I am Really an Insider

Chapter 511 508: The Western Conference finals ended at 2K. Watching Mousse’s game actually helped r

At the 1998 Nike Summit, everyone's attention was focused on the talented high school student Al Harrington.

But no one thought that this game would turn into a German solo performance.

A blond, thin, handsome European boy, he surprised scouts across the United States.

Because he can do almost anything on the basketball court, he can hit long shots, he can quickly control the ball across the half court, he can use fancy dribbling moves to pass people, he can guide the ball accurately, and he can also fight in the crowd. rebound.

People marveled at his superb skills and all-around performance. This young man named Nowitzki finally scored 33 points, 14 rebounds and 3 steals, eclipsing the American talents.

The then Celtics coach Rick Pitino believed that this kid could become the second Bird in the future.

After watching Dirk's trial training, Big Bird himself blew a rare rainbow fart: "Just talking about today's training match, this kid seems to be the number one player in history."

Big Beep's rainbow fart was very good. Pitino said that Dirk looked like Bird, and Bird said that Dirk seemed to be the best in history.

According to Bird's third law, Bird = first in history.

The logic is self-consistent and impeccable.

In the fall of 2003, five years after Dirk Nowitzki became famous all over the United States, an urban legend began to spread in NBA circles.

The story is bizarre and cliché - a super genius appeared out of nowhere and defeated All-Star forward Rasheed Wallace in a one-on-one matchup.

The bizarre thing about this story is that the so-called "super talent" is not a native player of the beautiful country.

Then, people discovered that he could also do a lot of things on the basketball court, just like Dirk at the 1998 Nike Summit.

In the 00-01 season, Dirk Nowitzki was in his third year. As a big man with a height of 2.13 meters, he hit 151 three-pointers that season - the eighth most in the season.

Under Dirk's leadership, the Mavericks reached the playoffs for the first time in 10 years. And in the first round, Dirk killed the historical wrestler Karl Malone.

In the second round of the cow-horse battle, Dirk and Duncan had sparks. At that time, Duncan was already an MVP-level player, but Nowitzki played back and forth with Duncan.

Including the fifth game of the series, Dirk scored 42 points and 18 rebounds against Duncan.

After defeating Karl Malone and fighting against Tim Duncan, Dirk began to dominate the league and became famous.

In the 06-07 season, Wayne was in his third grade. He had just experienced an unpleasant summer and flew from the big cornfield to the rose garden.

But no one expected that this ordinary star would leap into the ranks of superstars this year.

Three-point champion, double first team, All-Star MVP, regular season MVP, Finals MVP, the fourth MVP Grand Slam winner in NBA history.

And most importantly, the championship!

This is the first time that Wayne has won an NBA championship as the star player and absolute core.

If we talk about the previous championship with the Pacers, everyone still ridiculed Wayne's FMVP as the "crowdfunding MVP."

Well this time, Wayne's performance was enough to shut everyone up.

He is no longer a system player, he is a system in his own right.

In the third year of his career, like Dirk, Wayne completely made a name for himself.

The fates of these two people are still intertwined unconsciously.

In the summer of 2008, both Dirk and Wayne came on the court with a mission. Wayne hopes to create miracles at home, and Dirk also wants to win honor for his hometown.

Dirk tried his best, but unfortunately, he encountered the best Chinese national team in history.

This was the first collision between the two, but it was far less intense than this time.

Over the years, Dirk has suffered heartbreaking defeats. Over the years, Wayne has "created" a niche in the league.

The once handsome young man has become the Silver Horned King, and the former God of War in the Cornfield has become the Knight of the Rose.

In the summer of 2011, they faced a fateful showdown.

Wayne, who is in 11 years, urgently needs to prove himself again.

The team was reorganized and had just experienced a losing season.

He is no longer satisfied with intermittent championships. He hopes to leave a mark in the history of the league.

