I am Really an Insider

Chapter 575 572: The ghostly tactics come to mind (4.1K votes requested)

Wayne took the thermos cup and took a sip, watching with pleasure as Ah Lian dared to play hard in garbage time.

You still need to take good care of your body~

I casually score 27 or 8 points in each game, and then I hang up and drink wolfberry water.

Isn't this delicious?

From now on, please call me Goji Brother Chudaime.

Well, mainly, it may be because Sharapova's performance has not been very satisfactory after her comeback recently, and she is under too much pressure.

So at night, I always release a little harshly

Even though Wayne had just returned from being suspended, he was actually quite tired from exercising every day these past few nights.

Who is the Trail Blazers team doctor’s biggest enemy? Are they those muscular men who run rampant on the court?

No, those scum couldn't hurt Brother Wei at all.

The real enemy of the Trail Blazers team doctor is the woman who roams around in Wayne's bed!


Wayne kept drinking water today, actually to relieve the embarrassment.

Because he discovered that the old wolf had been staring at him on the opposite bench since he came off the field.

Who wouldn't feel angry if a grown man stares at them all the time?

Wayne has spent some time and thought about it, and he didn't have any unpleasantness with Hard Special today.

Although it is true that the tough guy made a lot of fools of himself today, sometimes he was a tough guy fighting, and sometimes he was making a buckle-style save.

But that's all just hard work.

In all conscience, I, Wayne, really obeyed the law today!

Besides, Wayne had already finished clicking in the end, otherwise he wouldn't just get this little data.

It’s already a great honor to the tough guy, okay?

But Harder kept staring at Wayne until the end of the game.

101 to 88, the Trail Blazers easily defeated the New Jersey Nets at home.

Although the point difference seems to be only 13 points, it is not particularly big.

After all, the Trail Blazers are a team that can beat the Knicks by more than 40 points without Wayne.

Social melon: Gan!

But this is mainly because the Trail Blazers withdrew all their main players early and turned on the idle mode.

Otherwise, the point difference would be 20.

At the end of the game, after Wayne and A-Lian hugged, they found that Hard was still staring at him.

Now Wayne felt something was wrong.

"Finson, Finson!" Wayne quickly shouted to his new security team captain.

Fensen rushed forward with a lunge and opened his arms in an exaggerated manner: "Escort me, protect me!"

Well, as we all know, Wei Ge's security captain often has a low IQ.

Artest:? ? ?

"Do you think there's something wrong with that hard part?"

"Hard Te?" Fensen then turned his attention to Hard Te and found that he was still staring at Wei Ge.

So, Fensen walked towards Hard Special without saying a word.

"Hey, Brother Hard, what are you looking at?"

Jiute lowered his head and glanced at Fensen. The Wolf King was full of disdain for this small role: "What are you looking at?"

"I'll ask you again, what are you looking at?"

"Look at you!"

Then, the two of them were like repeaters, repeating these two sentences for several minutes.

Until the security guard came up and interrupted their conversation: "It's time to hold back, everyone has left."

Only then did Finsen and Harder realize that apart from the cleaners, they were the only ones left in the arena.

"It's a waste of time!" Jiute turned and left dissatisfied. He had been talking nonsense with Stephenson for so long, which had already lowered his worth.

It's as if my IQ level is the same as his.

Finsen: Haha, your sand sculpture footage today has proven your IQ level.

I really think the Trail Blazers are really scary. Look at who they are.

I actually had that terrible thought just now.

As for this group of idiots from the Trail Blazers, it is difficult to get along with them normally.

From this point of view, we still have to respond to Nao Nao’s call.

Fuck him and Wayne will win the championship in one shot. This will be called satisfying.

While Hard was still doubting himself, Wayne sat in the locker room and happily changed his clothes.

Using Stephenson's IQ to contain the enemy is really a useful tactic~

After the Nets game, Wayne, who came back, won the Bucks, Grizzlies and Lakers respectively.

To be honest, these three games were not easy to play, and the Grizzlies and Lakers happened to be back-to-back.

That's right, every time the Trail Blazers encounter the Grizzlies this year, it's always back-to-back.

That's how unlucky it is.

But even so, it didn't stop Wayne from leading his team to a winning streak.

The game against the Grizzlies was actually quite difficult. The Blazers only won the opponent by four points in the end.

In addition to maintaining their terrifying defensive intensity, the Grizzlies also played surprisingly well offensively today.

Especially my sister-in-law, she was so stunned that her brother was autistic.

Marc Gasol made 8 of 13 shots today and scored 22 points with a super high shooting rate of 61.5%.

The beating made my sister-in-law want to take Mark for a DNA test on the spot to see if he was a biological brother.

