I am Really an Insider

Chapter 415 412: The professional team carries people away, and West’s plan is half completed (6K vo

David Stern is feeling complacent about the ratings for the Western Conference semifinals.

It's fun, it's fun, this ball is so fun to play.

Who would have thought that a small Denver Nuggets team would have a master of pretending to be dead like Billups.

Based on Billups' performance, if the Nuggets really win the championship, don't worry, Guagua's FMVP may be really in danger.

FMVP may not be great in the regular season, but in the playoffs it's really good.

The series between the Nuggets and Trail Blazers was so intense that Stern also took the interest today and watched the live broadcast of this crucial game at home.

In his expectation, this game should be a ball for both sides, and the fight would be extremely fierce.

It's best to stage a drama of a sure kill, counter-kill, and then counter-kill!

Facts have proved that Boss Si’s prediction was half right.

The fight between the two sides was indeed extremely fierce.

But it’s not that you hit the ball and I hit the ball, it’s that you punch me and I hit the ball!

Stern looked at the chaotic stadium and was completely stunned.


Come again!

Why use it?

Because neither the Trail Blazers nor the Nuggets are good friends.

I won’t talk about the Trail Blazers, after all, all of them are evil.

As for the Nuggets, their brawl with the Knicks in 2006 was the most lawless brawl in the NBA after the Palace of Auburn Hills incident.

A total of 7 players were suspended for a total of 47 games.

Players suffered salary penalties of $1.2 million as a result, and each team also suffered penalties of $500,000.

Most of the main personnel involved in the Nuggets brawl are still there.

Good guys, the protagonists of the two major NBA brawls in the 21st century are all here. Can this not be a round?

Big E.

Stern found himself too big.

Why didn't he expect that these two teams would get into a fight?

On the TV screen, the Nuggets team doctor has already begun to look for people.

Well, lying on the floor were all Nuggets players wearing white jerseys.

This makes Denver fans very uncomfortable.

At his home court, he was watching the game and was about to lose, thinking about making some extra moves.

Who knew that after engaging in extravagant moves, he would lose in a fight, and the loss would be even worse than playing in a game.

Damn it.

Wayne also stood there and watched the replay just now.

Good guy, Wayne called him a good guy.

This year's security team is really not just what they look like. They are different from the guy who looks fierce but actually sets the record for being knocked down the fastest in the league.

Zhitai: Couldn’t I have inspired your God of War spirit back then! ?

Lao Ma, Birdman, Sir Ba, Blake and Monkey King are really damn good at fighting!

Martin Wang was taken on a plane by a crow like Sir Ba, and half of his life was lost in the plane ride.

As soon as Jones stood up after hitting the stone with an egg, the birdman used another move to spread his wings.

There was nothing he could do. When he knocked Paul away before, Sir Bar almost attacked him.

If he hadn't been caught in time, Jones would have been beaten in the first game of the series.

By the time of the third game today, the Blazers players had already been simmering with grievances against him.

So don't do these dirty jobs in front of the Trail Blazers.

This group of people specializes in cracking down on gangsters and evil!

Seeing that Jones and Martin were about to be defeated, Lithuanian Nalis Kreza wanted to come up to help, but was pushed back by the Great Sage's punches.


Everyone on the Nuggets could only watch in silence as Martin and Jones were beaten. Anyone who wanted to go up would be attacked indiscriminately.

J.R doesn’t believe in evil, so he still wants to fuck even though Billups is hugging him.

Little did he know that as soon as he rushed forward, the hidden boxing great Blake knocked him down with a punch.

J.R fell to the ground in a daze, still cursing Billups in his heart: "You really let go!"

In this way, three Nuggets players lay dead and one player was beaten.

The rest were pushed and shoved.

When people fight each other, they all have their own back and forth.

For example, in the Palace of Auburn Hills incident, although the Pistons lost, they still won many Pacers players.

Behind him, Wei Ge took on five and carried everyone, saving the face of the corn field.

