I am Really an Insider

Chapter 411 408: Stories about 58 in those years (5.9K votes requested)

Carmelo Anthony made 4 of 7 three-pointers and once again scored 30 points with a shooting rate of nearly 60%.

The Nuggets easily defeated the Mavericks 124-110 in Game 5, and the German tank was overturned.

With a total score of 4-1, the Nuggets advanced to the Western Conference semifinals!

The 25-year-old Anthony seems to be entering his first peak season.

Because during the regular season, everyone's attention is attracted to the Trail Blazers, Lakers, Greencaps, Cavaliers and Magic.

So, many people are now very surprised - is Anthony so hard now?

It is quite strong. After five games in the series, Guagua averaged 30 points, 6.8 rebounds, 3.4 assists and 2.2 steals per game.

The most critical thing is that Angua's total shooting percentage in the five games reached 49.1%, and his three-point shooting percentage was 44%.

This is a bit outrageous.

Angua is no longer iron, and the youth of countless people has ended again.

The Nuggets successfully advanced, which undoubtedly made all the Nuggets players very excited.

Only Iverson couldn't be happy.

Because in this series, as a former MVP player, he was humiliated and could only play in garbage time!

That's right, George Karl abandoned AI early this season to support Billups.

AI was also not given a chance in the playoffs.

The most embarrassing thing is that without him, the Nuggets have been reborn...

This is crazy...

It makes AI want to retire now.

For the Nuggets last season, the main thing was that Guagua played against AI, AI played against J.R., and J.R. beat Guagua again.


Oh, just a guy who dribbles the ball halfway across the court.

Winning is the Guagua society, AI Liu Biao, J.R. is not crazy and is an All-Star every day.

Once he loses, Billups will organize a few games.

The poor former FMVP has been blamed for a whole season.

But this season, after George Karl abandoned AI, the Nuggets have implemented a system.

And, most importantly, Billups also brought the Pistons' defensive style back then.

His role in motivating his teammates in the locker room is something that neither AI nor Guagua can match.

This guy turned the Nuggets, a bad team, into a team with a tough defensive temperament.

The Nuggets, who used to only attack but not defend, have slowed down this season and their defensive efficiency ranks eighth in the league.

The Nuggets used facts to prove that 1+1 can really be greater than 1+1+1.

Guagua once thought that AI was his one true love, but who knew that his true love was Bald Flounder!

Sure enough, you can't judge a book by its cover.

Iverson said he was very embarrassed. He thought he could create brilliance by coming to the Nuggets, but he knew he was humiliated.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, AI's contract is expiring this summer and he no longer has to endure George Karl.

He can go to a new place and start over!


At 34 years old, is there still a chance to start over?

AI smiled bitterly.

Time is gone forever.

In Portland, Carlisle is already preparing seriously for the game.

Moreover, he emphasized to everyone more than once: "The Denver Nuggets are definitely not easy to deal with!"

Indeed, Wayne agrees with this.

In 2009, how strong would the Nuggets be without AI trouble?

One number can explain it - 58!

Yes, in the original history, Paoer's 58 tragedy was caused by the Nuggets in the 2009 playoffs.

It can be called a shadow.

I educated the young man so much that he never mentioned the Western Conference floor again.

At that time, when Wayne was watching this game, he had a feeling in his heart: This is so fucking erotic!

Pao'er, who was sitting in the locker room, found Wayne staring at him with a silly smile on his face, with little question marks on his face.

Did Brother Wei think of something happy between me and him again?

Wayne: Happy, very happy! You kid, it’s a good thing you met me! otherwise……

Carlisle's tactics are very clear, which is to use Tony to defend Guagua. If you can limit Guagua, you can limit the Nuggets' offense.

As for the Nuggets' seventh-ranked defense in the league, Carlisle believes that with Wei Shuangpao's ability, the seventh-ranked defense in the league is nothing!

On the other side, George Karl doesn't expect anyone to be able to contain Wayne.

