I am Really an Insider

Chapter 624 621: My brother’s name is Wayne! (4.9K votes requested)

Wayne walked past the angry Popovich and turned around to help him straighten his tie.

This is not pure and coquettish, this is cheap and sao.

The old thief wasn't actually angry at the time, but his head shook and he almost wet his pants.

He thought Wayne was going to take action against him!

At that time, I was so frightened that I was about to pull Buddenholzer, but I found that my assistant coach had flashed to a place five meters away and was high-fiving the players coming off the field.

Good guys, all are fast racers Bolt.

So when Wayne was helping him straighten his tie, he didn't dare to express his anger.

At that moment, the old thief seemed to be immobilized and unable to move.

By the time Wayne left, he was so frightened that his face turned pale.

When he came back to his senses, his blood pressure soared and he became furious.

When others humiliate you in front of you, you dare not speak out.

Waiting for others to turn around and leave, then you can't get angry.

This level of humiliation is simply too much.

It's no wonder that Wayne's humiliation meter was maxed out in one fell swoop.

18 points in a single quarter and 28 points in the half.

You know, in the first five games, Wayne has never scored 28 points in any game.

And today, Wayne broke the season's highest scoring record in half a game!

Others are capable of scoring as many points as they want, but how many points Wayne scores only depends on how many points he wants to score.

This is the number one player in the league with 5 abilities and 8 abilities!

The big screen at the scene was still playing the fadeaway jumper that Wayne scored while his body was falling.

The desperate eyes of the flying devil are really impressive.

After the old thief recovered from his fear and anger, he quickly returned to the locker room.

He looked at his players and couldn't help but applaud.

"I asked you to open the point difference to double digits before the end of the half. You are really ruthless. Do you know that this is the end of the matter?"

The old thief gave a thumbs up, while the players lowered their heads one by one.

This is because they have become crazy and used all their evil spirits on their own players.

To be honest, the Spurs' offensive efficiency did not drop too much in the second quarter, but the Blazers' offensive efficiency was too exaggerated.

At first, they were knocked out of control by Wayne's point ball, and then they were directly confused by Wayne's singles.

What can the players do? They are also desperate!

Of course, the old thief is not such an incompetent coach.

After he finished complaining, he quickly focused on the game itself.

Curry, Thompson, Matthews and Green, these four people's three-pointers are all terrible.

I really don't know if Tony is ashamed when he trains with them.

If outside players are allowed to double-team Wayne, it will be difficult for the double-teamed players to jump back and forth between the three-second zone and the three-point line immediately, which will give the Blazers an open three-point opportunity.

If you don’t participate, you can’t prevent it.

The old thief thought about it and finally found a solution.

It would be over if we put Gasol and Harder!

Although Sister-in-law and Ganech also made some mid-range shots in the first half, the overall threat was relatively average.

Moreover, it is faster to go from the three-second zone to the mid-range than from the three-second zone to the three-point line.

In this way, supplementary defense will be more efficient.

So, the old thief decided. In the second half, outside players continued to man-to-man to contain the Blazers' three-point firepower.

As for Wayne, use inside attacks to restrict him!

Let's see what Garnett and Gasol can do.

In the Trail Blazers locker room, Hardy is still blushing and heartbeating.

What did I just do? I was actually high-fiving Wayne!


So embarrassed, so shy!

Should I, should I not?

You have to admire that guy!

No, not possible.

Wayne and other wolf sauces are the most annoying!

"Hey, Alang, the defense was very tough in the first half~" At this time, Wayne happened to get in front of Hardy and patted him on the shoulder.

"Huh, just kidding, I'm super brave, okay?"

"Really? Come and let me take a look!"

"Oh, Brother Wei, no. Wait, what am I doing again?" Jiute suddenly froze and threw away Wayne's hand... ending the play.

"Huh, we haven't won the game yet, don't take it lightly!"

Looking at Wayne's playful smile, he felt terrible.

Why is there even something wrong with Wayne! ?

