I am Really an Insider

Chapter 237 234: After Best of the Month, old enemies meet (4k)

The next day, the league announced its decision to punish Paul.

First, he was fined $5,000, and second, he was suspended for three games.

When Wayne saw it, he suddenly felt a little bored.

The introductions are all small scenes!

Brother Wei, I have never paid a fine of less than 10,000 dollars.

Three game ban? When have I not started in five games and won’t be capped?

Pao'er, you still have a lot to learn and a long way to go!

Follow Brother Wei and work hard from now on. You will definitely be on the list of people suspended for ten games.

Of course, Wayne didn't actually tell Pao'er these words.

It would be quite troublesome for Pao'er to really be suspended for ten games.

When Steve Patterson called Paul Allen to ask for money to pay the fine, Allen directly sent him $100,000.

"Don't come to me for this kind of small money in the future. Take 100,000 and pay it over slowly. If you don't have enough, go directly to my secretary. As long as Wayne doesn't get hurt because of this kind of thing, the fine will be fine."

Paul Allen was really speechless. He even called me for $5,000. I was giving him three or five dollars every minute!

Patterson actually didn't want to disturb the boss, so he thought he would pay for it out of his own pocket.

But for this kind of thing, you still have to ask your boss for some instructions.

Unexpectedly, the US$100,000 has arrived.

In addition to being first in the league in record, the Trail Blazers are also definitely first in the league in fine reserve funds.

100,000 US dollars, this is enough to kill Boozer several times.

At this time, those who are most dissatisfied with the league's punishment results are definitely the fans in Salt Lake City.

Because the results of Boozer's injury examination are really scary.

He suffered a slight concussion, a torn inner thigh muscle, and the ball was said to be slightly injured, but the Jazz did not disclose specific details.

Moreover, Boozer still has five teeth missing.

That's right, not four, but five.

One of them was accidentally swallowed during the game.

Boozer was so frightened that he asked the doctor if he needed surgery to remove the tooth from his stomach, or if he needed a gastric lavage or something.

As a result, the doctor smiled and said, "Don't bother me. It's okay. Just pay more attention when you go to the toilet in the past two days."

Boozer:? ? ?

What the hell

So starting from last night, Boozer had to put on a pair of disposable gloves every time he went to the toilet, and then he tried to look for them after he was done.

This can be said to be a very rare life experience.

I believe that from now on, Boozer will never hit anyone again whenever he gets angry.

He will definitely control his emotions well.

In this way, Wayne is also a master of psychotherapy.

Tai stopped getting sick in front of Wayne, and now Boozer has healed himself.

It can be said to be a wonderful rejuvenation.

Looking at Boozer's injury report, the Jazz fans were greatly shocked.

How did you get so many injuries in just one game?

This is just a serious boxing match, and there probably won't be that many problems.

Wayne: The boxing ring is too small to perform well, but the basketball court is the best.

Moreover, if Boozer is like this, Paul will be fined 5,000?

This is really not treating Boozer as a human being!

Wayne looked at Boozer's injury report and was honestly a little disappointed.

Tony was immediately reimbursed for the season.

Boozer is really lucky. At least he can come back after missing ten or twenty games.


The egg thing probably lasts a lifetime.

After the game, Tony also called Wayne.

Although he kept complaining about Wayne's unkindness, Tony smiled honestly.

It was the first time in days that Wayne heard Tony laugh.

It's not that easy to accept that your dream of becoming a star is ruined.

But no matter what, it can be regarded as helping Tony get back a round.

Now, before all the villains in the league attack someone, the first thing they need to evaluate is whether the other person is Wayne's good brother.

If not, feel free to make it.

If so, it's best not to even get close to him.

Otherwise, you will have to go to the toilet to find your teeth.

After this game, the video of Boozer stretching his crotch replaced the previous video of Bowen being elbowed out and became the NBA's most popular clip on the Internet.

Fortunately, ghost videos are not very popular right now, otherwise Boozer would definitely become an excellent material for ghost videos.

Doing the splits back and forth to the rhythm is quite miserable just thinking about it.

Boozer's NBA career will really be inseparable from this split in the future.

After the game, the NBA also announced the winners of the best players in the East and West in the first month of the new season.

After Wei Ge won the Best of the Week last time, he is on the list again.

Chinese fans can cheer this time, because this time the top two players in the Western Conference's Best of the Month rankings are both Chinese players.

Wei Ge is first, Yao Ming is second.

The two Chinese players who changed clubs both performed extremely well.

In the original history, Chairman Yao only won the Player of the Month twice in the NBA.

This was also robbed by Wayne. It is probably time for Chairman Yao to eat tomatoes again.

