I am Really an Insider

Chapter 577 574: Is this hitting Xiao Shuai on the buttocks? This is a joke! (5.6K votes requested)

The Thunder's mind-blowing defense in the final moments was truly astonishing.

This defense undoubtedly established Durant's status in the star world.

In terms of leadership ability, Du Xiaoshuai is the only one with that ball just now.

Because this is the home court of the Trail Blazers, the Thunder's smart defense just now was being replayed on the big screen.

The Thunder players couldn't even raise their heads, as if the air around them was embarrassing.

The commentator on the Beautiful Country side was already laughing out loud. Sir Ba exclaimed in the studio: "This is the most Sabi defense I have ever seen in my life, hahahaha!"

It can be said that it does not save face for the young people of the Thunder team at all.

At Tutu's house, Zhang guided them to be merciful.

"This Thunder team is still young and inexperienced. Wayne seized the opportunity and dunked one, which is reasonable!"

Of course, fans all know that this is not a matter of experience at all, it is purely a problem with the head.

The big screen at the scene replayed the previous defense over and over again, and Durant and his teammates also experienced social death over and over again.

Wayne looked at his masterpiece and felt extremely happy.


Who said Brother Wei can only move his elbow? This strategy is very smooth!

However, just teasing Du Xiaoshuai once could not relieve the hatred in Wayne's heart.

This game must be won to satisfy Wayne's paranoid desire for revenge.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, when the Thunder players saw the Trail Blazers' lineup, they instantly lost half of their motivation.

Why are you still here!

In the fourth quarter, Carlisle did not change to the regular lineup, but continued to use the torture lineup just now.

Carlisle: Keep squatting with me until your legs are too numb to stand up! Want to flow smoothly? No way!

Play basketball well, Carlisle said this, and it always felt full of smell.

In the third quarter, the Trail Blazers' defense was already making everyone on the Thunder team miserable.

As a result, in the fourth quarter, it was still the same people, and no one was confused.

What the Trail Blazers want is this effect, so that you can disarm yourself in the meat grinder defense of the big man!

Durant also knows that he has to shoulder the heavy responsibility in the fourth quarter.

Therefore, at the beginning of the fourth quarter, Durant put on a posture of serious defense.

He lowered his center of gravity and focused his eyes. At first glance, he looked a bit old.

Facing the young handsome man who was seriously defending, Teacher Tony had a look of contempt on his face.

Stop playing with me, sir!

Damn it, I'm just a jerk on the offensive end. Who are you bluffing with this attitude? ?

Do I need to defend like this? Why don't you defend Wayne?

Still wearing this outfit!

Well, what Du Xiaoshuai faced on the defensive end today was Teacher Tony, the man with the lowest offensive threat in the Trail Blazers.

Brooks really doesn't like using Du Xiaoshuai on defense, because putting Du Xiaoshuai's abnormal firepower on the offensive end is the right way.

Wasting most of Durant's energy on the defensive end is a waste of money.

You know, Du Xiaoshuai's physical fitness is not particularly good at this stage.

Of course, it also depends on who you compare with.

Compared with ordinary players, Du Xiaoshuai's physical fitness is undoubtedly very good.

But compared with superstars at the same level, Du Xiaoshuai's battery life is indeed inferior.

Therefore, on the defensive end, Du Xiaoshuai is often responsible for defending the opponent's soy sauce figures.

Du Xiaoshuai dared to fight against Tony, while Ibaka on the other side was really suffering.

Wayne has scored 27 points in three quarters, including 13 points in the third quarter.

This made Ibaka very melancholy.

In the third quarter of the game, it can be said that the Blazers' offense was supported by Wayne alone.

Wayne either scored directly or assisted his teammates to score.

Ibaka also worked very hard. The confrontational strength he gave Wayne would have reached the level of being kidnapped if he were left on the street.

Therefore, Ibaka was also surprised.

Why does Wayne never seem to get tired?

He was still so lively until the fourth quarter.

In the third quarter, in order to maintain pressure on the Thunder, Carlisle allowed Jiba to rest for only one minute and Wayne for only two minutes.

I thought Wayne would be weak for a while in the fourth quarter, but little did he know that it would be a physical fight with Ibaka.

In this round, Wayne leaned against Ibaka in the mid-range to receive the basketball, and then chose to turn his back and break through to the basket.

Ibaka kept pressing close to him the whole time, and Wayne pushed Ibaka inside.

After reaching the basket, Ibaka still did not lose his position.

Wayne then tightly protected the basketball with both hands, then pushed hard, pushed Ibaka away a small step, and then dunked with one hand on the spot!

