I am Really an Insider

Chapter 632 Chapter 629: A tough psychological shadow, a well-fed Apo (7.5K, please double the month

Wayne has won 23 games in a row and has not lost since the beginning of the season.

Moreover, despite being suspended for five games, he still achieved a terrible record of 23 consecutive victories at the beginning.

On the other side, Mr. Lei Balong led the team to 18 wins and 6 losses.

Although his record is not that exaggerated, during this period he defeated the Spurs and Lakers, defeated the Warriors and Thunder, and was firmly ranked first in the Eastern Conference.

The most important thing in Xiaoshuai's view is that the Thunder lost in both head-to-head matches with these two teams...

Yesterday, the game against the Heat was fine. We only lost by six points.

In the opening game against the Trail Blazers, when Curry scored 54 points, Du Xiaoshuai was really injured.

Du Xiaoshuai, who has been pretentious from the beginning of this season, discovered: The clown is actually myself

So far this season, it has been basically dominated by James and Wayne.

The Lakers are so bad, and the Warriors' results are also tepid.

Although other teams will definitely not have a chance to compete for the championship, in terms of the promotion of the entire league and the attention of fans, James and Wayne are the two most dazzling stars this season.

Du Xiaoshuai looked at Wayne and James, two gods who seemed to be in a different dimension from others, and couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Can I, Xiao Shuai, really surpass them in this life?

Until this season, all Du Xiaoshuai thought was, "I will definitely become the strongest and most handsome man in the league, and the first man to drink Scarlett's foot-washing water!"

But at this time, Du Xiaoshuai had doubts about himself for the first time.

The strongest? Beyond Wayne and James?


Of course, he quickly regained his fighting spirit and did not continue to think wildly.

However, once some seeds are planted, it is only a matter of time before they take root and sprout.

At this point, no one cares about Durant losing the game. Since last season's finals, the eyes of the world have once again focused on the Heat and Trail Blazers.

When being interviewed by reporters at the airport, both James and Wade had a very gentle attitude.

"The Trail Blazers are very strong and can win 23 games in a row. This cannot be done by luck alone. No matter what happens, we must be careful in the next game."

James answered reporters vigilantly.

"Obviously, it's going to be a tough battle. We're ready to face any difficulty."

Di Wei also looked serious when facing the camera.

The submissive attitude of the two brothers James and Wei has nothing to do with their character and emotional intelligence.

But it was beaten out solidly.

They must have not forgotten what happened to them after they imitated Wayne's cough half a year ago.

4 to 1, that's called a step to the stomach, that's called a clean move.

People say that if Wayne hadn't been enraged, the series might have gone to six or even seven games.

After all, the Heat last season were actually really strong.

There's nothing we can do about it. Who asked Janeway to take the initiative to help Wayne get angry?

So this time, they were really scared.

Before the game started, Lao Zhan told everyone: "We are all dignitaries, so you should pay attention to the occasion when you speak! Especially, you must not do things like imitating others' coughs!"

Mousse was afraid that one of the brothers would have a brain twitch, so he took the initiative to add buffs to Wayne.

This wave of Wayne's behavior should be regarded as teaching him how to be a good person.

Look at how polite and respectful Janeway is now.

He is worthy of being a famous educator.

On the other side, Wayne discovered that Jiute had stopped doing push-ups recently, stopped hammering his chest, and spoke less.

The whole person suddenly became cold and cold.

Wayne was puzzled. He finally entered the Husky's home and could take off his mask.

Why are you suddenly pretending to be a lone wolf again?

The day before the game against the Heat, Tony walked the bird in the locker room after training, and the elementary school students and Finson made daily jokes.

But today, Hardie unusually sat next to Wayne's locker with a serious expression.

"What's wrong KG?"

"Wei, the next game is against the Heat. Fans all over the country, no, all over the world are watching!"

"Yeah, what's your opinion, Brother Wolf?"


Hardhead lowered his head, and Wayne found that he clenched his fists.

"I will try my best in the next game. We must win, Wei!"

After speaking, Jiute stood up, put on his hood, greeted everyone and left first.