The Nuggets had a good fight today, they were beaten throughout the whole process!

How was this conflict resolved?

The referee had no choice but to call security.

As a result, after a closer look, all the Nuggets who dared to fight fell down, and those who did not dare to fight were scattered.

The conflict will naturally subside

Three people were knocked down on the spot, and four Blazers players and a coach were directly involved in the brawl.

Nearly everyone participated in the pushing and shoving.

Do you think Wayne can stop calling him "good guy"? ?

The problem was solved without the God of War taking action.

By the way, the ratings of today's game are the highest in the entire series so far.

Well, the brawl was seen by countless viewers.

This thing will start to spread as widely as possible.

After watching the replay, Wayne shook his head. The combat effectiveness of this security team was extraordinary.

Of course, soon, the referee also kicked off the Trail Blazers players one by one.

Marbury, Birdman, Blake and the Great Sage were killed one after another, and Jazzy Bar was sent out again.

Liu Bie is still Sir Liu Bie. As an assistant coach, he was kicked off the court three times in a single season.

Not surprisingly, this record should be broken by no one except himself.

The Blazers players walked off the court one after another, and the Nuggets players were carried off the court one after another.

George Karl was nervous. Everything his team could play was taken away.

How should I ensure my safety? ?

At this time, George Karl happened to see Wayne staring at him maliciously.

The old butcher swallowed, a chill running down his spine.

Wayne shouldn't dare to mess around, right?

Wayne: I promise I won't mess around! I'm messing around!

"The Nuggets wanted to do something bad, but they were stopped by the Trail Blazers in a more violent way. In any case, violence is something we don't advocate." Yu Jia, who commented on the game, criticized.

But actually I felt happy: "Well done, well done!"

This wave of defense of Wayne has made Blake, Lao Ma and Birdman soar in popularity in China.

As long as you stand up for Wayne, we will be your good fans!

Except for Yu Jia, most commentators are not sympathetic to the Nuggets.

After all, they were the ones who made the dirty move first.

In any case, intentionally hurtful actions on the basketball court are always frowned upon.

Seeing Dengtai Jones being sanctioned on the spot, don’t tell me it’s pretty cool!

This may be the most righteous fight the Blazers have ever had.

After a conflict, the game continues.

The Nuggets were moved off two starters and a sixth man.

The four players who went down from the Trail Blazers were all substitutes.

George Carl's move is called reverse trading.

Not only did he not redeem Wayne, he also lost three powerful players.

Is it so expensive to step up a foot now?

Of course, George Karl was not completely desperate.

He had just witnessed Wayne clutching his ankle and falling to the ground in pain. Although he stood up, he must have been injured!

As a result, as soon as Wayne came back, he used a one-handed chop to tell old Karl: "Don't worry about this shameless old man Laoning, my ankle is very healthy!"

"This" George Karl is so stupid, how can he still be so alive?

Wayne's dunk put the Nuggets behind by 16 points.

This game has become increasingly dangerous for the Nuggets, which also means that this series has become increasingly dangerous.

If they are beaten 3-0 by the Trail Blazers, the Nuggets will go home early.

After Wayne's dunk landed, he kept provoking Kleiza, who came on as Martin's substitute: "Come on, you can't beat me in the Olympics, and you can't win in the NBA."

As soon as he said this, Kleiza suddenly became furious.

Yes, Lithuania lost to the Chinese team in the Olympics last year, and Wayne also hit the famous celebratory elbow.

This is what makes Lithuanian players very angry to this day, and Wayne's doing this will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire.

He did it on purpose, he just wanted to add fuel to the fire.

Let’s see how long this kid Kleiza can endure Wayne’s trash talk.

After that, Billups, the big-hearted man, singled out Paul for an emergency jump shot, and finally hit the shot, which somewhat stabilized the morale of the army.

Paul was so angry, I, CP3, am also a face-saving person!

