I am Really an Insider

Chapter 497 494: Goodbye Xiaoshuai, the new blood of the Development League (5.3K votes requested)

The Trail Blazers defeated the Thunder 2-0. In the eyes of most people, Wayne has secured the victory.

Because in these two games, it can be said that there is no suspense. Even in Okura, it would be difficult for the Thunder to restore the situation at home.

Unless the Thunder can win two games in a row in Okura, they will die anyway.

It's just a difference between dying at home or dying outside.

Wang Xiaoshuai was basically beaten to pieces after these two games.

As the league's leading scorer, he was limited to nothing in the playoffs. This is simply a favorite topic among fans.

Even on the Rabbit Family website, there are many posts about Wang Xiaoshuai.

"In two games, he made 13 of 38 shots. How good is Durant among all previous scoring leaders?"

"If you don't understand, just ask. Why was Durant, who watched the game late and stretched his hips like this, called Little Wayne in the first place?"

"How do Tracy McGrady and Durant compare in the playoffs?"

Wayne had never seen this scene before.

When Wayne used to watch the game, the Thunder didn't play well in the playoffs, and all the games were turtle-killing meetings.

Everyone is saying that KD tried his best, but Guigui is really cheating.

It's good now, everyone is having a meeting with Wang Xiaoshuai.

Wayne thought that Agui didn't play well yesterday. Not to mention the shooting percentage, just 7 turnovers in a single game was outrageous.

Not as good as Durant!

But there is no way, who makes you the scoring champion?

Who makes people compare you to me, Godway?

As the center of attention, Won gets to enjoy all the spotlight.

If you lose, you have to take the blame for Turtle.

I guess Durant is busy confronting netizens online now.

It's okay, Wayne understands.

For boys, they like to surf the Internet and play with mobile phones, which are already very healthy hobbies.

It's better than being so angry that you don't go home at four in the morning after losing.

Well, don't think that Ha Jishi started to let himself go after going to Houston.

When he was in Okura, he was already a nightclub boss.

It is said that during the 2012 Finals, Ha Jishi went to Miami to play away games, and he did not forget to go to the south coast and leave a lot of gold and spirit.

That's the finals, brothers.

Going back today, Harden can only use alcohol to numb his pain.

The Trail Blazers defeated the Thunder again at home, and another carnival was going on in Beaverton, Oregon.

Danny Green used 6 three-pointers in a single game to help the Beaverton Raiders win the G League championship trophy.

Not many people paid attention to this game. Most of the people who came to watch were scouts and players' families.

After all, the NBA is in full swing, and who wants to pay attention to the G League finals?

On the court, Danny Green and Stephenson hugged each other. This New York genius no longer has any of the superiority of a New Yorker. In addition to being taught a lesson by Wei Ge when he first entered the league, it is also because he fully realized that he is nothing great during the year he played in the Development League.

Well, it's nothing special. He just won the regular season MVP of the Development League and was a multi-T player in a single season.

But Finson knows that if you want to play for the Trail Blazers, a mere Development League MVP is nothing.

He still needs to work harder to embrace true honor.

Danny Green and Stephenson led the team all the way through, allowing the Trail Blazers' Development League team to win from start to finish.

Today, he won another cup in the finals, which made Grant, the Trail Blazers scout present, very excited.

After all, I have been with those two guys for a whole year, and I have developed feelings for them.

Danny Green plays excellent defense. The three-pointer that was once a shortcoming has now become his advantage.

He has reached his peak in the Development League, and it is time for him to go to a higher level league to experience.

And Stephenson is simply the all-around king in the NCAA. Except for occasionally imitating Jordan, holding the ball with one hand and pretending to beep, only to be cut off, Stephenson's performance is perfect.

Fierce passing, precise long-range shots, Liu Bie's singles with the ball, violent dunks, and excellent defense.

He is a low-IQ version of Jordan!

There's nothing he can't do, there's nothing he can't do.

Moreover, Stephenson's fighting spirit is something Grant admires very much. In the scouting reports he sent back to the team, almost every issue emphasized this guy's fighting spirit.

He fights for every ball, is not afraid of confrontation, and even enjoys it.

Of course, the problem that comes with it is that he ranks first in the Development League in the number of technical fouls.