Wayne is impossible to guard against!

He decided not to look for Wayne this time, but to start with Pao Luo, the core point guard!

What's the scariest thing about the Trail Blazers?

All three stars are playing well!

In the first round against the Grizzlies, Wayne, Pao'er and Sister-in-law proved that they are a terrifying combination that can score 80 points with just three people.

George Karl didn't know what Hollins was thinking. The Bears' defensive strategy of surrounding Wayne in the first game was so successful, but just because of Gasol's 29 points, he gave up this strategy, which led to the entire series. collapse.

This is typical of Hollins, where ability and ambition do not match.

What he wants is to contain the three giants of the Trail Blazers at the same time.

But how is this possible?

I'm afraid I'm not thinking about shit.

If you can lock one of them, or the one with the loudest beep, you have succeeded!

If you surround Wayne every game and let him play Gasol, can he still get 30+10 in every game?

Gasol's ability to lead the team on his own is obvious to all in Memphis. He has 12 losses and 0 wins in the playoffs, and was swept in the first round for three consecutive years. This is a fact.

So if you are afraid of a hammer, you are afraid.

He can beat you to death in one game, but he can also beat you to death every time?

After learning from Hollins' experience, George Karl will not be so naive.

As long as one of the Trail Blazers can be locked up, it is considered a success!

And the person in his plan is Pao'er!

If we say that after two games, we really can’t win.

Then think of a solution on Wayne.

George Karl was never a noble man, never a gentleman.

He only believes in one truth - to win by any means necessary.

Denver miners are coming to trample the rose garden!

Both sides are still preparing nervously, waiting for the first round of competition to be over.

The Western Conference is very fast. The Lakers and Trail Blazers are both 4-0, and the Nuggets and Spurs are both 4-1.

Being swept in the first round of this year's playoffs made Deron Williams very angry.

He averaged 20+10 per game.

But the Jazz had no power to fight back, and after the opponent had responded to the pick-and-roll, Sloan still did not agree to Deron's free play.

Well, coaches like Sloan Sloan have the same problem as Carlisle, that is, he likes to control every round.

When Delong grew up, he had his own ideas and was very expressive.

He hopes to show off his talents like Kobe, Iverson, and Wade, and he wants to dunk whenever he disagrees.

It's like when Deron came up and wanted to dunk Chairman Yao when he played against China in the 2008 Olympics.

In the words of fans in the future, the style of play gradually changed.

But Sloan doesn't allow him to do this. First of all, this kind of play is harmful to the body. Secondly, it is not efficient.

He just wanted Deron to be a steady, cold-blooded killer, occasionally unsheathing his sword to kill, but mainly using simple pick-and-rolls.

Deron was still willing to listen to Sloan before, but this playoff defeat may completely activate his rebellious soul.

In the East, the Pacers have also passed the first round and are about to face the 65-win Cavaliers led by Mousse.

Today, the Pacers are an out-and-out strong team in the Eastern Conference.

The Green Kai and Magic will also stage a peak showdown in advance in the Eastern Conference semifinals.

Who the opponent will be in the finals depends on these two series.

On Youth Day, May 4, the Western Conference semifinals officially started.

Before today's game started, Angua was almost mad to death.

Because almost everyone is discussing his 3-for-18 performance in the last game of the regular season.

Guagua was speechless. This matter cannot be overcome, right? ?

It's just a game of crotch stretching, right?

Besides, I have already eliminated the Mavericks 4-1. Does it matter how the last regular season game goes?

Guagua is really close to being autistic. From August 2008 to now, whenever Guagua encounters Chinese players, nothing good will happen.

The scene of him being dunked by Space Yi in the Olympics is still shown and whipped from time to time.

"Don't pay attention to those voices. The playoffs are a brand new battlefield. You have done well so far. The Trail Blazers are certainly very strong, but if we play according to the plan, we will definitely be able to do it!"

Billups then patted Guagua on the shoulder and then extended his fist.