Elementary school student: Haha, something has been wrong with Brother Wei for a long time!

After making a little joke, Carlisle, who was being interviewed at halftime, also walked into the locker room.

He wasted no time and quickly began formulating a strategy for the second half.

Although Wayne led his team to lead a 10-point half-time lead, which was very impressive, to be fair, a 10-point half-time lead was not a particularly big advantage.

The outcome of the game is uncertain.

Based on Carlisle's understanding of the veteran, he would definitely not allow the Blazers to continue shooting three-pointers unscrupulously, but it was impossible for him to continue to let Wayne go.

So in the second half, the opportunity lies in the mid-range!

"In the second half, the Spurs will definitely double-team Wei in the penalty area. Players in the mid-range must be ready to shoot!" Carlisle looked at Hardy and his sister-in-law.

Although it is true that mid-range shots are not as easy to kill the game as three-pointers, once the amount increases, the lethality is still extremely strong.

Wayne can indeed score goals despite being double-teamed, but easy opportunities can make his efficiency even higher.

Both Jiute and his sister-in-law understood clearly that in the second half of the game, the mid-range shot must be stable at this moment.

Haneqi clenched his fists, my old wolf's chance to show off finally came!

Wayne also nodded, saying that the "Beep King's Blessing" badge has been activated, so whatever he does next will double his growth points.

But just in terms of scoring, the growth points itself are not much, unless you keep shooting three-pointers.

In addition to shooting three-pointers, assists are what provide the most growth points.

Wayne couldn't help but touch his chin. This tactic can work!

The second half of the game started quickly. The Spurs relied on Diaw's pass to assist Kawhi for a layup.

This time, Kawhi's layup was very quick.

He was really afraid that that crazy guy would come and knock him away again!

Lao Lang actually really wants to do this. After all, even Wayne praised me for my strong defense, so I must keep up my efforts.

Pooh! Regardless of Wayne’s compliments, I’m doing this for the team!

The old thief is not worried about the team's offense now, but is worried that the team cannot defend it.

When Wayne controls the ball outside the three-point line, Diaw is still defending Wayne one-on-one.

But as soon as Wayne started to break through, Deng Duzi immediately came over without any hesitation.

Wayne was quickly flanked, and according to the tactical arrangement, he hit the ball to the ground and passed it to the hard hand.

Seeing this situation, Diaw hurriedly covered up the defense. To be honest, considering Diaw's role in the Spurs' defensive system, Wayne was really surprised how he gained so much weight.

Because he basically keeps running, he is responsible for blocking the eye-catching inside.

Diaw's defense is really fast, and his shooting speed is relatively slow.

Therefore, Diaw finally interfered with the hard shot, and the first shot missed the frame!

"Wipe it!" I felt so sorry that I didn't make the shot.

The old thief is so happy, as expected, Garnett and Gasol just can't do it!

"It doesn't matter, retreat, retreat quickly!" Wayne clapped his hands and ran back quickly.

At this time, the Spurs had already begun to counterattack.

Parker didn't wait for anyone after receiving the pass. After all, quick counterattacks are also one of the Spurs' current offensive methods.

The primary school student originally wanted to intercept Parker near the midfield line, but how could Parker be defended by a mere joke.

The French sports car made a beautiful change of direction and passed Curry.

Well, this time when Parker changed lanes, he checked to see if there was Duncan behind him in advance to avoid being rear-ended again.

"Damn!" Seeing Parker passing the elementary school student, Gute roared in his heart.

He ran as fast as he could, just to catch up with the short Frenchman.

He knew very well that if it weren't for his missed mid-range shot, the Spurs would not have had a chance to counterattack.

However, there are some things that just can’t be done desperately.

Although Jiute worked very hard, he could only watch Parker getting further and further away from him.

Seeing Parker entering the penalty area and leaping for a layup, he gritted his teeth unwillingly.

At this time, Wayne flew into Hard's field of vision.

His terrifying height completely covered the basket. As soon as Parker threw the ball, he encountered Wayne's solid block!

