I am Really an Insider

Chapter 567 564: Funnyness has spread to the family, the node of intensity change (6.3K votes reques

With a T0 record of 31 wins and 3 losses, Wayne came to Orlando to start his eighth All-Star trip in his career.

This year, the theme of Wayne's All-Star Tour is: Caring for Empty Nest Snakes!

After Chairman Yao left, Nakai was left alone in Los Angeles, complaining that the sky was not responding and the earth was not working. If something happens, just call Wei Ge.

Isn't this caring for empty nesters?

As a caring young man, Wayne has always been obligated to do this kind of thing.

Even if there is no benefit, Wayne will help!

My brothers, what are the good and bad things? Hey, I don’t know what special moves I can get from Kobe~

As we all know, Kobe is known as Malone. That iron elbow is also superb at playing.

Everyone knows about Shane Battier’s blood-stained game, right?

Kobe's elbow!

And with the urine nature of this system, the probability of drawing such an improper move is very high.

Therefore, if this is another special move that draws an elbow, it will be synthesized again and upgraded to the next quality.

Good guy, Wayne doesn't even dare to think about it.

Whoever fights against Brother Wei again in the future will have to be like Bowen and become a prostitute?

So pornographic, so violent, but I love it!

With a happy mood, Wayne got on the plane to Orlando.

Wayne is not going alone on this All-Star trip.

He also took Shava, his daughter and...

Elementary school students!

Well, elementary school students are like ghosts.

I can't get rid of it even if I go to the All-Stars.

Although the elementary school student did not enter the All-Star Game this year, he has already passed the age of playing his rookie season.

But as the champion of last season's Skills Challenge, he was still invited by the league to participate in this year's Skills Challenge.

There has been an unwritten rule in the Skills Challenge over the years, that is, the defending champion basically has to participate in the second consecutive year.

In this way, elementary school students have participated in All-Star Weekend activities for three consecutive years.

Elementary school students can't play in the main game in one day, and they don't have all these things.

The key is that the primary school students will accompany the Wayne family throughout this trip.

Because he had his family with him, Wayne did not stay in a hotel, but rented a villa in Orlando for a few days in advance.

When the primary school students heard this, they cried, made trouble, and hanged themselves. They wanted to live with Brother Wei no matter what.

Well, I guess it's because I stayed in a haunted hotel before.

Without Brother Wei away, the primary school students don't even dare to stay in the hotel alone.

Wayne was convinced, Wayne was speechless, and Lao Ge was at a loss for words.

Don’t you have a wife yourself?

There is a wife, but it is inconvenient for her to be pregnant, so Curry can still only be alone in this year's All-Star Game.

If Curry hadn't agreed to help Wayne take care of the children and cook them a meal, Wayne would never have brought such a joke with him.

This is not purely affecting the development of children.

If this funny attribute is passed on to children, what can be done?

After arriving at the residence in the afternoon, the primary school students immediately rushed into the kitchen and said, "Brothers and sisters, don't worry about anything."

My primary school student arranged this meal tonight!

Wayne was indeed a little tired, so he leaned on the sofa and fell asleep for a while.

Not long after waiting, Wayne heard cheerful singing coming from the kitchen.

And the laughter of my little daughter!

Wayne woke up immediately and rushed into the kitchen.

Good guy, I saw a primary school student cracking eggs in the kitchen, humming a song and twisting his buttocks so much.

"La la la~ la la la~ I am a little expert in dunking~ Oops! Brother Wei, why are you here? Is this the kitchen where you enter? Go out and have a rest."

The primary school student who was twisting deep turned his head and saw Brother Wei. He was startled and suddenly returned to normal, and his singing stopped abruptly.

Wayne covered his head with his hands, his body shaking uncontrollably.

It's over, it's over, it's over.

This is really contagious at home!

My yellow flower eldest daughter!

You must not imitate your Uncle Ku!

But it was too late, the little girl had already twisted like Curry.

Seeing a good girl dancing such a ridiculous dance, Wayne felt that he was an unfit father.

