I am Really an Insider

Chapter 587 584: Explosion across the board, a massive situation (4.1K votes requested)

When the game entered the first timeout, the Thunder led the Trail Blazers by 6 points.

Although the lead is not big, it is already a huge improvement compared to the 18-point hole dug at the beginning of the last game.

Speaking of yesterday's point difference, it was obviously a 18-point win, but after the game, Director Zhang actually said that the Trail Blazers won by a huge 28-point difference.

Combined with Zhang's classic 4-for-5 shooting, Wayne even suspected that Zhang's math was taught by his boss when he was eating Malatang.

There is never a single correct time!

Okay, now is not the time to complain about Zhang’s guidance.

Today, Ibaka's performance on both offense and defense was really surprising.

Although Ibaka has only scored those two goals so far, it still makes people feel scared.

As a result, after this timeout, Carlisle had to temporarily abandon the lineup of one large and four small players and put the old sister-in-law on the court again.

Just to mark Ibaka.

When you find that the opponent's player has a good touch, the most correct thing to do is to nip him in the cradle before his touch completely ignites.

When Harden was replaced, Teacher Tony also encountered some difficulties.

Before the game started, Brother Wei told Teacher Tony to keep an eye on Ha Jishi.


What about Turtlesbrook?

Currently, the Trail Blazers' defensive matchup is Tucker guarding Perkins, Sister-in-Law guarding Ibaka, and Wayne facing Durant.

Therefore, Turtlesbrook and Harden must be watched by Curry.

This is very uncomfortable.

In the end, Carlisle decided to let Curry guard Harden.

After all, that's what he arranged in the last game, and Harden didn't play too exaggerated numbers.

But today.

Wayne felt vaguely uneasy.

The game restarted and the Blazers attacked.

Curry has become vigilant. He knows that today's Thunder will never be at the mercy of others like yesterday.

At this time, the one guarding Curry was Hajishi, who had just appeared.

Brooks' idea is to let Turtlesbrook and Hajishi alternately defend Curry, the annoying little goblin, in order to achieve the effect of saving physical energy.

As soon as Curry ran outside the three-point line, before he could hand the ball over, Hajishi suddenly slapped the basketball out of Curry's hand!

Harden's strike was so quick that Curry was caught off guard.

Although the basketball was knocked away, Harden did not directly complete the steal.

The primary school student was about to turn around and pick up the basketball, but he suddenly saw Mr. Ha gliding to the ground and hugging the basketball tightly!

Then, Harden handed the ball to Du Xiaoshuai before the Blazers went up to fight for it.

Harden completed a wonderful defense as soon as he came up!

The elementary school students were fucked. Today they were caught by Ibaka and intercepted by Hajishi again.

Wouldn't it be heartbreaking if you teamed up to bully a primary school student?

Humph, look how I will hack you after the game!

After Du Xiaoshuai rushed forward with the ball, he did not dare to take action easily under Wei Ge's defense.

Therefore, he still handed the ball to Ibaka obediently.

False offensive core: blurry eyes, only able to pass the ball.

The real core of the offense: long hands and long hanging, confident shot!

The sister-in-law immediately raised her arms and put them in front of Ibaka, while Wayne stared at Du Xiaoshuai closely.

Now, with his sister-in-law on guard, Ibaka should be unable to score again!

As long as Du Xiaoshuai is not allowed to run into the open space to catch and shoot, the defense will be half successful.

Wayne was more worried about Curry at this time, and he didn't know what unscrupulous things Ha Jishi would continue to do to elementary school students.

However, something unexpected happened.

Ibaka did not choose to pass the ball, but was defended by his sister-in-law.

Another decisive mid-range jump shot!

"I wipe it?" Wayne was stunned for a moment. Is Ibaka so confident today?

Because my sister-in-law was afraid of being penetrated by Ibaka, although she kept raising her hands to interfere, the closeness was not actually very tight.

Under normal circumstances, when defending someone like Ibaka, raising your hands to interfere is enough.

But today, Ibaka still made a shot despite such interference.

You really have to be on defense and don’t give me any chance! ?

“Three out of three shots, Serge Ibaka’s offensive efficiency was amazing today!

It seems that the timeout just now did not allow the Trail Blazers to regain their rhythm.

Now, the point difference has reached 8 points. Are the Thunder going to retaliate and widen the point difference in the first quarter? "

The on-site commentary became tense. The situation today was really far different from the last one.

Ibaka's sudden outburst probably didn't even occur to Brooks himself.

During the rest of the first quarter, Harden also beat Curry several times.

