I am Really an Insider

Chapter 417 414: Shocking data, revenge and counterattack begins (6K votes requested)

Wayne averaged 40.7 points per game in a single round of the series, which shocked experts from all walks of life.

At the same time, he also scared the piss out of his opponents.

Is this the strength of Wayne's lawlessness?

Although the Trail Blazers and Nuggets only played 4 games in the Western Conference semifinals, the data sample is not large.

Wayne also didn't have any game where his scoring was too exaggerated.

No 50+, not even 45+.

It’s just a little bit above 40.

But after four games, he averaged over 40 points per game, which is still a bit scary.

What is the concept of averaging 40 points per game in a single round series?

The scoring exploded like Iverson, who scored 50+ points three times in the playoffs, 40+ points 10 times, and 45+ points 7 times, but he had never averaged 40+ points in a single round series.

In fact, apart from Wayne, there are 0 active players who can average 40+ per game in a single round series.

That’s right, no one has done that.

That's why everyone was so scared.

Whether it's Kobe, Shaq, Mouss or Wei, who was a cheater in 2006, they have never averaged 40+ per game in a single round of the series.

Since the 21st century, no player has been able to produce such explosive statistics.

There are only five people in NBA history who can average 40+ per game in a single round series.

They are Bernard King, Rick Barry, Logo Man West, Champion Poison Lord Baylor and

That's right, that's a hot man, Michael. I'm on every list, Jordan.

And the most exaggerated thing is that the first four people have only scored 40 points in a single round series once in their careers.

The old gangster is good. He has averaged 40+ per game in five single-round series.

The old gangster is really not called for nothing.

In the first round of the 1986 playoffs, the second-year Rascal averaged 43.7 points per game.

In the first round of the 1988 playoffs, the Rascals averaged 45.4 points per game.

In the second round of 1990, the Rascals averaged 43 points per game. In the first round of 1992, he averaged 45 points per game!

Seeing this, some people may say that most of these players were picked in the first round, which cannot explain their level.

Don't worry, because the old hooligan also averaged 40 points per game in the finals!

In the 1993 Finals, the old gangster VS Jazzy Bar, who had just won the MVP.

Sir Ba started his journey of killing gods with great enthusiasm, and then was taught clearly by the old gangster who averaged 41 points per game in the finals.

Fliggy's average of 27+13 per game in the Finals was explosive enough, but there was no other way. Who made him meet Jordan?

So much so that Jazzy Barton said something like this later: "I am the best basketball player on the planet, Jordan? He is an alien."

When he said this at that time, Sir Ba would never have imagined that one day he would become a colleague of another alien.

Wayne is the first person after the old gangster to score 40+ points in a single round of the series.

Of course, Wayne's ability to average 40+ per game is related to the Nuggets' strategy.

The Nuggets' defensive strategy is to lock down Paul and restrict his sister-in-law to see how Wayne can make a difference.

To put it bluntly, the defense against Wayne lacked pertinence.

And with Pao'er being restricted and Tony unable to score, Wayne had no choice but to do it on his own.

In the fourth game of the series, the Nuggets did not have Kenyon Martin and Kleiza, and could only use Renado Balkman to defend Wayne.


You don't know who Balkman is?

That's right.

Because he is just a small player who averaged less than 3 minutes per game in the playoffs, even die-hard Nuggets fans can't name him.

If you use this kind of person to play against MVP-level Wayne, Wayne will have to score 40 points.

These various reasons allowed Wayne to do things that only God can do.

But even so, it is still quite impressive for Wayne to average 40+ per game in a series.

The Trail Blazers are already fine, it just depends on whether the Lakers will encounter resistance.

Knowing that Wayne averaged 40 points per game in the series, Kobe was naturally not to be outdone.

In Game 4 in San Antonio, the Lakers also defeated their opponents cleanly.

The Spurs are without Ginobili in the playoffs this season, and the Argentine missed the Western Conference semifinals due to injury.

They were missing a scoring point and had no chance to compete with the Lakers.

The Lakers won the first three games easily.

In Game 4, although Parker broke out and scored 28 points, he still could not save the Spurs.

Just like that, the Lakers swept the Spurs 4-0 to advance, and the decisive battle between the Trail Blazers and the Lakers will be staged as scheduled!

As the only two teams that have never lost in the playoffs, their strength seems to be on a different level than other teams.

Therefore, although it is the third consecutive year that the same drama has been staged, the fans are not tired of it.

After the game, when Kobe ended his interview with reporters on the sidelines, he was asked: "Four players of the Trail Blazers have been suspended. What impact will this have on the next series?"

Kobe's face was serious and his expression was not relaxed. He only left one sentence: "This will make us face a more terrifying Wayne."

Well, at first, Kobe was a little complacent about the Blazers' suspension of four players.