Guagua smiled, feeling relieved immediately, and fist bumped with Flounder.

Billups does have the ability to inspire his teammates. The key is that everyone is willing to believe what he says.

Because on the basketball court, Billups always leads by example.

Your teammates know best how you perform on the court.

With Billups here, everyone in the Nuggets is playing very comfortably. Plus, they have already won a championship. Can you be dissatisfied?

After the Nuggets arrived at the Rose Garden, countless fans held up signs at the entrance of the arena with the numbers "18-3" written on them.

Well, the lethality of these numbers is comparable to 58.

In the past, Angua would have had trouble again. In today's game, regardless of whether he made it or not, he had to waste more than 20 of them!

I have to vent this anger.

But now, with the fireplace by his side, Angua wasn't panicking at all.

Don't worry, I will definitely take care of you tonight!

Melon's confidence!

When the players from both sides came in to warm up, Wayne discovered that Billups was watching the shots from time to time.

Wayne felt something was wrong at that time.

Shouldn't you come to me?

Off the court, the coaches were also rarely full of gunpowder.

When Carlisle went to shake hands with George Carle, Carle just touched Carlisle's hand with disdain.

Rude Karl didn't really look down on juniors like Carlisle. He thought Carlisle was just lucky enough to coach a strong team.

In terms of ability, these young people are still young.

Carlisle smiled awkwardly and then returned to his bench.

Seeing this, Lao Zhu, who had a full observation skill, waved his hand and brought Lao Ma and Lao Sun together.

"Old Pig, what's going on?"

"Well, I know this George Karl better than all of you. This guy is a butcher, so be careful in this series.

Also, Deng Tai Jones and Kenyon Martin are not good people.

If they dare to make any small moves, deal with them! "

Sir Bar said, clinking his fists.

Marbury nodded seriously. In addition to his legs, he has also improved his boxing skills recently, just to prepare for the playoffs!

The great sage is full of questions. How did I join this organization?

Why do you call me for this kind of thing?

Also, Assistant Coach Ba, Ning, as an assistant coach, tell us this?

It’s inappropriate!

Barkley: Why are you confused? We are all animals, no one should pretend to be human.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the Western Conference semifinals officially started.

Many people thought that there was a huge disparity in strength in this game. In fact, Wayne never thought that he could defeat the Nuggets in a few or two moves.

For the Nuggets, the starting five are Flounder, Deng Tai Jones, Angua, Kenyon Martin and Wai Wai Hilario.

Flounder is the well-deserved brain of the Nuggets, and George Karl's team needs this kind of big brother who is clear-minded and can control the locker room.

This was the case with Payton and Cassell under him before.

The relationship between AI and George Karl... was a bad relationship.

How good is Billups with the Nuggets this season?

First of all, at the age of 33, he can still average a career-high 19.5 points per game.

With Lupus on the court, the Nuggets' team plus-minus is +7.8. When he was not on the court, the team's plus-minus value was only +0.9!

To put it bluntly, the Nuggets may be able to live without Anthony, but they cannot live without Flounder.

Before the game started, Billups was filled with emotion as he watched Wayne, who has grown into the league's top star.

I remember that during the bloody battle between the Pistons and the Pacers, Wayne was just a little kid.

That year, the Pacers almost broke up the champion Pistons, making the Pistons worse year after year.

Now, the 33-year-old Billups can finally win it back!

At the beginning of the game, Brazilian Hilario fought for the ball first.

Billups took possession of the ball and handed the ball to Angua who was outside the three-point line.

Facing Tony, Angua was not in a hurry to take action, but stabilized his rhythm.

Soon, Anthony gave the ball back to Billups!

The latter caught the ball and shot. When everyone thought Angua was the end point, Billups quietly used Kenyon Martin's off-ball screen to get rid of the cannon.

This season, under the training of Flounder, Kenyon Martin is no longer a player who only relies on physical fitness to improve statistics.

