I am Really an Insider

Chapter 501 498: The intensity of the confrontation is full, and the match-fixing war is coming (6.9

After the first quarter of the game, in addition to discovering that Wayne and Najia were really fierce, everyone also found that the referee seemed reluctant to blow the whistle today.

It seems that the referees are here to chat. You beat yours and we chat with ours without interfering with each other.

Experienced Zen masters know that this is the alliance's tacit approval of the confrontation between the two teams!

Therefore, Master Zen asked the team to be more physical starting from the second quarter!

"We're going to make the Trail Blazers struggle every time they attack!"

On the other side, the extremely smart Carlisle did not miss this detail.

"Tony, you have to be tighter on Kobe's defense next time. It doesn't matter if you make bigger moves, the referee has nothing to do with it today!"

The two coaches really didn't take the referees seriously.

If we say, the first quarter was just testing each other between Wayne and Kobe.

Then in the second quarter, this series really turned into a war.

"Tony, the defense was very tight. He entangled Kobe and didn't give him a chance to catch the ball!"

Mike Breen watched with excitement. Tony Allen's defense against Kobe Bryant in the second quarter had reached the point where he did everything possible.

You know, Kobe hadn't even caught the ball yet, and the confrontation was already so intense.

While Tony was roughly guarding Kobe, Carlisle was also staring nervously at the referee.

Tony, what does this mean?

It is equivalent to testing the referee on the verge of death, testing the referee's bottom line today.

As a result, Carlisle never expected that these referees would be the kind of people who have no bottom line!

It's all like this, but there is no reaction.

Under Tony's diligent defense, the old fish finally failed to feed the ball to Kobe.

As soon as he passed the ball to Nagging, Tony stretched out his hand from behind Nagging and knocked the ball out of bounds.

After a round of confrontation with big men, Kobe was sweating profusely.

Do you think Tony is relaxed?

It’s also very tiring to support others!

Because Naochi couldn't catch the ball for the time being, he then attacked Laoyu and found Zangtai in the bottom corner.

The current Tai is like the Green after the Warriors peak when Wayne was watching the game.

There is a similarity between them.


No, no, no, it’s a three-point iron!

The stupid young man who was instantly killed at the Palace of Auburn Hills is now 32 years old.

The strength of his legs and feet is not as good as before. In addition, Zingtai is a muscular player and his touch is inherently stiff, which makes his three-pointers no longer so stable this season.

Artest missed the shot, and the Lakers' offense ultimately ended in failure.

But the Trail Blazers fans were not happy for long, because after the Trail Blazers beat them, the defense there was not friendly.

Tony proved that several referees today had no bottom line, and the Lakers took full advantage of this lack of bottom line.

In this offense, the junior tried one from outside the three-point line, but failed to hit it.

Nacha's defense is still fierce. It's not easy for elementary school students to become super gods.

The basketball bounced out of the frame. Because it was a three-pointer, the basketball bounced a little further.

Wayne took advantage of this opportunity and grabbed the offensive rebound over the heads of Chairman Yao and his sister-in-law, who had difficulty jumping.

"Wei got the offensive basketball, can he succeed in the second attack!?"

Wayne naturally did not hesitate after grabbing the rebound and immediately took off a second time for a layup.

At this time, both Yao Ming and O'Dangdang came towards Wayne. O'Dangdang also hit Wayne hard, causing Wayne to miss the layup.

"Fuck" Wayne was hit so hard that the referee was watching from the bottom line with the whistle in his mouth but didn't blow!

If this kind of ball is placed in the regular season, the buzzer will sound.

But Wayne also knew that now was not the time to complain. After missing the layup, Wayne jumped up again and once again caught the offensive basketball!

The previous continuous bouncing was not in vain.

At this time, Wayne was surrounded by people and hands, and there was no gap for him to pass the ball through.

As the Trail Blazers' most dangerous man, Wayne stands in the three-second zone, so the Lakers naturally have to defend him with all their strength.

There was no other way, so Wayne could only forcefully take off in the crowd and try again for a layup.

This time, as soon as Wayne jumped up, the basketball was knocked away by Chairman Yao standing behind him.

Although Yao Ming is tall, with Wayne's bullet speed, he can't risk it standing up.

The reason why Chairman Yao was able to challenge Wayne on this shot was because Tai was holding onto Wayne's jersey from underneath, and Wayne couldn't jump at all!

The referee still stood outside the baseline, watching everything happening on the court, indifferent.

