I am Really an Insider

Chapter 405 402: Only I am in the play, Tu Shi Lengjian (6.2K votes requested)

28 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks.

Not long into the fourth quarter, Mousse's statistics had already risen to a very exaggerated level.

Okay, okay, I know you have the ability to be the second MVP, so don’t show it off.

Although Wayne played again, the entire Cavaliers team had already gained confidence at this time.

Even the local commentators in Kecun were extremely confident.

"LeBron's performance in the fourth quarter was incredible. Even Way couldn't necessarily stop him! Remember the last time the Nuggets played at Quicken Loans Center? We trailed by 13 points in the final quarter.

But LeBron made 6 of 6 shots in the fourth quarter and scored 14 points in a single quarter, directly taking away the game.

If you want to conquer Quicken Loans Center, it’s not that easy!

I believe LeBron can be dominant enough in the fourth quarter. "

When Katsumura's commentator was frantically calling James, Delonte West had already made two free throws, narrowing the point difference to 11 points.

At this time, the Cavaliers' top five players on the field were Mohamed, West, Mousse, Varejao and Hickson, and Big Z was exhausted.

The Trail Blazers are not all starting. The five players on the field are Dragic, Tony, Parker, Wayne and Birdman.

The sister-in-law who blew up the Cavaliers' big man today is not here yet.

Ever since Pao'er was injured, Carlisle had taken great care of his sister-in-law and wouldn't let him hit her for another minute.

Therefore, although the Cavaliers are now looking to gain momentum, Carlisle remains calm and lets his sister-in-law continue to rest.

It's best not to play in the fourth quarter.

But whether it makes it or not depends on whether Wayne can kill the game.

Wayne came back on the field and stopped pretending in the fourth quarter. He was directly waiting to catch the ball at the baseline!

Varejao was waiting for Wayne outside the three-point line on the opposite side, ready to come up with a set of Brazilian jiu-jitsu at any time.

Wayne steadily controlled the ball past halftime and called the Birdman to cover.

At this time, everyone's attention fell on Wayne.

However, after Wayne took advantage of the screen, he held up the basketball with one hand and made a direct pass!

The basketball was accurately guided into the depths of the penalty area. Dragic happened to appear in that position and took the ball.

Because the entire inside line of the Cavaliers was pulled out by Wayne, Mousse's attention was also on Wayne.

So Dragic's layup was not hindered by anything.

With this goal, I have to say that Dragic is really smart.

Wayne knew instantly with just one look.

Although he is a point guard, he is also very good at running without the ball.

Who doesn’t love this sensible new tea?

You can do everything without any training.

Wayne passed the ball lightly, throwing the Cavaliers' defense into disarray.

Later, Mousse was also preparing to play a pick-and-roll with Varejao, but Tony forced his way through the screen, reached out and knocked away the basketball!

Although Mous reacted quickly and grabbed the ball with both hands, he did not let Tony complete the steal.

But because of holding the ball with both hands, Mousse could no longer move, and Tony forced Mousse to stop!

There was no way, in order to keep the offense running, Mous had no choice but to give the ball to Varejao.

After Varejao got the ball, he wanted to hand it back to Mousse as soon as possible, but Teacher Tony would not let Mousse catch the ball easily.

A death entanglement was arranged.

With Varejao's passing skills, he simply can't get it to Mousse!

Varejao can only figure it out on his own first.

So, the Brazilian movie star with an afro started to hit Wayne from behind, thinking that even if the hit failed, he could still take the opportunity to draw a foul or something.

The acting skills are here!

Then, the most embarrassing thing for the inside players happened.

I saw Varejao push hard twice with his back, but Wayne didn't move at all!

Wayne was shocked. He didn't expect Varejao to be so big and capable of hitting from behind!

Dirty brother, you have to use your strength and make brilliant moves!

In fact, this is really not Varejao's fault. Wayne had already increased his strength to a very high level in order to help Chairman Yao carry World of Warcraft in the Olympics.

Ordinary insiders really can't beat Wayne.

The Brazilian actor is an honest man, and he really managed to stay outside but never get in.