Three consecutive championships, a dynasty, is Wayne's goal.

Dirk, who is in 11 years, urgently needs to prove himself.

He has no extra time to waste. For players of his age, the window to win is getting smaller every year.

He is no longer satisfied with just being an ordinary star, he desires the highest level of honor.

He met a group of like-minded veterans who were all willing to burn one last time for the championship.

Then, these two guys stood here, looking at each other.

Western Conference Finals, 3 to 3, tiebreaker!

After the game, when Wayne walked into the tunnel, he kicked a trash can away.

Wayne was very angry. He couldn't believe that the Mavericks could play such a fake game.

70% three-point shooting percentage, good brothers, have you used up all your touch in this life?

If it weren't for Wayne knowing that the Mavericks had such exaggerated three-point performances in history, Wayne would really have yelled at him.

This game gave Wayne the feeling of playing 2K on the highest difficulty computer.

The difficulty mechanism of this game in 2K is very stupid.

Do you think that after you increase the difficulty, your opponents will use exquisite tactics, beautiful coordination, and become smarter? Will it be more reasonable?

I want to eat shit!

The system simply lowers your hit rate and then raises the opponent's hit rate to disgust you and make you want to smash the controller.

The computer is still playing as it should, except that it can now make shots that it couldn't make before, and it is difficult for you to make a shot in a wide open space.

Today's game felt like this, because both sides could no longer use any tactics. They just fought hard.

When Terry forced the three-pointer against Wayne, Wayne suddenly felt as if he was in the game.

The system bureau is simply a system bureau.

Now, the game is dragged into a tiebreaker, which is the last result Wayne wants to see.

In these two games, the team has been very tired.

Playing a tiebreaker at this time is simply driving people to a dead end.

After the kick, Wayne suddenly turned around, startling everyone.

Wayne walked back to the trash can angrily. Everyone thought Wayne was going to vent his anger with a follow-up shot.

Who knew, Wayne actually lifted the trash can.

They are indeed high-quality talents who have received the baptism of nine years of compulsory education!

Music rises, the light of the righteous path

The elementary school student followed Wayne, looking at Brother Wei who was squatting on the ground picking up trash, and curled his lips.

On the Mavericks side, Dirk and his teammates were still celebrating wildly.

It was crazy to win this game, they never stopped scoring three points from start to finish.

The Mavericks' chemistry is getting better and better because everyone trusts each other, so everyone is willing to pass the ball.

And because everyone is willing to pass the ball, everyone is willing to run without the ball endlessly without worrying about not being able to catch the ball after running for a long time.

The full potential of this team has been unleashed by the Trail Blazers, and now everyone recognizes that the Mavericks are already a championship-level team.

A group of ill-fated veterans who were not favored by the outside world, but fought fiercely with the most popular team in the league to the end. This is more popular than Slam Dunk Master.

At the post-game press conference, the Mavericks team turned into a large soup-making scene.

"This is an amazing series, every game is a war. Just a little mistake and the game could lead to another outcome.

Wayne was unbelievable, he couldn't defend at all. He's been flawless all series and I'll probably never be able to guard him. but"

Nowitzki first criticized Wayne, but at this time, the word "but" will definitely not be absent.

"But in this league, all we have to do is keep playing until the end of the game! Especially against an opponent like Wayne, you can be 20 points behind, but you have to fight.

You don't know what's going to happen, we just play hard!

This is how we got through it today. We keep telling ourselves that we are still breathing and we are not done yet! "

Good guy, this wave seems to be bragging about Wayne, but in fact it is still bragging about himself.

Dirk's chicken soup is so good that ordinary people can't make it.

Some people pretend to be so colorless and tasteless.

As for Wayne, he obviously didn't want to answer reporters' questions today.

He just told everyone: "We'll find a way, don't worry about us."

Dirk and Wayne, one seemed to be steaming with heat, while the other seemed too cold to approach.