It was as if he was telling Wayne: "It's okay, I'll hit you guys, don't worry about me, I'll take a stroll."

These two attacks gave Nao Nai amusement, retribution, retribution!

Do you think I'm the only one suffering?

You, Gao Dewei, won’t have a good day either, hahahaha!

After the ball was knocked down, Wayne subconsciously bent down to fish it out, and then he picked it up again!

The moment Wayne picked up the basketball, countless strong men were crowding around him crazily.

There was no other way around it. Wayne pushed away Odom and jumped up again for a layup!

This time, Nagging and Tai jumped to the left and right to block the ball. After a fierce collision in the air, Wayne's body was completely unbalanced and he missed the layup again!

Three consecutive misses from the basket!

Tony: I didn’t expect that, Brother Wei, you are not weak either! 0 for 3 under the basket!

This time, Wayne fell down in the fierce confrontation, and Chairman Yao finally protected the backboard, and the brawl ended.

Wayne lay on the ground, truly convinced.

This confrontation was so bad that he just threw his fists!

Five or six years after getting this ball, it would be enough for Wayne to make six free throws.

It's also Wayne's fault, he's not very skilled. If Wayne had known Du Xiaoshuai's big loop move, could so many things have happened?

But Wayne was not discouraged and did not complain to the referee.

He quickly climbed up from the ground and immediately participated in the defense.

This kind of confrontation is worthy of this fateful showdown!

Such a confrontation would be wild enough to be fought with Nacha!

It's not impossible to fight against a fierce opponent. As long as the referee's whistle blows are consistent for both sides, Wayne doesn't mind if the whistle is a little looser.

You don't want one team to be loose and the other team to be tight. If you want to be aggressive, everyone can be aggressive together and that's it.

After the opening two rounds, the fans' enthusiasm became even higher.

Confrontational sports are nothing if not confrontational.

People in WWE still have to fall for real when they fake a fight, why can’t they be more realistic when playing basketball?

Those who can score goals and score high points in such confrontations are the real stars!

In this way, not long after the start of the second quarter, the physical contact on the field had reached the threshold.

Both teams are very rough, and there are definitely many who can attack.

In the fifth minute of the second quarter, Chairman Yao received the basketball in the low post, leaned on his sister-in-law and turned around to hook the ball.

Today, my sister-in-law was no longer soft and carried it up very forcefully. In addition, Wayne jumped from the other side and the basketball was blocked by Chairman Yao.

Wayne naturally collided with Chairman Yao very hard in the air, but by today's standards, this was a routine operation.

After the basketball was slapped away, Chairman Yao caught the basketball again, then turned around and made another hook in the crowd, and then scored the ball.

So much so that when Yao Ming retreated from defense, he couldn't help but put his hands on his knees and take a deep breath.

Two minutes later, Wayne made a layup. After getting into the inside line, Taitai and Chairman Yao raised their arms and attacked, while Odangdang sneaked behind and stabbed the jersey in the back.

No matter how strong Wayne is in confrontation, he still can't score this goal.

In fact, Wayne couldn't aim at all and could only subconsciously throw the ball toward the basket and then fall heavily to the ground.

But because the basketball was thrown too casually, it was rubbed by Yao Ming's finger and he got angry.

After Wayne fell, he heard a "pop" sound.

This is the referee applauding.

In some more controversial defenses, if the referee applauds, it means it was a good risk and the game continues!

"This is not a foul. The confrontation in today's game was too fierce, and the referee also acquiesced to the intensity of the confrontation!" Director Zhang at the scene was sweating profusely. This confrontation was not a dream back to the 1990s, but in It is also unique in the playoffs of the 21st century.

The two sides were fighting to the death, colliding, falling, and falling to the ground to save, which happened in almost every round.

Everyone is 100% committed and everyone is trying their best.

As a result, the scores of both sides were not as high as they were in the first quarter.

After the second quarter, Naochi only scored 6 points, and Wayne only had 2 points more than Naochi.

You know, the two of them scored 12 points in the first quarter like chopping melons and vegetables.

This is what happened to Naochi and Wayne. Needless to say, the others didn't score much either.

I can't understand the joke while watching the game.

He originally thought that after fewer goals were scored and the shooting percentage became lower in the second quarter, the ratings would decline.


After the second quarter, the ratings were even higher!

No, most of the celestial sphere cannot be reached, so what is there to see?

Those three-pointers came in one after another, and the whole half game was 60 or 70 points, isn't it great?

Fans said, this ball is so damn good-looking!

I just love watching this kind of confrontation, it’s exciting!

