I am Really an Insider

Chapter 457 454: The enemy has a young model like machine, but I have the boldness of Portland libra

Speaking of the Oklahoma City Thunder, they are definitely the biggest dark horse this season.

They failed to reach the playoffs last season and are quietly rising.

Everyone knows that the Thunder are a young team with great potential, but they never expected that they would grow so quickly.

Kevin Durant was the scoring leader and second last season.

He has proven that he is a genuine second-year-old, and that he has the potential to become a superstar.

On the Timberwolves side, with Oden basically unable to play, KD has become the most successful player in the 2007 class.

In addition to Durant, Russell Westbrook has also moved towards the ranks of All-Stars.

After the Thunder have played four games this season, Turtle's efficiency has been greatly improved, and his three-point shooting percentage has also improved.

At the same time, his explosive impact is still so pleasing to the eye. This third-year guard from UCLA has already left Beasley, Mayo and other talents behind.

In addition, second-year senior Ibaka has also begun to shine on the defensive end.

In 4 games, Ibaka took a total of 10 big shots. This African power forward with a 28cm swing made the Thunder's defense tougher.

Of course, how can we forget the bearded golfer who was drafted in the same class as Curry?

Although he has not yet reached the level of the best sixth man, he is still a force that cannot be underestimated on the bench.

With this lineup, the Thunder achieved 3 wins and 1 loss in the first four games.

Among them, they also defeated tough opponents like the Bulls.

In that game, Westbrook and Rose went back and forth and even had a slight advantage.

No one can match Durant, and even Chicago slugger Deng Yingqiao was beaten to pieces.

All those teams thinking about competing for the championship must now face up to this young team in Oklahoma City.

No one wants to stumble on a young team.

"Wei must be very nervous now, because Durant is waiting for this game! This season, KD's performance is as good as ever. The encounter between the second scoring leader last season and the second place in the World Championship will definitely make KD play even higher Level competition!”

The day before the game started, Kenny Smith laughed like this when talking about this game.

But it’s strange to say that Durant is second in everything he does...

Jazz, who was wearing a championship ring, looked at his partner as if he were a fool. No wonder you are not wanted by the team management, because you are not as smart as me, an old pig!

Well, it sounds like you, Lord Bar, relied on your brain to get the ring.

Yes, you got your championship ring as an assistant coach, but don't you know exactly how you got it?

"Nervous? XSWL, are you saying Durant is nervous? You also saw Wei's performance in the last game. The Bulls played very well, and Derrick Rose even performed at an MVP level.

Then what? They were pushed to the ground by Wayne and Curry and beaten up.

The Trail Blazers are not the same team they were last season, and they have bounced back. Championship-level teams and youth teams are completely different. "

Sir Ba's analysis seemed very reasonable, but in fact he didn't analyze that much at all.

Anyway, that's it for bragging about Brother Wei.

At this time, Mr. Turtle was in the locker room, watching Barkley on the TV and smiling disdainfully.

"Kevin, they have no idea how powerful we are. We will surprise the Blazers, no, surprise everyone. What do you think? My good partner."

Turtle turned his head and saw Xiaoshuai tinkering with his cell phone, not even listening to what he said.

On the screen of the mobile phone, there are pictures of beautiful young ladies, and the second child has a satisfied smile on his face.

"Fuck, why are you giving likes to the young model again?"

"Ah!? Damn it, I didn't! How could you frame a good person out of thin air!" Only then did Du Laoer realize that Mr. Gui was talking to him, and he quickly turned off the screen of his phone.

"I, you, she, and I are called to discover the beauty in life! Am I the kind of person who secretly likes young models? Damn, you are too young."

Du Laoer was red-faced and slurred in speech, insisting on proving his innocence.

So he turned his phone back on.

On the screen of the mobile phone, a beautiful young lady in her underwear was taking pictures on her balcony. Behind the balcony was a large patch of grass and a big tree.

"Look at the scenery behind you, how beautiful it is! I like it because I want to give her a thumbs up so that I can ask her where she bought the house and I will also go and get it done. Well, that's it!"

Mr. Turtle: "What!?"

"Stop lying to me, you LSP. You can make up such stupid excuses. Did you hear what I just said?"

"Of course, we are going to beat the Trail Blazers. This time it is at our home court, we must win!" Du Laoer became serious, and Westbrook nodded, well, as long as Durant is high-spirited, he It is invincible!

At this time, the bearded golfer came out of the bathroom.

Opening the locker, several nightclub VIP cards fell out.

"Hey, which one should I go to today? Tsk, trouble!"

When Harden was rummaging around in the locker, Du Laoer, who had been extremely serious just now, became suspicious and moved closer.