But now that he has joined the Lakers, Yao Ming estimates that he will have more than two opportunities to win the best of the month in the future.

After Wayne won the Best of the Month Award, many of the best-of-the-month exclusive promotional billboards were immediately updated in the city.

I have to say that as a star player, the treatment is different.

As for the Eastern Conference, the Player of the Month this time is Dwight Howard.

In November, Howard averaged 17.1 points, 13.6 rebounds and 1.9 blocks per game, leading the Magic, which had been bad for many years, to a 12-4 start.

In the first month of the new season, the best two months are all rookies from the 2004 class.

Now, the 2004 class is finally on its way!

03VS04 has also become a drama widely publicized by reporters.

Everyone is looking forward to the 2003 and 2004 classes being able to bring wonderful confrontational performances to this league as soon as possible.

Wayne: I performed in 2005, and I won. Right, Di Wei.

The FMVP and championship of Wayne and Wei were the beginning of the two-year confrontation between 2003 and 2004.

People believe that for at least the next 10 years, the confrontation between the 2003 and 2004 seasons will be the highlight of the league.

On the day he won Best of the Month, Wayne invited Paolo to his home for a sit-down.

After all, it’s not enough to achieve a bond relationship. You have to work hard to increase the progress bar to unlock rewards!

Uh, wrong.

The main thing to reward or not to reward is to treat Paoluo as a true friend!

As soon as Paoluo entered Wayne's house, his eyes were caught by a box of sports protective equipment in the living room.

Suddenly, he showed an expression that said, "Brother, it's really not that simple."

"Well, why don't you bring some back for use? Come here, I can bring you something. This thing is so good, practical and easy to carry." Wayne was also speechless.

Wayne just moved this box of sports protective equipment home this morning. Artest helped Wayne buy it online!

They are really good brothers. Even though they are no longer together, they still care about Wayne's sexual happiness.

In Artest's words over the phone: "I bought a box myself, and suddenly I thought of you, so I bought another box."

Good guy, you are indeed arrogant. I always buy this thing by the box.

"Really? Then I'm not polite!" Pao Luo was really not polite to Wayne, so she grabbed a handful and stuffed them into her trouser pocket.

After all, no one would go out of their way to buy this thing to prepare, but then regret not having it when they need it.

Now take a few home and keep them to avoid future troubles.

Paoluo really regards Wayne as her brother.

At home, Wayne found that every time he and Pao Luo couldn't talk for more than a few words, the topic would always be brought up about the game.

All I can say is that no wonder Paoer often had conflicts with his teammates in Wayne's previous life.

Think about it, when Shafen was enjoying himself in the nightclub, Paoer suddenly sent a text message: "What tactics do you think we should use tomorrow night?"

You didn't reply to him, but he kept asking.

Well, anyone would go crazy.

After all, not everyone only has basketball in their lives.

Fortunately, Wayne is not a particularly playful person.

Therefore, the two of them patiently chatted about the team all night long.

Damn it, no one would believe it if I told you.

You two millionaires just spent the whole night talking about basketball in your room?

Didn't you do anything else?

Didn't you call 298 or something?

Who are you fooling!

After chatting all night, Wayne discovered

This bond is really hard to grow!

It seems that if you want to conquer Paoluo, you can't just rely on this kind of conventional courtesy exchanges.

According to Wayne's experience, the fastest way to add bonds is when encountering special events.

And the special event that Pao'er is most likely to encounter is beating Delong!

As long as he can win Delong, his bond value will definitely increase rapidly.

From this point of view, I will fight Jazz every time I see him from now on.

In the past, the Jazz were mosaic killers.

This time, Wayne is going to be the Jazz Killer.

Xiaobu, take good care of your injuries first.

In the future, we will still have opportunities to continue in-depth exchanges.

The next day, the Trail Blazers faced their second opponent in December and their first opponent without Paul - the Atlanta Hawks, who are still in the rebuilding stage.

Although the Eagles have formed a combination of Johnson + CIC handsome boy.

But if Wayne remembers correctly, it will be a year or two before they have results.

In this game, Wayne saw a guy who made him very eager to attack - Zhazha Pachulia.

When the two sides met in previous seasons, there was no spark between the two.

This time too, Pachulia seemed to be avoiding Wayne on purpose, but she was very clever.

Zhazha had better stay like this and don't mess with him.

Otherwise, Wayne promised, he would definitely be cruel to Zhazha.

107 to 96. Although Johnson scored 33 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists today, the Hawks still lost to the Trail Blazers.

There is no way, there is still a gap in the strength of the two teams.

In the next two games against the Bucks and Pacers, the Trail Blazers achieved a record of one win and one loss.