Although it is incredible, judging from Wayne's many years of clinical experience

I'm so nervous when I'm riding a horse!

It's true that in the past few years in the East, tough guys have been beaten severely by Lao Zhan.

Especially last season, as soon as Mous opened the eye of death, he sent the Nets away in one wave.

Moreover, don't look at the hard special who is laughing and joking every day.

But from a top star to a role player for the Trail Blazers, his heart was somewhat touched.

This season, Hardte must accept the fact that he is really old.

Just say that in the game against the Hornets a few days ago, Anderson made 5 of 5 shots in the fourth quarter, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

He tried really hard, but he just couldn't keep up.

He knew exactly how to defend, but his body just couldn't do it.

The process of accepting the fact that you are old is very cruel.

When an opponent you could catch up with easily before becomes impossible to catch up with anymore.

When the ball you used to be able to cover easily can no longer be touched.

When you used to be able to do it five times a night easily, now you can only do it once every five nights.

That feeling is indeed very easy to lose.

Wayne estimated that Hardy now knows his situation, but on the one hand, he also wants to win against James and get rid of this knot.

However, I am afraid that I will not perform well tomorrow.

So he was a little nervous.

He didn't want to be held back in tomorrow's crucial battle.

Wayne shook his head. This was probably the trouble of middle-aged men.

But there is one thing to say. Although the personnel configuration of this year's Heat has not changed much, it is more difficult to deal with than half a year ago.

According to Wayne's knowledge of the Heat in his previous life, the Heat in the 12-13 season can be regarded as the Heat with the most complete offensive system.

The Heat, built in early 2011, can be said to have no offensive system at all.

It's basically a duo of James and Wade, with Apo occasionally coming out to make his presence felt.

It was difficult to sign Bibby, but it did not solve any problems.

James and Wade don't distinguish between priorities. Whoever is happy will come.

As a result, they were so confused that they couldn't even get past the Pacers and lost in the Eastern Conference Finals.

Last season, Wade took the initiative to delegate power and James became the unique tactical core.

Coupled with the introduction of Battier, Junzi Lei and others, the Heat's small lineup play style has been basically established.

This season, the Heat's 27-game winning streak did not rely on luck.

Just as James said about the Trail Blazers, winning more than 20 games in a row is all about hard power, not luck.

The Heat's progress this season is that their offense is a little more systematic.

James establishes the ball-holding position and holds the ball behind his back in the high post or mid-range to attract defenses.

Wade often interspersed without the ball or singled out in the mid-range. Bosh completely became a fire support point and made the most three-pointers in his career so far.

Supplemented by Lewis, Ray Allen, Battier and other three-point players as breakout points, this style of play allowed the Heat to be invincible in the regular season.

The most important thing is that James' COSCO shots this season are extremely accurate!

When the Heat defeated the Spurs before, the old thief's plan was to let Kawhi follow the old rules and make shots but not bursts.

As a result, Mousse's mid-to-long-range jump shot cost the old thief a great price!

It can be said that the Heat have actually come step by step over the years.

In the original history, the Heat lost to the Spurs in 2014. In addition to the fact that the Spurs were really strong, the Heat also had internal problems.

James has not promised to renew his contract, causing panic among the team.

Weakness, slackness, and declining fighting spirit after two consecutive championships are also one of the reasons why the Heat lost.

Wade's injury completely crushed the Heat.

But today's Heat, instead of relaxing, are in high morale.

They haven't won a championship yet, and each of them is full of motivation.

Whether the winning streak will be curbed by such a peak Heat, Wayne will soon know the answer.

December 21st, Rose Garden, live broadcast across the United States.

The long-awaited showdown will finally take place tonight.

On one side is the last hope of local players in the beautiful country, and on the other side is Wayne's power to challenge tradition.

This is no longer a matter of fans of two teams, but a carnival of two groups of fans from all over the world!

"Way, he's going to have a terrible record of 24 consecutive wins. LeBron, he seems to be the only one who can stop this!

