I am Really an Insider

Chapter 594 591: Playing tricks on Wayne? Isn’t this the end? (4.4K votes requested)

James and Wayne both encountered hard problems now.

Moreover, I met two guys who were not very good at talking.

Hardy and Howard, they just say whatever comes to mind on the court, never without regard to the consequences.

Mainly Howard and Hard, they all have one thing in common at this time - anxious!

Both men really, really wanted to win the title, and they both set themselves a deadline.

This is what Jiute thinks. If he still can't win the championship this season, then he will go to Los Angeles to find his good brother Kobe.

When the time comes, the whole arm guard will be hardened and Kobe will get a mask. Together, the protective equipment brothers will become bigger and stronger and create greater glory.

MVP partners with MVP, the power is boundless!

Where's Howard?

He has been pretending to be a grandson all season long for the championship.

Paul told him to go east, but he did not dare to go west.

In the past, when Paul called Howard to pick and roll, Howard would tell him with a smile: "Which way to block? Give me the ball and watch me hit the opponent in the low post!"

Now, Paul called Howard to pick and roll, and Howard could only walk over with a smile: "Brother, I'd rather please!"

When Howard left the Magic before, he initially felt that the Magic management was working hard to provide him with a maximum salary, which made people feel insincere.

Secondly, he felt that Van Gundy only allowed himself to be a senior blue collar in charge of defense and could not catch the ball at critical moments.

What now? Howard discovered that in addition to eating cakes and eating more happily than before, he was essentially still a high-level blue-collar worker.

Take the first few games as an example, Howard's task is to keep an eye on Wayne. He feels that Love's role on the offensive end is greater than his own now.

If we can win the championship, that's fine.

But after several seasons, the Warriors have harvested nothing, and they have never seen a Western Conference championship, let alone a championship.

I, Master Huo, am someone who wants to do great things! How can I be called around by you, a 183-year-old landlady?

If Big Logo hadn't warned us to put aside our prejudices for the sake of the championship, I would have fallen out with you long ago!

Well, after the first round last season, Howard and Paul almost fell out.

The two people's personalities were not compatible to begin with, and this was already evident.

Fortunately, Big Logo had the means to allow the two to live in peace for a season.

This season, Howard has indeed put down his posture and listened to Paul.

But if it still fails to succeed, Big Logo feels that even he may not be able to stabilize the situation.

There's no telling whether Howard, who has been suppressed for an entire season, will explode emotionally.

Therefore, the Warriors have no retreat. This season is probably the deadline for Howard to endure.

The combination of Paul and Howard, this is the last time, if it doesn't work, it will be successful!

And if you want to succeed, you must first go to Tianwang Mountain and prove that you are a man!

Curry really wants to prove that he is a man. The four games between him and Paul can be described as "mutual harm".

Mainly when Wayne meets Howard, it is really not easy to score as he wants.

Needless to say, Howard at his peak, his defense is historic.

Good frame protection, quick assist defense, and not bad at single defense either.

What happens when Howard puts all his energy into defending Wayne?

It would keep Wayne from scoring more than 27 points in four consecutive games.

Thanks to Wei Ge, who is currently the number one player, if Howard is to focus on other stars in the league, this number will only be lower.

It's not that Wayne doesn't want to score, it's mainly because Howard is in front of you and you really don't dare to take action easily.

Curry still remembers the last game, when Wei Ge made a beautiful hook under the basket, but Howard unexpectedly flew it out.

The hook is so popular among big men because it is almost impossible to block.

Howard was able to take advantage of Wayne's hook, which requires a lot of abnormal defensive ability.

In the two previous games the Trail Blazers won, one was when Wayne focused on defense and organization, and the other was when the Trail Blazers blew up a three-pointer.

In this round of the series, Wayne faced Howard. Wayne really didn't kill the game by scoring.

Therefore, the primary school students volunteered to continue fighting with Paul to the end and carry the team's offense!

Paul on the other side will not let Curry get his wish.

He hated that elementary school student who loved to pretend!

As expected of Brother Wei, he is very good at dealing with mentality!

In the first game, Curry danced to Paul.

In the second game, he made a "shh" gesture to Paul.

Good guy, in the last game, he even turned around early to celebrate the goal!

In the second quarter of the last game, Curry got an open shot in the right corner.

Wayne passed the ball to Curry, and the elementary school student also took action decisively.

But while the basketball was still in mid-air, Curry had already turned around in advance and smiled jokingly at the Warriors fans.

What's even more annoying is that the ball actually went in. This beep was really made by Curry.

Can the aggressive and aggressive Pao'er tolerate this?

So he secretly made up his mind to hammer Curry to death today!

