it, but Dirk's shot was really difficult to interfere with.

The basketball hit and the Mavericks got their first point of the day.

"Fuck!" Wayne reluctantly picked up the basketball. Dirk's frame was indeed a bit awkward.

Later, he developed a back body. No wonder the Heat couldn't withstand it in 2011.

In this case, don't blame me for bullying you too!

Wayne began to play pick-and-roll with Pao'er. Before the start of the season, some media predicted that Wayne and Pao'er might be at odds.

But from preseason to now, people have found no such signs.

After the pick-and-roll, Paul broke through Dirk, which was just like playing.

Dirk's defense is terrible against Wayne, let alone against Paul.

After Paul broke through, the sister-in-law very cleverly blocked Dampier.

So the No. 3 guard suddenly dunked.

Even though it is only 183, his explosive power is indeed strong.

At this time, Paoluo suddenly remembered the opening moves between Wayne and Gasso before the game.

He couldn't help but wonder if I could jump up and punch five times in the air before hugging Wayne.

Seeing this, Avery Johnson gave up.

Give up relying on defense to contain opponents.

This is really unpreventable.

Paul + Wayne + Gasso, the offense has no solution.

Anyone who picks and rolls will be beaten to death.

In this case, let's have a battle between men!

So the first quarter of the game ended with a crazy attack between the two sides.

Even in the rotation time, the offense of both sides showed no sign of weakening. The Trail Blazers have Dixon, Outlaw, and Posey.

The Mavericks also have Stackhouse, the sixth man, to continue to implement singles tactics.

So at the end of the first quarter, 28 to 22, the defending Western Conference champion was 6 points behind.

This score is much higher than the previous two seasons.

"Continue to fight like this and let us use our attack to devour those mercenaries!"

Avery Johnson knows that in the face of the ultimate offense, falling behind by 6 points is not a problem at all.

But the Blazers have no intention of playing against them. McMillan is very persistent in defense.

"Defend closely and put pressure on the ball! Make it impossible for Dirk to rush forward and have to shoot. If you continue to put pressure on him, he will lose his touch sooner or later!"

McMillan emphasized while gesticulating.

At this time, the driver is afraid of being closely defended by the swingman, and Wayne is a large swingman.

So in the second quarter, Dirk found that the offense was much more difficult than before.

Before he could catch the ball, Wayne would rush over and tag him.

After catching the ball, still stick to yourself.

They don't give you a chance to break through or get started easily, forcing you to turn your back.

Not only did this move completely prevent Dirk, but it did greatly reduce Dirk's offensive efficiency.

In the first quarter, Dirk scored 10 points on 5 of 7 shots, but in the second quarter he was 2 of 4.

In the third quarter, Dirk made 1 of 4 shots that scared Johnson to the point of trembling.

We promised to attack, but you actually defended! ?

Moreover, it is so well protected!

In the original history, although Dirk won the MVP this season, he was not absolutely unsolvable.

If you really have no solution, you won't be hacked.

In the fourth quarter, Dirk, who was exhausted physically and mentally by Wayne, found it difficult to catch the ball again.

Under Wayne's close defense, Dirk was exhausted and sweating profusely.

Every time he met Wayne, Dirk felt like he was being tortured to the point of exhaustion.

The classic scene of him reversing the car because he was too tired is still played back as a funny video from time to time.

As for Wayne, he just likes this kind of physical combat.

The "tough defense" that was trained to gold still had a huge impact on Dirk, and with the blessing of "delay and long-lasting", the closer Wayne defended, the easier it became.

If you let him run all over the court to help defend, it may be a little more tiring.

But if you let him pester Kobe, he will know how powerful it is. It's not just how powerful the defense is, it's how powerful it can really torture you to death.

At this time, in the last five minutes of the fourth quarter, the Trail Blazers had led by 11 points.

The Western Conference champions were embarrassed in the Rose Garden.

Dirk once again held the ball in singles, and Wayne still pressed closely and put pressure on the ball.

Dirk was having a hard time playing, and his touch was also affected during the continuous physical fights.

So this time, Dirk chose to break through!

Wayne reacted immediately and withstood Dirk. When Dirk took off for a layup, Wayne took a big risk!


