I am Really an Insider

Chapter 596 593: Don’t go hiking with Wayne

The game was suspended, the score difference returned to 8 points, and there were only the last thirty seconds left in the game.

What is the current equivalent of the Battle of Tianwang Mountain?

It's equivalent to Wayne asking Howard and Paul to climb Tianwang Mountain together, and now it's reached the point where Wayne helps them take photos.

Master Huo, who was full of confidence just now, sat back on the bench, lowered his head and looked solemnly.

He was still thinking about how Wayne scored that goal just now.

Can you understand that?

For a person who doesn't understand free throws, Howard looks like he's watching a science fiction movie when he makes a throw that relies purely on touch.

The ball like Wayne's just now must not only stay in the air well, but also have a soft feel.

Because the Peak Beast's air lag is also extremely strong, it is impossible for Wayne to wait for the Beast to fall in the air before throwing the ball.

That's not called staying in the air, that's called hanging in the air.

In fact, the bodies of Wayne and Warcraft just fell at the same time, and Howard's hand was still covering the basketball.

But at this time, if Wayne throws the ball out again, he doesn't have to worry about being blocked by Howard, who has already started to fall.

On the big screen and TV at the scene, Wayne's goal was repeated over and over again.

Los Angeles, in a den of chattering snakes.

Six-year-old Gianna asked her dad: "Dad, why are you watching the game with your mouth open?"

Kobe closed his mouth: "It's okay if I don't kneel down to watch the game!"

Let me put it bluntly, this kind of goal scored with abnormal stay in the air and soft touch is not unprecedented in the NBA.

Isn't it just relying on staying in the air to bully people? You don't have to call me an old gangster. That's what I did back then.

But the key is that most of the players who can play like this are outside players.

With a height of 2.06 meters, Wayne has to stay in the air and throw the ball softly while his body is falling.

This is really difficult.

There are no power forwards who can jump like Wayne. Kemp was the one back then.

But you can let Kemp take a hard hit. If you let him use this trick, he can smash the ball into the third row of the audience.

There are power forwards with a touch as soft as Wayne's, but they are dumb.

The touch was so soft that it even rubbed Manu's hair.


Forget it, let’s not talk about it, after all, the legend of the flying devil is a thing of the past.

Don’t mention it again, don’t mention it again.

Now Lao Dengtou can only jump two bricks high with all his strength. Are you talking about staying in the air with him?

When was the last time Nacha was so shocked by a goal?

It was when Shannon Brown hit the board and caught a risk. That shot not only shocked Kobe, but also shocked the entire Lakers bench into emojis.

After so many years, Wayne actually touched my heart again.

"Dad, this shot is really amazing."

When Kobe was still reminiscing, Gianna watched the replay on TV and suddenly said this.

"Yeah, this ball. Wait! Gigi, what did you just say!?"

"I said, Wayne's shot was great."

"Wayne. That's awesome.

No! How could you have such an idea! Your father, your father, I am the most powerful!

Don't be fooled by these sweet boys on TV. Such boys are not worthy of your liking! "

"Uh" Gianna was stunned on the spot, Dad, why are you reacting so hard?

I'm just saying casually.

Can the reaction be small?

Daddy's little cotton-padded jacket is leaking air!

On the TV, Reggie Miller continued to praise Wayne.

Two of the biggest names in the media world, Jazz and Miller, are both in T.N.T.

So if you watch the game live through T.N.T, be prepared to be brainwashed.

"This goal, this goal shows Wayne's super high level.

I think the Warriors had no chance. Wayne's goal sealed the game.

So on Tianwang Mountain, we still have to look at Wayne.

In this situation, I, Lei, can't help but want to recite a poem.

Just Jordan, not worth mentioning.

The little monster is so ridiculous.

The real king, Wayne is coming! "

Old hooligan: Do you think you are quite educated? I find that you are a little disrespectful to me now!

Najia quickly turned off the TV and urged Jaina to go to bed.

In the future, it is better for children to watch less unhealthy programs like this!

At the same time, Naochi was really stimulated.

Even if he was publicly executed by a young fan last time, now his daughter actually said such a thing.

The old pigeon is shameless, but I, the old snake, still want to be shameless!

It seems that there is no one in the West who can stop Wayne. Now he is Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, and he can destroy everyone else with a snap of his fingers.

Only I, General Nacha of Luocheng, can fight with him!

Next season, you can never be a spectator again!