This is completely impossible to get into, and Varejao has no way to show off his acting skills.

In the end, the only choice was to pass the ball in panic.

But as soon as Varejao lifted the basketball, Wayne grabbed the ball away.

Originally, Varejao was forced to pass the ball, and his idea of ​​passing the ball was very unclear, so he was stunned for a moment after lifting the basketball.

Isn’t this a suicide?

Wayne got the first steal of the game and then dribbled wildly.

The counterattack was so sudden that no one except Mousse could keep up with Wayne's rhythm.

Moose held Wayne near the free throw line. When the two collided, Carlisle heard a muffled sound on the sidelines.

Wayne was also a little uncomfortable with the push, so he looked at Dragic ambushing in the corner and prepared to pass the ball.

Wayne was seen holding the ball in both hands and reaching the top of Mousse's head.

Moose thought Wayne was going to pass the ball over his head, so he turned around.

As a result, he turned around and saw that the ball was not in sight. Guang and Dragic were stunned.

Wayne didn't pass the ball, but faked a fax!

After deceiving Mousse, Wayne easily made a layup!

Because Wayne just took the ball with both hands and passed it over Mous' head, it looked like a playful move on a street court.

Seeing their hero being teased by Wayne, the Kremlin fans were hurt a lot.

"Beautiful fake fax, oh, where did Wayne learn these tricks?" Director Zhang was so happy to watch, Wayne had nothing else but a lot of commotion!

The score difference is back to 15 points, and Wayne is gradually closing the window of hope in the Quicken Loans Center Arena.

Anyway, your home winning streak cannot be maintained forever, and it will end sooner or later.

In this case, it’s better to leave it to me, Godway!

If the word goes out, it means losing to the Trail Blazers, and you are not ashamed either.

Wayne just came on and stole Mousse's thunder.

It was a pass, a steal, and a fake fax. With Wayne here, the commentator Katsumura no longer dared to use the word "all-around" to talk about things.

Fortunately, after a goal, Mousse broke through to attract Wayne, jumped up in the gap and handed the ball to Varejao.

The latter made a layup before Wayne arrived, and the Cavaliers stabilized the situation slightly.

Mousse's pass was indeed very beautiful. Wayne and Birdman were already covering Mousse in the air, and he was able to squeeze the ball out of Wayne's waist.

If this ball were Kobe's, it would definitely be a super big draw.

If it's Guagua, even if he's taken a risk, or even if he's knocked off the baseline and falls to his death, he still has to score the ball by himself!

But Mousse can see his teammates in the gaps, and he can really pass the ball out.

After getting closer to the score this time, the Cavaliers changed their strategy.

Instead of Varejao guarding Wayne, Mousse will go head-to-head with Wayne. Varejao retreats to the second line and is ready to make Wayne dumplings at any time.

He's coming, he's coming for the drama of 23VS99!

When Wayne saw Mousse volunteering, he became interested.

He took two steps away, lowered his center of gravity, and prepared for a single!

Mousse was fully focused. Although he was still behind by double digits, the game still had to be played.

The key is to restrict Wayne, restrict him, and the winning streak at Quicken Loans Center Arena will be preserved!

Wayne slowly approached Mousse, and then suddenly lurched to the left!

This was a big step for Wayne, and anyone else would have been pushed away by him.

But Mousse immediately rushed over to confront Wayne, which made Wayne very uncomfortable.

Wayne made an emergency stop and prepared for a jump shot.

However, Mousse, who was second in DPOY, was not thrown away. He immediately stopped and continued to stick to Wayne.

Mousse's core strength is enough to allow him to brake at will.

Just like that, Wayne's shot was immediately blocked by Mousse.

At the same time, Varejao also rushed up and raised his arms.


The Cavaliers double blocked and Wayne missed the shot.

"Fuck!" Wayne cursed secretly. Mousse's current defense was really not easy.

The Kecun fans were extremely excited. Look, this Wayne is going to die!

In the Quicken Loans Center, it depends on James!

One round later, Wayne broke through and passed the ball to Parker who was left open. Parker's shot was decisive and the ball felt good, but the basketball circled around the rim and then slipped out.