But when Wayne averaged 40 points per game in a single round of the series, Kobe knew that this would not affect the Blazers' combat effectiveness.

The suspension of these four people may make Wayne even more terrifying.

What would happen if Wayne's teammates were limited and Wayne could solve the game on his own?

George Karl has helped the entire league conduct this experiment.

If you want to knock down the Trail Blazers, you must knock down Wayne himself!

The peak showdown between Wayne and Kobe will be another brutal fight this time.

The Western Conference semifinals ended cleanly, and all the fans in the Eastern Conference were no longer interested in watching the game.

Is it still necessary to watch this ball?

We've only reached the conference semifinals, and we're already risking our lives.

The Pacers brought huge trouble to the Cavaliers, and the Magic and Green Kai were also inseparable.

Look at others again, two teams advanced 4-0 cleanly.

With Green Kai no longer having a hard special, this year it is estimated that they will win the Western Conference championship to win the championship.

Kobe Bryant: Be confident and put away your damn "estimates."

The fans in the East are on the verge of tears. It’s another year of studying with the prince.

Fortunately, the best lineup and best defensive lineup announced next gave some comfort to Eastern fans.

This year's best defensive second team members are Cado, Tony, Battier, Zingtai and Dengdai.

The members of the best defensive team are Paoer, Kobe, Mousse, Wayne and Happy Beast.

Three of the ten spots are occupied by players from the Eastern Conference.

Damn, humble joy

It is worth mentioning that the Lakers have two players selected for the defense, and the Trail Blazers have added three players.

There are three defensive players on a team, what do you think the others can do?

One day later, the official announced the selection list of the best team.

Best third team: Parker, Flounder, Melo, Pierce, Shaq.

Best second team: Pao Luo, Roy, Dirk, Deng Dai, Chairman Yao.

Best team: Wei Wei, Kobe Bryant, Mousse, Wayne, Happy Beast.

There are five spots for the best team, and Eastern players occupy 3 of them!

This may be the biggest comfort for the Eastern Conference teams.

But Wayne and Kobe said that the other three people in the group are all younger brothers!

The younger brother Wei was the most embarrassed. He didn't even pass the first round and was simply ignored.

The remaining Mousse and Happy Beast, no matter who enters the finals, will be dead.

Now, the whole world is waiting for the results of the Eastern Conference semifinals.

Until then, the Lakers and Trail Blazers can only continue to wait.

If possible, Wayne really wants to fly to Orlando and tell his fellow No. 1 pick: "Master Huo, can you hurry up? I'm in a hurry!"

Master Huo also wants to go fast, but this green shirt soldier is so damn smelly and hard!

I thought that after losing KG, the Celtics, who lacked defensive pillars, would collapse quickly.

Unexpectedly, they became more and more courageous with each setback.

In the third game of the series, the Celtics without KG allowed Lewis to score 22 points.

Who knew that Eddie House, who had been tepid all season, suddenly exploded, scoring 31 points on 11 of 14 shots from the field!

Green Kai defeated the Magic 112-94, 2-1!

In the fourth game, Howard had 23 points, 17 rebounds and 3 risks to help the team regain a victory, and showed his elbow many times during the game.

During a confrontation with Big Baby Davis, Howard hit Big Baby directly in the face with his elbow.

At that time, the "Hulk" was put on the ground.

This elbow hit Da Baobao so hard that his eyes were filled with stars. He lay on the ground, feeling like the world was spinning.

After lying down for a long time, everyone had already run to the other half, and the big baby staggered and tried to get up.

But as soon as he propped himself up, before he could stand up, he fell down again.

This shows how brutal this series was.

The Celtics don't make it easy for the Magic, and the Magic are not easy to bully.

Especially Happy Beast, now he has developed a peerless elbow.

Use your own strength to elbow all the inside lines of Lu Kai.

That's it, the Magic only narrowly defeated Green Kai by one point, 2 to 2!

That's the way it is in the playoffs, no victory is easy.

Kobe and Wayne waited and waited and waited.

The wait is finally here for the sixth game!

The Magic were clearly sure of victory, but in the crucial sixth game, Big Baby Davis, a blue-collar insider, scored 22 points!

It seems that Howard's elbow also blessed the big baby.

With Ray Allen once again transformed into an ice shooter, Big Baby's outstanding performance allowed Green Kai to regain the victory.

3 to 3, the two sides entered the tiebreaker!

Kobe felt so tired after watching this. Did you make a mistake, Master Huo?

The opponent lacks a defensive pillar, and you still play tiebreaker?

Let someone like Davis score 22 points in a single game?

I stopped watching it and unsubscribed from it.

I can't stand your forced tiebreaker.

But Wayne was mentally prepared for this, because in the original history, Green Kai, who had no special skills, had to play the tiebreaker with the Magic to decide the winner.

