I am Really an Insider

Chapter 425 422: Frontal defeat, starting from level 04! (4.2K votes requested)

Stern really didn't expect that he would fail to control the field.

To be honest, if there were a different team and a different person today, the Lakers would have to win.

Kobe is in excellent condition, and the Lakers have the help of a balance whistle. Tell me how they lost this game?

But Wayne told Stern the answer with his 46 points, 8 rebounds and 5 assists.

How to lose?

If I punch you until you can't get up, you lose!

Facts have proved that this boss's ability to control the field is still worse than that of Wei Ge.

Stern also shook his head helplessly, Wayne, he is really a guy who makes people love and hate him at the same time.

This annoying little goblin.

At this time, Wayne and Kobe were both lying on the floor, their chests heaving violently.

In the future, when people talk about the first decade of the NBA in the 21st century, Kobe and Wayne are definitely two names that cannot be avoided.

At this time, the two protagonists were lying on the ground, sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

Kobe covered his head with his hands and looked at the ceiling of the rose garden, not knowing what he was thinking.

Wayne lay on the ground and waved his fist. He knew that his defense just now was successful!

"Fvck you, Wei." After a long time, Nagging said this while lying next to Wayne.

"Thank you, Kobe." Wayne took the extended hand of his teammate and stood up, pulling out his cock mercilessly!

There were 1.3 seconds left in the game, the Lakers were 1 point behind, and there was no timeout.

This means that after last year's unforgettable failure, the Trail Blazers are going to the finals!

Yao Ming and Tai Tai also walked up to Kobe. After standing up, they looked at the score, and then a trace of helplessness flashed in their eyes.


Wayne scored 21 points in the final quarter, scoring 2+1 on Kobe and preventing Kobe's last shot.

The two men ended their war in a head-on confrontation.

This is definitely what fans want to see most, Wayne and Kobe, directly facing each other to determine the outcome.

But the cruel thing is that there is no win-win situation in basketball games.

It is destined that one fan will be hurt by the result of the game.

Portland fans are thankful that they are the side to cheer for.

The play between Kobe and Wayne was replayed five or six times from all angles. It turned out that Kobe did fall on his own and had nothing to do with Wayne.

The scene of two people lying on the ground panting was also broadcast.

Both superstars gave their best and gave the fans a wonderful performance.

This scene can be regarded as the end of the long-awaited Western Conference Finals.

Kobe put his hands on his hips, looked at Wayne who was yelling, and sighed.

Today, I lost very completely.

In the fourth quarter, Wayne and Kobe scored like crazy, defeating Nai Nai from the front.

Najia had two chances to kill the game, but Wayne defended them both.

There is no excuse for losing this game.

Total loss.

The referee signaled everyone to return to the court. After 1.3 seconds, the game continued.

In theory, the Lakers still have a chance.

As long as the Blazers are sent to the free throw line, even if the opponent makes two free throws, they will only lead by 3 points.

If he can hit a three-pointer in the end, he can drag the game into overtime.

But this is only a theoretical possibility.

In fact, the Trail Blazers didn't give the Lakers a chance to foul at all.

After Gasol passed the ball to Paul, Paul threw the ball directly into the stands.

It was completed in 1.3 seconds, and the electronic buzzer sounded throughout the audience!


At that moment, countless confetti scattered in the sky, and the Trail Blazers fans collectively raised their arms and stood up to cheer, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

They witnessed this glorious moment at home!

After the game, Wayne did not rush to celebrate, but walked towards Kobe.

At this time, Naochi no longer frowned, his expression relaxed, he walked up to her, and the two embraced.

"Sorry, you can only go home alone, so I won't go." Wayne patted Nagging's back.

"Congratulations, you played great today. Go ahead and don't lose the championship." Naochi didn't make any sarcastic remarks, he really admitted it.

4 to 1, the Lakers were actually swept by the Trail Blazers.

This is actually enough to show that the Trail Blazers are better in terms of hard power.

There’s nothing wrong with losing or losing, it’s just because you can’t beat them.

This way of losing is actually pretty good. At least they didn't lose the series due to injuries or other reasons, so what the hell.

This year, it is obvious that the Lakers are not as strong as before.

For the first time, the two sides met in the Western Conference Finals, and almost all games were within five points.

The second time, the score difference was almost always in single digits.

But this time, the Trail Blazers had a 12-point victory, a 9-point victory and a 6-point victory.

In these three games, the Trail Blazers suppressed the Lakers to death.

