I am Really an Insider

Chapter 545 542: Curry: Brother Wei, my butt hurts a little (5.9K votes requested)

The greatest tragedy in the world is that extreme joy leads to sorrow.

Your goddess finally agreed to be with you, but at the same time told you that she was pregnant and wanted to find a father for the child.

Your boss finally agreed to give you a salary increase, but only if the working hours are 007, and told you that this is a blessing.

The veteran Vic thought he could finally bully the Trail Blazers, but Stern told him that Carlisle's maxed-out account had just been unlocked during the game against the Spurs.

Old thief Vicki thinks this is a joke.

Boss Si said that I was not joking, I did it on purpose!

Playing the Magic, Mosaic and Hornets, to be honest, it makes no difference in the ratings whether Wayne plays or not.

These three rotten teams cannot have any exciting games with the Trail Blazers.

But the Spurs are different. Which game between Wayne and the Spurs had lower ratings?

If Wayne beat up Popovich, the ratings would be even higher!


This season was originally a shortened season, and Stern's goal was to maximize profits in the shortest possible time and make up for previous losses.

At this time, you told me that a key figure would be missing in such a crucial game.

How is that possible!

I, Stern, was the first to refuse!

I don't care if Griffin is locked up as a purple sweet potato, I only know that Wayne must play in this game!

In this way, Boss Si decided to only ban Wayne for three games. Although Joke is the successor, he still has to listen to the command of Boss Si.

That's right, you can now control most affairs of the alliance.

But if our boss doesn't let you control it, you can only stare.

The old thief Vicki was very embarrassed, because he had just told reporters that he was very confident against the Trail Blazers.

As a result, now Stern and the whole Wayne want to fight, then...

You can't take back what you say. If the Spurs can't beat the Trail Blazers in the next game, the old thieves will be embarrassed again.

Although the old thief has embarrassed Wayne more than once or twice, he is a famous NBA coach after all, and it is not a matter of him always falling over like this.

This time I have given up my words. No matter what, I must win against the Trail Blazers once!

On the other hand, Wayne was a little surprised to find out that he was only suspended for three games.

It's all like this, only suspended for three games?

Is it you, Stern, who has drifted away, or have I, Godway, stopped going under the knife?

When we fight, if we really hit someone, we will only be suspended for three games.

If you dare to judge like this, then I am very brave!

Wayne looked at the schedule carefully and understood instantly.

Well, what Boss Si means is that he wants me to play well with the Spurs.

Boss Delas, I understand.

Don't say anything. I will work hard to fix it for you during the Spurs game.

It's just a Spurs game, that's not a big deal.

The ratings will be boosted for you.

If the ratings can't rise, I'll show off and act like an old thieves.

As long as you give me the green light, I have plenty of means.

Wayne was happy, but Griffin was fucked.

Damn it, I hit someone without hitting him, but Wayne stood up and strangled me naked, and I even got to be suspended for three games with him.

Is there any royal law? Are there any laws?

Stern laughed, do you blame me for your short arms?

Didn't you want to hit someone? You want to fight but you can't!

To be honest, if Silly Fen had had longer arms, Wayne might have been beaten in that punch.

Although Wayne's reflexes were sharp, no matter how sharp his reflexes were, it would be impossible for him to dodge all attacks.

It's a pity that Shafen was born with a flaw in her mother's womb, so no one can blame her.

Moreover, a three-game suspension would also help Griffin improve his memory.

Don't mess with Wayne in the future!

This matter just happened, and the old thief Vicki was under great pressure. He felt that he was being targeted by Stern.

Don't worry, if the Spurs and Thunder meet again in the playoffs this season, you will know that not only Stern is targeting you, but the jokes will also be targeted at you.

Nicknames such as Jinlun Dharma King and Xiao Lant were all given during the 2012 Western Conference Finals.

The joke is to make you sick, but the method is worse than Boss Si.

Boss Si's reduction of Wayne's account ban time is equivalent to releasing your strongest opponent. But whether you can win or not depends on your personal ability.

The joke is that I won’t give you a chance to win, I’ll just send you away if I say I’ll send you away.

Old thief, old thief, just take it easy.

In the first decade of the 21st century, you have done so many unconscionable things.

Now, retribution has arrived.

The next day, during the media opening period between training sessions, reporters rushed to Wayne and asked him what he thought of the league's penalty decision.

At the same time, a reporter asked Wayne: "Coach Popovich thinks he is very confident in the Blazers' game. What do you think of this?"

Wayne deliberately showed a disdainful smile: "Coach Veach said the same thing before the start of the playoffs last season. He is now more confident.

