I am Really an Insider

Chapter 263 260: Under the spotlight, outside the spotlight

"Actually, you still have a chance. All you need to do is get 27 points. Look, I didn't ask you to get full marks."

Although he had finished shooting the basket, Wayne, who was pretending to be cocky, still did not stop making fun of him that made people want to crush him to death every minute.

But this time, Dirk and Chicken Porter didn't contradict Wayne.

Damn it, he scored 12 goals in a row, directly surpassing the original record by three.

As we all know, it is almost impossible to surpass Wayne.

Wayne sat back on the bench, spread his hands and crossed his legs.

It feels so good to not have anyone interrupt me from posing.

Dirk, the defending champion of the three-point contest, was the second to play under pressure. To be honest, the Germans had no fighting spirit.

This year's three-point contest is destined to belong to Wayne, and Dirk just feels a little regretful.

It's a shame that I couldn't defend my title.

But to be honest, for something like the three-point king, you only need to win it once.

From a mental point of view, Dirk is still better than Arenas.

Although I feel a little unhappy, there is nothing I can do about it. 26 points is hard to beat.

So, Dirk played normally and finally scored 17 points, missing out on the championship.

"I said, there is no need to compare. No one can surpass Wei's 26 points, not just tonight, but it is very likely that no one can surpass it in the next ten years!"

Cole just wants to blow Wayne away now. This is the most exciting three-point shooting contest he has ever seen.

Even more exciting than Bird's time.

After Dirk finished shooting, he shook his head and sat back on the bench.

Finally, it’s time for Arenas, who scored 23 points in the last round.

Although everyone knows that Wayne's probability of winning is almost 99.99%.

But after all, Arenas just scored 23 points, so fans can't help but have some expectations for Arenas.

As long as Arenas makes two more goals than in the previous round, he can tie or surpass Wayne.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem to be an impossible thing to accomplish.

Maybe, he can really create that 0.1% miracle.

Arenas stepped onto the court against the expectations of some people, 26 points, 26 points, 26 points

Chicken Porter's mind is now filled with those 26 points.

He felt that he was under tremendous pressure, after all, he was the one who choked Wayne the most just now.

If Wayne really wins the championship, won't he be slapped in the face?

In this way, Arenas started the game uneasily.

Under the spotlight and under Wayne's joking smile, Arenas lost all his first points!

Arenas:? ? ?

Why do I feel like I can't shoot anymore?

"It's over, it's over! Chicken Porter has lost the chance to win the championship! Even if he hits all the next four points, there is no way he can surpass Wei.

Wayne is a champ and he truly became a champ! This guy really has some kind of championship gene! "

Arenas was stunned. The more he tried to score, the more he failed to score. It was simply poisonous.

There is no way, shooting under high pressure is not easy.

Otherwise, why would the winning goal be so valuable?

Arenas' mind was filled with Wayne's records and he couldn't calm down at all.

It would be strange if this shot could be accurate.

Collapse step by step, collapse step by step.

After Arenas pulled his crotch on the first point shot, the next four shots were also very strong, and the more and more shots he made, the less and less rhythm he made.

No one expected that Arenas' performance in this round would be so bad.

Arenas simply made a blind shot from behind. The only thing he wants to do now is to leave this damn stadium as soon as possible.

I'm totally embarrassed!

Finally, everyone looked at Arenas in surprise, and Arenas walked away with an unhappy look on his face.

9 points.

Arenas only scored 9 points in this round, which was an avalanche.

Terry laughed, I'm finally not the last scorer in this year's Three-Point Contest!

Chicken Porter is such a good guy!

After Arenas finished shooting, Wayne stood up and shrugged: "I told you a long time ago that I am first, Dirk is second, and everyone else is fighting for third. Look, I was right."

This beep is more perfect than Bird.

Wayne deliberately spoke loudly, fearing that reporters wouldn't catch his voice.

How can it become a classic if other people don't know what Wayne said?

Arenas clenched his fists. He now knew why so many people hated Wayne.

This is so realistic, so annoying, so annoying!

But there's nothing you can do about it. Who are you going to argue with when it's 9 points?

Wade, who was watching the game at the scene, shook his head. It would take more than a few kills to score 9 points.

I will never be associated with the number 9 in my life.

When Arenas walked to the sideline dejectedly, it heralded the official end of the three-point contest.

Wayne's system suddenly dinged.

A huge amount of growth points have been received!

Wayne was suddenly shocked.

Feeling comfortable~

Although Wayne's taunts before the game made other contestants a little unhappy, after Wayne won the championship, everyone including Dirk hugged Wayne, shook hands, and offered blessings.

Otherwise, it will be like no one can afford to lose.

Although Wayne's nagging was annoying, you have to admit that his 26 points were extremely valuable.

Among the contestants, Arenas was the only one who ignored Wayne. After the game, he returned directly to the tunnel.

It can be called the most explosive scene in All-Star history.

Arenas: "I just can't afford to lose! I'll fight another time if I can!"

Mousse looked at the angry Arenas and touched his chin.

Well, no need for next time. Tomorrow, you can avenge your shame.

The enemy of my enemy, that's my brother!

James seems to have found another extremely powerful fighter who is willing to join his team.

Judging from the current situation, Arenas must also want to kill Wayne.

So among the Eastern Stars' starting five, except for Shaq, the remaining four are willing to work hard.

