I am Really an Insider

Chapter 641 Chapter 638: Why is the temperature above my head getting worse and worse? (5.1K votes r

“Mission: The elementary school student’s all-star dream.

Mission goal: As a father, it is his responsibility to accompany his children to thrive. Lead the primary school student to perform brilliantly before the complete All-Star lineup is announced, and successfully send him to the All-Star lineup.

Mission reward: Randomly upgrade the level of a special action. "

Oh, this god is so good at helping his children grow up. This mission description made Wayne split on the spot.

If my son was so mentally retarded, I would have beaten him to death!

But it is true that Wayne still feels a sense of accomplishment when he watches a primary school student grow from a little transparent person who is not favored by others to a quasi-all-star player under his own training.

It really becomes a beautiful girl's dream factory.

Looking at the mission description, it seems that as long as you can make the All-Star team, the mission has been completed, even if you are on the bench.

Well, it seems that the system has not completely blocked the way to complete the task.

After all, it is indeed a bit difficult for Curry to compete with Paoer and Naojia.

Although Nao Nai's strength has declined, his popularity is still at its peak. Throughout the West, his vote share was neck and neck with Wayne's.

After all, Pao'er is the number one point guard currently in service and the absolute core of the Warriors.

No matter how powerful Curry is, he is only Wayne's second-in-command.

Therefore, it is very difficult to compete with them in terms of popularity to be honest.

You know, the playing style of primary school students is not that attractive to fans, unlike Rose and Turtle, who will dunk on your head at every turn.

Although he has a name like Portland Carter, well...

It's difficult to start, but if you think about it carefully, as a defender in the Western Conference, even if you want to enter the All-Star lineup as a substitute, it is very difficult.

Not to mention Conley, even if he is as good as his older cousin, it is not easy to become an All-Star in the Western Conference.

In the 14-15 season, Cousin, who has already become a first-line point guard in the league, was stunned that he didn't even make it to the All-Star bench.

Wayne was very impressed by this because at that time, there was an avid Lillard fan who made a bet on the Internet. He said that if Lillard failed to be selected for the All-Star Game, he would eat a shoe.

That guy was also a werewolf. After Lillard lost the draft, he actually bought a children's shoe, boiled it, mixed it into a drink, drank it in one gulp, and posted the video of the entire process online for everyone to supervise.

Really. It’s all in this cup of shoes!

When it comes to being a true man, I may be prone to constipation on those days.

But just eating a shoe wouldn't be enough to impress Wayne.

After all, there are so many strange things in the Lighthouse Country, not least of which is eating shoes.

The reason why Wayne still remembers this incident is because...

As soon as this guy ate his shoe, the league announced that Lillard would replace the injured Griffin on the All-Star bench.

Eating for nothing!

Wayne didn't know what happened to this buddy. Maybe he never wanted to watch basketball again in his life.

This incident tells us that we must not be impulsive when encountering problems. What if there is a turning point?

In the next two seasons, Lillard still did not get a starting opportunity. Especially in the 16-17 season, the big cousin has averaged 27 points, 4.9 rebounds and 5.9 assists per game. These statistics are not luxurious.

But in the fiercely competitive Western Conference, he still missed the All-Star spot.

Also suffering from the same problem is Cousin's backcourt partner C.J. McCollum.

If you say McCollum is an All-Star defender, not many people will refute you. He does have this ability.

But in fact, McCollum has never made an All-Star game in his career.

All in all, in the Western Conference, as a second-leading guard who wants to enter the All-Star Game, it is a matter of men and women.

You have to stand out among the many tough guys.

Besides, the special nature of this task is that it is not just Wayne who performs well enough to complete the task.

Wayne can only win as many games as possible. As for whether the primary school student performs well or not, it depends on him.

If the mission rewards weren't really attractive enough, Wayne would probably not even bother taking care of this mission.

Randomly upgrade a special move, no matter which one you upgrade, it will be useful for Wayne.

If you can upgrade Malone's Iron Elbow, then you will die if you try it.

Wait, special moves?

Yes, if you want primary school students to behave well during this period, you can touch your pants like crazy!