Then? Then they were hacked. So Coach Veach said he is confident, well, just listen to it. "

Wayne simply tore open the scars and sprinkled a pinch of salt on them.

Ten minutes later, these words reached the old thief's ears.

The old thief immediately pinched his own people, damn it was Wayne, he had such a sweet mouth, he could make people sick to death as soon as he opened his mouth!

The Spurs were hacked last season, which was the biggest pain point in the career of the veteran Vic.

All reporters know that if you want to interview Popovich, you must avoid the topic of black eight, otherwise the old thieves will ignore you.

But Wayne cares so much about you. The more you hurt him, the happier he will be.

"Every team will experience failure. It was indeed a very painful experience for us to be hacked last season. Therefore, we will never make the same mistake again!"

The old thief defended weakly. Wayne had already made the old thief lose his SAN value before the game even started.

Thanks to the war of words between Wayne and the old thieves, the showdown between the Trail Blazers and the Spurs instantly became heated.

Wayne is already preparing in advance and can give the Spurs a good blow at any time.

But before that happens, Wayne must sit on the bench for three more games.

In Wayne's first game against the Magic after his suspension, the Eastern Conference team took first blood from the Trail Blazers.

The Magic's highest scorer today was Redick with 17 points.

As for the Trail Blazers, Curry scored 24 points.

However, although the individual scores of the Magic players are not high today, their average scores are high.

Seven players on the team scored in double figures, and four players scored more than 15 points. Made 16 of 27 three-pointers in the game, with a three-point shooting rate of 59.3%.

In this game, the Magic played the ultimate team basketball, which can be regarded as a super level performance. They used the strength of the team to cover up the shortcomings of their personal abilities.

In the end, the Magic narrowly defeated the Trail Blazers 108-104, and the Trail Blazers suffered their first defeat of the season.

But having said that, the Magic team has already surpassed this level, and the Trail Blazers only lost by 4 points.

If Wayne can play, no matter how good the Magic are today, they still have GG.

Losing against the Magic did not demoralize the Blazers, but instead inspired the players.

Next against Mosaic, everyone on the Trail Blazers showed great resilience.

Mosaic is heading for the playoffs this season, so after all, the owner of this team only wants to make money, and Mosaic is not interested in messing things up for a future.

If it fails, how much will the box office revenue drop? Not a good deal!

No matter how much Mosaic is, it has to be a playoff-level team to continue to harvest wool.

Therefore, Mosaic's goal has always been the playoffs.

As for whether it's a first-round trip or a second-round trip in the playoffs, the boss doesn't care.

To be honest, Mosaic probably never thought about competing for the championship from the beginning to the end. As long as they can enter the playoffs and win the title of a powerful Western Conference team, that's enough.

Although the owner and general manager are terrible, the Mosaic players are really working hard for the goal of the playoffs.

The little steel cannon Lowry gave Curry a hard time today, scoring 33 points in the game, most of which came from the three-second zone.

The crooked shooter Kevin Martin lost all his sights under the defense of Teacher Tony today and made 0 of 6 shots from beyond the three-point line.

But don't forget, Martin is one of the earliest performing masters in the NBA. He is nicknamed the Whistle Man. He is also highly respected in the porcelain world and has such a number.

Relying on his superb acting skills, Martin averaged 10.3 free throws per game when he was at his most popular during the Kings period.

That season, Martin averaged 24 points per game, 9 of which came from free throws, which shows his profound ability.

Today was also the case. Martin saw that he couldn't score a goal, so he entered into the rhythm of "it will fall at the first touch, and the opponent will take full responsibility".

With an extremely low shooting percentage, Martin managed to score 28 points thanks to a beautiful performance.

But this made Teacher Tony very angry. Tony said, "Why don't I act? You think I'm easy to bully, right?"

So in the fifth minute of the third quarter, Tony showed off his acting skills in front of Martin.

For this ball, Tony defended Martin from outside the three-point line.

After holding the ball, Martin raised the ball, and his elbow naturally passed in front of Teacher Tony's face.

Of course, they never met Tony at all.

But Tony took the opportunity to hold his nose and lean back, acting out the appearance of being elbowed by Martin.

Halfway up, Tony hesitated and glanced at the referee to see if he was calling the ball or not.

After noticing the referee blowing the whistle, Tony leaned back even more exaggeratedly, and then sat down on the ground.

Wayne stood up, shocked.

Although Tony is one of his own, Wayne still wants to say

This referee is so blind!

You can still brag about such lies! ? How can you dare to speak!