"Hey, look at this kid, he's really talented!" The primary school student was ecstatic, so he followed the little girl and started dancing again.

Wayne swallowed, he made a careless friend, he made a careless friend!

Although Curry taught Wayne's daughter a very silly dance move, the dinner tonight was really sumptuous.

Wayne didn't expect Curry to have this skill.

The next day, during the Rookie Challenge, Wayne showed up at the competition with his family.

Because their presence in the team is not high, Thompson, Green and Finson did not enter this year's rookie game.

Wayne originally planned to rest at his residence, but Wayne's various sponsors expressed their hope that Wayne would attend the game and make his presence felt.

There was no other way, because the manpower was short, so Wayne could only bring his wife and children to watch the game.

This year's rookie game, although the gimmick of Team Shaq VS Flying Pigs was added, there were actually no highlights in the process.

It’s still the 2004 VS 03 classic played by Wayne.

Look at the rookie game we played that year, and look at this.

Tsk, one generation is not as good as the other~

On the night of the 25th, Wayne also participated in the All-Star Weekend activities.

Today, in addition to cheering Curry on in the skills competition, Wayne was also invited to be a judge for this year's slam dunk contest.

At that time, Wayne will join Jordan, Kobe, Carter and "Human Movie Essence" Wilkins to score tonight's slam dunk contest.

You read that right, the five judges are all former slam dunk contest champions, and all of them are qualified.

It can be said to be the most brilliant lineup of judges in NBA history.

There's no way, mainly because the lineup for this year's slam dunk contest is really too shabby.

Those participating in the slam dunk contest are Budinger, Derrick Williams, Raptors' Pickles, and Jeremy Evans, who averages only 7 minutes per game this season.

Although the first three are not stars, they are at least the main rotation in the team.

It's outrageous that the Jazz's water fountain manager, whom no one knows, came to participate in the slam dunk contest.

The foresightful Wayne also knew something even more outrageous - if nothing else goes wrong, this water cooler man will win the slam dunk contest this year.

In short, this year’s slam dunk contest just doesn’t have enough players, so the judges have to fill it in.

No matter what, you have to find some gimmick.

So, when the judges of the slam dunk contest began to be introduced, all the fans in the audience were so excited.

Each judge was introduced to loud cheers.

Especially when the old gangster was introduced at the end, he was smiling but not smiling, his lips were tightly closed, and his eyes revealed a feeling of "I want to see what tricks these brats can do."

Although he has retired for many years, the old gangster still knows his temperament very well.

In the entire NBA, counting up to 30 years and counting down to 30 years, only Foreman Du's temperament can rival that of the old gangster.

After the game started, the primary school student was indescribably envious when he saw Wei Ge sitting on the judges' bench of the slam dunk contest.

In the skills challenge that just ended, Curry lost the game because of a dunk.

Just half an hour ago, Curry, who appeared as the defending champion, wasted a lot of time by dunking the basketball during the last step of the skills challenge for a layup.

Wayne was stunned at that time, and then silently covered his face.

Shame on you!

Last year, the defending champion Paoer missed the championship because he missed a layup and wasted time.

As a result, you didn't take this as a warning and even showed off your dunk.

Is this the place to show off your dunk! ?

In this way, the primary school student missed the opportunity to defend the championship, and was finally taken away by the old Parker to win the skills challenge championship.

So, now Curry is filled with tears.

Why can't I get along with dunking in my life?

When I was a kid, didn't Uncle Carter say he was amazed by my skeleton and taught me all the skills of flying immortals that day for free?

Carter, sitting next to Wayne: I'm even more embarrassed if I hold it back!

Overall, the quality of today's slam dunk contest was pretty good, and some good ideas appeared.

For example, when George turned into a ray of light in the dark for a dunk, the photo was quite impressive.

But this year's slam dunk contest cannot be said to be amazing.

This is the difficulty of the dunk contest. Just dunking to 80 points is useless.

You have to achieve 90 or even 100 points before the fans will find it amazing.

The slam dunk contest is just fresh and exciting to watch.

If you do some 70 or 80-point dunks, who would be interested?