Screening, rebounding, defense. Martin is willing to do it all.

Unlike before when he worked with Camby to rack up statistics, Martin is the key to the Nuggets' seventh defense in the league this season!

As soon as Billups took the shot, the ball went directly into the net.

3-0, the Nuggets' offense was very smooth and orderly!

"Beautiful goal, Billups is very stable, this FMVP carries the team on his shoulders as always." Bill Walton applauded, Billups made a really beautiful goal.

On CCTV, Yu Jia said: "Billups is so awesome!"

Well, in Wayne's previous life, he remembered that when he was watching the 2009 series between the Nuggets and Lakers, the thing Yu Jia said the most was "Billups is so awesome."

Because he said it the entire game, Wayne remembered that voice.

Although they were the first to score, the Blazers did not panic.

Pao'er regained control of the ball and prepared to retaliate in kind.

As a result, Paoer discovered that it was not Billups who came to defend him, but Dengtai Jones!

Deng Tai Jones plays the role of Tony Allen in the Nuggets.

Averaged 5 points per game and shot 25% from three-point range in the playoffs.

Don't tell me, this offense is comparable to Teacher Tony's.

Of course, in the final analysis, he is still better than Teacher Tony.

Tony: Say that again.

As a member of the 03 generation, Dengtai Jones has been a substitute for the first few seasons of his career.

But in Denver, he became a starter.

So do you think Iverson can't be angry?

The person who started in his place was actually a guy who averaged 5 points per game.

The reason why Jones won the starting position in the Nuggets was because of his rough defense.

Wayne also did not expect that Dengtai Jones would be sent to defend Paoluo.

After all, the Flounders' defense itself was good, and everyone thought Dengtai Jones would step aside to double-team Wayne.

Who makes it the same whether Tony is on guard or not?


However, George Karl did come up with a strange move.

He didn't double-team Wayne, he wanted to completely target Paul!

It's impossible to completely guard against the Blazers. Karl's strategy is to kill every one of them!

Billups' defense is indeed good, and his effectiveness in defending Paul should not be bad either.

But George Karl hopes that Billups will keep his physical strength on the offensive end and leave the defensive end directly to Jones.

As a result, Paul will play very hard on both offense and defense.

Under Jones's entanglement, Pao'er was indeed very uncomfortable.

After all, he was the man who could make Kobe Bryant feel defeated.

Pao'er called for cover and prepared to break through, but Dengtai Jones' ability to defend against pick-and-rolls was also excellent.

In this way, Pao'er could only choose to pass the ball in a hurry.

However, because the ball was passed too quickly, the ball originally intended for my sister-in-law was thrown out of bounds, giving the Nuggets the ball!

"Beautiful, the Nuggets did a great job defending Chris. Paul is not a player who easily misses the ball. This shows how much pressure Jones gave Paoer!"

Wayne clapped his hands, signaling everyone to hold on and win.

Then, the Nuggets attacked again.

This time, it was Guagua who went out to catch the ball, and Tony was fully focused.

But for the second time in a row, the ball went to the flounder!

If you think Billups is just a simple organizer, you are totally wrong.

In the last series, the Flounders averaged 21.6 points per game and shot 43.8% from three-point range.

This scoring performance is not inferior to Paul's.

He is the type who pretends to be dead in the regular season and explodes in the playoffs.

Seeing that Pao'er was blocked by a screen again, Anthony Parker immediately switched defenses.

When the Flounders saw the switch of defense, they were not in a hurry and took two steps outside the three-point line to stabilize the rhythm.

He wants to challenge Parker!

Then, he dribbled the ball continuously with his hips and suddenly accelerated to prepare for a breakthrough.

Parker quickly retreated, but Billups stopped outside the three-point line and took a shot.


After another three-pointer, the repeater Yu Jia once again exclaimed: "Billups is so awesome!"

This sentence can be used until the end of the series.

Trail Blazers fans were dumbfounded, what the hell is this! ?