In this kind of performance game, as long as four people are willing to work hard, it is enough to win.

It doesn't matter how much limelight Wayne gets now, no matter what, he must win the All-Star Game!

Mousse feels that his understanding of brothers basketball has become deeper.

He didn't know yet that Wayne's victory in the three-point contest meant that the Avengers in the West had also been successfully formed.

Well, last season's All-Star game was clearly Wayne's key shot that allowed the Eastern Conference to win.

As a result, now, he wants to form an Avengers Alliance to take revenge on the East.

Really. Perfect for both sides.

At this time, Kobe was applauding Wayne. Wayne's performance in the three-point contest today really impressed him very much.

Uncle Snake has served not many people in his life, but Wayne is one of them.

What a werewolf!

You broke the three-point contest scoring record as soon as you started. How can you play like this?

very energetic!

In terms of three-pointers, I, Kobe, really admire you.

But I’m not necessarily convinced by other aspects!

Although I still really want to win AMVP, I just want to admit defeat.

Tomorrow, Kobe will listen to Wei Ge's arrangements.

As long as we can win the Eastern Conference, it doesn't matter if we lose one AMVP. Anyway, I have already taken this thing once.

Hey, what other awards have I not won?

The three-point contest was officially over. Wayne stood in the center of the field, and the cheers from the scene lasted forever.

Before the slam dunk contest even started, Wayne had already stolen all the limelight.

Today, the dunk contest has become the dessert after the main course.

The on-site staff handed the trophy to Wayne, who confidently raised the trophy above his head.

Behind him, other players participating in the three-point contest could only smile and applaud.

If you can stand at the front to receive the award, who wants to stand at the back to applaud?

They say All-Stars are just entertainment, but even if it is entertainment, who doesn’t want to be a winner?

Arenas stormed off, not because he was stingy.

It's just that he dared to express his true thoughts.

Wearing the red jersey of the Trail Blazers, Wayne lifted the Three-Point Contest championship trophy and once again, he became the focus of the audience.

At this time, Tony, who was still unable to walk freely at home, watched the TV and couldn't help but applaud Wayne.

As expected of my sworn brother, these three points are with me!

But while smiling, Tony suddenly felt a sore nose and his whole body suddenly relaxed.

Now, besides applauding, what can he do?

Looking at his legs wearing braces and the crutches beside the sofa, Tony lowered his head.

We obviously do everything together, make a name for ourselves in the NCAA together, and win the NCAA championship together by stepping on the shoulders of the No. 1 pick candidate.

We trained together, found an agent together, entered the league together, and once said we would become stars together.

But Tony knew that he would never be a star again.

The possibility of Nirvana and rebirth after such a serious injury is almost zero.

He didn't know what else he could do after experiencing such a serious injury.

Being in the spotlight like Wayne?

Probably never.

As the carnival continues in Las Vegas, Wayne begins his acceptance speech.

But at this time, in the cold wind of February, Zintai was sitting outside, sitting on the steps of his yard, looking at the sky.

I think back then, he was also standing under such a spotlight.

Being in the spotlight, holding the trophy, everyone in the audience wants to listen to you.

In 2005, everyone thought that would be the beginning.

Core member of the championship, top ten in MVP rankings, No. 1 small forward in the Eastern Conference

Now, these auras have gone away from him.

While Wayne was still in the spotlight, enjoying everyone's praise and applause, Artest was alone under the night sky, with no one applauding him.

Well, who makes himself superfluous?

He was kicked out by the Pacers and put on the shelf by the Kings management.

The most special irony is that no one is willing to inquire!

Everyone knows Ron Artest is trouble, and no one wants to plant a time bomb in the locker room.

Tai Tai smiled bitterly, stood up, and prepared to return home.

Well, even coming home was a torment for him.

Because as soon as I step in, I have to hear my wife’s endless complaints.

But what can be done?

Gotta go home.

It's like this fucking career has to go on.

"Congratulations, my good brother." After saying that, Artest opened the door and walked into the house.

On the TV, Wayne was still being interviewed by reporters.

Three people under the same starry sky, but in completely different situations.

At the game, all the fans stood up and chanted Wayne's name.

Off the court, almost everyone forgot the existence of Artest and Tony.

Three people whose destinies were originally intertwined now seem to be in two worlds.

No one knows whether their destinies will ever intersect.

After completing a perfect performance, Wayne returned to the locker room. When he opened the door to the locker room, Kobe was already waiting inside.

"You win, how do you want us to play tomorrow?" Kobe came up and hugged Wayne.

"Phil is the coach. I just want everyone to take the game seriously."

"Phil? I'll take care of Phil's side. I'm willing to admit defeat, Wei. You win beautifully tonight, and tomorrow, I'll let you experience the feeling of being the core of an All-Star team."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Wayne nodded. Kobe is such an open person!

Arenas, who had already changed his clothes and left, received a call on the way back to the hotel from the talented boy from Akron.

"Chicken Potter, are you not willing to lose to Wei?" James didn't mince words and spoke directly.

"What do you want to do?"

"Help you find your honor." This mousse is indeed nice to hear.

"How to find it?"

"So you're joining the gang?"

"As long as we can kill Wei."

"Welcome aboard, chicken."

Mousse and Wayne both smiled happily, our lineup is invincible!

The war between the east and the west has started a night earlier and sparks have started.

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