I am Really an Insider

Chapter 386 383: A complete falling out, the first ticket

The scene of Howard angrily hammering the bench was naturally captured by the photographers.

In NBA game arenas, the cameras can be said to capture 360° images without any blind spots.

Whether you're on the bench or on the court, everything you do will be clearly captured.

What's more, Howard's angry attack on the bench just now was very obvious.

Now, people's attention instantly shifted from the game to the conflict between Howard and Van Gundy.

Although Howard didn't yell at Van Gundy, fans who follow the Magic know that the two have long been at odds with each other.

Even Barkley wanted it. Howard was dissatisfied with being completely ignored at the critical moment.

It would have been fine if Turkoglu scored the last goal, but Howard was even more unhappy if he didn't.

The reporters are all excited, now there is a big melon to eat!

I have to say that Master Huo is awesome. Originally, the most popular player in this game was Wayne who completed one offense and one defense at the critical moment.

However, Master Huo just punched the bench and grabbed all the heat.

Okay, this guy has some tricks up his sleeve!

On the court, Pao'er climbed up from the ground, looking as miserable as a winter melon.

After celebrating with his teammates, he ended up falling to pieces. Pao'er may be the first person in history.

"Damn you monkey, I've never seen you run so fast before!" Pao'er rubbed his chest, and Sun Yue just passed by in a swish, the car was going very fast!

Pao'er was amazed at his speed.

There is no way, the great sage is excited.

How lucky do you have to be to get such an easy scoring opportunity at a critical moment and create a sense of presence?

And, most importantly, there was no fine!

This is very comfortable.

The Great Sage can now imagine what the newspapers will say about him tomorrow.

"Sun Yue's key layup killed the game, China's power shocked the Major League! 》

Well, the domestic media is definitely capable of blowing up that ordinary layup.

It’s so face-worthy!

But after returning to the bench, the Great Sage still had to say: "WGNB!"

Well, almost all the Trail Blazers players were high-fiving Wayne.

The most annoying one today has to be Brother Wei.

31 points, 7 rebounds, 7 assists, 2 steals and 3 blocks.

The final three-pointer and blocked shot killed the game.

The indifferent expression on Wayne's face after he had just completed the desperate block made countless female fans scream, and their desire to give birth to a baby monkey for Wayne became even stronger.

The game was no longer suspense, and Wayne's expression softened.

Now, if Wayne is asked to comment on this game, he only wants to say one word - it's very enjoyable!

This kind of back-and-forth game is much more comfortable than a 55-point game in which players are beaten.

It’s still fun to play with someone who can resist!

Dead fish really disturb the fun.

Facts have also proved that the Trail Blazers are completely justified in facing the championship teams in the Eastern Conference this year.

And today, the Magic team played 120% of their strength.

In the fourth quarter, several fake balls between 614 and Turkish Scimitar once made Wayne feel that they were cheating.

In other words, when the Magic can only play 80% or 90%, the Trail Blazers can easily win!

Therefore, as long as you pass the Lakers level this year, it will be the same as last time, win the division championship and win the championship!

As long as the team doesn't have any fucking accidents like injuries this year, it will definitely be able to easily defeat the Eastern Conference teams.

After going full circle, the strongest opponent this season is still the drug-addicted Lakers.

Hard: I'm pretty strong too.

After the game restarted, the Magic had no ability to resist.

Lewis hurriedly shot a quick three-pointer. This was the Magic's last ceremonial resistance.

Originally, the Magic played so well today, and they were still a little frustrated.

But when Howard made such a fuss just now, everyone was in a very low mood.

In the end, the 6-point difference was maintained until the end.

101 to 95, the Orlando Magic played a very beautiful game!

Lewis had 22 points, Turkoglu had 23 points, and Howard had 20 points, 13 rebounds and 3 blocks.

The performance of the Magic's three cores is impeccable.

But there was no way, who allowed the Magic to drag the game into Wayne's time?

So far, the Trail Blazers have won seven games in the new season and still maintain their undefeated status!

At the end of the game, Howard stood up, very quickly! Just left.

This is quite abnormal, because in the past, no matter whether he won or lost, Howard would come over with a smile and shake hands with Wayne.

It's not that Howard felt unhappy about losing to Wayne, he just felt unhappy about being abandoned at the last moment.

When reporters noticed Howard rushing back to the tunnel in anger, they all seemed to turn into hunting dogs, smelling the big news!

Many reporters carried cameras and chased directly into the players' tunnel. Van Gundy was also surrounded by people at the entrance of the players' tunnel.

Wayne looked at this exaggerated formation and shook his head.

Therefore, be sure not to cause any messy things during the season, otherwise you will be fired by reporters even if everything is fine.

At the post-game press conference, significantly more reporters attended the Magic press conference than those attending the Trail Blazers press conference.

Well, the losing side gets the spotlight, which is quite rare.

Howard sat on the stage wearing glasses and looking unhappy.

The reporters did not waste any nonsense and went straight to the point: "Dwight, after the team's offense failed at the last moment of today's game, we saw you hammer the chair on the bench hard.

Are you venting your dissatisfaction? "

"Yes." Howard answered very simply!

This means that he is openly going to break up with Van Gundy!

"Can you tell me what specifically you are dissatisfied with? Is it the shooting against Turkoglu or the coach's arrangements?" The reporters immediately became excited.

“I’m not going to say who I’m upset with, I just wanted to get the ball more in the fourth quarter of the game.

I very much hope to be a game terminator and attack closer to the basket, but this requires you to gain the trust of the coach and get more ball rights to do this.