Mainly because Tony interrupted his performance midway and glanced at the referee. After the referee blew the whistle, he continued to act.

Just like that, you can actually deceive the whistle? No wonder Martin performed so smoothly today.

Ning must be the most professional referee in the league!

Of course, Tony's vindictive performance did not bring much change to the course of the game.

When Lowry and Martin teamed up to score 51 points, it was Sister-in-law and Curry who really made the Blazers survive.

Sister-in-law played steadily today, scoring 22 points, 10 rebounds and 2 blocks.

Because Curry was beaten so hard by Lowry, he didn't want to be outdone on the offensive end. If I can't let you go, why can't I attack you?

6 of 7 from the three-point line!

In the end, the game scored 29 points.

The outstanding performances of the two allowed the Blazers to stop the momentum of defeat in time, defeat Mosaic, and reject the losing streak.

Although this game was full of poor performances, it was still a win.

After this game is over, Carlisle's full-level account will be unblocked in one game.

Wayne also expressed his excitement after the game: "I'm really looking forward to the day I get back on the court against the Spurs."

After the game, Wayne was in a good mood.

But when he returned to the locker room, Wayne saw disturbing news on his phone - Roy was out for the season.

Just half an hour ago, in the Pacers VS Hawks game, Roy accidentally slipped and twisted his knee during a breakthrough change.

At that time, Roy fell to the ground in pain, his expression very painful.

Afterwards, Roy was immediately carried off the court, and it was initially determined that it was a meniscus problem.

Wayne's heart clicked at that time. The history of meniscus is always surprisingly similar.

After so many years, Roy still couldn't escape this fate in the end?

Yes, in the past few seasons, the reason why Roy was able to play relatively healthy until now was mainly because the Pacers used Roy very cautiously.

But in this shortened season, the schedule is dense, and the Pacers cannot be cautious even if they want to.

Now that the season has just begun, we can't just let Roy spend three days fishing and two days surfing the Internet.

If you do this, the team's record will not be guaranteed, and rest will be meaningless.

Before the game against the Hawks, the Pacers had just defeated the Celtics, and everyone was very tired.

Fighting back-to-back today, everyone was almost overloaded.

Under such circumstances, Roy finally failed to hold on.

Roy's immediate reimbursement for the season is undoubtedly a huge loss for the Pacers.

Although there are Aldridge, Granger and Holiday, Roy is the Pacers' most reliable player at critical moments.

Pacers fans are undoubtedly very heartbroken. This young army just reached the finals last season and they have a bright future.

But once Roy is injured like this, the Pacers' future suddenly becomes less clear.

Wayne wanted to send a text message to Roy, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't make up a word.

Wayne has never experienced this kind of thing, and he really can't say such lies as "empathizing".

In the end, he simply said: "Hang in there."

Putting away his phone, Wayne sighed.

Although he just played the Finals with the Pacers last season, Wayne doesn't hate the Pacers guys.

He even has a good impression of them because of Bird.

Wayne thought Roy would have a brilliant career, but it seemed he could never escape this fate.

It's just a matter of time.

Yes, although Wayne has brought about the butterfly effect, the butterfly effect cannot change a player's physical condition.

Roy's knees have been fragile since college, and this is a fact that cannot be changed no matter what.

Thinking of this, Wayne was a little worried about Curry.

Roy's injury will definitely not be the only injury in this shortened season.

This is just the beginning.

Although Curry is different from Roy, he has changed the posture of exerting force according to the suggestions of Wayne and Mancias, and has practiced hip strength, which can be regarded as fundamentally solving the hidden danger of injuries.

But you have to know that even Curry like this is not completely immune to injuries.

On January 13, the Trail Blazers played the Hornets.

The ratings for this game were low because the Hornets are one of the worst teams in the NBA this season.

The Hornets have one goal this season - to recruit Anthony Davis!

Well, that skinny boy with thick eyebrows in high school already looked like a professional player after entering Kentucky.

He has become much stronger and has shown great talent in the NCAA.

In his first game in college, he scored 23 points, 10 rebounds, and 5 blocks.

The Hornets believe Davis is their natural choice. He is known as the man who is truly close to Wayne!

If small teams want to introduce stars, they basically have to rely on the draft.

Think about it, if a Wayne could really be selected, why wouldn’t he be allowed to take off?

Therefore, the Hornets, a bad team, naturally had no strong resistance in the game - except for Hornets point guard Jared Jack.

Jack was originally sent away because of the Wayne trade and has been wandering around the league since then.

So far this season, Jack is averaging 15.6 points and 6.3 assists per game.

