I am Really an Insider

Chapter 622 619: Riding the wind and waves with splashes, the military training idiot is unstoppable

After the first quarter, the Spurs led the Trail Blazers by 5 points, 28-23.

In the two minutes when Wayne came off the court, Biffinson, who had switched to point guard this season, made a show of his moves, which made the Spurs' tight defense a little acclimated.

The Spurs' defense was tight and disciplined.

The premise is that the opponent also plays in a methodical manner, so that they can quickly rotate and judge passing routes.

But to tease Biffinson, he is completely useless in playing.

You can't predict what he will do next second.

It's true that one person gets the ball and nine people are nervous.

No, it's not just nine people who are nervous.

But no one sitting in the front row is not nervous.

If you fail to protect yourself, the next second, while you are eating popcorn and drinking Coke, you will be shot in the head with a ball.

What does an out-of-bounds pass mean to Finson?

Funny Biffenson is really a double-edged sword. His creativity and expressiveness sometimes kill the other person and sometimes kill himself.

But at least today, Finsen's performance was very good.

Because he didn't follow the routine, the Spurs were hard to defend and didn't know where to make up for it.

For example, in one of the goals, he dribbled to the mid-range position and faced the right corner.

But no one expected that Stephenson would suddenly hit the ball to the three-second zone without giving any look.

And after passing the ball, this guy raised his arms and started running back.

Because the ball was passed very covertly, when he saw Finson running back, Ginobili followed him.

After following a few steps, he realized that the ball was no longer in his hands. He was celebrating the goal in advance!

The Spurs players didn't react until the tough guy who received the basketball had completed a tough dunk.

Carlisle looked at Finson who was celebrating in advance, feeling angry and laughing at the same time.

This kind of ball, if it is slightly crooked, it will be very embarrassing.

But don't tell me, the Spurs really do this.

After that, Finson played several more similar tricks.

In the end, thanks to Finson's efforts, the Trail Blazers were only 5 points behind the Spurs.

Of course, Stephenson's tricks can only stop the bleeding, but cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

If you let him act like this for a whole game, he will probably take up all the Friday slots for this week before the Spurs are defeated, leaving others with no way to go.

If we really want to reverse the situation, it depends on Wayne's next performance.

During the break, Carlisle made the rotation mentioned before, temporarily taking Tony out of the starting lineup.

The advantage of this is that it allows Wayne to gain more space for singles. Secondly, Tony can also be allowed to face Manu during the rotation time.

On the other side, the old thief looked at the 5-point difference and was quite proud.

Able to score nearly 30 points in a single quarter under the Trail Blazers' defense.

This is not something that just some rotten fish or shrimp can do.

Facts have proved that the Spurs' team offense is very effective.

If Stephenson hadn't made some tricks after Wayne came off the court, the point difference would have been even greater.

Therefore, the confident old thief set a small goal for the players: "In the second half, let's lead by double digits first!"

Leading by 5 points in one quarter and 10 points in two quarters.

Nothing wrong!

Even people who are bad at math can still figure it out.

The old thief is full of confidence in the Spurs' offense, and in his opinion, no matter how powerful the star is, even Wayne, cannot compete with the Spurs' team offense.

The short inter-section rest ended quickly and the second quarter of fighting began.

For the Trail Blazers, the starters in the second quarter were Curry, Thompson, Matthews, Wayne and Hardy.

Considering that Green does not have the skill of "only two steps to dribble, and one more step will result in loss", Carlisle decided to let him play in rotation.

Otherwise, it would be a disaster for Thompson and Stephenson to get together.

As for the hard special, Carlisle considered that the current hard special's mobility is stronger than Gasol, and it is more effective to defend teams like the Spurs.

Therefore, Hardte became the starter in the second quarter.

The old thief found out that after the Blazers changed their formation, he was still not nervous.

As for Thompson's ridiculous thing, no one really thinks he is more useful than Tony, right?

No way, right?

Although Tony's shooting is very stable, his transition attack is unambiguous.

The game resumed with the Spurs taking the lead.

Italian cannon Belinelli is very happy. Without Tony Allen, he can finally shoot comfortably!

So he walked around excitedly. I thought to myself that for a fool like Thompson, I could disarm him by simply running back.


No matter how much Belinelli ran or turned his head, he could always see the face illuminated by the Buddha's light.

Wherever he went, Thompson immediately followed.

Although Thompson's defense is not as aggressive as Tony, he is not out of position at all.

This is Thompson's defensive characteristics.

His defense is not aggressive enough, but fortunately he rarely makes mistakes, rarely loses his position directly, and always stays directly in front of you.

Last season, Tom was limited by his physical fitness and his defense was very stretched.