Although I don’t know if touching the bottom of pants continuously will turn elementary school students into Mediterranean, but...

Oh, how can you become stronger without being bald?

How can you make it to the All-Stars if you don't get stronger?

Just do it!

The All-Star bench lineup is currently selected by coaches from 30 teams. Therefore, the authoritative aspect is indeed better than what the fans choose.

As long as Curry can perform brilliantly, the coaches of each team can see it.

Although the elementary school student is only the second in charge, the Trail Blazers have greater exposure than other teams.

So, there is a huge chance!

Wayne already had a plan in mind, but in the first game that allowed Curry to enter the All-Star road, the Trail Blazers suffered a blow.

One day after playing the Spurs, the Trail Blazers had a back-to-back game with the Thunder at home.

Because it was back-to-back games, and yesterday’s game against the Spurs consumed too much of everyone’s energy.

So in today's game against the Thunder, everyone was not in particularly good condition.

On the contrary, the Thunder, because they were defeated by the Trail Blazers in the opening game, were holding back their energy and preparing for a big fight to avenge their previous shame.

Du Xiaoshuai scored 33 points today with a 57.1% shooting rate. Without Tony Allen, Du Xiaoshuai's offense was much easier.

Although Wayne decided to take the initiative to defend Du Xiaoshuai today, Du Xiaoshuai is not a fool.

If you guard me, do I have to fight you?

Du Xiaoshuai used pick-and-rolls to switch defenses many times today, forcing others to defend him.

The number of times Wayne actually had one-on-one time with Du Xiaoshuai was very few.

The glory of a superstar?

What kind of star glory? This is how everyone plays now, mispositioning themselves to the defensive weakness to abuse them like crazy.

Only those people in the 1990s and early 21st century would do this kind of thing.

As for Curry, Wayne did want to touch his head at first. But then I thought about it, these back-to-back games, coupled with the Thunder's defensive aggressiveness, are also very strong.

If primary school students are forced to compete, the gain will outweigh the loss if they get injured.

So today, Wayne did not use his head-touching technique for the time being. In the end, the exhausted Trail Blazers lost to the Thunder 93-97, suffering their second defeat of the season.

At the end of the game, Du Xiaoshuai almost cried with joy.

My little handsome guy also has a day when a loser attacks a tall, rich and handsome guy!

Now, all I need is a goddess, and I will be the winner in life!

Coincidentally, at this time, a beautiful T.N.T reporter walked towards Du Xiaoshuai.

Du Xiaoshuai couldn't help but smile, today is the day that I, Mr. Du, will turn around!

As a result, the next second, Doris Burke, a well-known female reporter from ESPN, approached Du Xiaoshuai: "Congratulations, KD!"

"Ah this." Looking at Burke, Du Xiaoshuai's smile gradually disappeared.

Burke can be said to be the most well-known female reporter in the NBA. In the man's world of the NBA, her achievements are extraordinary.


This sister is almost 50 years old!

Seeing that Du Xiaoshuai had been snatched away, the T.N.T girl walked past Du Xiaoshuai and chased the Trail Blazers players into the tunnel.

Only Du Xiaoshuai, the winner, was left to face an aunt alone.

Du Xiaoshuai:

Can I refuse your interview?

I am the winner! Hey! I ended the Trail Blazers' eight-game winning streak. I was the second person to beat the Trail Blazers this season!

Why are you all going to interview Trail Blazers players! ?

Facts have proved that it is so easy for diaosi to counterattack.

Moreover, the impact of the Thunder's victory in this game was not as great as Du Xiaoshuai imagined.

In his imagination, to be able to defeat the Trail Blazers, the whole country would have to toss themselves over and over again for a week.

What James couldn't do, my handsome guy did it!

I am the only hope to stop Wayne from establishing a dynasty!

But in fact, the outside world's reaction to this was not intense.

It's true that the Thunder won, but they only won by 4 points against the Trail Blazers, who were still struggling in back-to-back games.

To put it bluntly, the Thunder did not show enough dominance at all.

There is nothing to brag about in this kind of victory. You should win, but if you lose, you will be ridiculed crazily.

Moreover, the Trail Blazers already have 34 wins and 2 losses! With this record, you have no black spots at all!