This is no longer just a matter of winning or losing, this is about a man’s dignity!

Although I'm short, you can't look down on me.

After all, I am the real wife!

The most embarrassing thing for Paoluo is when anyone pretends to be in front of him, except of course Wei Ge.

Brother Wei, you still dote on primary school students too much.

In this case, let me, Pao'er, help Brother Wei educate you!

So, on the day the Tianwangshan battle began, Wayne had just stepped onto the court when he noticed that Curry and Paoer had sparks and lightning in their eyes. They were eager to eat each other alive and hurt each other to the end.

Wayne couldn't help sighing: "A good man can easily make others jealous of him~"

Howard: He~tui! I can’t believe that I used to have such a good relationship with such a shameless person!

Well, he said it as if his words of "saving souls" were shameless.

Since it was the battle of Tianwang Mountain, Wayne was not going to be polite to Beast Beast today.

Now it seems that with the abilities of primary school students, they may be able to help the Blazers win one or two victories.

But to really end the series, Wayne has to take action himself.

Although Master Huo's defensive ability is very good, he is not impeccable.

His defensive fakes are easy to deal with, just use more fake goals to deal with him!

Before the game started, Reggie Miller, who was commentating on the game, expressed that he was very worried about the health of the two teams. In the Eastern Conference finals, Bosh has already lost.

Moreover, Wade is now playing injured with a recurrence of his knee injury.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Heat to be dragged up to Tianwang Mountain by the Nets.

This round of series competition between the Warriors and Trail Blazers is so fierce that people can't help but feel a little worried.

Players on both sides actually know that health is the first priority.

But after the referee throws the ball into the air, who cares so much?


Howard won the first possession of the ball from Wayne with a slight advantage, and Teacher Tony opened his arms seriously.

As a defensive first-team defender, Tony has been beaten badly by Paul in these games.

I feel a bit embarrassed about my face.

So when Paul and Howard were playing pick-and-roll today, Tony used all his strength to squeeze past Howard.

Seeing that Tony had not lost his position, Pao'er gave up his plan to continue to break through, and instead took a step back, preparing to attack again.

At this time, Tony had been taken away by Howard, and Wayne had to stay in front of Paul.

The fans at the scene immediately stood up and cheered. It was going to be ace vs. ace from the very beginning!

Wayne steadied his horse and raised his trousers, triggering the badge effect!

Although it was misplaced, Pao'er didn't dare to slack off. If this was a misplaced hit on someone else, Paul would have received a military training.

But if you want to beat Brother Wei, it's not that simple.

Pao'er first accelerated to the left, but soon changed direction continuously and plunged towards Wayne's right side!

Wayne reacted immediately, correctly judged the direction of Paul's breakthrough, and the badge effect was triggered!


The two collided hard. If this ball was Durant, he must have dropped the ball again.


Paul still controls the ball steadily. Even if he successfully triggers the badge, it will not work against Paul, who has excellent ball control ability!

Good guy, I'm sorry, this broken badge is aimed at Du Xiaoshuai.

What a vicious system.

I like~

After Pao'er failed to break through for the first time, he quickly passed the ball to Howard who cut in.

This is where Paoer is different from other superstars. He will not be paranoid about singles, but can always see opportunities on the court.

This pass was accurately delivered to Howard. After receiving the basketball, Howard didn't think much and went straight to the ball.

What first-defense defender?

is that useful! ?


Don’t tell me, it’s really useful!

Although Tony couldn't cover Howard, he cut the ball off with quick eyes and hands the moment Howard took off.

Master Huo dunked hard with both hands, but it was a lonely dunk because the ball was already in Tony's hands.

After Tony stole the ball, he quickly handed the ball to Curry. Then he raised his arm and pointed a finger: "The best defensive team!"

Howard: Oh, okay, okay, got it! May I ask who among you is not the best defensive team?

Well, there are five players on the best defensive team, and four of them are on this court, which is outrageous.

Don't ask why Tony still has time to show off and doesn't have to immediately go on a fast break. If you ask, it's still four-on-five even if Tony plays, and it's still four-on-five if Tony doesn't play.

Curry immediately accelerated after receiving the basketball, preparing to catch Paul off guard.

But Pao'er is also the best defensive first-team defender after all. He quickly completed the transition between offense and defense and ran after Curry.

Boy, don't even think about pretending in front of me!

Curry originally wanted to rush in and perform a stunning 360° turnaround dunk.

But then I thought about it, I can’t be such a high-profile person.

If that were the case, wouldn’t it be too humiliating for Paul?

So, Curry suddenly stopped outside the three-point line on the right side and made a three-pointer!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Curry shooting a three-pointer on a fast break instead of dunking.

