I am Really an Insider

Chapter 420 417: I am also a ruthless character, absolutely O98K (4.1 please vote)

In the final three minutes of the fourth quarter, Kobe was out of breath.

Faced with Parker's defense, Kobe didn't hesitate, just turned his back and slashed, swaying his shoulders, leaning back beautifully, and hit the ball.

This set of combos is quite smooth.

Although Kobe Bryant scored, the Trail Blazers players took their time.

On the contrary, Zen Master looked at the court with a serious face and gritted his teeth.

Because even if Kobe made this shot, the Lakers were still 15 points behind!

There is no way, the hole dug before was too big, and it is not that easy to fill it back now.

The outstanding performance of Paoer and Wayne in the first quarter gave the Trail Blazers the upper hand. Who knew that the Blazers' rotating lineup would also beat the Lakers to a pulp in the second quarter.

The Zen master admitted that this was his mistake.

As a veteran coach, he actually underestimated the opponent in a place like the Western Conference Finals.

But having said that, who would have thought that Tucker could defend and shoot three-pointers, and he was pretty good at rebounding despite not being tall.

Who would have thought that first-year Dragic could be so mature? God knows what he, Pao Luo and Marbury have learned.

Who would have thought that Jordan could be so resistant to beatings!

Bynum elbowed him down a few times, but Jordan was still there as if nothing had happened.

Then it’s time to defend and grab rebounds.

When Blake, Monkey King and Birdman were suspended, normal thinking would have felt that the Blazers' strength would be greatly reduced.

I have to say that the three substitutes today gave Master Zen a big surprise.

It was like three heavy slaps on the Zen Master's face.

Xiangdu typed out.

Therefore, after taking drugs, I kept wiping my butt for my previous mistakes.

But the Trail Blazers, who had a 13-point advantage at the start of the second quarter, would not let it go easily.

After Wayne and others reappeared, they still firmly controlled the game situation.

Paul and Wayne's good form was not interrupted by a short break.

Paul performed various extreme operations today and has become much more mature than when he first met the Lakers two years ago.

Wayne made the two Queens brothers very embarrassed. As long as Tai's double attack was slow, Wayne could score the ball steadily.

My sister-in-law put a lot of energy into carrying Chairman Yao on the defensive end and did not allow Yao Ming to fully open up.

Although this resulted in my sister-in-law not having much of an offensive role, she still managed to make the occasional mid-range shot.

With the outstanding performance of the main players and the strong substitutes, the Trail Blazers once opened the point difference to 20+!

It was only because of the fierce pursuit by the Lakers that they narrowed the point difference to less than 15 points.

But it is obviously a bit late to narrow the point difference now.

Unless the Trail Blazers miss consecutively and the Lakers succeed in consecutive attacks, the game will be back.

In the Blazers' attack, Wayne was double-teamed and passed the ball to Parker, who was leaked, but the latter failed to hit a mid-range jumper.

Yao Ming quickly grabbed the rebound and hit the ball directly to Kobe!

Kobe quickly advanced, played a pick-and-roll with Odom, and shot a three-pointer!

Now the Lakers must seek opportunities outside the three-point line, and there is no time for them to chase two points two points.

Therefore, the attack of Naochi is very purposeful and executed very resolutely.

Needless to say, this ability to talk about critical moments is indeed awesome.

Parker had already bypassed the screen and blocked it immediately, but Nachi was still able to score!

The score difference is back to 12 points, and there are more than two minutes left in the game!

Tony on the bench couldn't sit still, and Carlisle also took Tony back up at this critical moment.

Tony has played for 30 minutes today, and his physical fitness has declined significantly.

Just now on the field, whether it was sprinting or lateral movement, it was obviously not that fast.

Carlisle then asked Dragic to replace Tony and let Tony take a few breaths.

Good guy, in the end, Kobe took advantage of this opportunity and narrowed the point difference to 12 points.


The Trail Blazers still have the advantage!

This time, Wayne did not continue to hold the ball to avoid being double-teamed again.

The one holding the ball became his sister-in-law. After he got the basketball from the high post, he was ready to provide support.

Wayne and Paul continued to display their father-son skills. After Wayne made a ball-free screen for Paoer, his sister-in-law immediately passed the ball out.

Pao'er caught the ball and shot from outside the three-point line. He showed no mercy at the critical moment and gave Kobe a three-pointer in return, widening the point difference to 15 points again!