"The basketball was slapped out of the baseline. Dirk's strong breakthrough was impossible! Tough defense, Wayne humiliated Dirk today!" Miller stood up and applauded. This is the league. The top offensive No. 4 position!

But he was kept in check by Wayne.

Wayne: Sit down, old Miller, I haven’t added attributes yet. Otherwise, you have to applaud harder.

Dirk also fell to the ground in embarrassment after being blocked. Wayne stood in front of Dirk and roared.

The Knight of the Rose, conquered the Lion.

Miller suddenly had goosebumps all over his body, and he had the same barbaric smell as when he was a Pacer!

He said before that this Trail Blazers are very elegant and use softness to overcome strength.

However, he was wrong. A team with Wayne has never been about using softness to overcome strength.

They're going head-to-head!

After completing the block, Paoluo was the first to rush up and give Wayne a high-five.

As long as you play well and seriously, I will recognize you as a good big brother.

Dirk was autistic, and the further he got to the back, the more he couldn't move.

Want to cooperate? Sorry, the Mavericks really don't have any team offensive routines.

This team's offense is spread out with a large number of singles.

Once a point is sealed, it cannot be moved.

So in the original history, the Mavericks had to wait until Carlisle came and transformed the entire offensive and defensive system before the Mavericks truly became famous.

Wayne's risk completely shocked Dirk.

He knows that this third grader has begun to move towards the top fourth position.

In the next five minutes, Dirk didn't take a single shot, and he couldn't even catch the ball.

Although others can still score goals in singles, they cannot score consecutively.

On the other hand, for the Trail Blazers, Paul is still full of energy and can always create easy scoring opportunities for his teammates.

Just like that, amidst the cheers of the Trail Blazers fans and the stunned expressions of the neutral fans, the Trail Blazers defeated last season's Western Conference champion at home 106-91, 15 points!

"It's over. The Trail Blazers showed us their strong strength this season! Last season's Western Conference champions did nothing in front of them! Tremble, there is really a terrifying force in the Western Conference!"

Dirk looked at the big screen with disappointment. He made 8 of 16 today and scored 26 points with a 50% shooting rate. He looked pretty good.

If you just look at the data, Wayne's defense is just like that.

But anyone who has watched the game knows that 5 of Dirk's 8 goals came in the first quarter when he was full of energy.

Throughout the second half, he was limited to only one sports goal.

In addition to being able to defend in the low post, Wayne can really be regarded as a defensive gate.

After the game, Gasso hugged Wayne very excitedly.

Paul also came up and fist bumped with Wayne.

These two people rarely attempted such a hearty victory last season.

Wayne looked up and saw that he had 25 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists, Gasso had 18 points, 11 rebounds and 2 blocks, and Pao'er had 24 points, 9 assists and 2 steals.

What more bikes do you want?

The team's three-point shooting percentage is also above 40%. After all, there are so many people who can shoot three-pointers.

Although others did not score so many points, they were better because of their high efficiency.

No matter how bitter the outside world is, the Trail Blazers are strong, this is the fact!

After the game, when Paoer was being interviewed, someone passed by him and touched his head.

Pao'er's expression suddenly changed. He turned around with a straight face, wanting to see who was so short-sighted.

I told you not to touch my head, don’t touch my head, do you have to give me a warning to remember?

When he turned around and saw that it was Brother Wei, Paoer suddenly showed his white teeth again.

The expression transformation is so fast that it can be called Hollywood level.

It's Brother Wei, then it's okay.

Paul looked at the camera with a smile again, and the reporter asked him the last question: "In this game, if you were asked to choose the best performer among the three of you, who would you choose?"

"Wayne, his championship genes, his drive, and his encouragement to us before the game all have a huge impact on us. I think the Trail Blazers are finally a team that is starting to win!"

Paul said he felt very comfortable following a capable, competitive and good brother.

If this were Zach, he would be beaten to a pulp by Dirk today.

Well, God knows how much Paolo hates Zach.

As Wayne exited the game, he reached out and gave high-fives to the fans in the stands on both sides.

Fans responded with cheers.

In just one game, the new owner of the Rose Garden has been recognized by fans and teammates.

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