I am Really an Insider

Chapter 427 424: Brother Wei, it’s boring if you fight like this (6.6K votes requested)

As soon as Warcraft came up, he leaned against his sister-in-law and prepared to show off a wave of singles.

Howard's back-turning hook shot this season is still somewhat good.

Not to mention how reliable it is, but it can still create some surprises occasionally.

In the first attack of Warcraft, he was ready to show off his hook skills, letting Portland fans see that Warcraft is not someone to be trifled with either.

I'm super fierce!

Turkoglu controlled the ball outside the three-point line. The Turks also played very well against the Cavaliers in the last round.

He averaged 17 points, 6 assists and 6 rebounds per game, which is pretty good data.

However, Turkoglu was still very nervous before playing against the Trail Blazers. He did not forget how badly he was abused by Wayne during the regular season.

Therefore, the Turk has always been frightened, but when he found that the person defending him was Tony, he was relieved.

As long as it's not Wayne, anyone can!

As a result, Turkoglu hadn't been happy for long before Tony slammed into him.

As long as you play against Tony, there will never be a comfortable round.

Turkoglu was a little uncomfortable with Tony's close defense and was afraid of being intercepted.

So he hurriedly passed the ball to Howard who was about to get there inside.

Because the pass was a bit urgent, the quality of the pass was average.

So, when Howard was about to receive the basketball, Trail Blazers No. 99 jumped out and grabbed the basketball!

"Oh my God!" Warcraft yelled, "Brother Wei, you don't play according to the rules!"

Because the Cavaliers play a double-C lineup, the movement of the fourth position has been very slow.

In the regular season, the Cavaliers relied on the double C shield to defend the basket and force the opponent to shoot from the outside to achieve their goal.

But when the Magic have Lewis pull an inside out, the inside will become a situation where Howard is playing alone.

At that time, whether facing Big Z or Varejao, Howard will basically beat him.

With their moving speed, whenever they come to double-team, they can't worry about Lewis on the outside.

Don't double-team, the inside will be beaten again.

This wave of stars really hit the Cavaliers' fate.

In the last game of the series, the Cavaliers were determined not to double-team, but Warcraft unceremoniously scored 40 points.

Mousse said he was very embarrassed. If he had such a star-studded lineup, he would not be able to go to heaven!

In short, facing the Cavaliers, Howard doesn't have to worry about being defended.

But the Blazers are different. Wayne's steps are so fast in the fourth position.

For a pass of this quality and speed, Wayne could easily intercept it with a sliding step and an extended arm.

As a result, Howard, who was full of expectations, didn't even catch the ball this time.

After the steal, Wayne passed a long pass to Paoer.

Pao'er easily passed Nelson with a forward change of direction near the midfield line. Nelson had just returned from injury, and his body was not adjusted to the best condition at all, and he couldn't keep up with Pao'er's rhythm.

Seeing Pao'er change direction, he knew he had to block it, but his legs and feet didn't have time to make any move.

Just like that, Pao Luo went straight in and scored with a dunk with both hands.

Soaring cannons to the sky!

Even though I'm short, I can still dunk!

Believe it or not, I'll hold you back! ?

The Trail Blazers' defensive counterattack was very easy, and the home team gave the Magic a powerful start.

"This doesn't count, come again!" Happy Beast gritted his teeth. The pioneers were so lucky.

It doesn't matter, being one goal behind doesn't matter, I equalized the score in minutes!

In the second round, Howard went up and gave Turkoglu an off-ball screen.

If it were someone else who was defending, Howard would block him again.

Then Turkoglu rushed in and passed the ball, assisting Happy Beast for an alley-oop dunk, and watched the Spanish imported background board be ranked among the top ten.


What Tony is best at is getting around screens!

Didn't you see that in the last round, Naochi and Chairman Yao used various pick-and-rolls, but they couldn't get rid of Tony.

And for this goal, it should be said that Happy Beast was a little too impatient.

People haven't stopped yet, and they have already started to move down.

The Turk thought he was safe after taking advantage of the screen to break through, so he turned to look at Howard and prepared to pass the ball.

At this moment of distraction, Tony immediately caught up again, and suddenly struck out, knocking the basketball out of the Turk's hand!

Howard was ready to go, but found that Turkoglu made a mistake and almost broke his waist.

This is called being too impatient to have sex with your hot sister-in-law!

