I am Really an Insider

Chapter 562 559: Asian Storm, crazy experience before the All-Star Game (4.9K votes requested)

137 to 97, a 40-point difference.

From the perspective of the entire NBA history, this is not a very exaggerated gap.

After all, the NBA's largest point difference record since complete statistics are available is as high as 68 points.

Where is 40 minutes?

And the Trail Blazers themselves are also one of the victims of the point difference record.

In February 1998, the Pacers beat the Trail Blazers by 65 points, 124-59.

This is the only game in NBA history in which the winning team's points exceeded twice the losing team's points.

At the same time, this is also the most recent game so far with a score difference of more than 60 points.

Going a little further back, when the Trail Blazers faced off against the Heat in 2008, they had a 51-point deficit, which earned Wade the title of Mr. 51.

Although the main blame for that game was Beasley, there was no way. Who made Wei Wei the star at the time?

Therefore, if you just look at these 40 points, it doesn't seem to be anything special.

Compared with the games mentioned before, the 40-point difference is really nothing.

However, the reason why these 40 points are special is because this is the most painful defeat that Popovich has experienced since becoming the head coach!

Well, even in the 1996-97 season when the Spurs were crazy for Duncan, he didn't lose by as much as 40 points in any game.

Popovich didn’t know what evil he had done in his previous life and why God sent Wayne to punish him.

Looking at the history of Wayne's career, it is simply a history of Popovich's shame.

His teeth were knocked out, his favorite thug was beaten rough, and his team became the backdrop for Wayne's FMVP in his rookie season.

Until this season Dragic's 23 points in a single quarter and today's humiliating battle of 40 points.

Speaking of which, how long has it been since those 23 points in a single quarter? Just got abused by the Blazers again.

The old Veach thieves are really autistic. This season against the Trail Blazers, the Spurs have never even had a close game, let alone a win!

To be honest, when Wayne asked the old thief about the maximum point difference in the first quarter of the game, the old thief couldn't remember it for a while.

But now it’s convenient and you don’t have to think about it.

Since you can't remember it, I'll just set a new maximum point difference record for you!

Keep your memory fresh and unforgettable for a lifetime!

Look, Vigo is very considerate.

Wayne celebrated the victory wildly on the court and hugged his teammates tightly.

Curry, among the cheering fans, pouted and spread his hands with an indifferent expression.

It's just a win over the Spurs, it's just a 40-point win. You all look like you've never seen the world before, so what are you excited about?

It seems that Curry has not only improved his skills this season, but also looks more and more like his brother Wei in terms of pretense.

Both Wayne and Curry got a chance to vent their emotions in this game.

Curry has been depressed since he failed to lead the team to victory against the Thunder.

But today, he scored 34 points in the game, which finally made him satisfied, and finally transformed him back into the fun-loving young man he was.

The same goes for Wayne. After his tragic encounter with his godfather during the Thunder game, he has been feeling unhappy these past few days.

And today, being able to beat the Spurs by 40 points in the Rose Garden made Veach feel sick as well as the joke.

There is simply nothing better than this in the world.

Tonight, an Asian storm is blowing across the entire league.

Jeremy Lin, who killed the game in Toronto, and Wayne, who slaughtered the Spurs in Portland, eclipsed other stars in this league.

Stern was so happy today that such a glorious night was rare.

Boss Si immediately made the decision to put Jeremy Lin on the candidate list for the rookie game no matter what.

With Jeremy Lin's current influence, there is no longer any reason not to let him enter the All-Star Weekend.

As for Wayne, as long as you give him a chance to hit the Spurs, he can blow up the whole game for you.

Don't say anything else. From now on, the Spurs will be Wayne's exclusive punching bag.

Wayne and Shuhao hit it off so hard that the joke had to be compromised.

If you go to great lengths to fire a player, it would be more practical if the player himself plays well.

If Du Xiaoshuai can also beat the Spurs for 40 points, will it be Wayne's turn to complain here?

But the key is you just can’t do it!

So, don’t blame others for stealing your limelight.

The next day, the front page of the NBA's official website showed Wayne and Jeremy Lin.

On the huge page, two people were placed on both sides, one on the left and one on the right.

All the posters for the All-Star starting lineup were replaced by Jeremy Lin and Wayne.

With this interface, even if you say it is the official CBA website, some people will believe it.

Many husbands and wives who don't know why are watching the sports channel and are a little confused.

You said that the current American basketball league reports on Asian players.

Do Americans not know how to play basketball or what? No wonder so many Americans go to the CBA, but not many Chinese players go to the NBA.

It turns out that’s the reason!

Only those who can't play in China go to the NBA!

This phenomenon is simply magical. The NBA has never been completely dominated by Asian players.

The whole world is reviewing Jeremy Lin's three-pointer in the last 0.5 seconds, and the whole world is discussing the most tragic failure of Wayne's career to Popovich and Duncan.

James, Kobe, Durant?

They seemed to have been forgotten in a corner overnight.

Watching James, Kobe and Durant is just fun. If you really want to watch basketball, you have to watch Asians play!

Lin Crazy's popularity is no different from that in the original history. The difference is that during this period, it was not only Lin Crazy who became popular around the world, but Wayne also followed suit.