After this goal, Paoer has scored 31 points in this game!

Compared with the previous round of the series, they are completely different.

Paul's sudden outburst really made Lakers fans feel bad. After all, Paul didn't feel that dangerous in the two previous Western Conference finals against the Trail Blazers.

With 31 points, his score is temporarily higher than Wayne's 28 points. He is the highest scoring player for the Trail Blazers today.

As a pass-first point guard, Paoer's performance today was indeed somewhat unexpected.

I have to say that Laoyu's defense should account for half of the credit.

After this goal, Master Zen paused the game again.

This also means that Tony Allen is about to make his comeback.

The Lakers' next offense will become more difficult.

Half of the defending champion's body was already buried in the soil.

Sure enough, Kobe's first three-point shot after returning from the timeout was interfered by Tony.

Although the Blazers subsequently failed to attack, Artest scored another three-pointer at the critical moment.

But it was too late.


The electronic buzzer sounded, 109 to 97.

The Trail Blazers finally defeated the defending champion Lakers at home with a 12-point advantage!

After all, Kobe still failed to fill this big hole.

"This is a great victory. We maintained suppression almost throughout the entire game! The Trail Blazers were in control of the entire game!" The moment the game ended, Bill Walton stood up and cheered wildly.

To be honest, he had thought about the possible situations in this game, such as a decisive victory, a decisive victory, and another anti-definitive victory.

Stern: You old boy has the same interests as me.

In short, after losing three major rotations, Bill Walton can confirm that this game will definitely not be easy to play.


Judging from today's performance, this game is really a good match!

A very cruel fact is - the Lakers never led even once from the beginning to the end of the game! Even for a second!

Although the 12-point difference is not that big, it is incredible that a team like the Lakers can maintain 48 minutes of suppression.

This is the strength of the 72-win team!

Kobe looked at the score difference on the big screen and felt extremely ashamed.

In the past two years, the Trail Blazers and Lakers have met 12 times in the Western Conference Finals.

Only twice of them did the score difference reach double digits.

Yes, in the past two years, basically every time the two sides played against each other, the game was very anxious.

It is normal to wait until the last second to decide the winner.

But today, the Blazers broke this anxious situation as soon as they came up.

Stop playing and flip the table.

This time the killing blow was immediate, without any reason.

Kobe Bryant scored 32 points today, and Chairman Yao also scored 21 points.

However, it wasn't enough to save the Lakers.

If he wants to win the series and win consecutive championships, Kobe knows that he must do better than he did today!

Kobe bit his lip and walked off the court. If possible, he really wanted to have a remote control that could fast forward time and jump directly to the day when the next game started.

On the court, the Trail Blazers players were still celebrating.

Lao Ma was so excited, even though he didn't play, even though the Trail Blazers were leading the game.

But from beginning to end, Marbury was quite nervous.

Even though Lao Ma is an old comrade, it is also his first time to participate in a large-scale offline event such as the regional finals.

So far in Lao Ma's career, he has never seen what Guan looks like after the first round.

But today, not only did he participate, he actually won.

As soon as the game ended, Lao Ma took Dragic into his arms and rubbed his head.

"It's fun, it's fun, it's a good fight!"

Well, as Wayne said, these people who were given the opportunity, they lived up to the people who sacrificed for it.

Sir Ba in the locker room also jumped up excitedly. Good guy, the whole locker room seemed to be shaken.

That kid Tucker lived up to his cultivation!

Sir Ba suddenly felt that all the previous fights were worth it.

As long as he can win the championship, let alone fighting, he is willing to dress up as a woman and interfere with his opponent, Jazz.

If we continue to play at this momentum, the Lakers will have no chance!

Pao'er had 31 points, 8 assists and 4 steals, Wayne had 28 points, 8 rebounds, 6 assists and 4 blocks, and Sister-in-law had 15 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 blocks.

Take a look, is this something done by humans?

The Blazers family of three hugged each other tightly, and they have taken a solid step towards the championship.

At this time, the camera went to the stands.

An overly excited female fan fainted on the seat and was being helped away by her friends.

To be honest, how many male fans hope to meet such a female fan!


How many fans actually felt the same as that female fan at this time.

The Trail Blazers did not disappoint everyone!