However, this is quite in line with the Blazers' style and in line with Wayne's appetite.

Generally speaking, Stephenson is a player who occasionally lets himself go and does some crazy things, but has good abilities.

Grant is preparing to send the last scouting report of the two back to the Trail Blazers.

Hopefully next season.

You can see these two guys on the NBA court.

The next day, the sports section of the local newspaper in Oregon was full of news about the Trail Blazers winning.

Wayne took the newspaper and looked at Tony: "Look, our Development League team has won the championship."

Tony's reaction surprised Wayne: "What the hell? We still have a Development League team?"


Well, Wayne admitted that the Blazers' G League presence is indeed low.

Moreover, in the original history, the Trail Blazers stopped cooperating with the Development League in 14 years.

Until 2020, the Trail Blazers and Nuggets are still the only two teams in the league without a Development League affiliated team.

If it weren't for themselves, the Blazers wouldn't have drafted Green and Stephenson, and they wouldn't have gone to the Development League. Then the Blazers' Development League team would probably have the same sense of existence as before.

"Are the man named Danny Green and the New York kid you lectured so brave? Where are they? Where is the news about winning the championship? Why didn't I see it?" Tony took the newspaper and looked for it.

"Oh, look at the slit!"

Tony "The Seam" was speechless. The local newspaper was so disrespectful to the Development League team.

Although he only wrote a few sentences, Tony still found that Danny Green and Stephenson had something.

One shot 46% from three-point range and averaged 22+7+8 per game.

A regular season MVP and a finals MVP.

Quite bluffing.

"Do you think they can play in the NBA next season?"

"Well, I think they should be ready. The Development League team has already won the championship, and we have to keep up our efforts." Wayne looked at the report in the newspaper and smiled happily.

It's begun, Wayne's plan has begun to work!

As talent continues to grow, it is possible to win consecutive championships or even three consecutive championships!

Green and Stephenson are almost leveled up and will basically be ready to use next season.

So now, what Wayne needs to do is to give his road to consecutive championships a good start!

April 21st, Trail Blazers VS Thunder G3.

Oklahoma City, Chesapeake Energy Arena.

There is an unwritten rule when Okura fans watch the game at home, that is, they will not sit down and all stand up before the team scores the first sports goal of the game.

After all, the Thunder are still a young team, and this can be regarded as a way to cultivate fan culture.

However, today, this routine made Thunder fans extremely embarrassed.

Because they were just in their home court and were punished to stand for two minutes!

The Thunder did not score in a sports game in the first two minutes of the game today!

Durant changed his strategy today. He no longer shoots from the outside. He plans to use breakthroughs to increase scoring efficiency.

However, Wang Xiaoshuai's rush to the frame was not smooth and he failed to score directly.

Fortunately, he got 4 free throw opportunities.

However, free throws do not count as sports goals, so Thunder fans can only stand there.

It wasn't until two minutes later that Sefolosha hit a three-pointer from beyond the three-point line, and the Thunder fans finally came to the bench.

This unwritten rule may seem very personal at first glance, but if the team doesn't score, it's really just embarrassing.

Later, Du Xiaoshuai once found the feeling of scoring, combining shots and sudden attacks, which also made Tony a little embarrassed.

Finally, in the third game of the playoffs, the scoring leader found his target!

Just when everyone thought the Thunder was finally going to counterattack at home, Mr. Turtle stood up and told everyone: "No, you don't want to!"

At the end of the first half, the Thunder led the Trail Blazers by 5 points. Du Xiaoshuai scored 23 points in the half with 7 of 12 shots. Gui Shao also scored 18 points in the half.

The power is amazing.

In the second half, Turtle suddenly changed. He only made 3 of 11 shots in the second half, and he rushed to the basket many times at critical moments.

Looking at Agui's performance, Wayne felt a little sympathy for Wang Xiaoshuai to be honest.

In the past, at this time in 2011, I didn’t think anything of Gui Shao.

Only now can I realize that the efficiency of this product is already so terrifying.

He really has no brains!

The more critical the moment, the easier it is to get brain-heated.

Once the brain gets hot, he won't tell you about the timing to take action.

Fight however you want.