"Hey James, do you recognize this young lady~" The second brother took out his phone, and it still had the same picture on it.

"Fuck, brother, who do you think I am? My second brother knows me. I am the most upright person! How could I possibly know such a wild model! However, I do know a few locals from Oklahoma City! You Look, look!”

After saying that, Harden also took out his mobile phone.

The two of them looked at each other slyly, and from time to time they said, "Fuck, this is so big," and "This is too awesome."

Westbrook's mouth twitched on the side, "Hey guys, LSP is in a meeting!"

It's not that Mr. Turtle isn't interested in women, but he has been more exclusive since he met his girlfriend in middle school.

He has never been able to get involved in this kind of topic about Ono models.

However, it doesn’t matter if Harden likes these things, after all, he does it with live ammunition.

Brother Du, you can only give likes, why are you just joining in the fun!

Fortunately, the game against the Trail Blazers is the day after tomorrow, otherwise it would be like a chicken 8 in this state!

Mr. Turtle shook his head and then looked at the TV screen again.

During the show, Barkley and Kenny Smith were still arguing about who would win the game, the Thunder or the Trail Blazers.

Mr. Turtle clenched his fists and decided to have a good fight.

Failure to make the playoffs last season has always been a regret for Turtle, and it also made him very unwilling.

Obviously the record was exactly the same as the Grizzlies, but because the Grizzlies had a better record against the Thunder, the Memphis people finally entered the playoffs.

This is really a bit frustrating to lose.

And Guigui kept this feeling of frustration in his heart.

Now, seeing some people saying that Thunder was not good enough, Mr. Turtle decided to release this pent-up energy.

This year, he will prove that the Thunder can really do it!

The next night, the Blazers players arrived in Oklahoma City.

Continuous away games make the players very tired.

But at this time, a little story from Wu Sheng suddenly made everyone feel energetic.

"You, you, you, stop talking!" The primary school student sat next to Wei Ge, trembling.

Birdman smiled and made a joke: "Look, old Stephen frightened little Stephen."

"No, I'm really not kidding you, Stephen. I have been playing in the NBA for so many years and I have heard a lot of similar things! One person and two people said this, maybe they were just joking.

But if many people say this, it means there is something wrong! "

Wu Sheng pretended to be serious, and the primary school student was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Well, Wu Sheng's story is actually very simple. He said that when he was playing for the Warriors, he once came to Oklahoma to play an away game. Then at the hotel where the team was staying, I heard someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

As a result, Wu Sheng went to open the door, but there was no one there at all, but he heard a "creak" sound in the corridor.

Of course, when Wu Sheng tells stories, he tells them so vividly and with full details.

Fortunately, Wei Ge has experienced nine years of compulsory education and is a fearless materialist.

Otherwise, I would have to be fooled by the Martial Saint.

In fact, not just primary school students, many people were scared.

The reason why Wu Sheng's nonsensical story is so scary is mainly because the Hilton Hotel in Oklahoma City is indeed a very famous haunted hotel.

It is said that it was because in the 1930s, the hotel owner at that time had an affair with a waitress, and then the waitress became pregnant. The boss was afraid that the affair would be exposed, so he locked the waitress in a room on the 10th floor.

Finally, after the waiter gave birth to the baby, he jumped from the 10th floor with the baby in his arms.

Good guy, if this kind of bad story is posted on China’s Tieba forums, there won’t even be anyone to show respect for it.

But the United States still believes this, mainly because many NBA players have said that they have encountered all kinds of strange things here.

Wayne's good brother Tai said in an interview last season: "I slept so well, but I was touched by a ghost twice in one night!"

Bass of the Magic team has to sleep with the lights on every time he comes to this hotel because he once suddenly won a game in the early morning when he checked into this hotel and was covered in sweat.

Eddie Curry, the No. 4 rookie in 2001, also told reporters that he once couldn't sleep here one night because he always felt there was a sound in the corridor.

In the end, he and Xiaotuo shared a room before falling asleep.

Rose, the No. 1 pick in 2008, was also very afraid of this hotel. He also moved to sleep with his teammates before he could sleep peacefully.

So much news, coupled with Wu Sheng's vivid story, can frighten the primary school students.

Of course, not everyone in the NBA is afraid of this kind of thing.

Heat captain Haslem said firmly: "I'm not afraid at all. The ghost can choose to go to other people's rooms. Because if he comes to my house, I will kill him."

Ginobili also said that he slept well in this hotel without any discomfort.

Nonsense, who dares to bother you if you have the demon sword in your hand?

In short, there have been some good and bad stories about this hotel over the years.