Now, among fan circles, the discussion that "Asian players are dominating the NBA" has become popular again.

Although in the past five seasons, the NBA championship has been either the Lakers or the Trail Blazers, either Wayne or Yao Ming.

At that time, Asian players already had enough roles in the league.

But even so, the dominance of Asian players has never been so scary.

In the eyes of proud Chinese fans, if the NBA is dominated by Asian players, what else is there to see?

White players in this league are already weak enough, but now they have to be ranked behind Asian players?

As a result, after Wayne and Jeremy Lin teamed up to create such a wave of Asian frenzy, the Warriors and Lakers sprang up a bunch of supporters overnight.

The reason is simple, because both Howard and Kobe are regarded by fans as vanguards against Wei and as tools to save face for local players.

Next, until the start of the All-Star Game, the Trail Blazers still have 5 games to play.

In these five games, the Trail Blazers will face off against the Warriors and Lakers respectively.

There is no doubt that these two teams have become a fig leaf for some fans of the narrow and beautiful country.

If the Warriors or Lakers can win, then this Asian storm will be broken.

But similarly, if neither the Warriors nor the Lakers can withstand it, Wayne's dominance will be further consolidated!

This round of brawl between the top three in the Western Conference before the All-Star Game can be regarded as the last craziness before a relaxing weekend.

Wayne didn't have much idea about playing the Lakers.

But when playing against the Warriors, Wayne cares very much.

The war with Master Huo has just begun. This first battle must be fought beautifully.

But what's very damning is that the game against the Warriors happened to be on a back-to-back schedule.

Meeting the Warriors twice in a row was back-to-back, which was pretty damning. You just met the most inappropriate person at the most inappropriate time.

The schedule for the next five games is on the 16th, 17th and 18th, three consecutive days against the Clippers, Warriors and Hawks respectively.

After a day off on the 19th, there will be another round of regular back-to-back games on the 20th and 21st, against the Lakers and Wizards respectively.

Starting from the 16th to the 21st, the Trail Blazers will play 5 games in 6 days.

This is really an extreme challenge.

It's really unlucky for Wayne to encounter this kind of schedule that only happens once in 13 years.

Although this time, it was the second game of a back-to-back against the Warriors.

But the difficulty is still not small.

So far this season, there are only three teams that can win all back-to-back games.

The first team is Wayne's Trail Blazers, the second team is the Thunder, and the third team is Rose's Bulls.

It is not difficult to see that young teams have more advantages in dealing with a dense schedule.

Among them, the Bulls' back-to-backs are the most watery, because the Wizards, Pistons and Timberwolves are all just teams with a sense of presence.

The Thunder's back-to-back wins were two against Mosaic and one against Spurs, which is still very valuable.

But this time, if the Trail Blazers can win all back-to-back games in the second round, other teams may really not be able to do this.

In fact, this round of back-to-back, the Trail Blazers are pretty lucky.

Neither the Clippers nor the Hawks, who are in tandem, are strong teams. There is no need to play the Warriors immediately after fighting the Grizzlies like last time.

This time, Wayne only needs to focus on the middle game against the Warriors.

As for the two games one after another, you should be able to pass them by paddling.

With the principle of paddling without sweating, Wayne appeared at the Rose Garden Stadium on February 16 carrying a thermos cup.

This time back-to-back schedule, the Trail Blazers' schedule is home-away-home.

The first and last games were at home, and the Warriors game was at Oracle Arena.

In today's game, Carlisle also intentionally reduced the playing time of main players such as Curry and Wayne.

For the frail and soft sister-in-law, she was directly thrown into the injured list and exempted from the competition.

Can the old sister-in-law come in? Griffin doesn't have any hobbies except having a sister-in-law.

When he saw his sister-in-law, he looked like a bull in heat.

Although he was dealt with by Wayne back then, Griffin didn't dare to act too randomly.

But there will always be times when you can't control yourself.

When the time comes and my sister-in-law is injured by a violent buckle, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Therefore, Carlisle hurriedly put his sister-in-law on the injured list today, so that the old sister-in-law entered the arena directly wearing a suit.

In original history, the Clippers during this period were already considered a strong team in the Western Conference. The beautiful memories of the air-oop city have begun.

But there is no way. The Clippers now have neither Cannon nor DeAndre Jordan, so they really cannot be strong.

Carlisle cut off the playing time of Wayne, Curry and his sister-in-law at once, which can be said to be a blatant look down on them.

But don't be unconvinced. Even the Trail Blazers have cut themselves into this, and the Clippers have never beaten them.

In the first quarter of the game, thanks to the joint attack of Wayne and Curry, the Trail Blazers led the Clippers by 12 points in the first quarter.

Carlisle had Wayne and Curry spend most of the second quarter on the bench.

The pupils' eyes were shining, looking for the popcorn in the audience.

Wayne tried hard not to fall asleep, otherwise he would be disrespectful to his opponent.

In today's game, because Flounder was absent, the Clippers' offense was basically random.

Yuan Dengden has never been a traditional point guard. His scoring ability is nothing to say. Last season, he averaged over 20 points per game.