After Teacher Tony poked the ball away, he watched as Turkoglu tried to get the out-of-control basketball first.

So, he jumped up and pushed the basketball hard on the floor.

Let's go!

The basketball was pushed and fell into Pao'er's hands again.

Pao'er was a little flattered at the time. I had just come back from dunking, and they asked me to dunk again?

I'll be embarrassed if you do this!

If there is a chance for everyone to perform together, how about just me performing? This is not good!

Some people say they are sorry, but they end up running extremely fast after getting the ball!

In a flash, he rushed to the basket again.

After rushing forward, Pao'er made another one-handed slam.

Good guy, he dunked in two consecutive rounds, and his image seemed to become taller and more powerful in an instant.

At this moment, Pao'er felt that he was at least 2.03 meters tall.

Howard is so angry, what's going on with Turkoglu? ?

As an organizer, he made two consecutive turnovers.

Are you still going to do it?

Turkoglu also felt very bad, damn, Tony Allen was really ruthless!

In the last round against the Cavaliers, Mouss rarely faced off against Turkoglu on the defensive end.

Because the Cavaliers are always anxious on offense, if Mouss puts too much energy on the defensive end, the Cavaliers' offense will be completely misfired.

Therefore, it is Delonte West who defends Turkoglu.

West was already using all his strength to defend Turkoglu, but he was helpless. He had to be beaten when he deserved it.

In this way, Turkoglu was forced to hit 17+6+6 in the last round.

But Tony is different. He doesn't have to think about offense at all.

It's all about fighting you on the defensive end.

How can ordinary people withstand it?

Just talk about that pervert being able to score more than 40 points under Tony and Wayne's defense.

Naochi: This sounds pleasant to my ears.

4-0, Warcraft didn't catch the ball even once, and was beaten 4-0.

After two consecutive mistakes, the Turks also became cautious.

This Tony Allen is really nothing. How can you play like this?

If I can’t fight, I can’t hide!

So this time Turkoglu handed the ball to Nelson as soon as he passed halftime.

You do it, you point guard, you do it.

As soon as Nelson caught the ball, he didn't hesitate and immediately broke through with the ball!

He pushed the gun hard into the three-second zone and forced a layup!

Wayne arrived in time, jumped up high, spread his fingers, and grabbed the ball directly, completing the catch!

It was as if the teacher had simply confiscated a kindergartener's ball.

Maybe it was because he saw Paoer dunking in two consecutive rounds that Nelson felt he could do it.

Everyone is 183, what’s the difference! ?

Facts have proved that these 183 and 183 are really different.

The moment Wayne caught the basketball, he was a little surprised. He originally wanted to come over to help defend, forcing Nelson to pass the ball and then return to Lewis immediately.


You are so fucking awesome!

You are too honest, brother!

Who gave you the courage?

Van Gundy?

Warcraft was also dumbfounded. You, the point guard, really thought of yourself as a younger brother.

Ning this is to give away the risk, but inside it is called an authentic one. A normal person wouldn't be able to do this!

To be honest, 24tong and the Magic have already had an excellent run-in with each other.

Although the street ball king's ability is a bit mediocre, he is at least a pass-first point guard.

With him around, World of Warcraft has a lot of fun in the paint.

With him, in addition to the Turkoglu-Howard pick-and-roll, the Magic also have a second offensive engine called the Alston-Howard pick-and-roll, which greatly enriches the playability.

But who made Van Gundy love his godson?

The lineup that had performed well before was torn apart at any time. Anyway, there was only one sentence: "Nelson can play even if he plays well, and he can play even if he doesn't!"

Nelson was also a little embarrassed. Even if he was blocked, he was still a risk.

But no matter what, you still have to act.

I saw him covering his legs and taking two steps with gritted teeth. This was a signal to the fans. My legs are not good enough, otherwise can the ball be blocked?

But Mike Breen did not accept this trick. After Wayne caught the ball, he said directly: "Nelson's shot choice is extremely stupid. He just had two passing options, to Lewis or to Howard. But he only had eyes for Basket, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

World of Warcraft is almost autistic, and I just want to perform inside. Is it so difficult?

This time after Nelson was caught, the Magic retreated very quickly, immediately getting into position and dragging the game into a positional battle.

Howard is ready to make a big splash now. He must regain his face on the defensive end!

I'm the best defensive player this season!

As a result, before World of Warcraft could react, Paoer passed Nelson and went straight into the penalty area.