If you keep beating me like this, won’t your conscience hurt? ?

So, in the next attack, Paul also planned to hit Billups.

Now that Dengtai Jones is gone, Billups has to defend Paoer himself.

However, this Flounder defense is not perfect.

With the Pistons coming out, how can the defense be so bad?

Under the strict defense of Flounder, Paoer's layup finally missed the frame.

What a miserable 183 man.

But at this moment, Paoer's good father and good teammate Wayne rushed in and succeeded with a heavy dunk with both hands!

Because Waiwai was pulled to the middle distance by his sister-in-law, and the 2.03-meter Kleiza was not a rebounder, so he was not blocked in advance.

So Wayne easily slipped in and successfully made up the dunk!

Don't bully my son!

After landing, Wayne looked at Kleiza and spread his hands: "Soft, too soft! You should go to the WNBA. I believe you can win the MVP there like me."

He didn't forget to wear a disguise when he was trolling. He was worthy of being a soldier under Big Bird.

Kleiza was about to explode, but he still managed to endure it.

He knows that winning is the most important thing now!

If this third game is won, there will be no chance at all.

At this time, George Karl also stood up impatiently and directed the team from the sidelines.

Seeing that the time was right, Wayne stepped up his efforts.

In the end, Kleiza failed to survive the third round.

This time, Kleiza's shot was slapped back by Wayne.

There's no way around it. Wayne's height, wingspan, and leaping all give him an advantage, and he can't even think about it.

Although the basketball was out of bounds and the Nuggets still had the ball, Wayne ultimately destroyed the opponent's offense.

"Forget it, the Nuggets might still have a chance of survival without you. You are all weaklings. Yes, I said that in front of you. Do you dare to put me down?"

Sure enough, after blocking the shot, Wayne's trash talk started again.

Kleiza's veins popped out, and his whole expression changed.

Wayne knew that the Lithuanian was completely angry.

Subsequently, Angua hit a jumper after three threats, continuing to preserve a glimmer of hope for the Nuggets.

The Trail Blazers attacked. This time, Wayne took the initiative to run to the baseline to catch the ball. He wanted to get the ball himself and cross the half court.

After getting the basketball, seeing Kleiza putting up a defensive posture near the midfield line, Wayne didn't forget to give him a finger.

"Come on, come on, I'm going to make you regret it!" Kleiza stared at Wayne with all his attention. When Wayne approached, the Lithuanian rushed out!

"Fuck you!"

Kleiza yelled and cursed, knocking Wayne out of the court while dribbling the ball halfway.

Following the fight just now and the incident where the Trail Blazers beat the Nuggets just now, the Nuggets players took action again!

"Oops~" Wayne flew out exaggeratedly. Those who didn't know thought that Wayne was hit by a truck.

To be honest, if Wayne had to bear the blow just now from Krezza, it wasn't that he couldn't handle it.

But he just wanted to fly out on purpose.

George Karl only saw Wayne who was knocked out and suddenly rushed in front of him at a strange angle.

Old Carl's anus suddenly tightened.


I saw Wayne leaning forward towards Carl with his "unsteady center of gravity".

Just when he was about to fall, Wayne's arm seemed to be waving randomly, but his elbow hit Old Carl accurately on the head, right in the face!


George Karl was lying on the technical stage with his nose covered in blood.

Wayne also fell down in "embarrassment" and rushed into the stands.

The referee's whistle blew and Kleiza was directly ejected!

"Oh, this Kleiza really brought it upon himself! He deliberately bumped into Wayne, and Wayne accidentally bumped into George Karl. So, don't use your brain on the basketball court!"

Director Zhang came out of the crooked building immediately. Based on his understanding of Wayne, Wayne definitely did it on purpose!

But he couldn't say it, he had to stand firmly on Wayne's side.

How could George Karl, an old comrade in his 50s, withstand a frontal elbow from Wei Ge?

Wayne didn't use all his strength, otherwise someone might really have died.