Stern smiled. The Lakers and Trail Blazers are indeed the treasures of the league.

Among other teams, Stern may not dare to set such a standard.

But the Blazers and Lakers have always been about basketball. No matter how fierce the game was, there was never any conflict on the court.

Then be bold and build it!

At the end of the half, 48 to 51, the Trail Blazers were temporarily behind by 3 points, with the outcome still undecided.

It was like this in the first half, why shouldn’t we take off in the second half?

The fans at the scene were reluctant to leave their seats, for fear of buying popcorn and missing the beginning of the second half of the game.

There was even an irritable old man who solved his physical problem on the spot with a wine bottle, because he was afraid that he would not be able to come back in time to watch the beginning of the second half of the game after going to pee.

Good guy, you can't fit that mouthful of Wayne in anyway.

Everyone watching the fun was excited, but those playing the game were autistic.

This confrontation intensity consumes a lot of physical energy. Play half a game as a full regular season game, so to speak.

Wayne couldn't understand it. With the intensity of the competition in the future, many stars would still take turns taking turns.

Wayne's physical fitness was 97, and he felt a little tired after half the game. For others, they basically died.

Tony has been chatted to death, and the elementary school student has been pestered to the point where his shooting rate is worrying.

Although Wu Sheng didn't say anything, it could be seen that he was also exhausted.

The Lakers were not much better either. Chairman Yao felt that his legs were almost giving way, and Odangdang kept sweating.

Already her kidneys were wasted by Kardashian, but she was still so desperate on the court, Odangdang said that she couldn't stand it.

Even a physical monster like Na Na was out of breath during the halftime break.

Carlisle and Zen Master walked into the locker room, both looking solemn.

Now, there is almost no need to arrange defensive tactics. Now the defense of both sides is tough enough, the key is how to score goals.

Both of them focused on arranging their offense during the halftime break, and then in the third quarter, both of them found out.

It’s totally useless!

Under the rough attack of the opponent, Curry felt average today. Although he could not score 8 points in a single game, he could not kill anyone.

On the other side, Chairman Yao consumes a lot of energy, and now he can only take care of defense and offense.

After the confrontation, Zitai's defense was fierce, but his jump shot was as hard as Gui Shao.

Odangdang was also so tired that he had no sense of touch and could not produce stable output at all.

On the bench, the Trail Blazers' Matthews and Dragic were able to score goals, but their firepower was limited.

On the Lakers side, Barnes, Shannon Brown and others failed to perform at all.

Both teams' shooting percentages were abysmal.

It's not that it's impossible for role players to adapt to such a confrontation, but it does take some time.

How strong is the confrontation today? He's so strong that he won't even let his teammates go.

One time, Curry held the ball and broke through Derek Fisher, the shot-calling master. Why did Curry choose to break through at that time? Because he saw Lao Yu actually lifting his trouser legs!

Wayne once told him that if he saw an old fish pulling up his trouser legs, don’t be suspicious, just jump right in!

So Curry did it, and the effect was really good.

Seeing the old fish being passed by Curry and saying "Oh, there are really two brushes" there, I was really convinced.

Are you doing NM?

So, Tai chased Curry, preparing to pursue the risk.

However, because Curry was too fast, Tai did not touch the ball after jumping up. Instead, he rode on the old fish's back.

The old fish suddenly lost his center of gravity and rushed towards the bottom line with Tai Tai on his back. The two stayed and flew together, and both fell out of the baseline.

At that time, Lao Yu was like, "Damn it, brother Tai, I don't think I've ever had sex with you!"

This ridiculous scene can be regarded as a little adjustment in this tense game.

But it also shows how intense this game is.

It really echoes that sentence: "When I go crazy, I won't even let my teammates go!"

After three quarters, the Trail Blazers went ahead by 1 point, but the score was still not open.

Both Zen Master and Carlisle knew at this time that it was impossible to rely on others to break the deadlock today.

Now this defensive intensity, now this situation. If you want to win the game, there is only one way - see who can score more false goals under such a defense between Najia and Wayne!

Others can't score anyway, so let them defend!

It's time for the value of superstars to be reflected.

After three quarters, both Naochi and Wayne were on the edge of their limits.

Wayne scored 27 points in the third quarter and Nao Nai scored 22 points in the third quarter.

Neither score was exaggerated, but the performance from both men was impressive.

Because whenever a goal is scored, it is basically a wonderful goal.

During the break, Wayne took a look at his own and Nacha's shooting percentages, and they were both not high.

