I am Really an Insider

Chapter 564 561: Go home and sleep, little brat (4.1K votes requested)

Dwight Howard, as the league's strongest center, rarely shows up at critical moments.

Even during the Magic era, Howard was never Van Gundy's first choice in critical moments.

Van Gundy would rather choose Lewis, Turkoglu or even Nelson, but he would not let Howard handle the ball at critical moments.

Give Howard the ball at the critical moment, and others don't have to defend at all, they just foul him and that's it.

You can't even make free throws, you're a dead shot.

Of course, it's not like Master Huo has never made a kill in his career.

06-07 season, the season when Wayne parachuted into the Rose Garden. In a game between the Magic and the Spurs, Master Huo completed an alley-oop dunk in 0.8 seconds!

The most outrageous thing is that this alley-oop was scored over Duncan's head.

Well, that is also the most classic scene in Duncan's background career.

Among the various best goals in the NBA, that dumb figure of No. 21 is always indispensable~

Duncan is probably the best background player in the Super League, and the best player in the background.

He is worthy of being the best striker in history.

Although Master Huo had a glorious moment of winning in 0.8 seconds, to be honest, no coach would arrange tactics like this under normal circumstances.

The main reason for that game was that there was only 0.8 seconds left in the game and there was no time to play regular tactics.

That's why he came up with this strange move.

As long as there is one more second, the coach will not let Howard execute the final attack.

Therefore, except for that one time, Howard's presence has been very low at critical moments in the game.

This was true during the Magic era, and even more so during the Warriors era.

Even Love, who has the lowest presence among the three Warriors, has staged a three-pointer this season.

But today, Howard, who has always disappeared at critical moments, is full of presence.

First, he showed his prowess when the team's outside shooting was blocked, cutting in for dunks.

Then he dominated the competition for rebounds and directly assisted.

Without Howard's two consecutive wonderful performances, the Warriors might have lost by now.

Coupled with the opponent in this game, the Trail Blazers, it is so special for the Warriors and Howard.

If the Warriors win in the end, no one will say that Howard disappears at the critical moment.

Moreover, if the Warriors win this game, it will prove what Howard himself said: "If I were still there at the critical moment, Wayne would not have won!"

Fans in the Bay Area are cheering for Howard. This No. 12 behemoth has never been as high-profile as it is today.

The timeout ended and the Trail Blazers players reappeared. The camera showed Wayne, who looked solemn and said nothing.

You can't see any emotion on Wayne's face, and you can't guess what he's thinking right now.

"Wei, this may be the most critical moment of his career. We rarely see Wei miss at critical moments, and it is even rarer to miss free throws.

No, it's not rare. In my impression, Wayne almost never misses free throws at critical moments!

But it turns out that no matter how powerful a star is, he will sometimes fail.

Even for Michael Jordan, the scene of him missing a key shot in the Finals is enough to edit a two-minute highlight reel.

So, now let's see if Wei can use these last four seconds to turn the tide. "

The on-site commentary was still a little nervous, although Howard's performance at the critical moment was perfect, even though there were only 4 seconds left before the end of the regular time.

But all Oakland fans know that the most dangerous key ball killer in the world is likely to punish them!

After all, Wayne is a man with a heart from the neck down.

The ratings for this game have completely exploded, and Stern feels that he made the right decision by letting the referees relax their control over Howard and Wayne.

If Howard and Wayne were sent off early, could this game be so exciting?

But whenever Boss Si gave Wayne the green light for a game, Wayne never let him down.

What else can you say? From now on, this green light must be kept on all the way!

But then again

No matter how hard Boss Si turns it on, the green light won't stay on for a few more years.

Howard grabbed Wayne's jersey and he didn't allow himself to lose the game.

Why did he leave Orlando?

In addition to the fact that the Magic made Howard unhappy about offering 30% of the maximum salary, the main reason was because he couldn't beat Wayne!

In the finals that year, the Magic were almost helpless in front of Wayne.

If he still can't beat Wayne in Oakland, then what's the point of leaving?

This season, Howard will not allow himself to fail again.