The offense was very tough this time, and Wayne was willing to shoulder the burden of scoring regardless of his physical strength.

The fourth quarter had just begun, and Wayne was gasping for breath due to Ibaka.

And when the Thunder attack, Ibaka is even more uncomfortable.

He and Wayne were basically arm-in-arm, almost throwing each other.

Except for Ibaka, everyone else's treatment is similar.

Sefolosha tried hard to run out of space to meet Turtle Shao, but no matter how he ran back, Jiba would not let go.

After running for a long time, there was no chance, and most of the stamina was wasted.

Their off-ball shooters all beat up the defense.

Today, it was Jiba who chased Sefolosha.

Sefolosha was also speechless. This guy named Jiba, isn't he tired?

Jiba: Haha, I am not targeting anyone in terms of longevity. Wei Ge is slightly inferior to me.

In the end, it was the big turtle who attacked Matthews and succeeded in a Middle Eastern layup, which allowed the Thunder to narrow the score with difficulty.

But how long can Mr. Turtle fight like this?

Every round he is so strong against others, no matter how good his physical fitness is, it will be rubbed away.

Carlisle was not worried when he saw Turtle Shao scoring a goal.

You can score goals, but Carlisle guarantees that the Thunder will pay a huge price for every goal they score!

It's not easy, you have to fight if you want to score!

The fourth quarter saw another few minutes of hand-to-hand combat, and it was clear that the Thunder were no longer able to fight.

In the offensive round that just ended, Du Xiaoshuai's three-point jumper was short.

For a scorer like him, this kind of accuracy is by no means his level.

There is only one reason - Du Xiaoshuai now feels a little difficult to even shoot.

Because the strength is weak, the throw will be short.

Carlisle smiled slightly, hiding his merit and fame.

It seems that all the young people on the Thunder team have almost been softened!

Afterwards, Tony broke through Durant and succeeded in a layup, which confirmed Carlisle's suspicion.

For a player like Tony who relies on luck to get to the basket, he can break through Durant and score a layup.

Du Xiaoshuai's defense just now was really terrible.

He moved slowly laterally and was not active in chasing back. He basically watched Teacher Tony complete the layup.

So tired, the defensive end is too lazy to move.

Brooks also felt that it was fucked. Today's game was very intense and his physical energy was consumed quickly. He accepted it.

But why are only my players tired?

In fact, others are also tired, but as long as Wayne and Jiba continue to take advantage of the defensive end, it will give people the feeling that the Blazers' defense is still tough.

Carlisle said Jiba and Wayne's depth, you'd better not try.

These two are bottomless pits!

Seeing that Du Xiaoshuai was almost useless, Wayne was ready to continue to increase his efforts!

After Sefolosha's jump shot was blocked, Wayne easily grabbed the rebound.

Before, Ibaka had a fierce fight with Wayne.

Now I am tired and know how to be honest. Seeing that the position was not good, Ibaka didn't move at all.

Although he didn't jump up to grab it, Ibaka still didn't want Wayne to take the ball away so easily.

So, while Wayne had just grabbed the board and landed before he could concentrate, Medical Insurance Card suddenly rushed towards Wayne, preparing to steal it on the spot!

After Wayne landed, he turned around and found Ibaka rushing towards him. He was indeed caught off guard.

I didn't expect this person to attack unexpectedly.

In desperation, as a superstar, Wayne reflexively resorted to the secret of Webster's ball protection method!

Wayne stood there and raised his right foot, which was facing the longest part of Ibaka's body.

Ibaka braked quickly when he saw this situation. Damn, he was going to hit him! ?

Then you have to kick it inward.

Just like that, two centimeters in front of the sole of Wayne's shoe, Ibaka finally stopped the car.

Not only did he stop the car, he also took two or three steps back.

The sweat on Ibaka's head suddenly dropped two drops.

Fortunately, the brakes were applied in time. It was a critical moment just now!

This is probably the most thrilling scene Ibaka has ever experienced on the basketball court.

Wayne, you are too vicious. I won’t rob you anymore. Why not?

Wayne resolved the crisis with wit!

"Humph, you little brat, you just want to steal the ball from your brother Wei? You don't even have the courage to lead the charge, how can you steal the ball?" Wayne smiled softly, retracted his right leg, and slowly advanced with the ball.

This move is not really about kicking others, it is mainly used as a deterrent.

Even if it's really a piece of cake, eh.

That was also caused by the opponent himself!

"Poof!" This move of Webster's ball-protecting technique really made the on-site commentator laugh.

Damn it, when the Blazers play a game, they can do all kinds of tricks.