In the original history, Nelson had a back-and-forth fight with Lao Yu.

If you expect him to defend the ball, you might as well expect Howard to make free throws.

After Pao'er rushed in, he jumped up to face the beast without saying a word. The beast was not used to the short winter melon and directly faced him!

I'm giving you a little face, right? ?

However, Paoluo is not Nelson, he has no iron head.

Although I can dunk and score, I'm really a good point guard.

A serious point guard.

Facing the incoming monster, Paoer passed the ball to his sister-in-law in the air.

After landing, Howard immediately turned his gun and chased his sister-in-law. At this time, her sister-in-law had just raised the basketball, and Warcraft took off a second time without thinking.

In the end, my sister-in-law just made a false shot.

After flying Warcraft, the Spaniard took a step forward and dunked with both hands, 6-0!

My sister-in-law is also a person with a bad temper. Every time you use the monster as a backdrop, do you think I’m not angry? ?

I am only the sister-in-law in front of Wayne. In front of outsiders, I am a golden lion!

Warcraft is also a little surprised. Why is Gasol so fierce today?

Well, when we played against the Cavaliers before, because the Cavaliers' fifth position didn't have much offensive ability, Howard got used to it easily.

But the Trail Blazers are different. Although Sister-in-law sacrificed data for the team, her level is still there.

If you take off randomly, you will only be punished by Gasol's scoring.

Warcraft looked at the score and the roaring Gasol, completely confused.

This was not the case when I dreamed last night!

Don't talk about Warcraft, even Wayne is a little panicked now.

If this game continues like this, it’s hard to tell who will win the FMVP.

Before I even touched the ball on the offensive end, it was already 6-0.

Why don't you resist?

This is the finals, brother! Can you be serious?

Both Wayne and Happy Beast are worried about not being able to get the ball. It's really 50-50, so there's nothing wrong with it.

The Magic attacked again, and this time Turkoglu did not give the ball to Nelson.

I'm really scared.

We played pretty well when your kid wasn't here!

This time Turkoglu separated Tony with one hand and lobbed the ball to Howard with the other hand.

Howard stretched out his hand and held the ball firmly.

At that moment, tears welled up in Warcraft's eyes.

Finally got the ball!

Eight easy!

Howard made a "pop" sound, clenched the ball with both hands impressively, and then began to push forward with his back.

After pushing twice, I felt that my sister-in-law couldn't bear it anymore, so the monster turned its back and went straight in, ready to sprint!

Howard walked quickly, turned his back, put his sister-in-law on his shoulders and continued walking inside.

After reaching the deepest point, Howard jumped up suddenly and prepared for a layup!

But as soon as he lifted the ball, he suddenly felt a black hole in the basket.

You don’t need to look to know it’s Wayne!

Wayne's pursuit was a nail-biter. Although it wasn't Godway's first time blocking World of Warcraft, this kind of scene is just like an exciting short video that you won't get tired of watching.

What's more, he was risking a monster with explosive physical fitness, which was even more overwhelming.

After Wayne pinned the ball to the backboard, he grabbed the ball.

After finally getting the ball into his hands, Wayne decided to rush it himself!

Turkoglu retreated nervously, a feeling he was all too familiar with.

In the last round against the Cavaliers, Mousse ran rampant like this.

However, Wayne did not play by common sense.

Just when everyone thought Wayne would rush into the penalty area and force a layup, Wayne suddenly stopped at the free throw line and shot a jumper!

"Ah this." Turkoglu was confused, Wayne, you don't follow the rules!

To fight the knights, Mousse had to rush in with two or three people hanging on him, and sometimes he had to attack the beast from the front.

But Wayne is different. I just shook you off and I voted. Is there any need to be harsh?

I'm not a friction freak, I have to be a man on top of a man.

Mousse: You are the friction maniac, and your whole family is friction maniac!


A pleasant sound sounded, and Wayne scored his first two points in this year's finals!

Blocking shots and scoring goals all at once, it's all Wei Geji's fault.

8-0, the referee's whistle sounded and the Magic paused.

There was no evenly matched confrontation, no rough physical contact, and no 50-50 split between Warcraft and Wei Ge.

There was nothing like Howard's dream, only a one-sided massacre.

The Magic management covered their heads speechlessly and shook their heads, while the man with the logo smiled happily.

