I am Really an Insider

Chapter 297 294: Blockbuster trade after the draft (6.3K votes requested)

News of Wayne's $300 million sneaker contract is still bombarding the entire basketball world.

300 million, these are three small goals!

Oh, converted into RMB, there are more than twenty small goals.

A large amount indeed.

But Nike is not afraid at all. As long as they don't sign Jordan's share-sharing contract, to be honest, Nike won't lose hundreds of millions.

Mr. Joe is the biggest winner in the sneaker market. Even if he retires and stays at home, he can still get countless wool from Nike every year.

The old gangster's income from Nike has far exceeded his total income from playing in the NBA. Now, Nike's share is the biggest source of income for the old gangster.

In Wayne's previous life, around 2019, he once saw a piece of news.

It is said that in 2019, the old gangster earned US$130 million from the revenue from sneakers alone.

This is only for one year.

The total salary of the old gangster playing in the NBA is only about 90 million.

Really. It’s better to shoot commercials than to play ball.

Oh, now Jordan doesn't even have to shoot commercials.

You don’t have to stand or kneel, you can earn money while sitting down.

He's so fucking gangster.

Although Jordan has indeed brought unparalleled influence to Nike, Nike is still heartbroken after distributing so much money every year.

So since then, Nike has never dared to play with that kind of contract.

Therefore, compared with Jordan, 300 million in 10 years is nothing.

Compared with the bottomless contract of the old gangster, 300 million in 10 years is nothing!

Seeing Under Armour’s 200 million in 10 years, Nike just smiled and said nothing.

As for Adidas' 185 million in 2013, Nike really wants to ask: "Are you just trying to entertain Wayne!"

Of course, the 300 million was not given to Wayne all at once.

On average, it’s 30 million a year, which is not something Nike can’t afford.

Even with all the messy bonus terms, Nike won't pay more than $40 million a year.

Overall it's still within the acceptable range.

Many people say that Wayne got a lifetime meal ticket from Nike.

But why not Nike?

This is a business alliance and no one is a philanthropist.

Since Nike can give Wayne 300 million in 10 years, it means that the value Wayne brings to Nike must be more than 300 million in 10 years.

No matter what, this super sneaker contract, second only to Jordan, still left many players stunned.

After all, Wayne has only been in the league for three years.

In three years, he won a $300 million sneaker contract. How dreamy is this?

Jeff Schwartz is also famous now. This 300 million sneaker contract has made him quickly become a well-known agent.

After Wayne, there may be more and more potential new stars who will choose short contracts when signing their first sneaker contract.

Wayne was able to sign a 300 million contract in 3 years because he only signed a 3-year child labor contract with Nike.

Facts have proven that immediate interests are sometimes not the greatest interests.

At this time, those players who are preparing to participate in the draft are extremely excited about their careers.

Wayne's rookie FMVP, two championships in three years, who wouldn't want that?

Rookies are ready to make a move, and the NBA draft is gradually becoming more popular.

Oden, who single-handedly defeated the Noah + Horford twin tower combination in college, American Wayne Durant, Yi Jianlian, whose template is Wayne, etc., have all attracted much attention.

Especially Yi Jianlian, if in the original history, only Chinese fans paid more attention to Yi Jianlian.

So now, because of Wayne's lightning-like coaxing, Yi Jianlian is also attracting attention in the United States.

Everyone is discussing whether Yi Jianlian can become the next Wayne!

Although Yi Jianlian has no experience playing in the NCAA, little is known about him.

But at least it is certain that he is a player similar to Wayne.

He is also a power forward with excellent static talents. He has height, wingspan, shooting ability and support.

Moreover, he also has physical fitness comparable to that of black athletes!

This is very rare among Asian players.

Yi Jianlian's various jumping statistics are so impressive.

To be honest, just reading these descriptions will make the general managers of many teams drool.

Wayne, who was on vacation, also called the Arrows the day before the draft, telling him to wait and not be nervous.