I don’t know how to describe it, it’s like Godzilla vs. King Kong, it’s definitely a battle that will destroy the world! "

Although it was an away game, the atmosphere of the Heat was still quite good before the game started.

Everyone formed a circle, and Wade stood in the middle, shouting to everyone.

“We all still have the bitter taste of last season in our mouths and we will never forget who pushed us over the cliff.

Brothers, I will lead the charge! "


The Trail Blazers were not to be outdone. Before Wayne even had time to step on the court, he heard the sound of the basketball stand being hit.

I thought it was a tough guy, but Wayne turned around and saw that the tough guy was sitting on the bench.

Take a closer look, good guy, it’s Biffinson.

With how hard he hit the basketball hoop, Mousse was probably not going to have an easy day today.

Fensen really gets excited when he sees Mousse.

But the hard guy didn't make any moves today, and this was the first time Wayne had seen him.

The Wolf King doesn’t even hit the basketball hoop anymore, Ye Qingjie!

The game is about to start, and the two sides are basically the same as last season's finals after starting.

The Heat still have Chalmers, Wade, James, Battier and Bosh.

Wayne won the ball for the team first, and as soon as he shot the ball, James directly stuck to Wayne.

It seems that today, Mousse will fight Wayne to the end regardless of his physical strength.

The Heat's defense is still the same, putting pressure on the ball, forcing passes, forcing turnovers, and catching counterattacks.

Therefore, as soon as Curry crossed the three-point line, he was stalked by Wade.

After Gasol came up to pick and roll with Curry, Bosh and Wade simply flanked Curry.

Although my sister-in-law quickly followed the pass, Curry was trapped and unable to get the ball.

In desperation, Curry had no choice but to pass the ball to Wei Ge.

If you have any difficulty, go to Brother Wei and he will become hard in a second!

Wayne did not stay after receiving the ball, but used it as a transfer point to pass the ball to his sister-in-law who cut inside.

But at this time, Bosh rushed in just in time and intercepted the basketball!

In an instant, James and Wade began to sprint forward.

Counterattack, this is the Heat's favorite way to score.

Wade rushed to the front after receiving the basketball. His legs have been wrapped in thick protective gear this season, but these can't stop him from continuing to fly on the basketball court.

After running into the three-point line, Wade turned his head and glanced back.

Sure enough, the nightmare number 99 was approaching quickly like a huge shadow!

"Rip!" Wade gritted his teeth, and Wayne's pursuit gave him a great sense of oppression.

Seeing this, after Wade reached the basket, he knocked the ball back without looking at anyone.

After passing the ball, Wade opened his arms and celebrated the goal without even looking back to see if he had passed the ball.

Because he knows that No. 6 will not let him down, there is no way this ball will be missed!

The next second, there was a "boom" and the basket made a loud noise. James received a pass from Wade and succeeded in a one-handed dunk.

Janeway successfully connected!

The photographers near the bottom line left the most classic group photo of James and Wade's careers for everyone.

As soon as they came up, the Heat used pressing defense to form a counterattack, which shows their determination.

Wei picked up the basketball, feeling extremely helpless. There's really no way around it. Wade's pass was too secretive. God knows how he saw James' position with the back of his head.

Janeway's tacit understanding has gone beyond the normal boundaries between teammates.

The old couple still has to pat their butts after all. When it comes to Janeway, just by looking at the back of his head, you can tell what ball he is going to pass.

Something is very wrong with you!

Mousse: Heh, are you satisfied with messing up the relationship between father and son?

Being scored first by the Heat, Wayne didn't panic.

But the tough guy off the court was a bit panicked.

Mousse's dunk reminded him of the Eye of Death game last season.

This guy is still so brave!

After another season of growth, wouldn't even Wayne be able to handle him?

The Trail Blazers attacked for the second time, but James was still defending roughly.

Wayne also knows the Heat's tactics. Their strategy is to force their stars to pass the ball and let role players shoot.

That's why the Spurs, whose role players were all accurate in 2014, were able to beat the Heat to a pulp.

Normally, Wayne would just pass it on.

I want whatever you give me.

But since he had just been intercepted by Apo, Wayne felt that he needed to be cautious when passing the ball and put safety first.