Wayne slapped the ball away, collided with Parker in the air, and roughly knocked the Frenchman off the baseline.

The elementary school student jumped up and caught the basketball that was sent flying out, without letting the ball go out of bounds.

The Trail Blazers get the ball back!

Wayne contributed another big pot after his previous flat-frame pursuit of Duncan.

Jiute swallowed his saliva when he saw it. Wayne ran from one end of the penalty area to the other end of the penalty area at an astonishing speed.

"There is no foul on this ball. Wayne has already got his second block of the game. His risk-chasing ability is top-notch in the entire NBA history. It's no wonder that many people think Wayne can achieve three goals this season." Even DPOY’s achievement!”

Curry, who was lying on the ground, passed the ball to Wayne before a Spurs player could grab it.

Wayne hurriedly fought back. Everyone had just followed Parker and had to run back immediately with Wayne.

The pace of the entire game was raised very quickly.

After Wayne broke through to the three-second zone, he was still caught by Duncan and Diaw.

At this time, Wayne suddenly stopped the ball, then grabbed the basketball with one hand and passed it toward the bottom corner.

The idiot was so nervous that he reacted immediately and reached for the ball.

However, the ball was still in Wayne's hands, and he just made a fake pass.

Grab the ball with one hand and fake the pass. If you have big hands, you can do whatever you want~

Lao Dengtou: I'm here to entertain you, my old man!

Wayne grabbed the ball back to his chest and pushed hard with both hands.

The pass from the corner is fake, but the hard pass is real!

Because Diaw had been shaken by Wayne's fake pass just now, this time, he failed to react immediately and pounced on the hard player.

Hard special got a serious open mid-range shot opportunity.

This time, he didn't waste the opportunity. The iron-blooded big jump shot was hit steadily, and the Trail Blazers narrowed the point difference to 10 points again!

"The ball went in. Although Garnett missed the shot just now, Wayne still chose to trust his teammates, and KG did not betray Wayne's trust.

It's crazy. A few years ago, who would have thought that KG and Wayne could actually be connected on the same team! "

After Hard's goal, Wayne pointed at Old Wolf as a sign of approval.

Old Wolf didn't expect that Wayne would pass the ball to him in two consecutive rounds.


I am an old wolf and have nothing else, but I will never let down the person who passes the ball to me!

After that, Hard Special became active on both offense and defense.

Although he can no longer run fast or jump high.

But I will never be the one holding you back!

I am also here to win the championship based on my strength!

Naochi: Haha, this is so beautifully said~

So whenever he encountered a double-team in the next few rounds, Wayne would pass the ball to Hard.

Harder also hit consecutive jump shots, but he relied on an iron-blooded mid-range shot, which made the Spurs feel painful.

The reason why the old thief dared to let go of Hard Special and Sister-in-law was because they didn't have the ability to kill the game.

But now seeing that the point difference has become 16 points, it seems that I really can’t let it go!

When Harder hit another jump shot, raising his score in a single quarter to 8 points, he looked at Wayne and nodded affirmatively.

To be honest, Harde was very touched inside.

That Wayne can trust himself so much is an affirmation of his strength!

It turns out that Wayne has always believed in me.

What a broad-minded leader this is!

But actually what Wayne was thinking was: Damn it, it feels so good, I got another assist, I feel good, feel good~

Double the wool this time, it smells so good!

Just like that, in the third quarter, he made 6 of 8 shots from the field and scored 12 points in a single quarter!

And all 6 goals scored were direct assists from Wayne.

After three quarters, the Spurs were already 20 points behind the Trail Blazers!

Although Wayne's scoring pace slowed down as a result, the Spurs did not gain any benefits.

The old thief looked at the tough guy who was beating his chest and roaring on the court, and suddenly he was in a daze.


How could Garnett be so accurate?

The plan to double-team Wayne was a huge failure!

In the fourth quarter, the game was actually no longer in suspense.