When shooting the Bucks, Bogut had to take a detour when he saw Wayne.

Bogut already had psychological shadow after he was almost knocked unconscious by Wayne on the basketball court last season.

Seeing Boozer being dealt with so badly a few days ago, Bogut was even more frightened.

Today, he could not touch Wayne without touching him.

Even when helping to defend, he was hesitant for fear of being knocked down by Wayne's elbow.

This strong Australian man was just forced into a weakling.

Wayne was also speechless. You acted like I was bullying you.

In one of the shots, Wayne was fouled for a layup. After the referee blew the whistle, Wayne turned around and prepared to high-five his teammates.

As a result, at this time, the basketball fell from the basket and hit Wayne on the head.

Wayne immediately turned around and looked at Bogut, who was so frightened that he raised his hands: "It's not me, it's not me! The ball fell from the basket!"

The child was so frightened that his face turned blue.

How dare he hit Wayne with the ball? He didn't even dare to lend him ten eggs.

"Really? That's okay."

Seeing Wayne turn around and leave, Bogut breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought he was going to get a cross fix today.

Bogut's attitude in today's game was very negative. He scored 6 points and 8 rebounds in the game. He was really worthy of being the number one pick.

This made the already weak Bucks even worse, and they no longer had the power to compete with the Trail Blazers.

But Bogut doesn't feel ashamed. After all, what's more important than living?

After winning the Bucks, the Trail Blazers immediately went to the Big Cornfield back-to-back to face the Pacers.

Returning to Indianapolis again, Wayne was welcomed by the fans.

When Wayne came on the field, he almost lost his temper when he saw so many fans wearing his No. 99 jersey in the stands.

When he won the championship, many people burst into tears, but Wayne did not cry.

But this time, his eyes actually turned a little red.

However, Wayne did not take away the victory in his former home court.

Because it was a back-to-back game, Gasuo felt a little overwhelmed, and the inside defensive movement became very slow.

The accuracy of others seemed to be affected as well.

On the other hand, for the Pacers, Roy once again performed extremely well, scoring 21 points in the game, and his offensive skills were quite comprehensive.

Wu Sheng also scored 25 points today, coupled with O'Neill's 15 points and Granger's 11 points, the Pacers finally defended their home court.

Ad? Ade is making soy sauce again today.

Watching the game, Walsh smiled crookedly.

So, his decision was correct.

This Pacers have the strength to compete with the league's top teams!


Are they fighting back to back? Did they go to the core point guard?

I don’t listen, I don’t listen, I just win anyway!

Now, Roy is ranked No. 1 in the rookie rankings, leaving everyone, yes, everyone, who was ranked ahead of him in the draft far behind.

As expected of the original No. 1 candidate!

Walsh can't wait to see Roy and Granger lead this team to glory.

However, after the game, the most excited person was not Walsh, but the man who had been holding back the game for three games.

"I can't wait, I can't wait to get out there and fight now. We lost back-to-back games, but it doesn't matter because we'll win them back soon!"

After the game, Paoluo was very excited when being interviewed in the locker room.

The first game as the captain of the security team is coming soon, and Paul really wants to show off his fighting ability as the captain!

Moreover, in the next game, the Trail Blazers' opponent is Wayne's mortal enemy, the Detroit Pistons, who eliminated Wayne from the playoffs last season!

There is no doubt that this game will be highly anticipated.

Paul believes that this is the first step for him to become an excellent security guard!

And Wayne, when talking about the Pistons at the press conference, the Western Conference Player of the Month who once left a strong mark at the Palace of Auburn Hills just smiled.

To be honest, the current Pistons are not a threat at all!

"I will not let the team lose consecutive games, even against the Pistons."

So Wayne confidently told reporters this.

There is no doubt that his words made everyone on the Pistons very angry.

It seems that they do not have a clear understanding of the gap in strength between the East and the West this year.

But it doesn't matter. Bringing the educator Wayne will help them understand their situation.

I'm taking a day off today, just two shifts. My arm is so painful that I can't even lift it. In fact, Lao Ge wanted to take a break yesterday, but he was writing a key plot point yesterday, so it would be unkind if he broke the chapter. Therefore, I kept telling myself to keep writing and finish writing. The result was that yesterday the second one was closer to 10,000 words, and the total number of updates still reached 1.4W. I can't hold it any longer today and it's hard to even lift a glass of water. Since the internal update, basically every day, apart from eating, sleeping and taking care of my grandma, I just sit in front of the computer. It’s only now that my arm starts to hurt. I already think it’s a miracle. But don’t worry, bosses, Lao Ge will not degenerate into a two-shift beast. He will rest for this day and recover from tomorrow~

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