He must beat Wayne once, even if it is just to win a regular season game first!

Wayne ignored Howard's trash talk, he was focused now.

Players from both sides were huddled together, and before the referee even kicked off the ball, the two sides were already secretly competing.

Paul directly grabbed Curry's arm, preventing him from easily starting.

Love leaned heavily on his sister-in-law. After all, the two sides were just tied now, and the Blazers could kill the game even if they scored a two-pointer.

So, even Gasol is very dangerous.

Didn't you see that before Wayne's free throw, Gasol made the crucial mid-range shot?

Some fans covered their eyes, afraid to watch the last four seconds of the round.

Tony Allen walked to the sideline and prepared to serve.

The referee passed the ball to Tony Allen and the game began!

Curry pushed Paul away and ran toward the sideline to catch the ball. At the same time, Gasol also set up a screen for Curry.

Paul had to keep up with Curry, even though he knew it was probably a feint.

Because, if Curry is given space, No. 30 can really switch from feint to main attack and kill the game!

Today, the elementary school student has scored 22 points on Pao'er's head. He is no longer the Curry who can't play when encountering a strong matchup.

Curry came out and Tony made a passing motion, but he didn't really pass the ball.

It was indeed a feint.

The real catch point of this ball was Wayne, who pretended to cut in and then immediately ran back outside the three-point line!

Wayne put one hand across Howard, and tried to straighten the other hand, with his fingers spread out, holding the basketball firmly in his hand like a suction cup.

Seeing Wayne successfully catch the basketball, Warriors coach Mark Jackson felt as if his heart had stopped beating.

I don't know why, even though Howard was guarding Wayne personally, he still felt nervous.

Because the time was only 4 seconds, Wayne did not hesitate after receiving the basketball. He turned sideways to face Howard receiving the ball, turned around and prepared to break through.

Wayne is very fast, but Peak Beast is not a vegetarian either.

He struggled to keep up with Wayne and didn't lose position.

Wayne knew that relying on Howard to rush in at this time was not the best choice.

With Howard's size, it's really not that easy to beat him head-on.

Wayne just ran to the bottom corner, took a step in and pretended to break through, and then suddenly retreated and shot a jumper!

"Wei, he shot directly under Howard's defense. It was a step-back three-pointer. Can Wei kill the game directly on Howard's head?"

Attacking Kaleidoscope + Backward + Big Heart Killer, Wayne ate three badge effects in one go.

Howard's defense was very tight and it can be said that he was not out of position at all.

Wayne's retreat only gave him a little space to shoot.

After all, the space near the bottom corner is very narrow, and the distance you can retreat is only that one step.

If you retreat too much, you'll step out of bounds.

In addition to not directly completing the block on this shot, Howard has basically reached the end.

He is worthy of being a dpoy-level defender.

To be honest, without the badge bonus, Wayne felt that this goal would not have been scored anyway.

But with the bonus of the badge, Wayne still completed the shot confidently.

Howard watched the basketball fall past his fingertips and looked back nervously at the basket.

The next second.

The basketball knocked out of the frame and a red light appeared on the backboard!

But the basketball did not bounce directly away from the basket, but fell again.

Wayne stood near the baseline. He felt as if he was deaf. The surroundings were eerily quiet.

This game is not just as simple as a regular season game, but a battle for honor.

Think about it, if this last shot was really defended by Howard, if Howard really couldn't win the game at Wayne's critical moment, where would Wayne's face be?

Will he be ridiculed to death by Howard in the future?

The basketball fell slowly, but this time, the ball did not hit the basket again.

Instead, he fell directly into the net.

Three point hit!

Death completes its harvest!

"Oh my God, the ball went in! It went in! It went in! Wayne, under Howard's defense at the last moment, personally killed the game on top of Howard's head!

Incredible goal, Howard's defense was impeccable, and he didn't give Wayne any extra space.

But Wayne still made the shot. This is the horror of the number one active player! Never, never question Wayne's clutch ability!

Yes, he just missed a key free throw.