"It's okay, it's just a small scene. Danny Ainge is just a Sabi, you don't have to pay attention to him." Wayne never expected that one day he would actually call the Arab League as a big brother.

Speaking of Danny Ainge, Wayne gets angry.

Yi Jianlian, like Wayne, did not participate in the joint trial training. He just invited several teams that were interested in him to gather together and conduct a small joint trial training.

Moreover, it was a trial without confrontation.

There is no doubt that this greatly increases Yi Jianlian's sense of mystery and also protects Yi Jianlian's shortcomings of temporary insufficient confrontation ability.

Although Yi Jianlian has done well in all aspects, how could the cunning Danny Ainge be deceived by such a little trick.

Let’s not talk about confrontation in basketball. What’s the difference between playing hooligan?

Therefore, when being interviewed by reporters, Anji showed what he called "American humor": "Yi Jianlian is very good, it was an excellent trial training.

Yi Jianlian fought against a chair and a coach. You can't say that the chair defended very well. "

At best, this is called American humor, but at worst, it actually means burying people.

Because of this incident, Yi Jianlian already had a malicious nickname - Chair Man before he entered the NBA.

Wayne doesn't want the UAE's confidence to be affected by these things. Being timid can't be played in the NBA.

Yi Jianlian really didn’t expect that Wayne would bluntly say that he was Sabi

Sure enough, Brother Wei is tough.

Popovich: It’s nothing to curse, he’s also beating people!

Larry Brown: That’s right!

"Well, it's okay, Brother Wei, I know."

With just one sentence, Yi Jianlian finished his answer.


You and I are so bored, so why would you and others be so bored to death?

No wonder he can't get along in the NBA.

Again, this basketball is also about human nature.

Look at Wayne, from Tony to Coward, from Coward to Rapunzel, no one has been kept submissive.

Zhitai: This story starts from that elbow.

"...Well, that's good. By the way, I may hold a training camp here this summer. Do you want to come and participate?"

Wayne thought that if he could take A Lian to play with him, he might be able to perform better in his rookie season.

Moreover, bringing him into contact with NBA players in advance may help him adapt to this environment better.

Regarding Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian, Wayne admitted that he had selfish motives.

In the original history, there were more or less regrets in their NBA careers. Wayne hopes that in this history, those regrets will disappear.

As a Chinese fan in my previous life, I am a Chinese player in this life.

It shouldn't be too much to be a little selfish towards his two compatriots.

"Training camp? Oh, I have my own training camp, Brother Wei, you don't have to worry about me."

Ah Lian smiled and said Brother Wei, you don't have to worry.

Because of the classic showdown between Yao Ming and Wayne in the Western Conference Finals, the status of Chinese players in the NBA has risen a lot.

Therefore, Yi Jianlian's draft journey can be said to be much more comfortable than that of Wayne and Yao Ming.

That year, Chairman Yao watched the draft at home, and even though he was the top pick, he was not able to attend.

After arriving in the United States, I also had various difficulties adapting to it, so I found a translator on the spot.

The so-called "Yao's Team" did not exist from the beginning, but was slowly formed after Yao Ming played.

Wayne got a little better and was on hand for the draft. But because he was not a player within the system, Wayne did not have any complete team support at the time.

There was just one agent, Schwartz, and Schwartz helped Wayne form a temporary training team, but it was gone.

Yi Jianlian is different. Before he came to the United States and played in the NBA, everything here was already arranged.

The trainers, nutritionists, business team, and news team have all made clear arrangements for everything from daily necessities, including food, clothing, housing, and transportation, to all the trivial matters of basketball.

As soon as Yi Jianlian arrived, there was a whole mature team inside to serve him.

This is the path that Yao Ming and Wayne helped him smooth.

So, he's right, he does have his own training camp.

In fact, two months before the draft, when Wayne was still playing in the playoffs, A-Lian had already started training in Los Angeles.

“I know, but in your training camp you don’t have real games to play.

Basketball is a competitive sport, and it won’t work behind closed doors. You have to play the game to adapt to the game.

You haven't played a real game in more than two months, right?