That's what Kobe, Wayne and some other great players did in the fourth quarter.

I know, maybe I'm not mature enough. But when Kobe first entered the league, he also needed some time to grow into a killer.

He gained the coach's trust, got a chance to learn how to run the offense in the fourth quarter, and slowly gained confidence from it. "

Howard said, spreading his hands.

Kobe and Wayne: Okay, okay, brother Huo, stop bragging about us, I know you admire us.

“That’s the way I want to be, I want to be that guy in the clutch moments of the game that closes out the game and wins for my team.

I want to be that guy who helps the team win when the score is close.

However, these require the coach to give me confidence. "

Howard's words were not as intense and tough as people imagined, and they seemed to be quite aggrieved.

"I just want to help the team at critical moments~"

If Van Gundy heard what Howard said, he would definitely throw a basketball to Howard.

"Let's go and shoot free throws. If your free throw percentage can reach 60%, I will arrange all the key attacks for you in the future!

Damn it, why don't I dare to hit you with the ball at the critical moment? Don't you know it?

How pitiful you pretend to be! "

In history, how many big men have been successful at critical moments?

Unless your skills are as comprehensive as Dameng or Yao Ming, you will have limitations at critical moments.

Wayne can hit a three-pointer against Turkoglu in desperate situations, can you?

You can't, then you use your head to kill your opponent?

Howard complained, and the Magic's management was shocked.

They thought that Warcraft would at least give Van Gundy face, but they didn't expect that the conflict would become public after they had played less than 10 games in the new season.

Stop joking, bro! I pay the luxury tax here!

Twenty minutes later, reporters gathered at the door of the locker room to find Fat Gundy and wanted to know what he thought of Howard's remarks.

When Van Gundy heard what Howard said, he immediately closed his eyes and seemed very disappointed.

But Van Gundy immediately responded!

Well, if it were an ordinary coach, he would definitely turn a big deal into a small matter.

Just say a few words like "We don't have any problems" and that's it.

As for whether you believe it or not, that's your own business. I won't admit it anyway.

But Fat Gandy is the kind of person who will fight head-on if he doesn't accept it. He really doesn't like to deal with those who are weak.

So facing the reporter's camera, Fat Gandy said without hesitation: "Yes, we have had conflicts."

Magic management:? ? ?

All of you are against it!

Are they all so upright?

"Obviously, his focus is not on what he needs to focus on. Howard's focus should be on defense and rebounding, not scoring.

On the court, he gets frustrated when he doesn't get the ball. Just like a big girl, you have to coax him from time to time to make him happy.

We needed him to focus on defense and rebounding, but he didn't do that, so we had a little conflict.

But it's actually nothing. There is no personal conflict between Howard and I. This team is like a family. Family members will quarrel and fight with each other, and they will also be disappointed. "

After Van Gundy finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared at the end of the tunnel.

The reporters were left standing there stunned, looking at each other.

You two are really good-natured!

Do you really not know the impact this will have? ?

Then, without any suspense, the next day, the story of Fat Gundy and Howard's falling out broke out in the basketball circle.

Not many people paid attention to the fact that Wayne killed the game with one offense and one defense at critical moments.

Wayne felt very embarrassed.

My last shot was so loud, are you sure you don’t want to pay attention to it?

What’s so exciting about the Magic’s palace drama?

The local media in Orlando even posted a photo of Howard and Fat Gundy arguing on the court, with a big caption - Who stays? Who is going?

The Magic front office is once again filled with little question marks.

It's not your own media. Are you interested in fanning the flames of your own team?

Damn it, how can this matter be so serious!

How come it has come to a point where who stays and who goes?

You media, please stop messing with things, it's so ungrateful!

Warriors boss Lacob looked at the gossip news about Beast and Fat Gandy and couldn't help but give the LOGO man a thumbs up: "Master Wei is so good at predicting things! You actually predicted this prediction accurately! Wow, Master Wei is really good at predicting things." high!"

LOGO Man: "No, no, I'm just speculating, speculating. I'm really not a time traveler, really not."

"When are we going to stir up trouble! Uh... I mean stir up trouble!" Lacob can't wait. Golden State's renaissance is this year, this year!

But the LOGO man waved his hand: "Let the bullets fly for a while."

At the same time, the Trail Blazers received a fax from the league and sent it to Mr. 91 Wei.

When Wayne was called to the general manager's office, he knew what was going on.

What else can happen?

A fine!

"You're going to be fined for this." When Wayne saw the reason for "using inappropriate celebrations" written on the ticket, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Well, Wayne's neck-wiping celebration yesterday was too obscene and violent.

Stern then issued Wayne his first ticket of the season, which came later than usual.

"It's okay. I'll just pay the team's fine reserve for you. You played well yesterday, keep up the good work!" Patterson is used to it. If Wei Ge is not fined 10,000 or 20,000 yuan a season, he will be embarrassed to fight with him. People say hello.

Wayne also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was only a fine and not a suspension. Otherwise, it would have been too fucked up to fail the mission of breaking the ceiling because of a celebration.

Playing full attendance is really challenging for Wayne.

Speaking of which, I have accumulated a lot of growth points during this period.

The 20 points-adding opportunities unlocked at the end of the Olympics are almost ready to be digested.

After returning to the locker room, Wayne looked at the schedule and the game he marked with a red circle.

December 25th, Christmas Day game, Portland Trail Blazers VS Los Angeles Lakers.

Well, before that, you must upgrade first!

Don't worry, it's your turn next, Ko Lao Snake.

Don't leave after school!

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