The Heat generals must have blocked the passing lane, waiting for Wayne to pass.

Wayne then gave up the pass and singled out Mousse!

Just as Wayne accelerated his breakthrough, James roughly reached out to stop Wayne.

Although it was only stopped briefly, it still affected Wayne's speed.

Wayne glanced at the referee, but the referee didn't say anything.

Good guys, you are turning the HC rules into useless paper!

When he saw again that all the referees today were men, Wayne gave up his fantasy and prepared to fight.

Luodan: Hehe, I will arrange a female referee for you. I am a pig. If you have the guts, Gao Dewei can flirt with a male referee and let me see?

Because he was stopped at the beginning, Wayne did not completely shake off Mousse.

But there is no turning back now, and rushing the ball will only give the Heat another chance to counterattack.

So, Wayne leaned on James and forced a layup!

But James showed no weakness and fought against Wayne very hard.

Wayne fell to the ground after being hit, and the basketball naturally missed.

Bosh quickly grabbed the rebound, and the Heat's defense was successful again!

"You're not bragging about this? Okay, I'll invite him and Lafite later!" Wayne sat on the ground, opened his arms and shouted at the referee.

Although I know it is useless, I still have to apply pressure when I need to, and I still have to show a superficial attitude, otherwise they will only become more unscrupulous.

Fortunately, the Trail Blazers retreated quickly enough and did not give the Heat a chance to counterattack for the second time in a row.

In this attack, James supported him from a high position, and Wayne also let him go vigilantly.

Seeing this situation, James suddenly accelerated his breakthrough, and then took a step forward from the three-point line to make a jump shot!

Because James didn't do this often before, Wayne's reaction was still a little slow and he didn't catch the infection in time.

The result was that James' mid- and long-range emergency stop jumper hit the net, and the Heat went 4-0!

After the evolution of shooting, Mousse is difficult to deal with.

"LeBron scored on Wayne, and I could feel the desire for revenge emanating from him sitting on the sidelines.

The Trail Blazers didn't have a very smooth start today, but I hope they can improve in the future. "

Mike Breen rubbed his little hands excitedly. He believed that today's game would definitely become a classic.

Both sides have high standards and a high desire to win, and they are also tit-for-tat with each other.

It's hard not to watch such a showdown.

After that, the Heat kept suppressing the situation.

Although Wayne successfully scored a few goals, the Trail Blazers were not operating smoothly.

Neither Tony nor Matthews have very strong ball-playing abilities, so the Heat's pressing defense disrupted the Blazers' offense and they could only cooperate in a small area.

On the offensive end, James did not attack hard in the first quarter and mainly focused on support.

Wayne didn't dare to let go of Mousse, who could shoot from long range, so he didn't care about assisting defense.

Ever since, Bosh bullied his sister-in-law and created several jump shot opportunities.

In the end, at the end of the first quarter, the Heat led by 4 points, 26-22.

In the second quarter, Carlisle decided to let Garnett continue playing in order to keep an eye on Bosh.

Jiante swallowed and couldn't help but think of the scene where he was protected by Anderson a few days ago.

This Apo is also a master of kite flying.

Wayne patted Hard's shoulder at this time: "Hey, you're KG! Come on!"

However, what are you afraid of?

After I was admitted, I was really covered by social security.

Harder tried very hard to follow, but while Bosh was opening up the space, the Heat began to intersperse air cuts and move.

Both Wade and Junzi Lei got several opportunities to lick the basket. Wayne and Hardy were both pulled away, and the penalty area was opened wide.

Therefore, the hard special habitually shrinks the help defense. As a result, Apo is really strong today. If he dares to let him go, he really dares to shoot. If he dares to shoot, he really dares to score!

At first, Apo only wanted two points.

After scoring two in a row, Apo began to retreat outside the three-point line for three-pointers!

After a quick operation, the Wolf King was confused again.

Moreover, because it consumes too much on the defensive end, the Wolf King's effectiveness on the offensive end is also mediocre.

Last season, facing the Heat's weak inside line, the Wolves averaged 18 points per game in the series.