But after a full year of hard work, the defense has been able to avoid being targeted.

Even if Belinelli has great abilities, he still can't climb Buddha's Five Fingers Mountain.

When the Italian ran out of breath but still didn't get rid of Thompson, he collapsed.

"So annoying!"

Finally, Duncan pulled Wayne to the high post and passed the ball inside to the cutting Split.

I thought that after getting rid of Wayne, I could go for a layup without restraint, but I didn't know that as soon as Split took off after catching the ball, he was caught by the hard man who followed him.

My sister-in-law may not be able to keep up with Split, but she can barely do it!

After the basketball was covered, it was about to fly out of the baseline. Without saying a word, a vicious dog pounced on the shit and a hungry wolf pounced on the food, and then flew out.

But it was very helpless. Hard was still a step too late. The Spurs still had the ball.

But at this time, there are only 7 seconds left in the attack time, and the Trail Blazers' defense is still considered successful!

Wayne was so happy, it was the first time he felt that Old Wolf was so useful.

It turns out that Ning is not just a good dancer.

Wayne was about to run over and pull the old wolf up, but the old wolf started doing push-ups on the spot.


Wayne, who had a good impression of Lao Lang just now, instantly felt extremely disgusted.

"It's gone, it's all gone. It's okay. He worked on his own for a while and then got up. Sorry, I'm sorry for making you laugh."

Wayne turned around and dispersed all the people who were coming to help.

Only the tough guy was left, and he did five push-ups before he stood up, thinking he was tough.

Originally he was quite domineering and blocked shots, but his hardness gave him a strong charlatanic temperament.

No, Wayne had reason to suspect that the save he just made was a fake, and Hard's real purpose was to get a chance to do push-ups!

Well, that must be the case.

What a scheming boy!

The Spurs attacked again. This time the Spurs just wanted to pass the ball, but time did not allow it.

Therefore, Parker directly broke through and threw after receiving the basketball.

But under Curry's hard defense, Parker's throw hit the neck of the basket and failed to hit.

The Trail Blazers' defense was successful!

Tom and Hard's defense was better than the old thief Vicky expected.

Wayne grabbed the rebound himself and quickly counterattacked.

The Spurs retreated quickly and quickly deployed a very layered defense.

Leonard came up to delay the game before, and then Deng returned to the penalty area to protect the frame.

Wayne wanted to pass the ball directly to Thompson who was on the right side, but on second thought, if he passed the ball directly, the Spurs would definitely rotate quickly and block that point.

To break down the Spurs' defense, you must learn from Finson's example and play some unexpected tricks to keep the opponent guessing.

But unlike Finson's pure showmanship, Wayne must be reserved in his showmanship and methodical in his showmanship, rather than just messing around.

When you speak human words, you have to be pure and lustful!

The goal is still to pass the ball to Thompson, but the process of achieving the goal must be exciting.

As a result, when Wayne was approaching Leonard, he changed hands behind his back and seemed to be about to change direction and break through.

At the moment when Kawhi's center of gravity was shaken, Wayne, who was keenly aware of the change in Kawhi's center of gravity, immediately turned around and rushed out from Facial Paralysis No. 2!

Wayne's movements are very fast, and the connection between his movements is as smooth as silk.

Kawaii was shocked, he was rarely directly shaken by the other party.

What's more, it's such a tall opponent.

2.06 meters tall, the moves are so smooth

This unscientific!

Comparing this, Thompson, are you embarrassed?

Tom: I know how to dribble, but I just can’t dribble the third time! snort!

After breaking through Kawaii, Wayne continued to go deep.

But Lao Dengtou would not sit still and wait for death. He took the initiative and blocked Wayne's path forward.

If Wayne had just bumped into him like this, Old Deng would have even had a chance to get an offensive foul.

At the same time, the Spurs players wearing black jerseys around them almost all shrank towards Wayne.

Wayne was surrounded, as if he was about to be swallowed up by the black circle.

Once he stops the ball, let alone attack, it is very difficult to pass the ball when surrounded by so many people.

But at this moment, Wayne took the ball behind him, exerted force on his wrist, and passed the ball behind the back to Thompson outside the three-point line on the right!

This is what the true Buddha has in mind.

No matter where a person is, his heart can always find the direction of Buddha.

At this point, Wayne has attracted all the Spurs' defensive attention.

No matter how well the Spurs defended, this pass caught them off guard.

Thompson catches the ball and shoots it.

Wayne used his extremely strong personal ability to tear a hole in the Spurs' impregnable defense!

"Wayne's actions were smooth and seamless, from changing hands behind his back to turning around and passing the ball behind his back. There was no pause in the middle and he didn't give the Spurs any chance to make amends.