Parker was speechless. Was he suffering from Jamesophobia? Why don’t you vote today?

Wayne jumped up immediately and clicked on the backboard, intending to make up the ball directly.

However, in the air, Wayne was pulled by Varejao.

So the basketball that was pushed back bounced on the rim several times, but it still bounced out.

The Trail Blazers missed three consecutive shots!

These three consecutive missed shots had a huge impact.

Wayne realized something was wrong, and the situation suddenly went south.

Quicken Loans Center is so toxic!

This time, Varejao didn't give Wayne another chance. He steadily protected the rebound and handed it to Mousse.

After receiving Varejao's pass, Mousse went straight to the basket. As long as he scores this goal, he can reduce the point difference to single digits!

But Wayne didn't let Mouss get what he wanted. Although the scoring momentum temporarily stopped, Wayne's defense was unambiguous.

James' layup was eventually rubbed against the bottom of the basketball by Wayne, who was catching up.

The basketball was redirected and hit the backboard.

Although it was just a touch, it was still a block.

Mousse had just defended Wayne against one, and Wayne immediately sent another risk to Mousse.

The taste of tit-for-tat has emerged.

The war between the two continues and is still inextricable.

Wayne posted up in the mid-range and hit a jump shot before Varejao double-teamed him!

After the result passed, Mouss assisted Xiao Mo Biao to score a three-pointer.

Xiao Mo was really merciless when he had a chance in the fourth quarter. Although Dragic had blocked it, Mo Bu's three-pointer still fell into the net.

After this goal, the Cavaliers tenaciously narrowed the point difference to only 10 points!

The Cavaliers were stunned to survive Wayne's offensive.

At this time, Carlisle called a timeout, and he was a little surprised by the Cavaliers' performance.

Seeing that the Blazers were stopped, the Cavaliers players were excited and celebrated one after another.

James and Xiao Mo touched chests in the air, and Xiao Mo was almost taken away by Mousse.

With this excitement, the Cavaliers felt like they were really good, as if they were the one leading by 10 points.

Can you not be excited? Being able to catch up from 17 points to 10 points and withstand Wayne's attack is indeed tenacious enough.

"I'll go ahead and show up. It doesn't matter if I'm a few minutes early." The sister-in-law, who was still sweating profusely, stood up. Although she hadn't had a good rest, it seemed that she was no longer allowed to rest.

Wayne waved his hand: "There is no need to take risks. You can rest peacefully. It was my mistake just now. I promise that I will not give them another chance."

Wayne nodded to his sister-in-law, and she sat back.

You have to overload your sister-in-law to play against the Cleveland Cavaliers. What an international joke! ?

I, Gao Dewei, am shameless?

Indeed, Wayne was a little surprised by the knight's resistance just now.

Mousse's single defense is indeed strong, and Xiao Mo's three-pointer is indeed painful.

But Wayne didn't feel that he couldn't suppress the Cavaliers' offensive, because when he just looked up at the big screen, Wayne discovered

The number of shots he has taken has reached 19 without realizing it!

Well, it’s time to test the power of that solo badge.

This time, the knight will definitely be nailed!

The game restarted, the Cavaliers' morale was greatly boosted, and they still used James to defend Wayne.

After all, since James defended Wayne, the Trail Blazers only made 1 of 4 shots, and the effect was remarkable.

The on-site commentator Katsumura was already boasting: "We can't possibly kill LeBron! He's locked up!"

Wayne wanted to widen the gap as soon as possible, but he also knew that he couldn't get ahead now.

Therefore, I still honestly called a pick-and-roll.

True to form, Wayne stretched the Cavaliers inside and passed to Parker cutting to the basket.

Just when everyone thought Parker would make a layup, he paused under the basket and passed the ball back to Wayne.

Wayne did not stand and watch the play after passing the ball. At this time, he had already run to the right corner.

James was unable to catch up and gave Wayne a chance to shoot.

"Don't come in, don't come in, don't come in, don't come in!" Mousse prayed in his heart, but how could Wayne let go of such a big vacancy?


Wayne scored his 27th point of the game on Mousse, immediately slapping the commentator in the face.