It can be called the Thunder’s biggest ace!

While talking, the Trail Blazers bus arrived at the hotel.

The elementary school student had stayed in this hotel last season, but now after hearing Wu Sheng's story, he looked out the window and felt that this hotel was indescribably weird.

How fat is this scary green light! ?

The primary school student shivered after getting off the bus, while Wu Sheng laughed evilly.

Wayne shook his head, please let the child go!

Is it fun to scare elementary school students like this?

"Hurry up, Stephen, Ma Yao Di!" Wayne stood at the door of the hotel and waved, and Curry followed.

After checking in, everyone would go to their own rooms.

It was getting late at this time, and Wayne and Sharapova were just about to go to bed after making phone calls, when they heard a rapid knock on the door.

"I wipe it? Are you really that evil?" Wayne frowned and looked through the peephole on the door. It turned out to be a pitiful primary school student.

"What's wrong? Why are you wandering around if you don't sleep?"

"Fuck Brother Wei, you will never believe what I just experienced. When I was getting ready to go to bed, the bathroom door in my room suddenly closed by itself! Fuck, I was scared to death!"

"Uh, did you close the window?"


"Okay." Wayne was speechless. Isn't it normal for your window to be closed and the door to be blown shut by the wind?

"Um, Brother Wei."

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

"Tonight. Otherwise, I'll sleep with you in the same room! Even if there is a ghost, well, I don't think I can beat you."

"Ah." Wayne looked at the shivering primary school student and sighed.

There is no way, who is the biological son?

So Wayne asked the front desk to change to a double room, and spent the night with the elementary school students.

As a result, when he woke up the next day, Wayne found that Curry still had heavy dark circles under his eyes.

Good guy, you're still not asleep in the same room as me!

From now on, don’t call me a primary school student. Call me Ku Da Dao!

Wu Sheng made up a nonsense story, are you concerned?

When he went to the Chesapeake Energy Arena to adapt to the court in the afternoon, Wayne discovered that the elementary school student was not accurate today.

Logically speaking, at the level of a primary school student, it should be a continuous attack without any defense.

But today, his shooting percentage without defense was very average.

After all, after not sleeping well all night, my head must be groggy, and it is not easy to be in good condition.

Didn’t you see that golfers with beards are also playing tricks at this stage?

Because you have no idea what he was doing at four o'clock in the morning last night. He didn't even get a good rest, so how could he talk about his condition?

Wayne was really speechless. It seems that the team will have to ban these unnutritious stories from now on!

Well, elementary school students are actually pretty good.

I get scared when I think of a big guy like Eddie Curry, and I instantly feel that Curry is quite promising.

In the evening, when he went to the scene to warm up, Curry's hand felt a little better.

But it still didn't reach the level he should have.

If you encounter a strong defense in this state, you will be completely defeated.

Speaking of defense, the one facing Curry today should be Turtle Shao, right?

Although that guy is prone to brain-twitching, his resistance ability can turn today's primary school students into scum.

Okay, then I hope Mr. Turtle has a happy day.

The game was about to start. Looking at the guys warming up on the opposite side, Wayne suddenly felt refreshed.

KD, Guishao, Hudeng and medical insurance card.

The four Nings don’t know if they can continue to play brother basketball in this history.

However, the current four young players are not yet complete, Harden is not yet a super sixth man, and the medical insurance card has not yet secured a starting position.

The Thunder's starting five are Gui Shao, Sofolosha, Lao Er, Jeff Green and Kostic.

Yes, Jeff Green is one of the puzzle pieces of the first-generation Thunder.

This no-nonsense forward entered the industry in the same year as Durant. He was originally used as an important bargaining chip in the Ray Allen trade and came to Oklahoma City. He has always been regarded as a potential stock second only to KD.

But after playing for these years, Jeff Green has begun to develop in the direction of being completely incompetent.

Therefore, the Thunder are also considering trading Jeff Green.

The Thunder's shortcomings are obvious, they don't have a frame-protecting center.

Although the Serbian Kostic is 2.13 meters tall, his playing style is soft, his ability to protect the frame is very average, and he is not good at rebounding.

Nick Collison, who is on the bench, is considered a veteran of the Thunder. He is currently the most senior member of the team. He has been working hard for the team since he started playing for Seattle in 2004.

This guy is best known to Chinese fans for his role in the crime of Yao Ming, and then Tracy helped Chairman Yao come forward.

Nowadays, Collison, who is already quite old, cannot be reused and can basically only be a substitute and locker room leader.

When it comes to business ability, it's not much better.

Therefore, the Thunder intends to replace Jeff Green with a reliable rim-protecting center.