As an NBA head coach for so many years, Karl Lao has always been a black man, and he has never been blackmailed before!

Well, Wayne helped George Karl make up for another regret.

Throughout his coaching career, George Karl has experienced everything he should and should not experience.

At this time, the Nuggets' stretcher team had just sent the players to the medical room.

As soon as I returned to the court, I heard the team doctor yelling again: "Hurry up, hurry up, lift someone!"

The boys in the stretcher team:? ? ?

Damn it.

What's going on! ?

I just came back and had to lift someone again! ?

This is a basketball match or a boxing match!

That's not how boxing matches are played.

This KO rate is outrageous!

The guy from the stretcher team rushed onto the field and saw that no one had fallen down on the field!

The team doctor was so angry that he stamped his feet: "It's coach, coach!"

"Ah this."

I have become more knowledgeable. The guys on the stretcher team have really become more knowledgeable.

George Karl slumped on the technical stage like a piece of dead flesh, mumbling words that people couldn't understand, such as "Young people don't have martial ethics, so they come for a sneak attack."

Wayne climbed up from the crowd, very embarrassed.

Jazz in the dressing room almost couldn't help but laugh. Damn it, Godway's acting skills are also full of points!

Wayne saw George Karl being packed and carried away, and he went up to observe George Karl's situation very remorsefully.

That anxious expression, going to make a movie and become the next best actor.

"You, you." George Carl looked at Wayne who was pretending, and he was so angry that he couldn't say any foul words.

Old Karl, who had been in trouble for so many years, finally fell into trouble with Brother Wei.

In the original history, George Karl fell into the hands of his own players.

In the 12-13 season, the Nuggets VS the Warriors in the playoffs, because they could not restrain Curry, the Warriors were about to make the following mistakes.

So George Karl asked people to destroy Curry.

Iguodala, who was playing for the Nuggets at the time, was shocked when he heard this. Although he wanted to win, he really couldn't eat the human blood buns.

So, he not only condemned Karl, but also ran to the other side to remind Curry.

Moreover, this incident was later reported to the media, making George Karl infamous.

Since this incident, the reputation of George Karl, the coach of Qiansheng, has not been high.

He also hasn't won a championship, but Sloan's reputation is much better than that of Karl Lao.

Karl Lao later angrily denounced Iguodala as a traitor, which was equivalent to a change of direction and admission of the matter.

In this history, although Old Carl was not ruined, the pain was more exciting than the ruin.

Watching old Carl being carried away, Wayne suddenly realized that the boys on the stretcher team were all black.


This Nima is still a professional team.

After getting rid of Karl Lao, the Nuggets are leaderless and their morale is disorganized.

Many players are no longer interested in playing football.

In this way, the Nuggets finally lost this crucial home game by 16 points.

The Trail Blazers broke the Nuggets' 8-week unbeaten streak at home, and also turned the series' total score to 3-0, gaining match point!

Wayne scored 41 points, 8 rebounds and 6 assists. He still averaged 40+ points per game in the series.

After the game, Anthony angrily threw away his towel and walked toward the tunnel.

Even if I lose like this when I play and fight, how can I still be a good person in society? ?

Even more angry.

He knew that the Nuggets could no longer go any further.

In the next game, J.R, Kleiza, Wang Martin and Jones will definitely be suspended.

In the absence of so many major rotations, it is impossible to beat the Blazers.

His path to the playoffs will end in the second round.

James, who is in the same generation as him, has already played in the finals, and Wade has won a championship and FMVP.

And what about him?

Angua lowered his head, feeling extremely disappointed.

Why am I not the protagonist yet?

On the court, Wayne, the best player in the game, kept shaking his head when being interviewed by reporters: "The behavior of Dengtai Jones and Kleiza was very bad. I was maliciously attacked twice in one game.

I hope the alliance will strictly investigate and prevent any intentional harm from happening! "

George Karl almost had a stroke when he was watching TV. You are so angry!