Sure enough, when Brother Wei comes, things will be settled!

After returning from the timeout, Van Gundy did not replace Alston.

Carlisle was shocked. He thought Van Gundy would make adjustments at the point guard.

As a result, Nelson should fight or continue to fight.


Is this his godson?

Jie Te is simply a godfather!

After returning, the Magic increased their offensive diversity. After Turkoglu broke through, he did not pass the ball to Warcraft, but distributed the ball to Courtney Lee.

Courtney Lee suddenly shot a cold arrow from outside the three-point line and the basketball hit the net. The Magic alleviated the embarrassment of not scoring.

"What a great goal! If we keep up the good work, we will equalize the score!" Howard was excited. He now wanted to hug Courtney Libo.

As long as you can score a goal, you don't have to worry about the score not being able to come back.

Because the Magic's strength lies in defense. In fact, the three top teams in the East are all teams that are strong in defense and weak in attack.

Green Kai, Cavaliers and Magic, their results are all based on iron-blooded defense.

Only the Pacers have a more diverse offense. Roy alone is diverse enough.

Howard opened his arms and looked in all directions.

Anyone who offends will definitely eat my happy hotpot!

When Pao'er came up with the ball, Howard narrowed his eyes.

Boy! Don't think you can run past me again and again!

As a result, Paoer did not break through, but sent the ball with both hands.

Howard's head followed the trajectory of the basketball and found Wayne getting the basketball in the right corner.

Lewis raised his arms high, so nervous.

This is more stressful than guarding James.

If you guard against James, he will hurt you at most, but at least you know he is going to hit you. Be mentally prepared.

But when it comes to Wayne, you have no idea how he wants to play with you.

Wayne looked relaxed, "614, there's nothing to say, just blow him up and that's it."

Why can 614 survive until the finals without being exploded?

Because when you fight Green Kai, you can blast his special damage.

Against the Cavaliers, Varejao doesn't explode anywhere except his head. He is a master with no offensive ability.

Therefore, this guy's shortcomings on the defensive end are perfectly covered up.

But here in Godway, you are not so lucky!

At this time, Lewis saw Tony suddenly break away from Turkoglu and cut inside, and Wayne immediately passed the ball!

Lewis quickly turned around to help defend, but when he turned around, he found that Tony did not have the ball in his hand.

Wayne just made a fake report!

"Emma this"

Lewis then awkwardly turned back to face Wayne. Just like that, Wayne's small movement made Lewis spin around in circles.

Wayne, the best dance teacher in the league.

After Hard Special, another generation of dance kings was cultivated.

A thomas round for the family.

By the time Lewis knocked himself out and faced Wayne again, Wayne had already completed his shot.

Without interference, Wayne made a solid three-pointer from the bottom corner.

With a "swipe" sound, Happy Beast was no longer happy.

11 to 3, the point difference returned to 8 points.

Wayne has scored for the second time in a row and is starting to feel good.

And Howard still has 0 points, nothing.

Howard looked at Lewis and said he was not referring to the situation! ?

Why did you jump on it! ?

Lewis' old face turned red, buried his head and ran away.

Now he misses the time of hand-to-hand fighting with Mousse very much. Although it is simple and rough, they don't play so many tricks.

Brother Wei's gestures are too many, I can't resist them!

Howard couldn't control that much anymore. He shouted at Turkoglu as soon as he got a good position in this attack.

No matter what, you must show your strength to be 50-50 equal to Brother Wei!

I'm the champion of the Eastern Conference. Ah. Ah.

Brother Wei, it’s boring for you to play like this. Regarding my sister-in-law and me, did you forcefully join the multi-player sports?

Well, as soon as Howard got the ball, he saw Wei Ge's face.

That's right, double team.

My sister-in-law deserves it, and Wayne is responsible for it.

Making dumplings with my sister-in-law is a lot of fun.

Howard's three-legged cat skills can be used in single combat.

If you want to break double teams, his skills are simply not enough.

In the original history, Howard averaged 25.8 points per game in the Eastern Conference Finals and shot 65.1% from the field.

And there have been performances like 40 points in a single game.

Against the Lakers, the data instantly shrank to 15.4 points per game, and the shooting percentage was only 48.8%.

As a player who mainly attacks in the three-second zone, his 48.8% shooting rate is not very good.

why? It's because the Lakers' three top players were trapped by Howard.

So why can't the Cavaliers' double C's hold up Howard?