This is not the first time Wayne has given such a performance, but every time, it is breathtaking!

The Spurs were only 2 points ahead, and their lead was gone in an instant! "

Wayne and Thompson gave high fives, then turned and yelled at the old thief.

"Don't be too happy, Pop! I just like the feeling of lifting you up into the clouds and then slamming you down again!"

"Say it again, if you have the guts, say it again! Damn it, referee, referee! Doesn't it matter if the players scold the coach? Is there any king's law, is there any law!?"

The old thief roared with excitement, and Budenholzer hurriedly grabbed the old thief with a tacit understanding.

"Oh, Brother Bo, forget it."

In fact, if Budenholzer hadn't held him back, the old thief might not have dared to be so rampant.

But there is nothing to be done. As an assistant coach, you still have to cooperate with others.

These days, it’s really hard for an assistant coach to get along without some acting skills.

Wayne looked at the old thief who was blushing with anger and found that the shame meter had increased slightly.

Finally there is movement!

It seems that today, there is indeed a chance to get double growth points!

Although the Spurs successfully scored in the next attack, the Trail Blazers were only 4 points behind.

After just one attack and one defense, Wayne has now completely gained his confidence.

Forget about 4 points, 20 points is nothing!

Sure enough, with the Blazers' effort, Wayne passed another sudden point to the elementary school student, who hit another three-pointer, narrowing the point difference to only 1 point.

This time, Wei Ge made a strong insertion in the offense, attracting Kawhi to double-team, and then distributed the ball to Curry.

Without Kawhi's defense, the elementary school student shot with great confidence.

The Splash Brothers opened fire, and the old thief Vicki stomped his feet!

Wayne now knows how great it is to play with the Splash Brothers. They don't need the ball, don't fight for it, and can help with assists.

Although both of their IQs have certain flaws, they still have flaws.

After Curry scored again, the Spurs' defense began to get a little messy.

What the Spurs fear most at their peak is this kind of lineup where everyone, from the core to the role players, can shoot.

In the original history, the Spurs that won the championship in 2014 were the best in the playoffs. James blocked and killed Wei. They were simply invincible.

Only in the first round of the playoffs, the Mavericks, who barely made it into the playoffs, had to play in the tiebreaker to determine the winner.


It's because the Mavericks' lineup at the time could shoot from the core to the role players.

The three guards of Devin Harris, Calderon and Carter all had a three-point shooting percentage of over 40% in that series.

As a result, no matter how fast the Spurs rotate to fill positions, it will be difficult to completely suppress the opponent.

In that round of the series, they forced the strongest Spurs, allowing them to win consecutive games in the next three rounds.

It is worth mentioning that it was Carlisle who led the Mavericks to seven games with the champion Spurs!

Now, Carlisle is basically recreating the Mavericks' no-dead-end offense in Portland.

The point difference is only 1 point. Whether we can overtake the score depends on our offense and defense!

This time, the Spurs' conduction was still very good.

But in the end, Belinelli hit a three-pointer due to Thompson's interference.

Thompson was really following closely, but Belinelli was almost lucky with this shot.

Half the ball had already entered the frame, and it was suddenly revealed.

I really just can't get in.

Now the old thief started to panic, the momentum of the game was not right!

Wayne continues to hold the ball and attack, although Wayne has not scored a point so far in the second quarter and only has two assists.

But his offensive threat has the entire Spurs on tenterhooks.

What Wayne has to do now is to assist his teammates to score goals so that the Spurs will not dare to double-team again.

Then, Wayne's acting moment comes.

I thought that after the Splash Brothers scored goals respectively, the Spurs no longer dared to double-team.

Who knew that the old thief was really tough?

Still shouting from the sidelines to watch out for double attacks.

This time, Leonard did not dare to leave the elementary school student easily, so the task of congratulating Duncan and holding Wayne tightly fell on Split, who stood as the best defender in the world.

Although in the first quarter, Wayne has proven that he can still score goals under double teams.

But no matter how strong Wayne is, he can't completely explode when double-teamed.

For a team of Wayne's level, the old thief doesn't want to directly prevent death. As long as it can be slightly restricted and Wayne's shooting percentage can be slightly reduced, it is already a success.

Wayne originally wanted to continue shooting in the open against double-teams, but considering that Dog Thorn's offense is also very fierce, the Blazers must play more efficiently than Dog Thorn.

Therefore, Wayne found a hard special who could reach the mid-range in the double team.

Keep feeding the pie!

He made a big jump shot and scored the ball over the head of Split who was in a hurry to defend.

Go ahead!

"What is the soul of a team? Wei gave the best interpretation with practical actions!"

After scoring the goal, Harde beat his chest and yelled while hammering.

Why are only hard mid-range jumpers called iron-blooded jumpers?