The commentator Katsumura was stunned for a moment, and then immediately defended: "It's normal for a goal to be scored occasionally! But I dare to guarantee with my personality that Wei can't score consecutive goals on LeBron! The defensive pressure LeBron puts on Wei is very big!"

Just wash it hard, mousse Liu Bei is just right anyway.

Wayne also smiled after scoring the goal, which made Mousse so angry!

We just scored one goal, you are smiling, you are laughing!

Although your shooting is fast, your steps are a bit heavy, you can't beat mine!

Mousse thought Wayne's smile was a provocation, but Wayne was really wronged this time.

If he wants to provoke you, it's not as simple as just smiling. He won't stop until you become autistic.

Wayne laughed because...

He finally made up 20 shots!

Wayne suddenly became excited, as if the seed he had been waiting for was finally 100% full.

Go ahead!


Let the fight begin!

James doesn't know what he's about to face yet, but he is still full of confidence in this game.

You suppress your laughter Wayne, I will stop you from laughing immediately. On my home court, I am invincible!

But soon, Wayne poured cold water on him.

This time, seeing James dive into the crowd without hesitation, Wayne not only did not run into the penalty area, but silently moved a step closer to the bottom corner.

Sure enough, James broke through and scored!

It's not that Mousse doesn't dare to go up on his own, it's mainly because the Cavaliers are still behind by double digits, so they definitely need to rely on three-pointers to catch up.

Relying on Mousse's two-point two-point burst, the score would not be even when he was exhausted.

And Mo Bu's pass is the Cavaliers' most stable point outside the three-point line now, and James will definitely find a way to pass the ball to him.

Wayne caught on to this mentality and predicted Mouss' passing route early.

The moment Mouss passed the ball, Wayne opened his palms and waited.

"Ah this!"

Mousse is fertilized, has my trick been discovered?

It's a pity that it's too late to regret now. The ball passed out can't be pulled back. It's not like the young king of firepower.

Wayne easily intercepted the basketball and turned defense into offense!

The most basic trust between people is the key to Wayne completing this steal!

Although Wayne intercepted the ball very cleverly, in the eyes of the fans, it was Mouss who passed the ball directly into Wayne's arms.

So retarded!

If there were five major embarrassments now, Mousse's goal would definitely be on the list.

After receiving this solid "wonderful pass", Wayne rushed forward, trying to seize this opportunity to counterattack.

He rushed hard, and the Cavaliers players chased him desperately.

Just when James and Mo were about to catch up with Wayne, Wayne suddenly stopped at the free throw line!

Musi and Xiao Mo, who were sprinting with all their strength, both rushed over their heads and almost had their waists broken.

After getting rid of the two men, Wayne easily made a jump shot from outside the free throw line.

The basketball went hollow into the net, and the point difference returned to the 15-point watershed again.

Wayne hits the target on his 21st shot, and his next shot will enjoy attribute bonuses.

If you advance further, the bonus effect will be even greater!

This time, Mousse's assist was really delivered.

"James, what a beautiful assist!" Director Zhang laughed. When Director Zhang started to get angry, there was nothing wrong with anyone else.

Commentator Katsumura covered his forehead, but it doesn't matter, the Cavaliers still have time.

James doesn't dare to pass the ball rashly now. Wayne is too smart.

So this time, Mousse rushed to the frame again, causing Birdman to foul.

After making two free throws, James had scored his 30th point today.

After scoring the goal, he clapped his hands and shouted: "Defend one, defend one!"

While shouting, James also opened his arms and lowered his center of gravity exaggeratedly.

As if telling Wayne: "Friend, just show off!"

Don't tell me, his serious defensive posture is really a bit old.

The Kacun fans all cheered. Mous was so serious on the defensive end, Wayne must be in bad luck!

Even if you want to score, you will definitely have to use a series of complicated movements to get rid of Mousse's defense.

Everyone is looking forward to this attack and defense!

As a result, Wayne just made a few triple threat moves after receiving the basketball, and then suddenly pulled up and shot.

The ball went in.


Kacun fans:.

At that time, the air in Quicken Loans Center was awkwardly frozen.