But there is no joke in the fourth quarter, we must find a way to hold up the score.

The good thing is that the interference shooting attribute was added before, so there is really no round where I can score easily.

This is how a battle between gods begins.

As soon as the fourth quarter started, Nachai took Tony's three-pointer from outside the three-point line.

A three-pointer from the front usually means luck is greater than strength.

After Nacha scored, he was stunned for a moment, but he still put on an expression of "I'm just so stupid."

Luck, luck. If you are strong enough, you can control your luck!

After Wayne passed by, two people completed the layup.

The two Queensbridge brothers almost pulled down Wayne's shorts, but they were unable to stop Wayne from scoring.

This ball was even called a foul by the referee, which shows how rough it was.

After Wayne fell, he quickly looked at his shorts. Fortunately, they had not been taken off.

Otherwise this is another story of social death.

These two false kicks at the beginning of the fourth quarter laid the foundation for the entire fourth quarter.

In this fourth quarter, it was suddenly turned into a match-fixing highlight by Wayne and Najia.

The fans were really happy to see it. Naochi and Wayne never gave in to each other and always had a response.

The score remained deadlocked.

The most irritating thing is that as the game time decreases, the ball played by Wayne and Nacha becomes more and more fake.

"This is a great performance. No matter who wins or loses, I want to say that both Way and Kobe are great!" Veterans like Mike Breen are excited to watch this game, and the shock this game brings to others it goes without saying.

Wayne and Kobe used practical actions to explain what it means to be a superstar.

The two sides stayed off until the last minute and a half, nagging for the ball, and the Lakers fell behind by 1 point.

The Lakers tried several offenses but failed. Wu Sheng was very hardworking, and he ran back and forth between nagging and cowarding several times in a row.

By now, Wu Sheng must have been exhausted.

But he can still be so active in assisting defense, which is enough to illustrate his determination.

The fighting spirit of both teams has been boosted!

In the end, Nachi had to take the ball and play in singles.

He and Odom played pick-and-rolls, hoping to pull Wayne out.

After taking advantage of the screen, Nachi suddenly slowed down and prepared to shoot.

Of course, Wayne jumped up to block the ball without hesitation. Little did he know that Nao Nai was just doing a fake act of praying to the Buddha.

"I'll go! I didn't expect that you, the great Kobe Bryant, would actually come to lie to you!" Wayne was convinced, so was I sincere?

Nacha swayed Wayne and rushed into the penalty area, but how could the old lady be at the mercy of others?

He rushed out immediately, jumped up together with Najia, and covered Najia tightly.

This time, whether it was the timing of the jump or the angle of the shot, Gasol did it perfectly.

In the air, A-Sao stretched out her arms as much as possible, and Nao-Chi did not have a shooting angle.

So, Najia kept holding the ball in his hands until both of their bodies began to fall.

"This" sister-in-law was stunned. His body must have declined faster than Kobe's, and she had difficulty jumping in the first place.

Just like that, Kobe waited for Gasol to fall, and then took the ball while he was also falling!

The basketball bounced twice on the rim and fell into the net.

Under Gasol's perfect defense, Kobe used his stronger ability to stay in the air and scored an extremely abnormal goal!

The less time it is, the more false the goal will be!

"It's in. Kobe's goal was amazing. Oh my god, Gasol has done his best. Kobe actually waited until someone's whereabouts were found before he took action. It's terrible!"

The Lakers went ahead by 1 point, with less than a minute left in the game, and the Trail Blazers had the ball!

The fans of the Trail Blazers are a little nervous. It is extremely difficult to score a goal in today's game.

Although there is still nearly 1 minute left, I am still nervous.

Every ball is a key ball, every round is like the last round.

This time Wayne asked for the ball directly in the low post and wasted no time.

Curry quickly gave the ball to Wayne. He admitted that he was very nervous when holding the ball.

He could feel that this kind of game was not something he could control.

This is completely different from the regular season!

It’s even completely different from last season’s playoffs!

Wayne received the basketball on the right side of the three-second zone and planned to end the offense with a turn-over jump shot.

However, both Yao Ming and Artest stepped on him.

Because Wayne's receiving position was too deep and closer to the baseline, Yao Ming and Artest were very smart to block Wayne's left side.

If Wayne turns towards the unmanned baseline and attacks the frame, it will be a negative angle, which is not easy to hit.

Wayne took a look and realized that an ordinary turn-over jump shot would definitely be useless. Yao Ming and Artest had already sealed their positions.