Director Zhang also rushed onto the court and found Wayne immediately. He congratulated Wayne on his first victory in the series and asked Wayne how he was feeling now.

"This is only the first game, and the battle is still long. We will not be complacent now, because it is impossible for our opponents to hand over victory.

Their fight back will be fierce, but we will fight to the end!

However, we are still very happy that we can take this solid first step. Next, we become more confident. "

Wayne didn't get too carried away, that's where he went.

If drug abuse was so easy to defeat, the Blazers would have won two consecutive championships.

In the next game, Wayne must keep his second home court and prevent the Lakers from going to Los Angeles with a 1-1 score.

By then, if we can go to Staples with a 2-0 advantage, the situation will be very favorable.

As long as I can win one game in Los Angeles, even one game.

The Trail Blazers have a chance to end the entire series in the Rose Garden!

Of course Kobe knows this and must win the next game no matter what.

If they lose another game, the Lakers will be in danger.

A high-level duel is like this. Although it has just begun, it has directly entered the moment of life and death.

At the post-game press conference, Kobe rarely attended the press conference in person after losing.

Because Kobe wanted to tell everyone personally: "We haven't been knocked down yet, Wayne and Paul performed great, they fought like a man today, they came back and tried to avenge their shame.

They are indeed ruthless characters, but I am also a man, I am also a ruthless character, and our entire team is ruthless.

We will also fight until the last moment! Until it falls!

So, don't be happy too early. The defending champion is always the champion until he falls! "

Kobe's words were very powerful. He may be the most powerful loser in history.

Many reporters off the court had goosebumps, knowing how inspired the Lakers players would be.

Well, that's the character of players like them.

I accept losing to you, but I don’t accept it!

I still want to fuck you!

Don't tell me, this kind of character will really become less and less in the future.

Most of the situations that will arise in the future will be that I accept losing to you, but I don’t accept it, so don’t leave until I ask someone to form a team to fuck you.

Or, I admit losing to you, but I am convinced, so I will join you next.

Saying this like this has undoubtedly boosted the self-confidence of Los Angeles fans.

Great center and guard, this combination is impossible to fail!

I have to say that Naochi is indeed a mature leader. A defeat that was originally very demoralizing ended up being touched by his upper lip and lower lip, which directly boosted morale.

The entire Lakers team is screaming now, wanting to regain face in the next game.

Even the Zen master became serious. After returning to the hotel that night, he immediately started studying the video of today's game.

The Trail Blazers played very well in this game. Paul and Wayne's performance was impeccable, and the performance of the substitutes was also amazing.

But the Trail Blazers are not perfect.

First of all, although the Trail Blazers' substitutes performed better than expected, their strength is actually limited.

If Zen Master pays attention to it, he won't be attacked by those three imps in the next game.

Secondly, the biggest shortcoming of the Trail Blazers is the shortage of manpower at the second position!

In the game that just ended, Dragic had to jump repeatedly in the No. 1 and No. 2 positions.

Because after the Great Sage was suspended, Tony didn't have a serious substitute.

After Tony left the game, the Trail Blazers have been using Anthony Parker to defend Kobe, but the effect is not good.

It was also during the time when Tony was off the court that Kobe scored consecutively and led the team to narrow the point difference to less than 15 points.

If you use this period of time, you can get better results!

Tony Allen is a super perimeter barrier, and battery life is a big problem.

The Zen master touched his chin and decided to start from this aspect and make a big splash.

Moreover, the Zen Master also needs to let his two centers attack the inside more actively.

If Yao Ming and Bynum take turns attacking, Gasol alone cannot prevent them.

If you can drag Wayne into the water, you can further drain Wayne's physical energy.

Let his offensive power be greatly reduced.

Wayne's assist defense is great, but if he continues to defend in the low post, he will be drained no matter how physically fit he is.

Master Zen has now prepared for the worst. It's time to let the stars, Yao Ming and Kobe, decide the game!

What the head coach has to do is to find the most suitable opportunity for the stars in the team to exert their strength.

On the other side, Carlisle, who won the game, was not idle either.

Although he won the first game beautifully, Carlisle hasn't run out of tricks yet.

After thinking about the possible countermeasures the Lakers could use from the perspective of a Zen master, Carlisle became more confident.

Because no matter what the Lakers do, the Trail Blazers have a way to deal with it calmly.

This time in the Western Conference finals...definitely O98K!

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