In the end, it was thanks to Wayne scoring two goals over Randolph that sealed the victory that we had this 4-point advantage.

This game was so brutal, Mous thought that in the next game against the Lakers, the Blazers would lose anyway, right?

It doesn’t matter if he keeps winning like this back to back!

If the Blazers don't lose, the Heat's record will really be impossible to catch up with!

As a result, on March 23, the Trail Blazers defeated the Lakers at the Staples Center.

Wayne still didn't score more than 28 points in this game, which speaks volumes.

What does it mean that Wei Ge's score does not exceed 28 points? It means Brother Wei has hung up again!

In today's game against the Lakers, the Trail Blazers actually played just average.

But the key is

Kobe made only 5 of 17 shots, and his shooting percentage was even worse than 30%.

It's really not comfortable.

Just do it with mousse, what are you doing?

Oh, you hit over 60% against the Heat.

But for the Trail Blazers, you instantly hit a shooting rate that suits your temperament.

Najia, you are too partial!

Thanks to Nao Nai, Wayne got 16 rebounds today.

Mr. Ke paid for all the rebounds today.

Wayne has finally discovered that whenever he plays against Kobe, there will definitely be a lot of rebounds.


Kobe was also surprised. He was clearly preparing to give Wayne a hard blow. For this reason, Kobe even practiced extra shooting yesterday.

What the hell.

The more you practice, the stronger you become?

Of course, the entire Lakers team still has great trust in Kobe.

They all felt that the reason why Kobe was so tough today was definitely not because of his good relationship with Wayne, but simply because of his lack of ability.

The stability of Naochi this season is indeed not very good, and there are often ghosts and ghosts.

There are even ghosts and ghosts all the time.

So, today, Kobe knew enough was enough and only took 17 shots, which was enough.

The Lakers faced the Trail Blazers three times this season and lost all three games.

It seems that the Lakers have basically officially withdrawn from the championship ranks.

Mousse's hopes were dashed. After the Trail Blazers defeated the Lakers, they had a 7-game winning streak, pushing their record to 44 wins and 4 losses.

There is a qualitative gap between the Heat's current 36 wins and 11 losses.

Wayne didn't score more than 28 points in these three games. Basically, he beat the opponent to death with a wave of offense, and Wayne automatically hung up.

Often, before Wayne even has time to take action, the opponent is already in trouble.

I clocked in and got off work, and the data was OK. There's no way, it won't work on the other side.

Wayne said that I just want to get the most basic satisfaction. Can't you guys do this?

What? You think what Brother Wei said above seems wrong?

What's wrong again?

I ask you to watch less movies that can be played by two or three people!

Fortunately, Wayne's boring days didn't last long.

Because after a wave of seven consecutive victories, the Trail Blazers will face an opponent that was blacklisted by Wei Ge-the Oklahoma City Thunder!

Wayne still clearly remembers how the Trail Blazers' last winning streak ended.

Du Xiaoshuai: Yes, exactly.

Mousse: Right down there!

Du Xiaoshuai:

Well, not the last time, but the last time the Trail Blazers won in a row, it was exactly

Nick Young: Yes, I was the one who interrupted you!

Du Xiaoshuai: Why are you just joining in the fun!

Well, it's not the last time, nor the last time, but the last time the Trail Blazers won in a row, it was Wei Ge who committed six crimes and let Du Xiaoshuai steal the chicken.

Although it has been a while, Wei Ge is still worried about it.

Wayne is just waiting for this opportunity to fight the Thunder for the third time. He wants to see if the Thunder are as strong as the league hypes them up.

Don't panic, I, Gao Dewei, will never kill you, absolutely.

Only dead elbows!

He joked that he didn't intend to exercise his godfather's privileges in this game, not because his conscience found out, but because it didn't matter who won or lost in this game.

It would be better if the Thunder win, but if the Thunder lose, there is still one chance for the two sides to meet in the regular season anyway.

At that time, we will use the Godfather Whistle to balance it out and let the Thunder and Trail Blazers draw 2-2. Isn't this balanced?

Doesn’t this create a feeling of even competition?

Of course, from the bottom of my heart, I still hope that Shortland will win.

Just think if a young American native could break Wayne's dominance of the league.

Good guy, he can be popular without the support of the league!

The opportunity is here, it depends on whether Du Xiaoshuai has the ability to take it.

On March 25, the Thunder generals arrived at the Rose Garden.

Although Du Xiaoshuai pretended to be relaxed on the surface, he was really panicking inside.

After all, he often has to bear double the pressure in a game.

Not only must he deal with Wayne, but he must also be wary of Turtle Shao.