So, come to my training camp, if you are worried you can bring your own trainer.

Only with me can you know what the real NBA level is. "

Wayne saw that Ah Lian still didn't understand what he meant, so he explained it again.

The training camp is second, the competition is the focus!

"Thank you, Brother Wei! I will attend on time!"

It can be heard that Arab League is also very excited.

As a professional basketball player, who doesn’t have a vision for the NBA?

Ah Lian knew that with Wei Ge's connections in society, the people coming to the training camp would definitely be masters.

When the time comes, he will directly compete with the top NBA players.

Ah Lian was nervous and shy, but also a little excited.

One word - exciting!

After hanging up the phone, Wayne became even more curious about this year's draft.

Because the 2007 NBA draft can be said to be very different from the original history.

In the original history, as we all know, the Trail Blazers selected Oden, ushering in the era of Roy Oden.

Well, although the two of them didn't play many serious games, they did leave a deep impression on people.

But now, things are different.

The Blazers, who were originally the protagonists, did not have the No. 1 pick this year. To be precise, they did not even have the draft picks. They were completely reduced to spectators.

Instead of the Trail Blazers, it was the Minnesota Huskies who won the No. 1 pick.

This is also the first time in the history of the Huskies that they have won the No. 1 pick.

The Huskies are not the team with the worst record this season. They are only fifth from the bottom in the league.

But just like the Trail Blazers miraculously won the No. 1 pick in the original history, the Timberwolves also got lucky and won the No. 1 pick with only a 5.3% chance.

Now, Hard's departure is a foregone conclusion, and the Timberwolves can rebuild on the spot with the No. 1 pick.

The second and third picks are still the Sonics and Hawks.

The fourth pick became the Celtics, the fifth pick was the Bucks, and the sixth pick was the Pacers.

It can be regarded as the biggest departure from the original draft in history.

This can't help but make Wayne also want to know what will be discovered.

History changes, and this draft suddenly becomes interesting.

On June 28, at the Madison Square Garden Theater, the suspenseful 2007 NBA draft officially kicked off.

This year, CCTV also broadcast the entire draft live.

Yi Jianlian also became the first Chinese player to participate in the NBA draft after Wayne.

The American reporters at the scene were also very interested in Yi Jianlian's final ownership, but in Wayne's view, Yi Jianlian would still have to go to Milwaukee in all likelihood.

Among the top three picks, Oden is basically the No. 1 pick, and Wayne Durant and the SuperSonics should have already traded PY.

The third overall pick, the Hawks, expressed early on that they were not interested in Yi Jianlian.

Anji holds the fourth pick, but he previously mocked Arab League and is unlikely to pick him.

Therefore, Milwaukee, the fifth overall pick, is still the most likely next destination for the UAE.

Before the draft started, on-site reporters interviewed some players.

When reporters interviewed Durant, the lanky forward said with a smile: "I hope to be successful in the NBA like Wei."


This is really treating yourself like an American Wayne.

Du Xiaoshuai, Du Xiaoshuai, in terms of temperament, you will never be able to catch up with your brother Wei.

After the draft officially began, Mr. Stern took the stage.

With the first pick in the first round, the Timberwolves also considered American Wayne Durant.

But in this era, people have no resistance to destructive big men.

To be precise, even in the small ball era, everyone is still unable to resist big men inside.

Ayton, Towns, Bennett, Anthony Davis

There are still many top picks inside.

Um? Is there a strange name mixed in there?

Therefore, after careful consideration, the Timberwolves decided to take Oden!

It really fits that sentence - no matter how many times he is selected, Oden will always be the top pick.

So, the guy who was not yet 20 years old but looked like he was 50 years old walked on stage and put on a Timberwolves baseball cap.

At this time, the happiest person besides the general manager of the Timberwolves, Danny Ainge, was also smiling from ear to ear.

The Timberwolves won the No. 1 pick, which means his plan is more likely to succeed!

With the second pick, it's the Sonics' turn.

Without any suspense, Kevin Durant became the second choice.