Wade: I don't care how many points you want to give, anyway, I only have 9 points here.

In the end, just like the original history, Jeremy Evans, the little-known water fountain keeper, won the dunk contest championship with his two-ball dunk, a performance that Olajuki missed.

It can be regarded as the most grassroots and least significant slam dunk contest champion in NBA history.

Olajuki expressed his regret, if I hadn’t met Silly Fen at home that year, I would have won it too!

After a busy night, Wayne's work was finally over.

When several judges returned to the player tunnel, Carter and Wayne chatted, probably talking about topics such as "I am a little nervous about entering the free agent market this summer at such an old age."

Just crazy hints!

Wayne nodded with a wry smile, "I asked Ning to come back then, but Ning didn't come myself!"

Now that the Trail Blazers' second and third positions are so crowded, what can be done?

It really fits that sentence. When you are extremely eager to win the championship, it proves that you are old.

After the game, Kobe also stuffed a cigar into Wayne's mouth and had to light it for him personally.

Good guy, when we were in the Dream Team, it was Anthony and his ilk who were the most influential people in society who took the initiative to light cigarettes for Nacha.

It's good now that Wayne is on the hook for chatting.

Others were stunned when they saw it, this is called Pai Noodles!

Of course, Wayne also knew that the smoke was not white.

"Don't worry, I'll rebound for you tomorrow, you can do your best."

"Good buddy, I knew you could trust me. Don't say anything anymore, let's blow up Orlando!"

Kobe patted Wayne on the shoulder, and the old gangster felt an inexplicable chill down his spine.

I always feel like someone wants to surpass me.

"Stop saying anything, let's blow up Orlando!" On the other side, the Heat's Big Three, who were enjoying themselves in the nightclub, told themselves the same thing.

Orlando: Who the hell did I mess with?

Both groups of people thought that this year's All-Star event would not be taken seriously, and both groups of people wanted to make something happen during this year's All-Star event.

I just don’t know what the game will be like when these two groups of people discover that each other comes with a purpose.

Real-life All-Stars?

Wayne has the most experience.

Finally, Sunday, February 26th.

The much-anticipated All-Star Game finally begins!

At the All-Star open training this morning, a reporter asked Naochi: "Do you think it is possible for you to surpass Jordan's scoring record in the All-Star Game this year?"

Kobe smiled confidently: "I have very strong teammates, so I am full of confidence in everything now."

On the other side, the Heat's Big Three think the same way.

The top four in the 2003 session + the youngest MVP.

Is there any suspense in this game?

In the first three quarters, they played with the Western Conference. In the fourth quarter, they showed a little strength and AMVP was in the bowl.

The Eastern team's confidence was also reflected in the appearance ceremony.

Before the game started in the evening, when the starting five of the Eastern Stars came on stage.

One by one, they stepped out with tortoise-like steps and danced to the live music.

It can be seen that the top four in 2003 are really relaxed.

But at this time, the most eye-catching person on the stage was not the four of them, but Rose, who was completely different from them.

Ross stood alone at the edge, looking at the few idiots next to him, looking confused and at a loss.

Ross: What are they doing? Do I have to jump a few times too? It feels a little awkward if I don’t jump a few times. But it feels even more awkward if I jump! It’s not that you are jumping around, the layout is too small, you guys!

Ross was at a loss and just stood aside silently. I often don't fit in with you because I'm not cool enough.

For the Western Team, the appearance ceremony was pretty normal.

After stepping onto the court, Naochi looked at Wayne and saluted him.

Nagging: "20 points, 20 points for transfer, I salute you!"

Du Xiaoshuai felt something was wrong when he saw Wayne and Najia flirting with each other!

There must be a PY transaction in this!

Good guys, you guys are going to work together to take away AMVP.

So vicious!

Do you two lack AMVP? Is there any need to introduce it?

Can we leave these honors to our younger generations for a sprint?

Du Xiaoshuai will never compromise. He knows that there are some things that cannot be respected and can only be fought for by oneself.

So, Du Xiaoshuai also gave Agui a look on the bench.