Mousse had been shouting and posing before, but Wayne scored the ball easily.

It tastes like fish!

Can Wayne not score this goal?

The dual effects of the "Offensive Kaleidoscope" badge + the independent press badge made Wayne confident about this shot.

It doesn’t matter how you pose it, as long as labor and capital invest directly, that’s it.

By the way, this goal also increased the shooting bonus effect of the Wayne Sole Badge!

Next time, it will be even harder to guard Wayne!

Wayne couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead. The horse egg badge was too perverted.

Don't blame me, Zhanzhan.

If you're to blame, blame Naojia. You said it takes a perverted person to get such a badge!

Mousse became anxious, and as soon as he became anxious, Mousse began to beat him simply and roughly.

This time he didn't want to pass the ball, but at the moment of layup, Wayne cut the ball away.

Wayne's cutter doesn't just cut inside.

Whoever comes will be cut!

Wayne, who has a 15-point advantage, is no longer panicking. The less time, the better for the Blazers.

He slowly and leisurely controlled the ball to the frontcourt, and then he suddenly launched a cold arrow!

Wayne admitted that there was an element of gambling involved.

But he thought, since this bonus is so strong, it should...


Well, it’s not supposed to be, it’s really Liu Bip!

Mousse's eyes widened, feeling a little autistic.

What the hell, what the hell! ?

Transport it slowly and leisurely, cast it lightly, and there you have it! ?

This works too!

Mousse's defensive myth has come to an end.

Wayne stepped back and pressed down with his hands: "Sit down, sit down, don't make any noise, score consecutive goals on Mousse's head, that's the normal operation of Wei Ge."

The score difference reached 18 points, with more than 5 minutes left.

His sister-in-law, who was preparing at the technical desk, walked back, and he felt that he probably didn't need to do it.

Mousse became nervous now. He knew that he had to rely on himself to stabilize the situation.

So, he crossed the ball and dribbled twice outside the three-point line, and then dribbled two more times from the hip.

Then, the key point came. Mous suddenly pulled back his right leg and made a three-pointer!

James version suddenly shoots a cold arrow!

Well, for current fans, Mousse's sudden attack is very new.

But Wayne is all too familiar with this move!

Because Mousse’s early preparations are too obvious.

Mousse's sudden attack was later ridiculed as - everyone knew he was going to shoot a three-pointer, but he was the only one in the scene.

This time too, Mous thought his shot was unexpected, but after jumping up, he took advantage of Wayne's move and said, "Fuck your basketball dream" and slapped Mous' three-pointer away!

Wayne seemed to have pressed a switch, causing the Quicken Loans Center to become silent.

After blocking the shot, Wayne immediately picked up the basketball and counterattacked again!

James knew that if Wayne scored this goal again, everything would be over.

So he chased back crazily, even if it was a foul, he would tear Wayne off!

After Wayne rushed to the basket, he did not force himself up, but turned around and shot a fadeaway jumper, hoping to get rid of Mousse.

But Mousse was not deceived, he pounced on him solidly.

Although he missed the ball, he covered Wayne's eyes.

All of Shane Battier's famous stunts were brought out by Mousse.

This time, it is impossible for this goal to be scored!

Wayne's vision suddenly went dark, but before he was covered, he had already aimed at the basket.

After being covered, although temporarily invisible, Wayne still threw the ball consistently.

Mousse quickly turned around and prepared to grab the board, but... swiped!

Basketball goes in again!

"Fuck!" Wayne looked at his hands, then looked at Mousse who was completely stunned, and said what a pity!

It's a pity that there is not much time left in today's game, and it is a pity that the Cavaliers have no chance.

Otherwise, how many points would I get?

Although it was just a small test, the power of this badge still surprised Wayne.

The more you cast, the more accurate you become. The more accurate you become, the more you want to cast. It’s so addictive!

Wayne's consecutive scoring brought the Cavaliers into a timeout.

A 20-point difference hung over the Cavaliers' heads, and there were only 5 minutes left in the game.

In the end, Wayne completely dominated the game!

The impregnable Quicken Loans Center was still forcibly demolished by Godway.

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