One moment, he kicked off and dunked while others were discussing countermeasures, and the next moment, he developed such a novel way to protect the ball.

In terms of innovation, the Trail Blazers are unique in the league.

At this time, the point difference has been widened to 8 points.

One more goal and the Thunder will be double digits behind the Trail Blazers.

From leading by 13 points at halftime to possibly falling behind by 10 points now, Du Xiaoshuai felt that this game was like a dream.

The dream is full, but the reality is very skinny.

In the dream, he drank Scarlett's foot-washing water until he went to the toilet every minute.

In reality, he and Scarlett couldn't even say a word.

In the dream, he tore Wayne and the Blazers into pieces.

In reality, he suffered a humiliating comeback.

Wayne controlled the ball outside the three-point line, looked at the dying Du Xiaoshuai, and waved his hand.

At this time, Tony came out and received the pass from Wayne.

Wayne then sets up cover for Tony.

This set of operations means that Tony Allen wants to beat Durant! ?

How is that possible? Although Du Xiaoshuai is very tired, he can't use Teacher Tony to humiliate him.

The real purpose of this goal is to force Durant and Ibaka to switch defenses!

Because Teacher Tony had just scored a goal through Durant, Ibaka did not dare to let Tony go.

Can you imagine?

Tony is actually an offensive threat now!

See you soon!

Therefore, when Tony broke through, Ibaka moved over and delayed for a while.

Wayne is just waiting for Ibaka to go away!

When Ibaka moved sideways to delay Tony, Wayne suddenly retreated to the side and was immediately free.

At this time, Du Xiaoshuai had no choice.

He could only run to Wayne bravely, and a defense change was completed.

The exhausted Du Xiaoshuai looked at Brother Wei and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

I've already been softened, and you still refuse to let me go!

Du Xiaoshuai: Is there really no room for negotiation? ? Give me a chance, Brother Wei.

Godway: Haha, when I was whistled by my godfather and graduated as a sixth offender, did you give me a chance?

Wayne was not polite to Du Xiaoshuai. He first took a step to the right. When Durant followed suit, Wayne made a sharp change of direction and walked to the right!

It's not a complicated passing move, but with Du Xiaoshuai's current physical condition, he has no chance of guarding Wayne.

"Fuck!" Ibaka cursed secretly and prepared to chase after him.

He actually used the tactic of luring the tiger away from the mountain, how vicious it is!

However, when Ibaka started running, he realized that he couldn't run either.

After a whole fight with Wayne, can he still run?

When chasing near the free throw line, Durant and Ibaka met.

Seeing Wayne who had already reached the basket and took off for a dunk, Du Xiaoshuai collapsed on Ibaka.

"Kady, I really have nothing left, not even a drop of physical energy is left!"

Ibaka supported Du Xiaoshuai, but his face was listless.

"I can't do it either. The burden on my lower body is very heavy."

Then, the two of them just supported each other and watched Wayne complete a two-handed dunk.

The point difference became 10 points, and the Trail Blazers officially took a double-digit lead!

Collapse, the Thunder team is completely collapsed!

I was also shocked by the joke. This Du Xiaoshuai is useless!

To be honest, the Thunder lost this game, so jokes are acceptable.

But losing so badly was too much.

Lead by 13 points at halftime, and you can let others go ahead by 10 points in one and a half quarters.

You give me a der!

What's more, the Trail Blazers' shooting feel today is still visibly poor.

Even the Thunder can't beat this. If the Blazers are in normal condition, wouldn't it be free?

If you do this, my joke will be in vain for so long!

What I want is a close match, a close match, you know?

I've been praising you so much, but you should give me some encouragement, my handsome boy!

Du Xiaoshuai: No more, I’m really exhausted!

The Trail Blazers led by 10 points, but Wayne wasn't satisfied yet.

Today, the Thunder must be beaten to reveal their true colors.

What team is evenly matched with the Trail Blazers?


I, Gao Dewei, can give face to anyone, but I cannot give face to jokes!

"Quick, quick!"

While the Trail Blazers players were still celebrating their goals, while Du Xiaoshuai and Ibaka were still accepting the cruel reality that they were dead.

Mr. Turtle stood up!

Real men never say no!

He asked Perkins, the Thunder's smartest player, to quickly take a baseline kick. If you sneak a sneak attack on me, I will sneak a sneak attack on you!

Who hasn’t used means and strategies yet?

As I said, I am a serious point guard.

He has a high basketball IQ.

Perkins quickly passed the ball to Mr. Turtle, and Mr. Turtle ran away after catching the basketball!

In a flash, he had already rushed to the frontcourt.