Only by filling this obvious shortcoming can the Thunder further become a truly strong team in the league.

In other words, the current Thunder's ability to protect the frame is very weak.

And this is what Carlisle emphasized today - give me a Middle Eastern style of play!

If you want to talk about this, Wayne will get excited.

As a man with three frame-attacking badges and a body of steel, Wayne is now extremely fascinated by the Middle Eastern style of play.

No wonder Mousse likes it so much, it’s so fun to play like this!

But the Thunder are not stupid, their coach Scott Brooks still has something.

He deliberately told the Thunder to shrink their defense today. If one person can't handle it, two or three people should be able to withstand the impact!

So not long after the game started, Curry got a shooting opportunity from outside the three-point line.

After the Trail Blazers won the ball, Wayne suddenly got the ball!

Jeff Green can still keep up with Wayne in terms of footwork, but there is indeed a big difference in height.

After Wayne ran in, the entire Thunder team shrank back.

For a moment, Wayne felt like he was surrounded by Thunder players wearing white jerseys.

So Wayne found the elementary school student in the crowd and passed the ball to him.

The primary school student with two big black eyes took a decisive shot, and then with a "bang", the basketball came out of the frame!

"I'll go, no." Wayne shook his head. It seemed that the sun was not moving today.

Mr. Turtle caught the basketball and quickly moved forward.

Curry wanted to force the opponent to stop, but this guy rushed and couldn't stop him.

After breaking out of the three-point line, Gui Shao handed the ball to Du Laoer, a young model who actively followed up.

The second child caught the basketball and was about to dunk it.

As a result, Wayne had already rushed to his side at this time!


During the World Championships, Durant was mentally disturbed by Wayne, so he chose to break through and distribute the ball, and the target of the distribution ball was still Guishao.

Can this be called fear? This is called dumping...this is called broadening the horizons!

Turtle had just gotten rid of Curry by running, and he had the perfect opportunity when he caught the basketball.

Turtle catches the ball and shoots, and Durant feels that the surroundings of No. 0 are radiating light.

He is so serious about proving himself!

Run, brother!

The basketball flew over Durant's head, and then...



The crisp sound of iron breaking broke all Durant's beautiful illusions.

Young Turtle is still the Young Turtle, it’s him, it’s him, it’s him, the hero who can smash the basket crooked, little Turtle!

Wayne immediately grabbed the rebound. Wayne was full of confidence in Gui Shao's zombie jump shot!

"Oops~" Mr. Turtle waved his hand and smiled apologetically at Durant.

Durant smiled on the outside, but felt MMP in his heart.

Didn't you clamor before the game to prove yourself again? ?

Why can’t I make the first big open shot?

Are you kidding me? ?

Two rounds later, in the same situation, Curry got another shot.

This time, although Turtle caught up in time to interfere with the shot, everyone knew that Curry's shot could not be interfered casually.


"Fuck!" Curry looked helplessly at the basketball that bounced out of the frame.

Damn it’s really hard not having a good night’s sleep!

Turtle once again got a rebound - this is thanks to the Serbian Kostic. His good habit of just blocking the position without grabbing the rebound allows Turtle to always pick up the ready-made one.

It smells a bit like sewerage.

After Agui got the rebound, he made another one-stop breakthrough, but this time, Teacher Tony caught up in time and tried to force Guigui to stop.

Seeing this situation, Turtle suddenly stopped and made a jump shot.

His movements were as stiff as a robot, and his shots were also very hard.


The basketball hit the neck of the basket directly.

Everyone in KD is stupid, why did I have expectations for you before?

Then, the first quarter of the game was spent in the "fuck" of the primary school students and the "Duang" of the turtles.

The two hit each other hard enough to make the fans' heads hurt.

24 to 23, the Trail Blazers only led the Thunder by 1 point.

Both KD and Wayne performed normally, but Turtle and Curry, one is stronger than the other!

Yes, both starting point guards have cashed in.

This game is destined to be resolved by Wei Ge and Du Laoer.

This incident told Durant one thing - Agui couldn't believe it!

But Scott Brooks will not let Wayne and KD attack each other.

Curry felt his crotch stretch today, which means that as long as he tries his best to contain Wayne, he has a chance to win the game!

Sister-in-law: I’m a Spaniard who doesn’t want to lose face! ?

So, Brooks walked up to Brother ** and decided not to use Jeff Green today.

"Serge, you targeted Wayne in the second quarter. I don't care what method you use, you have to stop him!"

Ibaka stood up, stretched his muscles, and lifted the stick on his pants.

The Thunder's most grumpy guy is on the line.

Here comes the update of 10,000 words~

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