Well, reality is sometimes so "forced".

On the other side, the Cavaliers and Pacers decided the winner.

The Cavaliers led by Mouss finally defeated the Pacers with a total score of 4 to 2 and advanced to the Eastern Conference finals.

Therefore, the entire league is now waiting for Magic.

Finally, in the tiebreaker, Turkoglu, the hidden star of the Magic, showed his full strength.

He scored 25 points and 12 assists, leading the team to a 101-82 victory over Lvkai and a successful tiebreaker.

It is worth mentioning that Master Huo took 9 shots in this game, and his presence on the offensive end was not high.

But on the defensive end, he scored 16 rebounds and 5 blocks, completely blocking the entire penalty area.

What is this indicating?

It shows that Howard can really make the Magic better by listening to Van Gundy and attacking less and defending more.

This is embarrassing.

Howard was having trouble with Van Gundy because he felt his role on the offensive end was not important enough.

As a result, when he gave up offense completely, the team became better.

However, Master Huo still did not intend to give up the fight.

He still wants to become an offensive and defensive superstar!

On May 17, the Magic defeated the Celtics in a tiebreaker, which also meant that the showdown between Kobe and Wayne would begin two days later, on May 19!

Kobe was already ready to make a move. He waited until the day lilies were cold.

If he doesn't beat the Trail Blazers for a day, Kobe can't sleep for a day.

For the Trail Blazers, Carlisle also discussed tactics with the coaching staff.

After losing three important rotations, I don't know if that ultimate move can still be used.

It has to be said that the fight with the Nuggets did have a huge impact on preparations for the Western Conference Finals.

But there are always more solutions than difficulties, not to mention that Carlisle also has Donovan, a veteran player of Miracle Nikki, beside him.

No one knows matching better than him.

On the other side, Sir Ba was not idle either.

Although he was suspended, it did not affect his coaching work.

While the Magic and Celtics were fighting fiercely, Jazz was working overtime to train DeAndre Jordan and Dragic.

The suspensions of Birdman, Monkey King and Blake mean that these two first-year players must shoulder the heavy responsibility.

It is not easy to have to fight on the highest level battlefield in the first year after entering the league.

So, Sir Bas had to tell them some jungle survival rules.

But what troubles Jazz the most is neither Dragic nor DeAndre Jordan, but P.J. Tucker, who entered the Trail Blazers in the same year as Wayne and has not entered the main rotation lineup in three seasons.

On the training ground, Sir Bob was training with Tucker on rebounding.

With DeAndre Jordan shooting from the outside, Barkley and Tucker competed for rebounds.

Don't tell me that Jordan's shots are really stable. He rarely makes a shot and most of it misses the frame.

It's a perfect training partner for rebounding practice.

DeAndre Jordan:

In fact, this training has been going on for an entire season.

In the early part of the season, Jazz was almost certain to beat Tucker.

Although Sir Ba can no longer jump, his awareness and tonnage of stuck positions are still there.

But starting in the second half of the season, Tucker gradually gained the upper hand in rebounding practice.

And now.

"Oh, young man!" Sir Ba shouted and sat down on the ground.

Carlisle frowned in the distance.

Do you think he is the heartbroken Sir Bar?


He is the wooden floor of the Heartache Training Center!

Sir Bar's big ass seemed to make a hole in the floor every time he fell.

Take it easy, old pig, this floor is very expensive!

After squeezing Jazz away, Tucker steadily grabbed the rebound.

Then he immediately put the ball down and prepared to help his teacher up.

As a result, Sir Ba pulled hard and put Taka down to the ground.

"You should continue to attack with the basketball, kid! But... well done, you have made great progress."

Barkley stood up and looked at Tucker, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Tucker didn't get many opportunities in the regular season because Carlisle didn't want to disrupt a solid rotation.

This is normal, anyone would do it.

But now the Blazers are short of personnel, maybe.

Tucker can get a chance in this playoffs!

Barkley is really full of expectations for this stocky forward who he cultivated himself.

Because in the team training matches that are close to actual combat, Tucker is already one of the team's best rebounders.

When competing for rebounds with opponents taller than him, Tucker was not left behind.

Who said I, Feizhu, am the head fighting coach?

In addition to fighting, my contribution to this team is still great!


Whether Barkley's training is successful depends on whether Tucker can play a role in real games.

Although the training match is close to actual combat, it is not actual combat after all.

It is still unknown how well this guy can perform in actual games.

Tucker also stood up and smirked at Barkley.

"Laughing, why are you laughing? Do you know who you are about to face? The Los Angeles Lakers! If you don't perform well, you will have been practicing wrestling and rebounding with me for so long."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter who he meets, it's over." Tucker, who was holding a basic salary, giggled.