The old thief Vicki had exhausted all his tricks, but he still couldn't contain the Blazers' offensive momentum.

Therefore, unless someone on the Spurs can explode in the fourth quarter, they will have no hope.

But the Spurs are just short of that.

Most of their players are average and everyone can score.

But the explosive power is a little less interesting.

At this time, Kawhi is not an all-around scorer, and Parker is not a particularly explosive scoring player.

This Spurs can have 6 players averaging double figures, but no player can average 20 points per game.

Therefore, when the game comes down to scoring explosive points, the Spurs are basically sentenced to death.

Sure enough, in the following fourth quarter, when the Spurs did not dare to take any more mid-range shots and Wayne was able to play unscrupulous singles again, the Spurs were powerless to resist.

In just half a quarter, Wayne put the game into garbage time.

In the end, the Trail Blazers defeated the Spurs 112-94, winning their sixth consecutive victory in the regular season!

Even though the Trail Blazers gave the Spurs half a quarter, they could only narrow the point difference to 18 points.

The victory in this game was very different from the previous games.

Because today, Wayne scored a huge triple-double with 43 points, 13 rebounds and 14 assists!

With Wayne's assist, Hardner scored his highest 20 points since joining the Trail Blazers.

Hard special: What 20 points? It was me and Wayne who scored 63 points together!

At the end of the game, the old thief left the field with a straight face.

Wayne, on the other hand, gained a lot of growth points.

The Spurs themselves are strong, and Wayne also had a huge triple-double today, racked up so many assists, and finally doubled it for you.

The harvest from this game can be compared to what Wayne played in five or six games.

The upgrade speed is greatly improved!

In a subsequent interview with reporters, Wayne did not forget to mention an old thief: "Although we won the ball, it was not easy for us to win. Coach Popovich's strategy gave me a headache. After all, I just won today. 43 points, hey.”

Well, although the game is over, if you humiliate the old thief now, the humiliation meter will no longer continue to rise.

But so what?

Am I, Wayne, such a realistic person?

Based on my relationship with the old coach, I will continue to humiliate him even if there is no benefit!

Wayne was really happy today. He had been holding it in for five games and finally let it out today.

Finally performed as the best player in the league should!

Of course, Hard special's hot shooting in the third quarter was 6 of 8, which was also the key reason why the Blazers were able to win easily.

But even if you win, don’t take it lightly.

Wayne is sure that the Spurs will definitely cause huge trouble to the team in the playoffs.

Wayne walked off the court happily as the fans cheered.

Today, Wayne gained growth points, gained data, and gained a big victory.

But Wayne never expected that he would gain friendship by accident.

"Kevin, in the third quarter today, you and Wei's cooperation was perfect, like a husband and wife. You also scored 63 points together. People say you are the best four-position combination in the league.

You have also come to the Trail Blazers and played six official games. Can you talk about the feeling of working with Wayne? "

Jiute looked at the reporter and laughed.

"Feeling? Well, it's wonderful. After all, I haven't tasted the taste of failure since I joined the team."

"So, what do you think of Wayne? You know, before the season started, a lot of people thought you and Wayne wouldn't get along.

How do you get along with him now? "

The reporter deliberately asked a sharp question, but unexpectedly, Jiute smiled and patted his chest.

"Wayne? Wayne my brother! Remember, never mess with my brother. If you mess with him, you mess with me!"

Hardcore is indeed very happy. Who doesn’t like the feeling of being trusted?

Today, he is grateful to Wayne for his trust and selflessness.

Just like that, Hard Special faced the camera and millions of fans in front of TV sets and computers and shouted "Wayne, my brother".

When Wayne sees the harsh interview content the next day, he will definitely laugh and cry.

I really just want to gain some growth points.

Well, it’s not bad to have another tough guy brother, but the dancing thing back then...

Who would have thought that a brother would be revealed by brushing the data.

But what made Wayne even more unexpected was that he and Hard, the enemy brothers, soon caused an uproar on the basketball court.

I'm coming.

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