Agui said everything, O Jiebao K, when I come on the court, if Kobe and Wayne can touch the ball, I will lose!

Xiaoshuai smiled slightly, who doesn't have a few brothers?

With fans looking forward to it, the 2012 NBA All-Star Game begins!

As soon as he came up, Howard fought for the basketball over Bosh.

Pao'er was about to catch the ball, but he was overtaken by Nao Zai.

Pao'er shook his head helplessly, what else could he do? Can't you get it back?

At the beginning of the game, Kobe just did it when he got the ball.

Facing Di Wei's defense, Naochi easily stopped and made a jump shot from the mid-range on the right side.

After all, the game has just begun, so everyone should be more or less polite.

Therefore, Di Wei did not directly increase his intensity as soon as he started.

Overall, Kobe's shot was very easy.

But what was unexpected was that Naochi's easy mid-range jump shot missed the frame!

"Ah this." Kobe was also embarrassed. He couldn't just turn on Iron God mode today! ?


The basketball bounced out of the frame, and Bosh was ready to easily grab the rebound.

As a result, just when he was about to touch the basketball, the basket became dark because Wayne was covering his head.

“Offensive rebound, Way got the offensive rebound with Bosh in front of him.

It seems that the Eastern team was a little careless and did not block! "

Amidst the shouts of the on-site commentator, Mousse secretly scolded Wayne for not practicing martial ethics!

In the first round of the All-Star Game, where can I get offensive rebounds?

James was just too relaxed and didn't get stuck at all.

Therefore, Wayne easily got a chance to attack again.

After Wayne got the basketball, he didn't attack it himself, but passed the ball back to Najia.

Naochi was ecstatic, it felt so good to work with Wayne, and he could get the ball back again!

Sure enough, with Wayne in hand, he can penetrate the earth!

After getting the basketball, Kobe didn't adjust and took action again.

I, Kobe Byrne, will never miss the same shot twice!


Kobe Bryant:.

"I'll rub it." Wayne was also convinced. Can he do two consecutive irons?

This time, Mousse was prepared and stuck Wayne behind him.

Bosh then protected the defensive rebound, and the Eastern team counterattacked!

After Bosh handed the ball to Angua, Anthony easily broke through Du Xiaoshuai and scored a one-handed dunk.

Wayne shook his head. In the All-Star Game, Du Xiaoshuai's defense had nothing to say.

But the key is that you have to stand up for yourself, I'm here to help you break the record, not to ask you to help me brush it off!

After the first quarter of the game, Najia tried several more shots, but they were unsuccessful.

Du Xiaoshuai, on the other hand, played smoothly and had a good handle.

Especially after Gui Shao, the substitute point guard, came on the field, others could not catch the ball.

The turtle can either rush by himself or help Durant rush.

Wayne stood in the corner smoking, feeling like he was about to catch a cold.

After the first quarter, Du Xiaoshuai scored 12 points, but Nao Nao only scored 2 points and made 1 of 5 shots.

Who can blame this? I gave you a chance but you didn't use it.

After the start of the second quarter, the Eastern team gradually took the initiative, and the chatter became more and more impatient.

So, when Howard was executing free throws, seeing how difficult it was for Howard to make free throws, Kobe behind him even made a disgusted expression.

Wayne is also drunk. With the way you feel today, how can you still have the nerve to dislike others?

You won't be strong sooner or later, but today you are strong.

What a sin!

After half the second quarter, the West trailed by 11 points.

Although Du Xiaoshuai scored a lot, he lacked support. If this continues, the score will probably get bigger and bigger.

So during the timeout this time, Naochi approached Wayne and said, "How about you play the high position and I'll cut it?"

"Ning's shooting skills are as good as today, so what else can I do? Let's give it a try."

Who would have known that Wayne and Kobe almost killed the Eastern Conference in this attempt.

After returning from the timeout, everyone on the Eastern team became nervous when they saw Wayne taking the initiative to hold the ball on the outside, thinking that Wayne was ready to take over the game.

As a result, just when everyone's attention was focused on Wayne, Nagging, who was originally near the bottom corner, quickly cut in and caught Wade off guard.