Today, although the Lakers were not suppressed, Kobe Bryant was personally suppressed by Wayne in the fourth quarter.

Wayne gave a better and more terrifying performance than he did.

Although he hates to admit it, Kobe believes that the Trail Blazers deserve to win.

After saying that, Nacai put a towel on his head and turned to leave.

The cheering fans and flying confetti behind him were in stark contrast to his disappointed expression.

This made his back look even more lonely.

It's over, it's over.

This war is lost

From the 2008 Olympic finals to the 2009 Western Conference finals, Kobe lost to Wayne twice in a row.

He knew that the boy was about to start his own chapter.

Wayne looked at Nacha's leaving figure and shook his head.

To be honest, Wayne didn't expect to defeat the defending champion in just five games this year.

The only game I lost was because Nao Nai achieved an incredible kill.

Although Naochi's loss this season is a bit sad, Wayne will never pity his opponents.

Because that is disrespectful to the brothers who fight side by side with him!

That's right, the Trail Blazers were able to sweep the Lakers 4-1, not because the opponent gave up the victory, but because everyone in the Trail Blazers worked hard to win one goal at a time!

The cannon who is in great shape in the Western Conference finals, the sister-in-law who is willing to sacrifice personal data to contribute to the team, Tony who always pesters the opponent like a mad dog, and Parker who runs every strategy conscientiously.

Dragic is fearless in the face of danger, Tucker is fighting for every rebound with all his strength, and DeAndre Jordan is never flinching no matter how many elbows he receives.

Of course, there is also Mr. Ma who takes the lead and explodes two balls for himself, Sir Ba who is a flying pig that pounces on food, a birdman who spreads his wings as a roc, and so on.

For this 4-1 victory, everyone worked hard and made sacrifices!

So, there is no need for mercy.

There are always winners and losers in the game.

To blame, I can only blame Naocai's bad luck.

It happened to happen to me.

Chairman Yao also hugged Wayne, but he was not as sad as Na Na.

After all, for Chairman Yao, he won both the finals and the Olympic finals last year, and this was the first time he lost in a year.

After seeing off the Lakers players, Wayne found that the podium had been set up.

Western Conference champions, meet again!

Lao Ma hurriedly rushed into the field. He was very curious about this silver trophy.

Our old horse has never seen it in his life!

Jazz was not that excited when he was finally released from the locker room. He had won the division championship, but he was just short of the championship!

The same goes for Wayne. Although he won the championship, the smile on his face was a little forced.

It's not time to laugh yet.

The division championship can only be regarded as a consolation prize at best, and the real ultimate prize is yet to come!

Finally, with the fans shouting "MVP", Wayne lifted the Western Conference Championship trophy.

During his speech, he also spoke frankly: "I said, we will not go back to Los Angeles, and I did it! And next, I will go and bring the championship trophy back to Portland. Do you still believe me?"

Thousands of fans in the audience shouted Yes in unison.

This is how His Majesty the King should behave.

This is the confidence an MVP should have.

I have already dealt with the most difficult enemies, Mousse and Warcraft, you can just pick one!

Mousse: Can I ask someone to come with me?

With the Western Conference Championship trophy in hand, the players returned to the locker room.

On the other side, the Lakers' press conference has begun.

The reporters thought they would not see Nao Zai again today, but Nao Zai appeared at the press conference.

So much so that the reporters were stunned for a moment and didn't know what to ask.

"No problem? Then I can go." Kobe shrugged and was about to stand up.

A reporter was so frightened that he immediately asked: "Hey Kobe, you missed the last shot. Do you regret your choice?"


"We saw that you have been wearing finger protection during the playoffs. Are your fingers injured? Has the injury affected your performance?" Another reporter who paid attention to details stood up and asked a question that made many people curious.

Kobe looked at his fingers subconsciously.

In the first round of the playoffs, although the Lakers passed easily, their nagging fingers were bruised.

I'm still feeling a little uncomfortable now.

To be honest, if Kobe just goes downhill and admits that he is injured, he can win a lot of sympathy points.

The next day, there will definitely be a bunch of people saying that Kobe was honored even though he lost.

But Kobe's pride did not allow him to make excuses for failure.

Therefore, Kobe shook his head: "It's not a big injury, it's not worth mentioning at all. Until now, everyone has some injuries.

Yao's knees have been sore and Ron's legs are also very tired. There must be a similar situation on the Trail Blazers. This is the norm.

I can take a break anytime, but against Wayne, he will definitely see me on the court!

As a competitor, I'm not going to run away. "

Well, a strong man never makes excuses for himself.