How can this be said? You see, the Blazers just can't do it. They have lost two games. You have lost two games so far. How dare you call me the defending champion?

If you really say this, I'm afraid it's equivalent to changing the direction and blowing the Trail Blazers.

Du Xiaoshuai is simply fucked, this horse riding

If James wins, you may have to brag about him for three days and three nights!

After fighting for a long time, Du Xiaoshuai won the battle.

Despite the slow start, Wayne didn't panic. It doesn't matter if he loses a game. Besides, in this lost game, the primary school student's performance was no worse than Turtle Brook, his direct competitor in the All-Star Game.

As long as he can win these next few games, he will definitely be able to impress the coaches.

On January 13, after losing to the Thunder, the Trail Blazers faced another tough opponent, the Memphis Grizzlies.

In the original history, the Grizzlies won 56 games in the 12-13 season - 4 games short of 60 wins!

56 wins may only rank fifth in the Western Conference, but in the Eastern Conference, it is enough to rank second!

In the playoffs, the Grizzlies also made a historic trip to the Western Conference Finals before being defeated.

Although the Grizzlies in this history do not have Teacher Tony and their strength has declined to a certain extent, they are still a strong team.

As soon as today's game started, Xiaojia beat his brother under the basket and gave the Grizzlies the lead.

Wayne shook his head when he saw it. They are from the same roots, so there is no need to rush into each other.

Since they are brothers, there is no need to get into a tense situation.

Artest: Hey, Wayne, did your conscience hurt when you said this?

Marciano's goal is just a microcosm. The Grizzlies played very aggressively today and were full of desire to win.

After all, the ranking competition in the Western Conference this year is indeed very fierce.

Except for the Trail Blazers, the rankings of other teams are very close.

As soon as Wayne gets the ball, the black and white bears will rush up and lift their hands, making Wayne a man on both sides.

After so many years, although he won more than he lost against the Grizzlies, Wayne felt that he never won easily.

The Grizzlies are a team that is really weak when it encounters the weak and strong when it encounters the strong, and 50/50 of the best of humanity comes out.

Facing the Grizzlies' meat grinder-like defense, the best way to crack it is to play pick-and-roll.

Neither the Big White Bear nor the Big Black Bear are masters at guarding pick-and-rolls. As long as the pick-and-roll is played well, there is no fear of being contained by their defense.

Since Tom and Green are not very good at attacking with the ball, the task of playing pick-and-roll today naturally fell on the primary school students.

In the third minute of the first quarter, when Randolph made two free throws to help the team gain a 1-point lead, Wayne rushed to Curry and rubbed his head wildly.

"Come on Stephen, Mike is also your important competitor on the road to All-Stars!"

After being rubbed by Brother Wei like this, the primary school student's expression changed instantly.

In the following games, Curry performed very well, and played brilliantly in the pick-and-roll with Wayne.

Conley was tortured extremely uncomfortable. If he bypassed the pick-and-roll, Curry could easily get an assist as soon as he passed the ball to Wayne.

But if you don't go around the pick-and-roll, Randolph and Garfield really can't keep up with Curry.

Just two bottles of poison will kill you anyway.

Seeing Curry take the lead on the offensive end, Wayne was very happy.

However, what Wayne never expected was that the primary school student was not only good offensively today, he also performed brilliantly on the defensive end!

Although the primary school student is limited by his physical condition and has always been embarrassed on the defensive end, he has a defensive attitude, and he and Ha Jishi can be regarded as two counterexamples.

Today, after being fired up by Wayne's head-butt kill, the primary school students' enthusiasm on the defensive end was even more astonishing.

In the fifth minute of the third quarter, he even made a catch!

That's right, catch him!

At that time, Conley held the ball and rushed Curry. He took two steps and went directly to the layup, hoping to cause damage.

But the confrontation Curry gave Conley was very fierce and did not allow him to take any advantage. Therefore, Conley was not able to jump completely at that time, and his take-off height was very short.

But because he's already taken two steps and there's no passing lane. There was no other way, Conley could only bite the bullet and shoot directly without jumping high.