A 33-year-old veteran hit two three-pointers in a row?

This ball is unreasonable!

Wayne also found that he underestimated the role of Billups. He just made a smart shot.

After seeing the change of defense, facing the tall Parker, Billups chose to use unexpected shots to deal with Parker.

Parker is not as flexible as Billups, and it is indeed difficult to react immediately.

And Billups's ability to shoot three-pointers in fancy ways is outstanding. When the Pistons and Pacers were fighting in the playoffs, his various life-saving chasing three-pointers impressed Wayne.

6-0, the Nuggets' start surprised people.

No one thought that this team, which was beaten to the point of crying by the Trail Blazers in the last game of the regular season, could actually get off to such a strong start.

This is the playoffs!

Billups scored twice in a row without assists.

But no one who watched the game thought Billups was alone.

Maybe this is the difference between him and AI.

AI doesn't matter who is in front of it or how many people are waiting for it inside, it just takes the ball and it's over.

Billups is very good at reviewing the situation and making the right decision at the right time.

Now, the Blazers must fight back. But as soon as Paoer received the baseline ball, Dengtai Jones went directly to it.

That's right, as soon as the game started, they pressed Paoer all over the place!

Even the beggars on the streets of Portland know that Paul can't make a mistake due to the full-court press, and he can still carry the ball steadily across the court.

Dengtai Jones naturally also knows.

However, his purpose is not to force Paul to make mistakes, but to consume him and torture him from the first second of the game!

Make him tired, make him sweat, make him feel elated!

Jones' confrontation was very rough, and under playoff standards this would not have been called a foul.

In the end, Pao'er used his back push to get the ball past half-court.

After this, he hurriedly handed the ball to Wayne.

Facing Kenyon Martin, Wayne suddenly launched a breakthrough after three threats and a feint shot!

However, in the three-second zone, Waiwai Hilario suddenly jumped in.

The Brazilian was very fast at his peak, and he almost made the All-Star this season.

Seeing that the passing route was also blocked, Wayne had no choice but to go for a layup.

Then, what greeted him was a rough hug.


The referee blew the whistle, the Nuggets fouled, and Wayne went to the free throw line.

Wayne gritted his teeth and climbed up. He fell on a hard board and it hurt his body.

Don't tell me, if Wayne didn't have a body of steel, he might really be frightened by the Nuggets' defensive method.

After standing on the free throw line, Wayne made the first free throw and then high-fived his teammates as always.

When Wayne high-fived Paul, he found that Pao'er was sweating profusely and breathing rapidly!

George Karl's goal was achieved!

"Are you okay?" Wayne asked.

"Totally O**K." Pao'er nodded.

At this moment, Wayne suddenly remembered...

Historically, the back line that allowed Paoer to score only 4 points and 6 turnovers and lost 58 points was Billups + Deng Tai Jones!

Everyone only remembers that the Nuggets scored 58 points, but many people tend to ignore who made him so miserable.

It is precisely because the Nuggets completely restricted Paul that the leaderless Hornets lost so humiliatingly.

Okay, this series is probably going to be really difficult.

At least for Paoer, this will be another difficult series.

Wayne sighed and continued to the free throw line.

Today, I can only do it hard.

Brothers, Qidian has recently restricted the flow of content, and this chapter is said not to be approved, so if there are no pictures, it may be on the way to review. It is recommended to read more than one chapter to get the best experience. For the convenience of book friends who have not joined the group, Lao Ge will insert wards in the positions that cannot be reviewed, mark the picture number, and then send out derivatives. Everyone can check it out in the book circle later. Lao Ge apologizes for the inconvenience caused to everyone and will do his best for this. Today’s first chapter didn’t even have a single picture approved at the beginning, and it didn’t come out until the evening. I’m sorry to everyone, and I hope to get your understanding and support. By the way, I will still have a monthly ticket rebate event this month. I hope you guys will pay attention at any time! Thank you to my friends and fans who have supported me along the way, I love you!

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