After that, another reporter asked Kobe about Wayne.

Regarding Wayne, Kobe did not hold back on his praise: "He beat me and knocked me to the ground solidly. He is good. You know, there are not many players in this league that I really admire, but Wei is definitely one of them.

Nothing to say, I lost to a guy who did a better job than me.


Unwilling to be reconciled, Kobe paused and gritted his teeth: "But I won't lose to him for the rest of my life!"

This season is over, but there is still time to come.

After finishing speaking, Naochi left the press conference.

Then he took out his cell phone and sent Wayne the last text message of the season: "I can't lose worse than your opponent in the finals, bastard!"

Even if you lose, you must be the strongest loser.

Good guy, Wayne called him a good guy.

Najia, just be a human being!

Even if you lose, don’t forget to persecute Mousse and Beast Beast.

But since you are so sincere, I will try my best to satisfy you!

In the finals, I worked hard to solve it in four games.

When the time comes, tell me that you are the only one who made me, Godway, lose in the playoffs. You can also take the opportunity to show off.

Mousse, beast, blame me.

It was all instigated by the old snake from other departments!

I have text messages to prove it!

Mousse and Beast are in no mood to care about the Western Conference. Anyway, no matter who advances, the Trail Blazers or the Lakers will still be in trouble.

But no matter how difficult it is, at least there is a chance.

If you are stuck in the east and can't get out, you won't even have a chance.

The fight between Mousse and Beasts was still fierce. After the first four games, Mouss faced the same dilemma as Naochi. He fell behind 1 to 3.

Just like Nacai, the only thing the Cavaliers won was the decisive game.

Mousse was speechless at that time. How could we be so destined?

Speaking of which, the fact that the Eastern Conference is in such a sorry state for the Cavaliers who were so dominant in the regular season this year is really not Mousse's fault.

The second-in-command, Xiao Mo, is to blame.

Although the Eastern Conference finals have been played so far, Xiao Mo has averaged nearly 18 points per game.

But the hit rate was only 37%.

If Mo's performance in the conference finals is even slightly better than in the regular season, the Cavaliers won't have to rely on Lao James.

In G5 of the series, the Magic, which had already secured match point, had a chance to close the game like the Trail Blazers did.

As a result, you can’t say that Mousse and Nakai are really destined.

Nacha G5 exploded, and Mousse also experienced a G5 explosion.

The difference is that after the chatter broke out, Wayne said that you can be as strong as you want, but I can still be better than you.

He and Kobe were so stunned that they fell down after talking to each other.

After Mousse's explosion, the mighty Orlando Magic had no strong player who could compete with it.

In the whole game, Mouss scored a super triple-double of 37 points, 12 rebounds and 14 assists, fully demonstrating his personal abilities.

The on-site commentators exclaimed: "LeBron is everywhere!"

After Mousse's smooth play, Xiao Mo also shot 6 of 9 from beyond the three-point line today, scoring 24 points.

Mousse felt that it was very stupid. When labor and management need your help, you can't do anything.

When I finished the game smoothly, you came out and danced after me.

Damn it.

What do I need from you? ?

Under Mousse's indiscriminate bombardment, the Cavaliers defeated the Magic 112-102, forced a lifeline, and tied the series score to 3-2.

Howard was very angry after the game. He couldn't accept the fact that he had already got the match point but was knocked down again by the opponent.

In order to prove that Master Huo also has a temper, Howard really exploded in G6 of the series.

With 40 points, 14 rebounds and 12 of 16 free throws, Warcraft's performance was impeccable on both offense and defense.

He is worthy of being considered by the media as a man who can wear mousse alone!

It's really no less impressive.

In these games of the Eastern Conference Finals, Howard's offense is no longer as tasteless as it was in the regular season.

Warcraft's advancement to the finals also means that this year the Blazers and Magic will compete for the O'Brien Cup!

Wayne and Howard, two 04-level players, reached the final stage of the league.

Logo Man is a little nervous. This Magic has really made it to the finals. I'm afraid things will be difficult.

Ben was counting on taking advantage of the conflicts between Happy Beast and the Magic management and Van Gundy.

But they have already reached the finals, so it may not be easy to get them.

But on second thought, Logo Man felt that he had been worrying too much.

Maybe the Trail Blazers will beat Warcraft even more autistic in the finals!

Perhaps, dissatisfaction will be further amplified and conflicts will be further intensified.

Logo Man is still very confident in Wayne when it comes to beating the Magic to autism.

Today’s 10,000-word update is here, please vote for me~

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