But this season, the old wolf really doesn't have such energy.

He also tried several attacks, but the results were very unsatisfactory.

Again, for a player of this age, you really don’t know how well he can perform next year.

Just like driving downhill, if you don't apply the brakes, the speed will not increase evenly, but will increase faster and faster.

In the end, the speed was too fast, resulting in a car crash and death.

A few minutes later, with sweat on his face, the Wolf King walked off the court.

It doesn’t work either!

The Heat's offense this season is indeed smooth, and so far, Mous has been dealing cards at the top of the key most of the time!

By the second half, he still had enough energy to take over the game.

Thanks to the Trail Blazers, Green finally took action and output three points crazily when Wayne was flanked, which offset the Heat's goal.

However, after half the game, the Heat still led the Trail Blazers by 4 points.

After the second half of the game started, James finally exerted his strength.

As soon as they came up, he and Wayne came to recruit an old man to push the cart.

Forced a breakthrough to the basket, forced a layup and caused a foul.

Just highlight the word force.

Forget about the fouls, the key ball was scored, allowing Lao Zhan to score 2+1.

After Lao Zhan made the free throw, Wayne couldn't help but look at the referee.

Doesn't your conscience hurt?

If these were all fouls, James would have graduated with six fouls!

The referee said that his conscience did feel a bit painful at first, but he no longer felt it after getting used to double standards~

Wayne immediately responded with a forced breakthrough. In the same situation, he also forced himself to attack the frame without getting rid of the defense.

Wayne struggled to score a goal in the physical confrontation, but...

There was still no foul, no whistle, and Wayne scored 2+0 angrily.

The CEO of Luo Dan is so damn cruel and ruthless. He won’t give me the whistle even if he says he won’t!

The game passed by minute by minute, and neither side could completely throw away the other.

Apo also had a meal of dumplings today, which made his hand feel better and smoother.

His offensive threat once overshadowed Wade.

Coupled with Mousse's personal offense, the Heat's offensive firepower is extraordinary.

The Trail Blazers, relying on Wayne's singles and Green's three-pointers, were not to be outdone.

Curry was severely oppressed today and his performance was average.

Because my sister-in-law was flying kites with Bosh on the defensive end, she had little energy on the offensive end.

It wasn't until the eighth minute of the fourth quarter that Green tied the score with a three-pointer.

Armagh has scored 5 three-pointers today and scored 20 points, which can be regarded as his best performance of the season.

After Green scored, Wayne also clapped his hands and shouted loudly: "Defend one, defend one!"

As long as you can prevent the next attack, you can overtake the score and take the initiative at the critical moment!

This time on defense, Mousse tried to get rid of Wayne with a pick-and-roll and singled out Gasol.

But at the moment when the pick-and-roll was formed, Stephenson volunteered to run up, and Wayne went to help cover Wade.

Seeing Stephenson attacking so fiercely, Lao Zhan decided to isolate this fool first.

So, Lao Zhan turned to Finsen and held the ball with one hand.

I hold the ball like Jordan!

Even if he doesn't look like Jordan, he must at least look like Tracy McGrady.

Anyway, he is more handsome than Xiaoshou~

As a result, Fensen didn’t accept this idea at all.

He pounced on the food like a hungry wolf, jumped up and threw himself on the basketball with both hands.

Their hands were intertwined, and neither one wanted to let go.

In the end, the referee had to give a scrimmage!

After the whistle blew, James let go of his hand, and Stephenson raised the basketball high, then threw himself in front of James to demonstrate at him.

Wayne immediately ran up and high-fived Stephenson.

You didn't hit the basketball hoop in vain today, you are such a tough guy today!

When Fensen is normal, he is indeed very powerful.

As long as he doesn't bully the referee, he's a good player.

Although it was only a scrimmage, in terms of morale, this goal was a shot in the arm for the Blazers.

Grabbing James alive showed the Blazers' bloody spirit.

In the subsequent scrimmage, Stephenson suffered from jumping and height.

If you want to talk about grabbing it hard, you will definitely not be able to grab it.