"Eh, eh!?" Wayne only felt a gust of wind blowing by, and saw a guy who looked like a turtle flashing past him.

"Stop him, Jiba, stop him!"

Wayne shouted anxiously, he didn't want the double-digit advantage he had just gained to be lost to Turtle Shao.

Jiba reacted immediately after hearing the shouting and moved sideways in front of Westbrook.

But Mr. Turtle is not a free man, so he used a beautiful move from behind to change hands, passed Jiba, and continued to drive straight in!

At this time, there is no obstacle between the turtle and the basket.

Seeing Agui rushing forward bravely, Durant suddenly became energetic.

Unexpectedly, Agui hasn’t given up yet!

On the other hand, my eldest brother, I have already thought of surrendering.


I wrongly blamed you, second brother!

I usually ignore you, but I didn't expect that at this critical moment, you are the one with the most fighting spirit.

Sure enough, as a leader, my scope is still small!

Second brother, come on, big brother, I will never bury you again!

Agui's eyes are firm. Although he is often hot-headed, there is one thing: Agui never admits defeat!

Looking at the basket getting closer and closer to him, Turtle was also ready.

Don’t worry, although I, Agui, have made many mistakes, this time, this time, I will never hold you back again!

I just want to win!

We will definitely, definitely be able to overthrow the big devil, Wayne!

The atmosphere suddenly became very passionate, quite burning.

All the Thunder generals on the bench stood up, and Du Xiaoshuai also looked at Agui with red eyes.

Agui entered the restricted area and jumped high into the air.

He lifted the basketball and tossed it gently toward the basket, and everything seemed fine.

Then, when Turtle retracted his hand, he somehow hit the basketball and changed its flight trajectory.


Westbrook misses an empty layup!

"I'll wipe it!" Mr. Gui's heart felt cold at that time. How could this be possible? ?

"Fuck me!" Du Xiaoshuai's eyes widened, isn't it my turtle!

This can't be done! ?

It doesn't matter if you don't shoot accurately at ordinary times, but what if you can't make a layup? ?

Teacher Tony was also surprised. He didn’t expect that besides me, there would be such layup masters hidden in this league!

"The ball didn't go in. Oh my god, who can tell me what happened? Westbrook didn't make the layup. This ball was even more difficult than if it had been scored."

The on-site commentators were also confused. They never expected that this would happen.

The atmosphere has already been heated up, and your splash of cold water is a bit sudden.

Mr. Turtle's sewer operation broke the waists of countless people.

Wayne shook his head. Sometimes, he really sympathized with Du Xiaoshuai.

When Turtle landed, he turned his head in embarrassment and found that the basketball had been picked up by Jiba who followed.

Then, Mr. Turtle looked at Durant again.

I found my eldest brother standing there blankly as if his soul was out of body.

Du Xiaoshuai's mind went blank. He felt that Westbrook must have saved his life in his previous life.

I am here to pay off my debts in this life.

Otherwise, it is really hard to imagine why God sent Westbrook to him.

One second ago, it moved heaven and earth.

The next second, the entire empty basket was missed.

No roller coaster has such a big drop!

Sure enough, the young turtle is still the same young turtle.

He can always deliver the most unexpected blow at the most unexpected moment.

When he just watched Young Master Turtle charging forward bravely, Du Xiaoshuai's eyes only turned red.

And now, he really wanted to cry!

After the turtle came back, he tried to steal one and then hit a fast break to make up for it.

But it's so easy to steal.

Because Turtle was too impatient, he directly knocked down Tony who was in possession of the ball.

Tony stood on the free throw line. Although he only made one of the two free throws, he still gave the Trail Blazers an 11-point lead.

This game is about to end, and the blow just now by Turtle Shao was extremely fatal to the morale of the Thunder team.

Now, as long as the Trail Blazers can continue to stabilize the situation, they can smash the Thunder to pieces!

So, in the process of retreating this time, Wayne picked up the wet collar in his mouth and took a deep breath.


"Ugh!" Wayne almost vomited out his dinner. Damn it, the smell was so exciting!

How did you drink this stuff after years of exhaustion!

But don't tell me, after taking a sip, the fatigue suddenly eased a lot.

Although he is still tired, he is definitely more energetic than the Thunder players!

Wayne settled into position on defense and spread his arms.

Now, crush the dream of jokes completely!

Du Xiaoshuai thought Wayne was kicking his ass, but in fact, it was a joke~

Look at the team you support, just three words - useless!

Today's update is here, and what I owed yesterday has been made up. Low EQ: Ten thousand words updated. High EQ: 11 more words from a thousand words!

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