When Wayne saw Durant being selected, the template given at the bottom of the screen was himself.

The American commentator also said: "The SuperSonics now have a player like Wei, but I don't know if this American Wei can make their team great!"

No, never.

Because the Sonics will be gone soon! How great is it?

With the third pick, the Atlanta Hawks took Horford.

In this way, Yi Jianlian's chance of being selected into the top three is gone.

Compared with the original history, the top three picks have actually not changed.

But Oden went to the Timberwolves, which in itself was a big change.

I don't know what Oden's career will be like after leaving the Trail Blazers.

The next fourth pick is Danny Ainge.

Just before the fourth pick in the draft began, Ray Allen, the current star of the SuperSonics and one of the representative members of the 1996 golden generation, made a call to Garnett.

"Choose Celtic."

Garnett looked confused. Ray Allen persuaded me to go to the Celtics?

what's the situation! ?

In fact, the Celtics wanted to use Garnett last season.

But Garnett has the right to veto the trade. He is unwilling to go to the Celtics. He does not want to go from one bad team to another bad team.

Therefore, the transaction ultimately fell through.

This year, the Celtics are still flirting with the Timberwolves.

But Garnett still refused to let go.

Pierce: Hard, you look down on me like that

As a result, Garnett was shaken a little by a phone call from Ray Allen.

"After the fourth pick, there will be a trade. I will join the Celtics, and the Celtics also want you to come here. It's a good place. The three of us together, maybe we can do something."

Ray Allen has just finished saying that in the 2007 NBA draft, the Celtics used the fourth overall pick to take Georgetown University's Jeff Green.

At this time, wearing a Celtics baseball cap and shaking Stern's hand, he didn't know that he had been involved in a super big deal.

Fifth pick, Milwaukee Bucks. Just as Wayne predicted, UAE went to the Bucks.

Although he was one spot higher than the original historical pick, he still went to Milwaukee.

Fate is so wonderful.

When A Lian was selected, everyone in Fagan was stunned.

To that place in Milwaukee that's not getting any attention?


Wayne thinks it's nothing. Now, it's not time for Yi Jianlian to choose a ball market.

Let’s type it out first and then talk about it.

If you can't hit it, it's useless in the big market.

With the sixth pick, old acquaintance Donnie Walsh added another strong player to his youth team - Mike Conley.

Poor Conley, dropped from fourth to sixth in history.

Just when Wayne thought Conley would be wearing the Pacers' maize yellow jersey next season in the league, Conley was traded.

The Grizzlies used Mike Miller, this year's first-round pick and Kyle Lowry to acquire Conley and Jamal Tinsley, who had a premium contract, from the Pacers.

The main purpose of the Pacers' transaction this time is mainly because of Miller's immediate combat ability and contract processing.

Because Walsh thinks it's time for the Pacers to produce results next season.

As a team with little investment, the team cannot afford the losses caused by consecutive years of poor performance.

Although the two Simon brothers don't expect the team to make money, they can't do it if they lose too much.

Therefore, the Pacers have never really been bad since Reggie Miller joined the team.

Even in years when they fail to make the playoffs, you will find that they are often only one or two away from the playoffs.

The Pacers will strive to qualify for the playoffs no matter what.

For example, last season, the Pacers seemed to be in bad shape, but they were also ranked ninth in the Eastern Conference. It's just one step away from eighth place.

Although it is possible to select high-ranking players if you play badly, fans will only buy tickets to watch the game if they remain competitive at all times.

Now, the Pacers have so many prospects that Walsh no longer needs potential rookies.

Therefore, I helped the Grizzlies choose Conley.

There was nothing to say about the subsequent drafts. It was not until the second round that the Grizzlies made another move.

With the 34th overall pick in the second round, the Grizzlies used the 54th pick they had previously acquired from the Trail Blazers and some cash to trade up from the Mavericks for this year's 34th pick.

Anyway, the Mavericks are a championship contending team, and they are not very fond of the second-round pick, so they just changed it. It is a favor, and everything with the Grizzlies in the future will be easy to discuss.