Adu: Damn it’s so hard for me.

After the game started, the Trail Blazers also played very aggressively.

As soon as the elementary school student came up, he took advantage of Wayne's screen and shot a pull-up shot from outside the three-point line. Seeing that Gui Shao failed to get around him immediately, Du Xiaoshuai's heart was in his throat, thinking that this guy is a loser. .

Curry is so accurate this season that he will not miss this opportunity.

As a result, there was a "bang" sound, and the primary school student's shot actually hit the frame!

Well, the game has just begun, and the iron has not yet warmed up, so it is normal to hit the iron.

However, Wayne never imagined that this blacksmithing was just the beginning.

In the first quarter, Curry made 0 of 3 shots from beyond the three-point line. It’s not that he was a good defensive player, but he really didn’t score even if he had a chance!

On the other hand, the Thunder played smoothly and their offense was as smooth as silk.

Du Xiaoshuai smiled, yes, how could the Blazers be so accurate all season long?

A few iron games occasionally is normal.

Today, it’s my turn to eat dumplings, Du Xiaoshuai!

In the second quarter, Matthews may have noticed something strange about Curry, so he took the initiative to increase his shots.


The same iron!

It's not just the three-pointer. The Blazers' offense today failed to score in various inexplicable ways.

Later, Carlisle couldn't bear it anymore and asked Stephenson and Thompson to go up and give it a try.

They are not strong anymore, because they don't even have a chance to shoot!

After Stephenson came up, he passed the ball without looking at anyone and passed it into the arms of Carlisle.

How was Carlisle feeling at that time? To describe it in one sentence: "I feel like eating you!"

You'd better come back and play games.

After Thompson came on the court, he was intercepted by Sefolosha.

In the end, maybe because I was too nervous, I made another dribbling error later.

Good guy, this pair of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks made a few clicks of Thunder to widen the gap.

Just like that, after half the game, the Thunder led the Trail Blazers by 13 points!

Du Xiaoshuai said that this can be said to be very funny.

I never dreamed that they would beat the Trail Blazers by 13 points at halftime without a godfather whistle.

How can you not be happy if this happens to you?

Wayne was also very speechless. You all have learned the Mamba Mentality, right?

As long as you have enough determination, right?

You are not polite at all when you strike with iron!

A 13-point hole was dug in the first half, and it was filled in the second half.

It's not that Wayne has never encountered situations where his teammates have poor touch, but this is the first time he has seen such a large area of ​​poor touch!

Wayne doesn't care so much, he must win in the second half anyway!

Carlisle thought the same way, he couldn't lose this game.

But the problem of feel, can Carlisle solve it?

During the halftime break in the locker room, Carlisle was also racking his brains to think of a strategy for the second half.

Finally, at a certain moment, Carlisle closed his eyes, and a ghostly tactic suddenly came to his mind.

He's enlightened!

Carlisle flipped through the almanac and saw the reminder of "Today's Hit Rate Constipation".

Well, since I can’t make a shot, then I’ll let others miss a shot too!

In the second half, Carlisle decided to strengthen its defense and put on a defensive lineup.

My team is constipated, so the Thunder will have to squat with their legs numb!

Carlisle then tapped the tactical board: "Comrades, in the second half, with Wei Ge as the core, we built a suffocating defensive lineup! Therefore, I need to change the formation."

After the halftime break, Du Xiaoshuai stepped onto the court happily, only to find that the Blazers' lineup was different from just now.

"The Trail Blazers changed their formation, and Coach Carlisle changed his formation once again in the midfield! As we all know, whenever Coach Carlisle changes his formation in the midfield, his team is always able to turn the tide!" The Portland commentator on the scene was also excited. stand up.

But Thunder coach Brooks was confused. The Trail Blazers' starting five in the second half were Tony Allen, Gibba, Matthews, Wayne and Birdman.

There’s no point guard, and two of the guards can’t shoot yet.

Damn it.

What kind of unlucky lineup is this?

How to deal with this? Otherwise, should I make two more bowls of chicken soup?

Wayne stared at Du Xiaoshuai fiercely. Today's revenge must be avenged!

Come on, enjoy the torture of the second half.

The Torture King lineup is online!

Let’s stop here today, and we’ll make up the remaining 1,700 tomorrow. The temperature suddenly dropped again today. Lao Ge didn't wear enough clothes, he had a bad cold, and he felt sleepy after taking medicine, so he wanted to go to bed early tonight. I don’t know if this cooling is nationwide, but everyone should pay more attention to temperature changes. Everything I said is true. I definitely didn’t want to take a rest early because I was malnourished after seeing the pictures in the group!

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