Because Tucker is a second-round pick, his rookie contract is different from the well-known rookie contract.

The second-round pick's rookie contract was only for two years. After expiration, the Trail Blazers renewed Tucker's basic salary for another two years.

Some people get a basic-salary contract when they get older, and some people get a basic-salary contract while they are still young.

At this time, Carlisle blew a whistle, signaling everyone to prepare to start confrontation training.

Tucker rushed forward excitedly, as if he had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

"Hey, boy!" As soon as Tucker took two steps out, Sir Ba stopped him.


"Yeah, it's nothing. Work hard, you know?"

Buckley looked at Tucker and clenched his fists.

Fight hard, tough guy.

May 19th, the much-anticipated day has finally arrived.

Portland, Rose Garden.

There are no player posters hanging at the entrance of the arena as usual.

Only a huge poster with a pure black background was hung outside. There were only two lines of white text on the black background.

The word "revenge" was written in English and Chinese respectively.

Well, last season, Los Angeles defeated the Trail Blazers in the Rose Garden to advance to the Finals.

This season, the Trail Blazers are bound to complete their revenge at home!

The poster was very simple, but it left everyone in awe.

Fans poured into the arena, and every seat in the stands was wearing a black T-shirt with "rip city" written on the chest.

Almost every fan puts on such a T-shirt. In this way, after uniform dress, the atmosphere of the Trail Blazers' home court will look more intense.

In addition to T-shirts, fans naturally brought many signs of encouragement to the venue.

The words "Grit.Grind" are written on the placards brought by most fans.

This is the promotional slogan of the Trail Blazers for this year's playoffs, just like the "All for one, one for all" used by the Cavaliers in Wayne's previous life.

It is a slogan provided to this city.

The meaning of the Trail Blazers' slogan was translated by CCTV as "Strive unremittingly and never give up."

This is the best interpretation of these two words.

Because this series is very special to Chinese fans, Director Zhang also had the opportunity to enter the Trail Blazers locker room for interviews before the game.

Coach Zhang mainly interviewed Coach Carlisle and asked him many questions.

Finally, Director Zhang also taught NBA player Kim Kelly to write his Chinese name.

So, when Wayne returned to the locker room, he saw a few Chinese characters written crookedly on the tactical whiteboard - Rick Millaislay.

Wayne:? ? ?

How did you teach this guide?

Director Zhang: I really tried my best! There is no way, writing Chinese is too difficult for these foreigners!

"How's it going? I'm not bad at writing, right?" Seeing Wayne reading the words on the whiteboard, Carlisle was very proud.

"Yeah, well written." Wayne smiled awkwardly, mainly because he didn't want to dampen your enthusiasm.

"I find it really difficult to write Chinese characters. By the way, what would a Chinese champion say?"

Yes, Carlisle is really starting to be interested in Chinese now.


"Fill the test?"

"Well, champion."

"To fill the exam, guys!" Carlisle shouted, pumping his fist and showing off his skills.

The Great Sage shook his head and said, "I am the best at teaching Chinese."

Look at Pao'er, now he screams for his father like crazy.

Before the game started, Carlisle carefully laid out his tactics.

Because of the major changes in personnel, the rotation plan has also changed dramatically from before.

Everyone listened carefully. This was the Western Conference finals, and there was no room for error.

Before Wayne came on the stage, he stood up and clapped his hands just like he did between China and the United States in the Olympic Games last year.

The locker room suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at him.

Wayne looked around at the four people who had been suspended for protecting themselves.

“Hey, we’re here again, guys. Once again, we’re facing the defending champions! We’ve had a lot of guys lose their chance to fight because of that.

Therefore, those who can still fight should cherish this opportunity. Because this is the opportunity our brothers willingly sacrificed for!

Don't take championships, victories, all this for granted. We are in history and we need to be the toughest team to win.

I repeat, do not take victory for granted.

Okay, now, let's go out and drive those sons of bitches out of my territory! "

After speaking, Wayne put his hand in the middle, and everyone gathered towards him.



After saying that, the whole team rushed onto the court.

On the court, Kobe and his Los Angeles Lakers were already warming up.

Wayne looked at Kobe from a distance. Once again, they met on the battlefield to determine the championship.

This is already the fourth time.

The first time was the 2007 Western Conference Finals, the second time was the 2008 Western Conference Finals, and the third time was the 2008 Olympic Finals.

Wayne didn't expect that he would have such a bond with Kobe.

Kobe looked at Wayne and showed four fingers, representing that he had four championship rings.

Wayne smiled, then turned around and started shooting to warm up.

Wayne didn't know if Naochi could get a fifth ring in this history.


Even if it could, it wouldn’t be this year!

The fans at the scene began to cheer, and the most difficult test finally came

Today’s 10,000-word update is here, please vote for me~

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