In fact, it has nothing to do with shooting, it’s because his celebration after making a shot is the toughest and most iron-blooded in the league~

Wayne was speechless. It was just a goal and a mid-range shot. You are exaggerating.

"Wei, that's a great pass, good job, buddy!" After hammering his chest, he walked up to Wayne and patted Wayne's head with a smile.

Like a close companion.

But the moment the two looked at each other, they both fell into a trance.

Jiute suddenly froze, then silently walked away in shame.

Wayne is my biggest enemy, how could I be so close to him!

Don't forget your purpose? You're just here to win the championship! How can you and Wayne be on the same page?

Hard felt extremely ashamed. He never imagined that he would celebrate a goal with Wayne in his life.

On the other side, Wayne couldn't help but laugh evilly.

It's so hard, so hard. Some people say they don't want it, but their bodies are very honest.

Admit it, you have been defeated by my basketball pants, Godway!

The score was overtaken and the old thief suspended the game.

Judging from the current situation, if you continue to double-team, you will die. You can't contain this lineup.

Man-to-man marking is the best solution now.

Although it is difficult for the aging Duncan to restrict Wayne in one-on-one situations, the old thief believes that Wayne's offensive efficiency alone will definitely not be as good as the Spurs' exquisite team offense!

So, the old thief waved his hand - attack!

The ultimate individual VS the ultimate team, let’s see who wins!

After the game restarted, Ti Ya Ge provided support from the high post and assisted Parker to successfully score the goal. The Spurs once again took the lead.

The Spurs' offense is back, and it's hard to contain every one of them and every possession.

If one person feels bad, it does not necessarily mean that another person will feel bad as well.

The two sides began to alternate the lead, and today it was destined to be a tug-of-war.

Wayne was not in a hurry and was still reading the Spurs' defense after going up.

When he saw everyone on the Spurs team staring at his opponent, Wayne knew.

Noon has arrived!

Here's my chance to show off as the best player in the league!

Wayne looked at Duncan who was lowering his center of gravity and took two steps back to make room for acceleration.

Although over the years, Lao Dengtou has tried to lose weight.

But his movement was still not fast enough.

Wayne dribbled the ball alternately with his left and right hands to find a rhythm, then accelerated directly to break through.

Duncan failed to move sideways to block Wayne at the first time, so he could only follow Wayne to catch up.

Wayne walked to the basket and raised the basketball. Duncan jumped up when he saw it.

But when he flew into the air, he realized that Wayne had just made a fake move under the basket!

After dangling Duncan, Wayne turned and hooked the ball easily.

The number one forward in history was brutally called out by Wayne for military training!

Idiot is indeed the first person to block shots while standing, but he can no longer block shots when he jumps up.

Wayne shook Duncan, which made the fans cheer.

But in fact, Duncan was not knocked away. He knew that Wayne might just be making a fake move.


He has no choice!

If he hadn't jumped, Wayne would have made a layup just now.

The feeling of being forced to be the background made the idiot couldn't help but curse.

This goal directly ignited the fans at the scene. After all, Duncan, who has always been calm, is rarely played by his opponents like this.

After the goal, Wayne continued to trash talk Popovich.

"Your team's strongest defensive player can't guard me. Find someone else! If possible, I advise you to make two transactions now. This is the only way for you to beat me."

The humiliation meter increased a little, but it still increased too slowly.

If the game continues like this, Wayne won't be able to fill it by the end of the game.

It seems that I have to think of a more vicious way to pretend to beep.

The old thief looked at the triumphant Wayne and walked angrily to Dio, who smelled of coffee.

It will definitely not work to continue to defend Wayne with Duncan. Wayne can train idiots to the point of ****.

Using Kawhi to defend Wayne is also a way, but in that case Curry will be liberated. It would be more gain than loss if Currywein was allowed to blossom both internally and externally.

Therefore, the old thief pinned his hopes on this fat man with a jersey that stretched out his belly.

The fat man who surpassed Stoudemire in reaching height while wearing slippers has become the Spurs' last line of defense against Wei.

Wayne looked at the old thief who was explaining things to Dio and rubbed his hands excitedly.

Dior should say it or not, but his ability is indeed online.

In Wayne's previous life, Diaw made it extremely uncomfortable to guard James in the 2014 Finals, and was the biggest contributor to the Spurs' restriction on Mousse.

That can be regarded as the masterpiece of this French coffee man's career.


Moose is Moose and Wayne is Wayne.

Those who can guard against Mousse may not be able to guard against me!

Just change the person, if it works, I lose!

Seeing the old thief's anxious expression, Wayne was not thinking about how to win.

Instead, I was thinking about how to fill up the shame meter.


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