Wayne then hit the ground and passed the ball to Kobe. The latter scored by smashing and dunking with both hands, and it worked!

After another possession, Wayne continued to hold the ball outside the three-point line.

At this time, Shafen, who came on as Durant's substitute, leaned on James in the paint and planned to catch the ball.

As a young person, I definitely want to show off in the All-Star Game.

Silly Fen got stuck, and then found that Wayne was actually winking at him!


Although Shafen and Wayne had a lot of unpleasantness, he was such a broad-minded person!

Come on, don’t say anything else, let’s have a happy air-pickup!

In fact, what Wayne winked at meant: Silly Fen, make some room and get out. If you are like this, how can you cut it off?

Silly Fen thought it meant: Be careful, I’m going to fly with you!

Then, the moment Wayne made the pass, Silfen turned around Mousse very sensitively without the ball, and then jumped directly, preparing for an alley-oop dunk!

But when it jumped into the air, Silly Fen realized that the ball was still in Wayne's hand!

Wayne's mouth twitched, "Why are you jumping? Do you need such a big reaction?"

Can't you see that I'm pretending to pass?

Silly Fen, who was flying into the air, was instantly embarrassed. Damn it, Wayne, you even lied to your teammates.

What else can be done? Let Silly Fen fly for a while longer.

Taking advantage of Shafen to attract the opponent's attention, Nachi suddenly reached the mid-range position, and Wayne also delivered the ball immediately.

Then, Kobe caught the ball and shot from mid-range. This time, he didn't waste the opportunity.

The basketball went hollow into the net, and he scored consecutive goals!

After scoring the goal, Kobe excitedly rushed over to give Wayne a high-five. Wayne and Kobe were so close on the court that it was a dream connection.

Later, the Eastern Team discovered that Naochi was feeling good.

He scored consecutively and gradually closed the gap.

And in the process, Naojia's desire to win is also increasing crazily.

He started talking trash, started fouling, and started getting serious.

Of course, the competition is still relatively loose overall.

The real turning point in this game came at the end of the second quarter.

In the 11th minute of the second quarter, Nachi cut in again and received a pass from Wayne to prepare to attack the frame.

Wade, who had just been fouled by Kobe, was so angry that he stretched out his hands from behind to grab Kobe.

Unexpectedly, Wade didn't control it well and hit Kobe Bryant on the nose with a palm.

Kobe covered his nose at that time, and Wayne also rushed up to check the situation.

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t look at it, but Wayne was really shocked at first sight.

When Wayne saw Kobe put his hand down, Kobe's nose was a little crooked and bleeding!


This is probably the first time in the history of the All-Star Game that blood has been spilled on the field!

Wayne suddenly remembered at this time that in the original 12-year All-Star Game, Kobe's nose was indeed directly broken by a foul from Wade. This was the first time in the history of the NBA All-Star Game.

Wade actually didn't mean it. He did want to foul, but he didn't want to hit Kobe's nose.

The doctor immediately came to help Kobe stop the bleeding, and Wayne also talked to Kobe on the side.

"How about it?"

"It hurts." When Kobe said it hurt, there was no expression on his face.

"The bleeding can't be stopped. It must be serious. Stop it, Ako!" After stuffing a few large pieces of cotton into the kneecap and still not stopping the bleeding, the doctor suggested that Kobe simply stop fighting today.

As a result, Nachai didn't even think about it: "Can't stop? If it's broken, straighten it for me, and then go get me a mask! Anyway, I want to finish it!"

No matter what, Kobe will not give up this opportunity to surpass Jordan!

Black Mamba's murderous intent is getting stronger and stronger.

Wayne glanced at the other side, who was also obviously wary. Since Wade just chose to foul instead of watching Kobe Bryant's layup, it is enough to illustrate the attitude of the other side.

It seems that the intensity of the All-Star Game will take this as a node to start to get stronger.

In the second half, it was hard to stand up.

During this year's All-Star Weekend, I finally got rid of my silly temperament and started to look a little more manly.

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