"My dear, it's getting late, go get some sleep." At this time, Vanessa's voice came from upstairs.

Nachai froze in place, why did these words sound so wrong?

Back at the game, the timeout has ended.

Faced with such a situation, Master Huo is basically a useless beast.

Because absolutely no one dares to pass the ball to him now. If the Blazers dare to pass the ball to him, it will be a direct foul.

Although Master Huo just experienced a free throw in the last game, even Mark Jackson must admit that he stepped on shit and was lucky!

If Master Huo can make free throws stably, then Curry can be the dunk king.

The two things are on the same level of outrageousness.

Sure enough, after Master Huo returned to the field, he could only pick and roll on the offensive end and make screens.

My blue-collar days in the Magic came back to me.

Just one round ago, he blocked Wayne's lead shot head-on.

But now, he can only be reduced to a spectator, unable to do anything about the game.

Paul took advantage of the World of Warcraft screen and directly shot a three-pointer. Now there is no time for the Warriors to use fancy tactics.

Unfortunately, the basketball was rejected by the basket.

The sister-in-law grabbed the rebound, and Love went up and gave him a cupid's hug.

The Trail Blazers made two free throws and the game was basically over!

In the end, Gasol made two of two shots from the free throw line, obscuring the last glimmer of light left for the Warriors.

If Wayne closed a door for you, he would also lock the window from the outside.

In the end, although Hamilton made a mid-range shot, it was meaningless.

99 to 91, the Trail Blazers beat the Warriors with 8 points!

Let’s see who dares to climb Tianwang Mountain with Wayne in the future!

"Match point, the Trail Blazers got match point! They are only one game away from reaching the finals for the second consecutive year!

This league has been in this league for ten years. For ten years, no team has been able to win consecutive championships! The last team to win consecutive championships was the Los Angeles Lakers in 2002.

Can the Trail Blazers break this curse? "

Miller is truly a master of rhythm. He hasn't even finished the Western Conference finals yet, but he's already talking about winning consecutive championships.

We would rather talk about others than talk about the Basic Law!

40 points, 12 rebounds, 4 blocks, 4 assists and 2 steals. When Wayne doesn't have many assists, you have a rough idea of ​​how the Blazers played today.

The ultimate Blazers tactic - give the damn ball to Wayne!

In today's game, Wayne single-handedly ended the war between Curry and Paul.

The fans in the audience shouted MVP, and Paul looked up at the stands with a complicated expression.

Is the rose garden really unconquerable?

Although the two sides had just fought fiercely on the court, after the game, Wayne and Paoer still hugged each other.

Pao'er really wanted to cry. He finally managed to say the words "I still have you" today, but he was beaten by Brother Wei.

The script shouldn't be like this.

Wayne touched the cannon head and looked at the sparse hair on his head, feeling a little heartbroken.

"It's okay, you still have one more match."

"One more game? Two more, right?"

"What are you thinking about? It's just a game. I'm good at math and I won't lie to you."

Wayne had a smile on his face and hugged Pao'er.

But Pao'er still had a crying look on his face, and he really couldn't laugh.

Even if the mental attributes are maxed out, being beaten 3-2 by the Trail Blazers still hurts morale.

Wayne really didn't want to see Pao'er so depressed. As a responsible father, Wayne felt that he had an obligation to motivate him.

But after thinking for a long time, Wayne didn't know how to motivate him.

In the end, Wayne could only put his mouth to Paul's ear: "Relax, brother. Although you are about to lose, it doesn't matter, the future is yours!"


Brother Wei, we don't know how to comfort people, so just forget it.

What do you mean we are about to lose?

Rather, this is a consolation or a last-ditch attack!

I don’t know why, but looking at Wayne hugging Paul, Mousse felt a little uncomfortable in front of the TV.

That guy Wayne, isn't he telling Paul, "The future is yours"?

Don't believe it! I've heard this since 2007!

It’s been five years, but the future still belongs to Wayne!

Thinking of this, Mousse felt ashamed.

Yes, after five years, I am still the same as I should be.

This year, Mousse is determined to return this sentence to Wayne!

James went to bed early and planned to ask Hardie to go hiking tomorrow.

Today’s Ten Thousand Words Update is here~ The March Monthly Ticket Sprint Event has started~ The old rule is to reply in the comment area and then vote, one vote is worth a hundred coins, it’s suitable for anyone to play~

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