When the referee raised the basketball, Stephenson jumped up early and deliberately leaned against Lao Zhan.

"Hey, it hasn't started yet!" the referee warned Stephenson and asked him to stand still.

"Oh, I am competing for the ball with the proud man of heaven, so I am inevitably a little nervous, hehe." Fensen said in a strange tone.

Then, the referee raised the basketball again. Just after raising it above his head, Stephenson jumped again and deliberately bumped into James!

"Oh no, what the hell are you doing!" James was also angry. This was obviously intentional!

"Oh, sorry, sorry, I'm nervous, I'm nervous." Stephenson immediately nodded and bowed, and the referee was speechless, but it was really not easy to punish.


Wayne looked on and laughed crazily, Finson was so disgusting!

In Wayne's previous life, 183 Pao'er once used this move to deliberately jump to interfere with the opponent's rhythm, and successfully won the ball over Thompson's head.

It can be said to be a very cheap move.

Sure enough, when the referee actually threw the ball out, Mousse, whose rhythm had been disrupted, took off half a beat slower, and Stephenson successfully shot the ball out!

Wayne received the basketball, turned around and went straight for a fast break, and finally went ahead with a one-handed dunk!

Stephenson was so excited that he yelled wildly, and James was so angry that he threw his hair tie.

"The ball went in, and the Trail Blazers overtook the score. They are one step closer to their 24th consecutive victory!"

Wayne touched Stephenson's head, and he was indeed right to use him at the critical moment.

Whether it's strong or not is another matter, but when it comes to disgusting people, Fensen doesn't have control over it, he has a monopoly!

However, everyone was not happy for long, James had another breakthrough goal and assisted Bosh to hit a three-pointer!

My sister-in-law tried her best to chase this ball, but she encountered Battier's off-ball screen.

Green made up for it, but he wasn't tall enough.

Apo, who was feeling hot, caught the ball and shot, scoring his 30th point of the game!

Seeing this, Carlisle paused the game.

Bosh has made 5 of 8 three-pointers today, directly breaking his career three-point shooting record.

It’s really just one meal every half a year, all you can eat.

Bosh, who was beaten to the point of being autistic last season and couldn't even high-five his teammates, finally felt proud today.

He is indeed a giant!

Seeing that he had stopped the Blazers abruptly, Apo pumped his fist and roared.

Mousse excitedly rushed forward to hug Apo, but inexplicably got sprayed all over his face.

Well, as we all know, Apo's saliva doesn't make his eyes grow when he roars, and Mousse just won the bid.

Mousse wiped his face speechlessly, can you please show some personal hygiene!

I find that your quality is very low!

This damn passion was extinguished by a mouthful of water.

Wayne sat back on the bench out of breath. This year's Miami Heat is really not easy to handle.

The key is that Apo was so accurate today and really caught up.

The sister-in-law is already exhausted, and there is no point in letting him go with Bosh.

So, Carlisle set his sights on Tucker.

It's not like Tucker hasn't played before, but the effect is mediocre. The main reason is that he is too short to interfere with Bosh's shooting.

But now, we can only bite the bullet and fight him. At least he can keep up.

At this moment, Harde squeezed in from outside the crowd.

"I'm going to defend Bosh and I'll take care of him!"

Everyone looked up at Jiute, whose eyes were very firm.

"I've got some rest, I'll go get him!" Seeing everyone stunned, the Wolf King repeated it again.

"Even if I fold my legs here, I will follow you!"

There was little time left, and Carlisle had no chance to hesitate.

He nodded, then quickly took out the tactical board in his crotch and drew a few tactics for Wayne.

When the timeout ended, Wayne and Hard stood on the sidelines and looked at each other.

"Is it really possible?"

"I promise, Wei!"

"Then go ahead and take care of Miami."

"Get Miami, we will definitely win!"

After saying that, Harder bumped fists with Wayne and then stepped onto the court.

What bullshit Anderson, bullshit Bosh.

I'm the Wolf of Portland!

Today, I got really hard.

Today I give you 1.3 million words, just asking for double monthly votes, please beg me!

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