Then, public opinion on the Internet also exploded.

Good guy, when I opened it, I saw that they were all condemning the Nuggets.

If you get beaten, if you lose, you still have to take the blame.

The Denver Nuggets lost so completely.

After the interview, Wayne walked quickly back to the locker room. Looking at his teammates who had been sent off, he opened his arms and hugged everyone.

Although it was the Nuggets who were in the wrong, after all, they beat someone and killed him on the spot.

So, God knows what kind of fines the league will issue this time.

God knows how many people are left with the team.

Wayne really appreciates everything everyone has done for him.

Sir Ba patted Wayne's head: "Don't think too much, just lead the team and continue to charge no matter what!"

The Wei Ge security team never backs down!

When the brawl between the Trail Blazers and Nuggets heated up the United States, it was in New York, Madison Square Garden.

Bald Silva is hosting this year's NBA draft lottery ceremony.

The Sacramento Kings, who have only won 17 games this year, are confident. Well, only in the draft lottery ceremony can these teams with poor records experience the feeling of being a big player.

For the Kings, the person sent to draw the lots was Anjiali, the daughter of the small owner Vivek.

Although this 19-year-old sister-in-law is still young, she is already radiant.

The kind of person who can hit someone with the ball every minute.

As a result, my sister-in-law is beautiful, but her hands are really smelly.

Despite having the worst record in the league, the Kings actually picked the fourth pick.

Next, it's the Thunder's turn. Under the leadership of Durant this season, they won the best 23 games in team history and got the second pick.

Warriors owner Lacob personally drew the lottery, and under the leadership of Logo, they performed poorly and got the third pick!

The first pick fell to the Los Angeles Clippers.

This means that Blake Griffin is most likely going to play in Los Angeles.

Lacob felt a little regretful, but the Logo man didn't care.

third pick

That's probably enough.

After the top three are confirmed, the Wizards, who are at the bottom of the Eastern Conference this season, have also determined that they will lose the top three picks.

Therefore, they lost interest in the draft picks in their hands.

In the end, sure enough, the Wizards only got one fifth pick.

As soon as the draft lottery ended, the Wizards began touting their draft picks.

Normally, picks are made on the day of the draft and are traded immediately after someone is selected.

Just like when Wayne was first selected by the SuperSonics and then traded to the Pacers.

But the Wizards didn't even bother to participate in the draft and started selling draft picks.

2009 is a small year for the draft, and the Wizards are not a purely rebuilding team. They are really not interested in the fifth overall pick in the small year of the draft.

As a result, as soon as the Wizards sold off, the Warriors came knocking.

They are willing to use Randy Foye, who was just acquired from the Timberwolves in the middle of the season, plus any addition, to trade the Wizards' fifth overall pick.

Right or wrong, Logo Man is very confident, and this is an offer that the Wizards cannot refuse.

Because other teams also look down on the fifth overall pick in a young draft year, their chips cannot be richer than the Warriors.

Foye is with the Warriors this season, and he is still a 17+4 young guard.

Although it is a brushstroke, the data is real.

If you are the fifth pick in a draft year like 2009, you may not be able to pick anyone better than this.

The Wizards didn't agree, but West was in no rush.

It’s the Wizards who are anxious.

Once he uses the pick to draft someone, the pick will be worthless.

Because the person you choose may not be what others want.

Logo Man is waiting for the Wizards' reply. He believes that the Wizards will find out within three days that no one has a higher bid than the Warriors.

At that time, we will have the third pick + the fifth pick + Monta Ellis + Harrington, Wu Sheng and others.


Enough chips!

To put it bluntly, no one in this Warriors team is for sale!

West puts all his chips on the table—all stud!

Now, the only variable is the outcome of the playoffs.

West is extremely concerned about the Magic and the Portland Trail Blazers.

If you want to turn around overnight, you have to start with these two teams.

Today’s 10,000-word update is coming, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!

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