After this game, Wayne promised that he would never compare Mousse's performance in the 2011 Finals again.

It's not that Mousse played poorly, it's that the Mavericks are really difficult to deal with.

To use Niu Mi's words, even if Jordan comes in 2011, he will be useless to you.

Is it a question of ability? That's because the Heat don't have a real point guard, so Mous has to play the role of organizer!

He sacrificed himself for the team, and he was willing to be Wade's second best.

Anyone who has watched the ball knows that since becoming the organizer in the 2011 Finals, the number of one-on-ones played by James with the ball in the game has dropped sharply.

That's it, you actually used 8 points in a single game in the finals to blackmail him. This is nonsense!

Okay, I've finished washing, who else wants to add?

Mousse: Brother Wei, we all know each other so well, you don’t have to beat around the bush to criticize me.

Speaking of Mousse, Wayne remembered that the Heat seemed to be struggling.

Busy racing with veteran drivers these days, Wayne didn't pay much attention to Mousse's news.

Just listening to the sports news earlier today, I suddenly heard that the Pacers were leading the Heat 3-2.

Tomorrow's game, if the Heat lose another game, they will be eliminated. God knows how much trouble there will be.

The Pacers did not disappoint, but to be honest, Wayne still hopes that the Heat can advance.

No, no, no, how could Wayne want to beat up the Class of 2003? You guys don’t treat Brother Wei as a human being.

Wayne has always been very gentle to the Class of 2003. First blood? What first blood?

James' first blood in the finals was just an accident.

It was a gift from Mousse. What could Wayne do?

The reason why Wayne wants the Heat to enter the finals is because this wave will make the hatred of the Heat's three giants worth it!

This group of veterans on the Mavericks are really too generous.

This series has been played like this, but Wayne has not reached a hostile relationship with them.

This is ridiculous. After unlocking the enemy system, Wayne has not yet gained any advantage from his opponents.

Therefore, Wayne can only start from the Big Three.

Come on Zhan Zhan, this time, Brother Wei, I really like you!

Back at the hotel, Wayne lay down tiredly.

Last season, the Trail Blazers overturned in the tiebreaker.

This time, don’t do it

The next day, in Game 6 between the Trail Blazers and the Mavericks, the fans had nothing to say except calling Liu Bip directly.

There are no new tactics, no new formation changes. Yes, it's the Mavericks' abnormal three-point shooting percentage.

The most people can discuss is whether Wayne can perform in the next game.

Everyone was tired, but Wei Ge was still standing, hard and erect, as if it was still early in the morning.

The atmosphere of the Western Conference tiebreaker is very tense, but the sixth game between the Heat and the Pacers seems to be just a foil to pass the boring time tonight.

Few people talk about the Eastern Conference games, so what else are they talking about? Does anyone still watch this basketball? We all see entertainment stars giving birth.

Wayne originally wanted to rest early so that he could have a showdown with Dirk tomorrow.

But at the same time, I am really curious about how the game between the Heat and Pacers turned out.

So, with a learning attitude, Wayne turned on the TV anxiously.

There's not much to say about the Heat's game.

Defense relies on pressure, and offense relies on counterattacks and small-scale cooperation of the stars.

To put it simply, it is the way the Dream Team plays in FIBA.

But in this game, Wayne started to see something more and more wrong.


Why is Mousse offline? ?

In today's game, Mousse's performance was not good.

The Pacers are also shrinking all the way now, so they will let the Heat shoot three-pointers for you.

The only ones for the Heat who can really hit three-pointers stably are Chalmers and Mike Miller.

But no matter how accurate these two are, they are only assistants. If your team has the Big Three, it is impossible to rely on these two to kill the game.

Therefore, the Heat's offense has struggled in these few games.

Especially Mousse, he played very awkwardly against Granger, who was blocked from the outside, and Hibbert, who was dark and tall inside.