This data is quite good among point guards, but because he is on a weak team like the Hornets, Jack still has no reputation.

What was Jack thinking about?

He hopes to attract the attention of strong teams with his outstanding performance. As long as those strong teams are willing to provide draft picks or young players, they can easily trade him.

Then, if Jack continues to perform on a strong team, he can get a good contract in the contract year next season.

To put it simply: marry into a wealthy family first, and then find ways to make money.

So, Jack is playing very hard this season.

Facing the Trail Blazers and Curry, that was a good opportunity for Jack to show himself.

Therefore, Jack played very aggressively today, which was simply a stumbling block in the Hornets' way.

In the seventh minute of the fourth quarter, Curry broke through Jack and prepared for a layup, but Jack did not give up on defense, but pursued the defense hard.

In the air, Curry was pushed by Jack and then fell face down to the ground.

Jack also chased so hard that his whole body fell on Curry.

The two big men were stacked on top of each other. Well, Wayne felt quite ashamed of this position.

"I'm leaning on you to get up." Curry felt something hit his butt, and his face suddenly turned red. Just play basketball, what are you doing!

So, Curry jerked his body out while being suppressed.

But Jack has always been a heavy point guard, and he is a bit heavy.

The moment Curry pulled it out forcibly, he felt a little pain in his butt.

After he stood up, he couldn't help but rub his butt.

In the end, I endured the pain and finished the game.

Although Jack defended hard, Curry still scored 19 points and helped the team win.

When he came off the court, Curry ran to Wayne with a red face and whispered: "Brother Wei."

"What's wrong? Why are you always covering your butt? Damn it, good boy, you must be La Curry! Even though your name is Curry, you can't do this!"

"No, how could I do such a thing! I feel a little pain in my butt."

"Ah this." Wayne felt extremely ashamed. What did Jack do to you just now? ?

Something is wrong with you!

After returning to the locker room, Wayne found that Curry was walking with a slight limp, so he called the team doctor to check Curry.

After the examination, the team doctor smiled and patted Curry's butt: "It's nothing serious. It's just a slight strain on the hip. Just rest for a day or two. It should have happened when you just pulled out from under Jack. Too much."

Good guy, what the team doctor said made Wayne and Curry blush all the time.

Why does such a normal injury change its taste when you say it from your mouth?

Do you have to use the word "pulled out"?

However, Wayne was relieved.

Roy had just been reimbursed for the season before, and Wayne was originally quite worried about Curry.

If it's just a mild hip sprain, it won't be a problem. Apart from a little soreness, it basically had no effect.

To be honest, it's not even an injury.

Carlisle was dumbfounded when he heard the news. Do you have to be so funny even if Curry is injured?

Although the injury was not serious, the next game against the Spurs happened to be a back-to-back game, and it was also an away game.

For the sake of safety and to prevent a minor injury from turning into a serious illness, Carlisle decided to let the primary school students take a break.

Roy's example is right in front of us, so we can't take it lightly.

There is no way, Carlisle is so confident.

Although the Spurs have a good record so far this season, Carlisle feels that with the full-level number in hand, beating the Spurs will not be a problem.

At the post-game press conference, Carlisle also confirmed that Curry suffered a mild hip sprain and would not travel with the team to San Antonio for the next game.

The old thief Vicky was so happy at that time, it was all about his life!

The Trail Blazers either don't have Wayne or they don't have Curry.

The Spurs are destined to win!

The next day, as others boarded a plane to San Antonio, Curry posted an update online.

The update was a group photo of the entire Trail Blazers team on the bus today. Wayne thought it was rare that the funny boy from elementary school was not around, so he could take a family photo in peace.

Wayne was still sloppy, and this wave still failed to stop the elementary school students! Less than ten minutes after Wayne posted his family photo, Curry also posted one.

I saw the primary school student holding the photo and photoshopping himself.

And he didn't put himself on the seat, he put himself on the middle aisle of the plane and lay down.

Afterwards, he added a text: "Don't even think about getting rid of me! It's another day of playing away from home with the team!"

Just stuff yourself into the photo.

Wayne is really speechless. Even the pain in his butt can't stop you from being such a funny guy!

At this time, the plane was almost arriving in San Antonio.

After being banned for three games, Wayne was a little excited to be honest.

Today at the home court of the Spurs, you must move well!

The old thief thinks so too. Today, without Curry, he must take care of Wayne.

He felt that he was capable and hard again, and he almost raised his butt to the sky.

Extreme happiness breeds sorrow, extreme happiness breeds sorrow!

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