Although Harden did not explode as Wayne expected, the Thunder's overall outstanding performance still allowed them to lead the Trail Blazers by 7 points at the end of the first quarter.

At the beginning of the second quarter, after Du Xiaoshuai came on the court, he even gave Wayne a disdainful look.

Best defensive player?

That’s all I think! Not so much!

It turns out that as long as I don’t leak oil, I won’t be abused!

Wayne looked at Du Xiaoshuai's hairy expression and was speechless.

Damn, you only scored 4 points in the first quarter, and you spent the rest of the time passing the ball to Ibaka. How many tricks did you do!

Good guy, Harden, Turtlesbrook and Ibaka’s beeps are all done by you alone!

But this also reflects from the side how good the rest of the Thunder performed today.

In the second quarter, I thought Ibaka's luck would have run out.

Who knew that less than two minutes into the second quarter, Ibaka scored again.

This time, the sister-in-law pressed Ibaka closely and did not give Ibaka a chance to make a mid-range shot.

Little did I know that Ibaka wisely chose to break through.

Ibaka's pace has no advantage against Wayne, but his advantage against his sister-in-law is very obvious.

After passing his sister-in-law in one step, Ibaka suddenly became more excited and hard when he saw Tucker, a handsome guy with fat butt, defending the basket.

Tucker, Tucker, let me catch you.

Get ready, I'm going to speed up!

So, Ibaka faced Tucker and dunked hard.

His bullet speed was very fast. Before Tucker could take off, Ibaka had already reached the highest point.

Although Tucker's supplementary defense was very positive, the ending was very tragic.

In fact, the more active the defense, the greater the possibility of becoming a backdrop.

Old Dengtou: Who says it’s not the case?

Seeing Tucker being raped by Ibaka, Stephenson on the bench slapped his thigh: "I just said, something is wrong with Ibaka. Look, he can't hold it in anymore!"

Ibaka hit the target and pushed Tucker to the ground, gasping for air.

Today, Ibaka has made 4 of 4 shots.

Wayne hurriedly ran up, but Ibaka, who was about to yell, ran away when he saw this.

Well, Ibaka is tough against everyone, but he is a bit weak against Wei Ge.

To others: Boy, do you want to die?

To Wayne: Is it okay to drink from the big pot over ice?

In fact, Wayne was not going for Ibaka, but simply wanted to help Tucker up.

Tucker rubbed his chest and grinned.

It seems that today, the important task of defending Ibaka still has to be shouldered by Wayne himself.

So next, the defensive strategy changed again.

Sister-in-law defends Perkins, Wayne defends Ibaka, Tony defends Du Xiaoshuai, and Tucker defends Gui Shao.

After Wayne defended Ibaka, the effect was immediate.

In the next round, Ibaka and Turtle played a pick-and-roll. After the pick-and-roll, Ibaka immediately followed the ball, and Turtle also threw the ball first.

But Wayne quickly retreated to the basket and jumped up when Ibaka jumped to catch the ball, completely covering Ibaka.

If Ibaka insists on dunking this ball, he will either be caught or dunked in the end.

Covering alley-oops, Wayne is a pro!

As a result, Ibaka had an idea in the air, and instead of dunking, he passed the ball out again!

It is not an easy task to pass the ball the moment you catch the ball in the air.

Harder than an alley-oop dunk.

But this time Ibaka accurately found Du Xiaoshuai ambushing on the right side.

The latter caught the ball and shot, thanking Tony.

This wave of double alley-oops made Oklahoma City fans explode.

Wayne did stop Ibaka, but still couldn't stop the Thunder!

As the game progressed, Wayne found himself under increasing defensive pressure.

Gui Shao, Harden and Du Xiaoshuai began to take turns breaking through, which attracted Wayne's defensive attention.

As a result, Ibaka got many mid-range shooting opportunities.

Wayne has also run both ways as quickly as possible, but Ibaka's shooting percentage today is outrageous.

As long as he is given a chance, he can get in!

By the time the game ended in the third quarter, Ibaka had already made 9 of 9 shots!

Only then did Wayne remember that he was patronizing Harden, but he forgot that Ibaka had an outrageous 11-for-11 shooting rate in the 2012 playoffs!

That's right, 11 of 11. This is probably Ibaka's brightest moment on the offensive end.

That game also made Ibaka the first person since 1985 to take 11 shots in the playoffs and still maintain a 100% shooting percentage.

And the background board for this game.

Yes, it’s still a big dog thorn!

So in the fourth quarter, Wayne said nothing to stop Ibaka from scoring again.

This shameful record must never appear on my head, Gao Dewei!