But if you want him to completely organize the offense, it will be difficult.

Without Halibut's organization, Silly Fen doesn't have any cake to eat. Most of the time he can only get the ball and do it.

However, what Tucker is not afraid of is the kind of guy who just takes the ball and does it.

Although Tucker is not as tall as Griffin, Griffin has short hands.

Several times Silly Fen's mid-range shots were blocked by Tucker because his hands were too short.

At the end of the half, the Trail Blazers still led the Clippers by 13 points.

Carlisle thought, Wayne and Curry don't need to play anymore.

However, in the second half, things changed.

I don’t know if they were infected by the Clippers’ performance, but the Blazers suddenly became shabby in the second half.

Thompson and Stephenson, who got a lot of performance opportunities, also started various show operations.

In the fifth minute of the third quarter, Stephenson faced Caron Butler with the ball on the right side of the court.

Seeing Butler grabbing very aggressively, Finson suddenly held the ball with one hand and put it behind him. He probably wanted to imitate Jordan and show off his skills in the face of pressing.

Wayne saw Stephenson holding the ball with one hand, and for some reason, his anus suddenly tightened.

After holding the ball with one hand, Stephenson accelerated and prepared to break through Butler.

If it were Jordan, this step would have been passed.

But Finson bumped straight into Butler and dropped the ball.

Fortunately, Finson immediately picked up the basketball again and got to the basket before Butler could react.

Although I stumbled a lot, I finally succeeded in breaking through.

However, facing Silly Fen who came to defend him, Stephenson's layup in the confrontation was a direct hit.

He was knocked to the ground by Shafen in embarrassment, sitting on the ground and spreading his arms.

This breakthrough after holding the ball with one hand is simply awesome.

How can I say that it's so imitated? Basically, it can be said that there is no similarity at all with Jordan.

From now on, if Wayne is not convinced by anyone who can hold the ball with one hand, he will be convinced by Finson!

Finson's stupid operation is just a microcosm of the Trail Blazers' third quarter.

All kinds of open shots were missed and all kinds of inexplicable mistakes filled the entire third quarter.

Of course, the Clippers are not much better.

Griffin made various dribbling errors and Yuan Dengden made various three-pointers, which made the fans sleepy.

With both sides playing badly, the Clippers did not take advantage of the sudden stretch of the Blazers' hips to recover the score.

Until the ninth minute of the fourth quarter, three minutes before the end of the game.

At this time, the Trail Blazers led the Clippers by 12 points. The Clippers had just returned from a timeout and were preparing to serve a sideline ball in the frontcourt.

If this goal can be scored and get off to a good start, then the game will still have to be played.

Clippers coach Vinnie DeNagro deployed three sets of tactics for this sideline attack, just to stabilize the situation and retain the last hope of winning.

The Clippers players are all ready and in their respective positions. It seems that they also want to play the key sideline ball tactics well this time.

Seeing the referee with the basketball in his hand blow the whistle, the Clippers players began to run tactics in full swing.

There are screens, there are moves, there are pulls.

The Blazers players also began to defend seriously, but just a few seconds after this tactic ran, the referee blew the whistle again.

"What the hell are you doing!? The number of people is wrong, the number of people is wrong!"

The Clippers players were all confused. The number of people was wrong?

Yuan Dengdeng, Foye, Butler, Griffin and Kaman, five people, yes!

Referee: Then the person who takes the free throw is not considered a human being! ? I just blew the whistle to ask you to serve one by one. Damn it!

The Clippers generals who were running vigorously just now: Ah this

The sister-in-law in a suit standing on the sidelines was so dumbfounded. Good guy, Nings’ tactics have come to an end!

Clippers coach De Nagro also covered his forehead, he wanted to die.

I have just worked hard to arrange three sets of tactics, and I hope you can execute them well.

Good guys, it turns out that you have done this.

Damn it, I really can’t coach this team anymore!

Well, everyone is laughing at the Clippers. But in fact, Wayne felt that the Blazers on the court were not much better.

The Clippers players were running and preparing to catch the ball, while the Trail Blazers' 2Bs were very cooperative in defending. From the beginning to the end, no one on either side felt that anything was wrong.

If it hadn't been for the referee's reminder, they would have had to fight for a while before they discovered the problem.

What else can I say? It is the highest level basketball league in the world!

This kind of situation, to be honest, is really not easy to encounter in other leagues.

After such an episode, the high morale of the Clippers generals just now has been basically extinguished.

For this kind of team, Carlisle really wanted to ask: "Tell me how to lose?"

In the end, with Gasol not playing at all and Wayne and Curry only showing up to show their faces, the Trail Blazers still won the Clippers at home with a 15-point advantage.

Wayne scored 20 points, Curry scored 16 points, Stephenson's top five, all working together!

After this comedic performance, Wayne didn't laugh much.

Because soon, they will get on a plane to Auckland.

Tomorrow night, it will be time for melee combat with real swords and guns!

Master Huo, Master Huo, tomorrow we will compete, and we will decide whether to live or die!

Sure enough, not long after the second quarter of the Warriors game, Wayne and Howard got into a physical fight.

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