More than once, Wayne saw Durant's request for the ball being ignored, and then watched as Turtle plunged into the paint and twisted into a twist and missed a layup, or missed a sudden point.

In the past, Wayne was very curious. You said Durant was so good, why did he surrender to the enemy?

Now, Wayne is very curious, how the hell did you tolerate him for so many years.

Of course, even though Agui let himself go in the second half, the Thunder still had the foundation left in the first half.

The real last straw for the Thunder was Wei Ge.

Durant played well today, and Wayne also stepped up his efforts to beat Ibaka.

Wayne knew that Ibaka was long and hard, so he didn't compete with Ibaka in terms of brute force, but in skills.

A variety of singles jump shots and back-up moves left Ibaka full of question marks.

The points Durant scored on Tony were all returned by Wayne on Ibaka.

In the end, Wayne scored 34 points on 12-for-22 shooting, and Durant scored 33 points on 11-for-21 shooting.

No matter what, your brother Wei has the ability to beat you by one point!

Are you angry? Are you angry?

It’s best if you’re mad as hell!

I want hostile value! Hostile value!

114 to 105, the Trail Blazers defeated the Thunder by 9 points, turning the total score of the series into 3 to 0, and officially got the match point!

Today, Durant's performance can no longer be faulted. He shot 52.4% from the field, grabbed 11 rebounds, sent 1 block and 2 steals.

Du Xiaoshuai really tried his best.

But Wayne easily did what Durant tried his best to do.

Yes, easily.

Durant played this game for a full 44 minutes, with an average of only one minute of rest per game.

And what about Wayne? He only played 38 minutes and could do better than Durant.

Facts have proved that your brother Wei is still your brother Wei.

This game let all Thunder fans know that there is no need to struggle.

No matter how well Durant plays, Wayne can play better than Durant.

At this stage, no matter how hard Durant climbs, he still can't get over Wayne's five-finger mountain.

Two days later, the frustrated Thunder lost their final game of the season at home.

Durant did not continue to explode. He scored 23 points on 8 of 20 shots. Wayne scored 26 points in only 15 shots. The difference was clear.

In the unwilling eyes of Okura fans, the young Thunder were swept 4-0 by the Trail Blazers in the first round of the playoffs.

It's hard for the scoring champion to win in the playoffs, and Durant was completely defeated again in front of Wayne.

He lost the competition for the scoring title last season. He lost at the World Championships last summer.

In this year's playoffs, he lost again.

Wayne became the label and shadow of his career.

After the series, the hostility between Durant and Wayne was only the last bit away from the first mark.

Adu, why can't you hate me a little more?

Is it Brother Wei, did I fail to do something right?

I've beaten you up to this point, are you still interested in being separated by a layer of paper?

Durant doesn't want to hate now, he just feels sad.

Inadvertently, he sang: "I should be under the car, not in the car."

After the series, looking at Durant and Turtle's retreating figures, Wayne shook his head.

In the original history, the team that reached the Western Conference Finals in 2011 was eliminated in the first round with 0 wins.

What kind of magical matchup is this year?

Here, a Western Conference Finals-level team has gone fishing in advance.


This won't be the last strong team to go out early.

I'm talking about you, Pao'er, you must hold on.

I'm still looking forward to playing a father-son game with you in the Western Conference Finals.

But the Silver Horn King, who played a very important role in the original history, Wayne couldn't bear to let him leave early.

Wayne only felt lucky that fortunately, he was not the one confronting Mavericks in person.

However, this dilemma will soon be revealed to Wayne.

Tomorrow, Naochi and Chairman Yao should be able to sweep the Nuggets 4-0 and advance.

Wayne is about to face a struggling series.

I don’t want to be eliminated myself, nor do I want my opponent to be eliminated.

what to do? It's urgent, waiting online.

At the press conference at the end of the series, Wayne struggled for a long time, but still showed mercy and gave Du Xiaoshuai some relatively positive comments.

"He's great, he's a great young man."

"I don't know, maybe next season they will be title contenders."

"It's hard to imagine that such a young team can perform so well in the playoffs."

Wayne originally wanted to use his venomous words to fill up the last bit of hostility.

But after thinking about it, I decided to be a human being.

Except for his real enemies like the old thief Vicky, Wayne usually doesn't take the initiative to stir up trouble.