Then, using the 34th overall pick, the Grizzlies took sister-in-law Mark.

My sister-in-law reminded the management before she left last year that my brother is really great and I really don’t lie.

It can be regarded as the last wealth left to the old club.

So, the Grizzlies chose to believe in the Spaniards.

As for why they chose to trade the 34th pick, it was because the Grizzlies learned that the Lakers also wanted to select Sister-in-law.

So we can only act before the Lakers.

In this way, the Memphis shit-stirring stick is really taking shape.

The Bears, Gay and Conley meet in advance!

With the 40th pick in the second round, the Lakers, who already owned Yao Ming, did not continue to select Sun Yue.

When the Lakers drafted Sun Yue, it was plainly for the Chinese market, but now they already have Yao Ming, so there is no need for this.

The Grizzlies also took advantage of their favorite sister-in-law, so the Lakers randomly selected a guy named Derrick Bayes.

Don't ask, even Brother Wei doesn't know him.

It's really a random choice

Like the Mavericks, who would bother with a second-round pick if they are a serious championship contender.

Mi Tai!

Originally, Wayne thought that the most exciting part of the second-round pick was over, but at this time, Wayne received a call from Patterson.

"Wei, your Chinese compatriot is about to lose the draft. The Lakers didn't draft him!"

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it." Wayne shrugged. Yi Jianlian and Yao Ming's NBA careers are regrettable, but Sun Yue

"Shall we select him?"

"Ah!? Is it necessary?" Wayne was a little confused as to what kind of operation this was.

"What Allen means is to consolidate the Chinese market. After all, there has never been a situation where a team has two Chinese players before. He hopes that the Trail Blazers can become the home team of Chinese fans in the NBA.

At the same time, give your fellow citizens some opportunities. "

To put it bluntly, I just want to please Wayne.

You see, we are also willing to listen to your suggestions on the draft!

It's only a second-round pick now, but if there is a first-round pick in the future, Wayne, you can also participate in the draft!

They really treat Wayne as the most important player.

Wayne thought about it for a moment and decided whether to brag or be slanderous. Now that Sun Yue is here, he won’t be of much use to the team.

But letting him practice in the NBA a year in advance, even if he just goes to the Development League to play, is better than wasting time in Olympus.

Practice leveling up, maybe Sun Yue can perform better in the 2008 Olympics next year?

Moreover, if the team itself wants to choose, then it doesn't matter.

"It's okay, I don't have any objections."

"Then let's make this deal."

Then, something unexpected happened.

The Trail Blazers used part of the cash to trade the No. 42 pick and selected Sun Yue.

Suddenly, the Chinese fans were confused.


Sun Yue and Wayne are meeting! ?

In fact, there is no talk of a meeting. It is estimated that Sun Yue and Wayne will not play at the same time for too long in one season.

The Trail Blazers are also a championship contending team anyway, so a second-round pick is not that important.

At this point, the 2007 NBA Draft has come to an end.

Danny Ainge smiled slightly and pressed the reset button.

Half an hour after the draft ended, the big news broke.

"Breaking trade! The Celtics traded Szczerbiak, Delonte West, and rookie Jeff Green to the SuperSonics for Ray Allen and rookie Glenn Davis. Oh my god, Ray is joining forces with Pierce!”

"With Ray Allen joining the Celtics, will the Celtics finally rise?"

"It's very surprising that the Celtics are now much stronger!"

Eastern Conference general managers:? ? ?

Didn’t you fucking say a boycott of multi-star teams some time ago?

Angie smiled and I just said whatever I wanted.

Moreover, this was only his first blow to the Trail Blazers!

At this time, Steve Patterson also took the opportunity to do something serious.

Apply to the Celtics to trade Tony Allen.

I just suffered a tragic accident this morning. My good friend who accompanied me (Notebook Master) unfortunately passed away, and the culprit (a cat) is still at large. I was typing in a fucking internet cafe with a sad heart! The update may be late, but it will never be absent!

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