But so what! ? He can get back whatever he throws away with his own hands! "

The on-site commentator couldn't help but yell, and the Oracle Arena was filled with howls.

The shouts and boos intertwined to create a goosebump-inducing final scene.

In the luxury box, the Logo man's hand holding the cup was trembling slightly.

Although Big Logo has seen many big scenes, he must admit that what Wayne did just now was really heart-wrenching.

Howard worked so hard, and he finally found a sense of presence at critical moments. He scored 23 points, 13 rebounds and 4 blocks in the game.

However, all of this was wiped out by Wayne's three-pointer.

All efforts were negated by Wayne's shot.

It's unbelievable that Wayne was able to hit a shot despite being defended as tightly as Howard.

The Logo man was speechless, what else could he do? In this league, there are always one or two players who won't talk to you about the basic laws.

This explosive blow directly knocked Howard, who had been extremely confident just now, to the ground, covering his head with his hands, feeling extremely frustrated.

The moment the basketball hit the net, Paul's expression became very painful. His facial features were all squeezed together, as if he had been constipated for three days and nights. He almost cried on the spot.

The entire Oracle Arena was enveloped in this strong aura of death.

The terror of death is coming again!

The primary school student was already dancing. He was twisting his hips, smiling like an idiot, and shaking his hands.

Stephenson was so excited on the spot that he rushed forward and kicked the basketball away.

And what about Wayne?

He was not so excited that he couldn't control his behavior like those fools.

If Brother Wei is pretending to be beeping, he must do it in a cool and stylish way.

Pretend to be style, pretend to be proficient, pretend to be the spirit of Chinese athletes.

After Wayne scored, he just slowly turned around and walked away. After taking just two steps, he calmly looked back at Howard who was squatting on the ground with his head in his hands.

Then, raise your shooting right hand, tighten and then loosen it, and then tighten it and loosen it.

Wayne did not laugh during the whole process, because he has been professionally trained to act cool and will never laugh when he should be acting cool.

Unless you can't help it.

You asked Wayne what he meant by turning around and clenching his fist at Howard and then releasing it?

Isn't this clear enough?

Take advantage!

All the costumes have a strong Chinese style, and they are worthy of being a trend-setter in the field of costumes.

While Wayne was still calmly "manipulating" Howard, his teammates were already rushing forward without calmness.

Birdman was the first to "fly" to Wayne, and he picked him up directly.

Then, more and more people rushed to lift Wayne up.

Wayne was held high by his teammates, while Howard fell to the ground in embarrassment.

This situation perfectly explains what it means to win the king and lose the bandits.

It doesn't matter what Howard just did, whether you dunked a key ball or got a key rebound.

But now, after Wayne's goal, you have nothing.

Wayne scored directly on Howard's head, which was the most powerful response to Howard's words "If I hadn't been sent off, he wouldn't have won."

After being put down by his teammates, Wayne remained calm.

By this time, reporters had already surrounded Wayne.

Wayne stood in front of the camera and showed two fingers, meaning that the Warriors are already 2-0 this season.

"Wei, what a wonderful kill! You responded to Dwight Howard in the most direct way. Now, is there anything you want to say to Howard?"

Reporters are not human beings and they will beat Howard to death as soon as they come up.

Wayne didn’t even know how a reporter could ask such a question. It was just... so perfect for me!

Wayne faced the camera and showed a Payton-style crooked smile, transforming into a crooked war god.

This look is as awesome as you want, even worse than Ibaka's dick.

After smiling, Wayne clasped his hands together, placed them beside his head, and leaned his head on them.

"Go to sleep, boy."

Good guy, after watching this scene, Bird will probably tell all the reporters around the world tomorrow.

"There may be three or four players in the league who can survive in our era, but there is only one player who can play nice in our era, Wayne!"

This is simply a huge collection of Wayne's costumes.

36 points, 11 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 blocks, a buzzer beater and a header.

The omnipotence of Wayne's statistics is astonishing.

Once again, Wayne defeated a tough opponent in back-to-back games.

Once again, the Trail Blazers managed to extend their winning streak.

However, Wayne's performance in his peak season did not end there.

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