It's still a bit excessive to deliberately slander others just for a reward.

Besides, with the urinary nature of this broken system, I might give you some sort of reward.

In Durant's case, if he were offered something like taking a sip of bath water to increase the chance of adding points, would you drink it or not?

Of course, Durant is not so naive that after receiving a few compliments from Wayne, he will consider the thief his father.

Do you think everyone is Paul?

Pao'er:? ? ?

What's wrong with me again?

Xiao Du knew that Wayne was just saying nice things in front of the media, and of course he acknowledged that Wayne had saved a bit of face for himself.

However, this still cannot change Adu's determination to regard Wayne as his lifelong enemy.

He will work harder to make the Thunder better!

Wayne: The stumbling block to your success is not me, but the man in the sewer.

Finally, the Trail Blazers finished the first round.

Overall, Wayne is very satisfied. Not only did he win, he also won without any effort.

In these four games combined, Wayne has faced off against Durant more times than he can count on one hand.

Therefore, Wayne played very easily.

He has enough physical strength to face the challenges ahead.

Now, Wayne can be a spectator and take a good look at the matches of several other teams.

Less than 10 minutes after Wayne won the Thunder, in the Bay Area, Oracle Arena.

Thousands of fans are shouting three letters - MVP.

"All the fans stood up. Chris Paul was controlling the ball, and Kidd was defending him very closely!"

The on-site commentator also stood up, because at this time, there were 13 seconds left in the game, and the Mavericks and Warriors were tied at 109.

Paul has a chance to kill the game!

Paul was panting. When the team last timed out, he had already heard the news that the Trail Blazers advanced 4-0.

He was happy for Wayne, but at the same time, he wasn't willing to settle for anything less.

Kidd was very close, and the experienced old point guard used his body and height to put pressure on Paul.

Paul listened to the shouts of the fans and steadily controlled the ball.

Howard mentioned the high post, ready to set a screen for Paul at any time.

But Paul didn't call tactics, 10 seconds, 9 seconds, 8 seconds. Until the last 5 seconds, Paul still didn't call tactics, but suddenly started!

Kidd tried to block Paul with his body, but Warriors No. 3 was too fast.

He couldn't catch up at all.

Seeing this situation, Dirk immediately switched defense.

Although Pao'er was fast, he didn't completely get rid of Kidd.

Kidd is so strong that Paul thinks the old guy has no problem leading the forward line.

At the same time, Pao'er also saw Dirk guarding the basket.

He knew that he was being double-teamed!

But what can he do?

If Love is here, he is very willing to give the last offensive opportunity to the big man with a soft touch.

But now his only option is to hit the ball to Howard. That guy, what else can he do besides dunking?

"Fuck!" Paoer yelled, are you going to lose the game again?

No, I must, must meet Wayne in the Western Conference Finals!

There is no way I can fall here!

Pao'er suddenly stopped, shook off Kidd, and then threw the ball toward the basket.

At this time, Dirk rushed in, but the basketball flew back past his fingertips.

Pao'er stared at the basketball, which bounced on the frame.

Howard rushed up and tried to make up for the dunk.

But there was Chandler in front of him, and Howard hit Chandler's shoulder and fell over.

But before that, the basketball bounced on the rim and crashed gently into the net.

The timer stopped and there was only 1 second left.

"In, in! St. Paul! St. Paul! He killed the game, the great Chris Paul, the eternal MVP of the Bay Area! His tenacity allowed the Warriors to escape death again!

As long as he can survive the first round, as long as he can survive the first round, Love can return from injury!

Therefore, Paul will not allow his team to be eliminated in the first round! "

The Oracle Arena was boiling, and the logo man also stood up at that moment, raising his arms high.

The Mavericks had no timeouts and had to take long-distance shots from the backcourt.

In other words, the probability of counter-killing is approximately 0.

Paul's layup helped the team tie the series score at 2-2!

Paul did not celebrate wantonly, but rushed over and pulled Howard up who had just tried his best to make up the dunk.

Howard also laughed, as if there was never any conflict between them.

Brother Wei, wait for me to come!

Pao'er looked firmly ahead, longing for the day she would meet Wayne.

Playing against Wayne on the top stage has been his long-cherished wish.

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