Because the knight's double C is too slow, he can't take care of the other end when holding one end. In addition, Turkoglu and Lewis both shoot extremely accurately, and sometimes they really don't dare to pinch them.

The Trail Blazers did the same trick against Howard, but Wayne's speed was enough for him to jump repeatedly between Howard and Lewis.

As soon as Howard caught the ball, Wayne caught it. At this time, Wayne heard a familiar voice: "I'm empty, I'm empty!"

Suddenly I missed those days of kicking coward Tai's ass.

Coward:? ? ?

Lewis did come up empty, though.

Your star player not only has rough skills, but his ball-playing ability is also top-notch.

When double-teamed, Howard couldn't even send the ball out immediately.

Finally, he chose to turn around and force a hook!

Good guy, this little move looks like a human being.

Because Howard's hook is almost non-deceptive and his movements are a bit stiff.

Therefore, Wayne and his sister-in-law jumped up almost at the same time and covered the basketball at the same time.

It's a rare experience to be blocked by two people at the same time in one round.

This is probably what Yu Jia often said, the tacit understanding of husband and wife.

You are worthy of being a teammate who tells each other how good you are every time we chat.

Howard forced a 50-50 draw with Wei Ge and failed!

"Pass the ball, pass the ball!" Van Gundy was angry. Why are you playing blindly with two people double-teaming you?

Don’t you know how much you are capable of?

Howard looked at Van Gundy with disgust, damn it was so noisy!

Why didn't you ask me to pass the ball when I scored 40 points in the last game?

I am the core of this team!

After Pao'er got the basketball and pushed it over, he passed the ball to Parker in the bottom corner.

Parker was about to shoot, but Courtney Lee blocked him immediately.

He is indeed a man who is known as the best bit player.

There was no way, Parker could only pass the ball to Wei Ge who ran up.

After Wayne got the ball, Lewis was about to go up, but found that Warcraft got there first and defended in front of Wayne!

Master Huo is serious, he must guard against Wayne.

I can really be 50-50 with Brother Wei, believe me!

I’ll give you a 50-50 shot!

Wayne originally wanted to pass the ball directly to his sister-in-law to torture Lewis, but seeing the serious look on his face, Brother Wei suddenly became interested.

Since this game is so boring, it doesn't hurt to play with you.

It's started, it's started, it's already going crazy before the first quarter of the game is over!

Wayne slowly dribbled the ball one step beyond the three-point line, while Warcraft stepped on the inside of the three-point line to defend Wayne.

There was still some distance between him and Wayne.

Howard knew that Wayne was different from Mousse and couldn't let him go too far. When defending Mousse in a misplaced position before, Howard would directly step on the free throw line to defend.

But at the same time, you can't get too close, because Wei Ge is extremely fast and will race if he disagrees.

Therefore, Howard stepped on the three-point line to defend. Anyway, Wayne is one step away from the three-point line now, so it's impossible for him to shoot directly.

As soon as Warcraft thought of this, Wayne took a pull-up shot.

One step beyond the three-point line, facing DPOY this season, just pull up.

Happy Beast rushed forward in a hurry, but he did not lose his position. But it must be said that the response was indeed half a beat too slow.

Howard was secretly happy after interfering with the shot. It's time to guard against it now!


The sound of the basketball entering the net sounded again, and easily, Wayne scored in front of Howard.

The space just now was enough for Wayne to aim and take action comfortably.

Howard froze in place and did not move for a long time.

14 to 3, the Trail Blazers easily opened the point difference to 11 points.

What does this feel like?

It's like suffering a dimensionality reduction blow!

The opponents Wayne and Howard encountered in the Eastern Conference were not at the same level at all!

Wayne shrugged, who asked you to let me go so big? I don't want to embarrass you either.

The team led by double digits before the first quarter was even finished. This final was even more of a joke.

When Naochi saw this, he let out a sigh of relief.

Yes, Magic will definitely lose worse than me, don’t worry~

Happy Beast knew at this time that the 50-50 split with Wayne was simply overthinking. !

This first trip to the finals in his career was far less beautiful than he expected.

Even more desperate than Happy Beast is the Magic management. From the current point of view, this year's finals are probably no different from the one in 1995.

It's not money well spent.

Guys, don’t forget to participate in the first round of monthly voting activities in the book club. The more you vote, the more you get, the more you get, the more fun~

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