But shooting from a negative angle

At this point, Wayne decided to give it a try.

Yao Ming was shocked when he saw him resolutely half-turn toward the baseline. Was Wayne planning to shoot from a negative angle?

However, what happened next was more magical than Yao Ming imagined. It was not a negative angle shot, but a negative angle hook!

Outside the three-second zone, near the baseline, a hook shot from a negative angle!

Only in this way, Wayne will not be disturbed.

Lakers fans' eyes widened. This action is very similar to the action of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

The basketball passed over the heads of the three confused faces, and Carlisle felt that his heart was about to jump out.

After Wayne finished seducing him, he was trembling. He was so anxious that he couldn't think too much.

So much so that he felt a little scared after the hookup.



The basketball hits the net!

"In! Wei, he replicated the skyhook at Staples! God, did you see it!? This wonderful hook is simply possessed by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar! Leading, the Trail Blazers are leading again! "

After Mike Brin finished yelling, he fell back and couldn't believe what he just saw.

Fake beep balls such as negative angle sky hooks are now available.

God, Bodhisattva.

Wayne and Kobe, what is the upper limit of these two people! ?

Two monsters!

Nao Nai, who had seen strong winds and waves, froze on the spot, looking at the basket in disbelief.

Today, Naochi finally shouted out: "Oh my god, can I play with this!?"

Not to mention nagging, Wayne panicked when he saw the basketball hit the net.

Damn, he actually scored. This kind of goal is not scored by thousands of people, but it is whistled by thousands of people.

Wayne admitted that he was not 100% sure at the moment of taking action.

I won’t say anything else, thank you Yao Laotie for sending me the hook action in 2008!

Nao Ni was stunned for a moment when he saw this fake goal.

Nachi's knees were weak at this time, and the mid-air layup just now was his limit.

So, in the next high-profile attack, the mid-range fadeaway shot came up short!

It was already difficult for his legs to use force, so his throw was very awkward.

The moment the basketball was played, Lakers fans felt a thump in their hearts.

The nagging match-fixing was not continued!

At this time, there were more than thirty seconds left in the game, and the Lakers were only 1 point behind.

Therefore, the Lakers did not foul and prepared to defend hard.

Wayne is also exhausted. If he continues to fight hand-to-hand, there is no guarantee that Wayne will be able to enter.

Wayne felt that the negative-angle skyhook just now was the limit.

Seeing a bunch of people under the basket waiting to fight with him, Wayne swallowed his saliva.

It is conceivable that as soon as Wayne breaks through, all five members of the Lakers team will shrink.

Damn it, it’s not over yet.

Please let me go!

Wayne really didn't want to rush in again, not because he was afraid of the pain, but mainly because he was unsure.

While controlling the ball and advancing, Wayne thought, he must find a relatively easy opportunity!

Wait, chance?

Wayne glanced at Odangdang. Odangdang did not press Wayne closely, but retreated outside the three-point line.

Because he is not as fast as Wayne, Odangdang is afraid that Wayne will pass him by one step if the whole court presses him.

Opportunity... isn't this an opportunity?

Then, a surprising scene happened.

I saw Wayne personally controlling the ball for half the court, and then taking off to shoot directly from the edge of the Lakers' yellow logo!

Isn't this just an open shot? ?

"My day!" Carlisle stood up. To be precise, fans all over the world stood up.

Wayne is crazy!

Wayne is not crazy. Instead of rushing in and forcing a shot against two or three people, he might as well seize this open opportunity!

Anyway, Wayne's three-point attribute is high enough, and this ball can also get the double bonus of "big heart killer" and "super long range" at the same time.

Wayne feels that scoring a goal is not necessarily less efficient than scoring a goal.

Under the basket, players from both sides were fighting hand-to-hand, preparing to compete for rebounds.

The basketball drew a high arc, and the hearts of all fans around the world were hanging on.

Then, after a rainbow arc, the basketball jumped into the net, and Wayne's Logo Shot was hollow!

"WQNMLGB!" Nazai was confused, completely confused.

What scene has my old snake never seen in my life? I have experienced such outrageous things as a 0.4-second kill.


Wayne, you don’t have martial ethics!

This is what you did! ?

"Yes!" Wayne roared excitedly, opening his arms and preparing to hug his teammates.

But when I looked closely, I found that no one was moving. Everyone, whether teammates or opponents, coaches or fans, were staring at me in surprise.

"Uh, what's wrong with my shooting?" Wayne scratched his head.

I feel so embarrassed when you are like this!

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