The elementary school student saw the right opportunity, raised his arms and jumped up, and suddenly took Conley's ball directly.

Most risk-catchers usually use their abnormal physical fitness to complete high-altitude operations.

This was good for the elementary school students and Conley. The two of them played a low-altitude game.

It was an eye-opener for Wayne.

Although this catch is a low-end version, the defensive enthusiasm of the primary school students is there for everyone to see.

Thanks to the positive performance of the primary school students, the Trail Blazers finally defeated the Grizzlies 96-83, stopping the bleeding in time and not losing in a row.

The elementary school student scored 23 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists in this game, beating Conley's 6 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists.

On the road to the All-Stars, he has already defeated his two direct competitors, Conley and Turtles.

At the end of the game, the primary school student who returned to the locker room kept tinkering with the air conditioner: "Strange, is the air conditioner in the locker room broken?"

"Air conditioner? Is there anything wrong with the air conditioner?" Wayne and everyone looked at each other, not feeling any discomfort from the temperature.

"Eh? That's weird. The air conditioner isn't broken. Why does it feel so cold on top of my head?" The primary school student touched the top of his head and felt something was wrong.

Wayne held back his laughter and pretended as if nothing had happened.

It's okay Stephen, you'll get used to it when you're bald.

The Grizzlies were just the beginning. In the subsequent games in January, the Trail Blazers won consecutive games.

Curry's outstanding performance continued, and he also completed a quasi-win during the period.

On January 29, the Trail Blazers, who had won eight consecutive games, faced the Dallas Mavericks at home, who were in a bad situation this season.

But today, the Mavericks were in extremely good shape. Dirk seemed to be having a comeback, scoring 28 points on Wayne!

In addition, guards such as O.J. Mayo, Carter and Darren Collison also performed very well outside the three-point line today.

Ever since, the Mavericks were stunned and fought with the Trail Blazers until the last moment.

In the last 33 seconds of the game, the two sides were tied. At this point, the entire Mavericks team's attention is on Wayne.

Curry has been dribbling outside the three-point line, but has been unable to find an angle to pass the ball to Wayne.

So after his head was touched, he simply waved his hand and motioned for everyone to pull away.

He will take the final shot of the day!

Facing the tall and long-armed hacker Marion, Curry chose to break through to the mid-range and then make an emergency stop in the last few seconds.

But Marion's defense is not a vegetarian. Curry made an emergency stop and did not throw away the opponent.

At this time, countless fans are already cheering for Marion's defense. This goal is called a treasure!

At this critical moment, looking at Marion's face with interference attributes, Curry calmly raised the basketball and took a feint shot after an emergency stop.

Marion was indeed deceived, because most people subconsciously felt that the player after the emergency stop would take action directly. Therefore, even seasoned veterans can be easily fooled.

After hitting Marion, Curry threw the ball calmly.

In Marion's desperate eyes, the basketball hit the net hollowly, and the Trail Blazers gained a 2-point lead in the last 8 seconds!

In the end, Dirk's incoming side step when facing Wayne in the mid-range was blocked, and the Mavericks also lost their last chance.

Curry definitely beat the Mavericks and helped the Trail Blazers win 9 consecutive games!

With 24 points, 4 rebounds, 6 assists and a near-win, Curry was undoubtedly the most handsome boy today.

It is now close to February. In the All-Star voting, Curry's votes have been far behind Kobe and Pao'er. The possibility of him entering the All-Star Game as a starter is extremely slim.

But his probability of entering the All-Star Game as a substitute player continues to increase!

After the game, in the Mavericks locker room, Dirk faced reporters and said: "Stephen is undoubtedly qualified to enter the All-Star Game. He is already very good now."

Curry was also very happy to be able to complete the quasi-killer. The only thing he found strange was...

Why is the temperature above my head getting worse and worse?

Wayne was picking up his cell phone to read the public opinion on the Internet at this time, and found that the calls for elementary school students to be included in the All-Stars were getting louder and louder.

My hair has not gone gray~

Even with the loss of two starters this month, the game went more smoothly than Wayne imagined.

But vaguely, Wayne felt a little uneasy.

2013, February.

At this point in time, he always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something special.

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