This shot choice is... very reasonable for Curry!

But the moment Curry took action, Paul's interference was on time.

Rain or shine, the gun will always be in front of you to disturb you.

Paul's hand hit Curry's face directly with this ball. Curry closed his eyes due to conditioned reflex.

So, the elementary school student shot this three-pointer with his eyes closed.

Good guy, there was Jordan who closed his eyes and made free throws before, and then there was the day when he closed his eyes and made three-pointers.

Seeing Curry take action with his eyes closed, Carlisle covered his head.

You kid, please take it easy!


Basketball and iron.

The ball has been thrown and I can't stop it! Not a yo-yo!

Curry's attack was too hasty whether it should be said or not.

When he took off to take action, Wayne had already cut in.

If Curry is calmer, don't rush, pass the ball first, maybe he can score with this attack.

But there is no way, he is not Paul after all.

"Hahahaha, I asked you to pretend, just pretend!" Pao'er couldn't help but laugh when he saw Curry forging iron.

Wayne jumped high and prepared to pick off the board. Normally, Wayne could successfully grab the ball that was not blocked by anyone.

But Howard rushed from behind, came from behind, and pocketed the rebound.

After Wayne obtained Sir Ba's helicopter badge, only Peak Warcraft could beat Wayne in terms of jumping.

Howard took the ball and handed it to Pao'er obediently.

Pao'er was not in a hurry, made a few gestures, and slowly pushed forward.

What is the first point guard?

In this attack, Paul assisted Hamilton and succeeded in the mid-range shot. In the end, it was the Warriors who took the lead to break the scoring drought.

After that, the Warriors played more and more smoothly. Paul made sudden passes, revitalizing the Warriors' offense.

As for the Trail Blazers, Curry was restless throughout the first quarter.

To be honest, in front of Pao'er, a mature core point guard, Curry is still a little immature to the naked eye.

Because the Warriors gradually took the initiative, Carlisle did not take down Wayne, but planned to let him play a whole quarter.

When Paul and Howard take a break in the second quarter, Wayne can take a breather.

So, in the last 5 seconds of the game, Wayne used an emergency mid-range shot against Howard to help the Trail Blazers even the score.

Howard has already messed up Wayne's face with this ball, but there is no way, this is a superstar ball.

There were only 5 seconds left in the first quarter, and the situation was basically finalized.

It seems that the two sides are still neck and neck.

Wayne turned around and prepared to return to defense, but at this moment, he felt something hit his back.

Wayne was about to turn around, but Paul passed through him with a "whoosh"!

It turns out that when Paul hit the baseline ball just now, he hit the ball on Wayne's back and waited for the ball to rebound before catching it himself.

This is equivalent to Paul using Wayne's back to pass the baseline ball to himself.

In this way, Paul can personally control the attack in the last 5 seconds!

"Fuck, you actually dare to play such a trick on Wayne, Paul is so brave!"

Reggie Miller was shocked and said that a tiger's butt cannot be touched, so is this the reason why you smash a tiger's butt?

Pao'er advanced at an extremely fast speed, and before anyone could react, he had already reached a position within one step of the three-point line, and then started shooting!

Because there was no interference with this goal, there is a high probability that it will be scored.

If he scores, Paul is equivalent to toying with Wayne and scoring a buzzer-beating goal.

But as soon as Paul threw the ball, Wayne's big hand rushed over and swatted the basketball out of the baseline.

The basketball flew out like a cannonball and hit the basketball stand.

It is easy to tell from the loud noise of the basketball stand how hard Wayne blocked the ball.

The buzzer sounded, and the first quarter ended.

Wayne turned around and glared at Paul.

"It's against you! Do you dare to play tricks on me?"

Pao'er swallowed and couldn't help but take two steps back.

Suddenly, Pao'er felt the same fear of Wayne he had felt in college.

Ever since Wayne and Paul became teammates, Paul had never seen Wayne look like this.

Paul didn't say much. To be precise, he was so oppressed that he didn't dare to speak.

After Wayne yelled, he did not continue to pester, but turned around and walked off the court.

Wayne sat down on the bench. Before Carlisle could speak, Wayne spoke first.


"Hey, Brother Wei!"

Wayne called out Curry's name, then turned his head and stared at him with unquestionable eyes: "You have to pay attention to me later. Pass the ball to my hands in time, understand?"

Translated: Don’t waste your time today, give it to me!

"Uh, okay. Okay." The primary school student hesitated, a little frightened by Wei Ge's eyes.

Wayne nodded with satisfaction, picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

You two little brats, this game is not for you to act wild!

Today I will give you a thousand words and ten updates, I beg you for your votes~

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