At the same time, Wayne also felt that he needed to increase the proportion of his personal offense.

Today's game must be solved by personal ability.

As soon as the fourth quarter started, the confident Ibaka broke through Wayne with the ball and prepared to attack the frame.

But he was educated clearly by Wayne's nail-biting hat.

This is the end of the myth of 100% hit rate.

After blocking the shot, Wayne also shook his finger at Ibaka to get a bonus for his next block.

However, just guarding Ibaka is useless.

The Thunder have blossomed across the board today.

In the next round, Wayne was still pressing Ibaka.

But Harden, who was tepid in the first three quarters, took the opportunity to interfere and broke through the primary school boy.

Without Wayne to help defend, my sister-in-law had to protect the frame.

The sister-in-law's return to defense was also very timely, but Harden used a beautiful pull-up layup to avoid the block and successfully succeeded in the layup. The point difference returned to 8 points again.

Well, today's Hajishi still often pulls up the lever for layups.

Because Hajishi was not a heavy guard at this time and was not that fat, he made more pull-up layups.

After getting fatter in the later period, pull rods became rare, so many fans said they had never seen Harden pull rods.


In the later stage, Harden doesn't need to pull the lever at all. He can just pull his hands.

Harden's layup made the situation more serious.

Yes, it's the fourth quarter now. After finally holding down Ibaka, Hajishi is about to start performing again.

Everyone on the Thunder team cheered for joy, the score difference was 8 points again, and now it was possible to reach double digits again!

But in the next round, Wayne forced a layup against the contraction of Ibaka, Du Xiaoshuai and Westbrook.

Wayne was knocked almost parallel to the ground in the air, but before he completely lost his center of gravity, Wayne softly threw the ball toward the basket.

So, miraculously, the basketball hit the board and Wayne hit an extra penalty for a layup!

Wayne, who fell heavily, immediately got up and stared at the three men fiercely.

Really. One against three is not a waste!

After standing on the free throw line, Wayne made an extra free throw, narrowing the point difference to 5 points.

This is called hard interpretation of personal ability!

The Trail Blazers were about to gain momentum, but in the next round, Harden hit another three-pointer to close the gap.

With this shot, Harden gained space for his shot through an off-ball screen.

But in fact, Curry's defense is already very good, and Harden shoots against the defense.

However, Harden was really ruthless in the fourth quarter, and he scored as fast as he wanted.

Wayne finally resolved a crisis and took care of Durant, Turtle and Ibaka, and then Harden showed up again.

It feels a bit like two fists can't beat four hands.

But Wayne still didn't admit defeat.

In the subsequent attack, he accurately found Tucker under the siege of three people. The latter hit a three-pointer through the heart and gave back another goal!

Now the Thunder can't guard Wayne alone, but with multiple people guarding Wayne, Wayne can always find him as soon as possible.

To put it bluntly, Wayne is using his personal abilities to try to break the mess.

To be honest, with the Thunder's current state today, if they had a different opponent, the game would have already entered garbage time.

But the Trail Blazers still cling to the score because of Wayne!

For the rest of the fourth quarter, this brutal game continued.

In the most typical round, Wayne first stayed next to Ibaka, and then ran to the basket to help defend the breakthrough Gui Shao.

The Turtles saw Wayne making up the defense, so they passed the ball to Ibaka. Unexpectedly, Wayne was back in front of Ibaka immediately.

Ibaka passed the ball to Durant who was cutting in, but Wayne defended again and went to the basket to block the shot.

I don’t know how many times I went in and out in one round.

This situation of more than a dozen can be seen everywhere tonight.

But with four Thunder players joining forces, it is still extremely difficult to bring down Wayne.

However, fighting like this, no matter how strong the monster is, he can't handle it.

Brooks also knew this, so he told Ibaka to be more rough on Wayne's defense!

Wayne was breathing heavily at this time, trying to get every minute and every second to rest.

Although there is a method to absorb sweat and restore blood, Wayne did not use it immediately.

After all, that move only slightly restores physical energy, not full recovery.

In the current situation, even a small recovery will be immediately consumed.

Therefore, you need to take a puff at the most correct time to maximize the effect.

I thought there would only be one Harden in trouble today, but all four Thunder players broke out, something Wayne didn't expect.

However, Wayne also knows very well that if they can withstand this wave of general attacks, the young Thunder will definitely lose their confidence and collapse.

As long as we win this game, we can win the series cleanly!

Today, we must not lose!

The timeout ended and Wayne stood up.

What's wrong with hitting four at once?

Today’s 10,000-word update is here, please beg for your monthly votes!

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