Wade attacks with his back, and his turnaround jump shot and mid-range finish are very good.

Therefore, The Flash's performance is worth mentioning.

But Mousse really misfired, and Wayne could feel Mousse's struggle through the screen.

Seeing Mousse struggling like this, Si Bo thought to himself, stop messing around and give the ball to Wei!

Then, Mousse either plays without the ball or is assigned to organize

The more Mous fights, the worse he feels. The more he fights, the worse his condition becomes. And in such a state, it is easy to cause some ridiculous things.

For example, in the fifth minute of the third quarter, Mousse wanted to break through Granger's blockade on the outside.

According to the normal state of mousse, one change of direction and a hard crush are all it takes.

As a result, today's mousse changed hands behind his back, and the ball actually got stuck in the egg.

Wayne laughed unkindly at that time.

And this is just a microcosm of Mous' countless struggling moments in this series.

In this game, it can be said that Mousse was not doing everything right and his whole body was in a mess.

Whenever he gets the ball, you can smell the embarrassment.

This was the first time for Wayne to see Mouss lost like this in a game.

Can you say that the level of mousse is not good? No matter how bad your level is, you won't have to change hands behind the scenes to get stuck.

To use a popular saying on the Internet in the future, Mousse's mentality has collapsed.

Before the start of the playoffs, Mous thought: Easily reach the finals, kill Wayne, win FMVP, and reach the pinnacle of life.

What Mous experienced after the playoffs started: You can't even reach the Eastern Conference Finals.

The gap was so big that Mousse couldn't stand it. If he was blocked by a walker like this again, he would be immediately beaten stupidly.

In fact, Mousse really matured probably after the failure in 11 years.

Fortunately, with Wade's outstanding performance, the Heat pulled back another game.

3 to 3, now the Eastern and Western finals are about to challenge G7.

I just don’t know if Di Wei can drag the team into the finals after Mous’ mentality collapsed early.

Wayne felt comfortable after watching the game~

What should I say about this game? Wayne felt a lot more relaxed after reading it.

Wayne didn't remember any other details about the game, only that Mousse's jammed dribbling.

If I had known that watching the Heat games would relieve my stress, Wayne would be so excited to watch it!

The good news is that no team in the East can advance easily.

Regardless of whether it is the Pacers or the Heat who come out in the end, they are both the Pacers and the Heat who have exhausted their bodies.

If everyone is tired, there is no physical disadvantage.

To be honest, with the current situation of the Pacers and Heat, Wayne feels that if he can enter the finals, he will have a high probability of winning the fourth championship!

But the bad news is exactly at this step. If you want to reach the finals, you have to play another win-or-go-home game with the Mavericks.

Wayne felt like vomiting when he saw the old driver's face now.

Uncle, I really don’t want to date you anymore!

When Wayne felt uncomfortable thinking about the old driver's face, the elementary school student had already gone to bed early at home.

In the dream, Wayne told him, I'm going to kick a trash can, and you stand here and don't move.

Wayne angrily kicked the trash can away, but it was not a disaster. But it's not easy to clean up after he kicked him away.

Wayne put one hand on the ground and retracted his feet. His tall body leaned slightly to the left, showing that he was working hard.

Seeing Wayne's unwilling back, Curry shed tears quickly.

Brother Wei, it’s all because of the child’s incompetence, I feel wronged to you!

Well, although he didn't know that in reality, what he was crying when he was sleeping was drool instead of tears.

A highly difficult 2K game will always turn your teammates into weaklings, and then turn your opponents into Jordans per player.

Gasol who couldn't jump, Wu Sheng who was too busy, and Matthews who started to miss the mark.

Looking at the Mavericks, Barea shot 4 of 5 three-pointers.

This is really 2K!

But this time, after Curry had a dream about "Back".

In the difficult G7, it's hard to say whether Jordan's teammate is on Dirk's side or Wayne's side.

I'm not sure, maybe it's both?

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