I am Really an Insider

Chapter 659 656: Hurry up, my wife really wants to have a baby! (4.3K votes requested)

The number of free throws Harden made by himself was comparable to the number of free throws made by the Trail Blazers as a team, and he actually lost the game.

What can be done with braised eggs?

He is also desperate!

Wayne scored 51 points in a single game, which scared the crap out of him.

He can easily score 50 points in the playoffs. It is estimated that only old gangsters have this ability since ancient times.

After all, he is a person who has done something as bad as 50 points in the finals twice, so getting 50 points in the first round is not a problem at all.

Although the outside world has blown away Wayne's 51 points this time, Wayne himself does not think it is anything special.

It's not Wayne Versailles, but scoring 51 points in front of the Mosaic team is nothing. Damn, their insides can't play at all!

Asik is not as tough as Sharapova on the tennis court.

No matter what, Wayne completed a near-perfect comeback battle.

The Spurs and Trail Blazers, two teams that also swept their opponents to advance, are about to meet in the Western Conference semifinals.

Speaking of which, the last time the Trail Blazers and Spurs met in the playoffs was five years ago.

After a complete circle, the Spurs have once again returned to the top with their GDP-centered lineup.

This is probably the best example of a poor team.

Because the Spurs have not had a strong sense of presence over the years, and the old thief has not done anything to intentionally hurt anyone for a while.

Therefore, the Spurs' reputation has begun to reverse and increase.

Everyone talks about the achievements of this team, forgetting that those achievements are based on the pain of others.

Everyone is touting the so-called Spurs culture, forgetting that the original Spurs culture was "If you can't beat him, destroy him."

In addition, the old thief always likes to joke when being interviewed by reporters, which gives him the persona of a kind and funny old man.

Little did they know that underneath that amiable mask was a butcher with blood on his hands.

However, the people of Ugly Country are really intolerant of one thing. After all, they all have selective amnesia.

And the most important thing is that now half of the Ugly Country fans want to see Wayne's dynasty collapse.

The San Antonio Spurs have undoubtedly become the best anti-Watchman.

This year's Spurs are quite strong, so they will naturally have high hopes.

Just like in the original history, most people supported the Spurs to defeat the Heat.

Yes, even the extremely popular James, the favorite of heaven, will face a crisis in his approval rating after winning two consecutive championships.

What's more, Wayne is an international player.

Not all fans like the one-stop model.

For a time, the Spurs' popularity soared, and many people were willing to believe that Hollywood-style chicken soup plots such as veterans' immortality could be staged in the NBA.

Wayne was also asked in an interview with reporters after daily training: "Are you worried about the opponent San Antonio Spurs?"

Wayne just smiled at this.

"San Antonio Spurs? Worried? Haha, I have lost many games in my career so far, and I have failed more than once in the playoffs.

But remember, I've never lost to the Spurs in the playoffs.

From the beginning of my career with the Pacers to now, my winning rate against the Spurs in the playoffs is 100%! "

Ten minutes later, Wayne's words reached the old thief's ears, and he was heartbroken.

If you didn’t remind me, I wouldn’t have known that I had never beaten you in the playoffs.

Reporters asked the old thief how to respond to the fact that he had never beaten Wayne in the playoffs. The old thief just waved his hand.

"Oh, after all, I was still young before! Now I have matured and I know how to deal with the Blazers!"

He was so young before, so the old thief is only 30 years old now, right? He just looks a little more mature.

Sure enough, being an NBA head coach is more familiar than writing Internet articles.

In Wayne's previous life, he had read a book by an online author named Lao Ge. He was young, but he didn't have a single black hair on his head.

I guess he is in the same situation as the old thief.

Although the Spurs are strong at their peak, Wayne is still very sure of winning.

Moreover, except for Ginobili, there is basically no one with bad skills in the Spurs.

The game should be played safely.

Finally, on May 3, the Thunder defeated the tenacious Clippers with a total score of 4-1, ending all their journeys in the first round of the Western Conference.

And this also means that on May 5, the first game of the Western Conference semifinals will begin!

In the first round of the series, the Trail Blazers, Spurs and Warriors all swept their opponents 4-0.

Not to mention the Trail Blazers and Spurs, the Warriors also played easily against the Lakers, who were in a state of disarray without a fight.

Being easily swept 4-0 by the former club, I don't know if Warcraft's heart is broken.

Sometimes only through more experiences can you understand the sweetness of first love.

All three teams were 4-0, but the second team played 4-1 against the Clippers.

There is no way, the eldest cousin next door is really strong.

Although he is only a first-year player, he has already achieved a winning goal in the playoffs, showing his big heart.

The Thunder lost exactly the game in which they were defeated.

Seeing the handsome young man hugging and celebrating with his teammates on the TV, Wayne couldn't help but press the power button on the remote control.

Children at this age have very strong imitation abilities.

Therefore, it is better not to let children see this kind of temperament overflowing the screen.

Turning off the TV, Wayne turned to look at Sharapova who was leaning next to him.

She had fallen asleep with her big belly.

Next to her, her daughter had also fallen asleep next to her mother.

Wayne stroked Sharapova's head and kissed her gently.

The woman opened her eyes slightly and looked at the time.

"It's already so late. Let's take our daughter to bed."

"You have to rest early. How do you feel?" Wayne said, putting his head on Shava's belly.

"Nothing unusual, I feel pretty good."

"I will end the series as soon as possible. This time, I will definitely stay by your side and welcome the arrival of the child with you."

"It's okay, just concentrate on playing the game. There are so many people taking care of me. Work hard and don't get hurt~" Sharapova smiled and actually started to care about Wayne.

After his wife and children were asleep, Wayne looked at his big house and took a deep breath.

I remember when I first came to Portland, the houses were often empty.

But now this larger house in the suburbs is full of people and feels like home.


I don't know if it's because of his age, but Wayne finds that he is particularly concerned about his family now.

However, he may not be able to be with his wife even when she gives birth.

Wayne sighed, even if he made money, there was still a lot of helplessness in the world.

The only way to solve the problem is to finish this series as soon as possible.

In the team, Wayne is undoubtedly a good leader.

But at home, Wayne also hopes to be a good husband for once.

Two days later, on May 5, the Western Conference semifinals between the Spurs and Trail Blazers will begin!

There was a sea of ​​people outside the Rose Garden Arena, packed with fans.

It is worth mentioning that in Wayne's previous life in 2013, the Trail Blazers' home court had been renamed the Moda Center.

At that time, it was Moda Health Insurance Company that signed a 10-year sponsorship contract with the Trail Blazers.

The Trail Blazers only need to give up the naming rights of the arena to get $4 million in sponsorship fees.

At that time, the Trail Blazers had just gone through the post-Roy Oden era, so the market was in a downturn.

Moreover, at that time, Paul Allen was focused on his own football team, and his requirement for the Blazers was to reduce losses as much as possible.

In this way, the famous and romantic name of Rose Garden was replaced by Moda Center.

But now, the Trail Blazers have always been the favorites to win the championship and are also the biggest beneficiaries of the Chinese market.

The team's expenses are high, but the benefits are not small either.

Therefore, Allen didn't like the 4 million sponsorship contract at all.


What a joke.

My team, which is not afraid of paying the luxury tax, will care about the 4 million?

I paid a fine a few days ago and it was a good start at 35,000 yuan.

Ever since, in this history, the name of the Rose Garden has been preserved.

Wayne liked the name Rose Garden very much. After all, this name also witnessed Wayne's glory.

In the original history, it is a very coincidence that in the first year of Lillard entering the league, the Rose Garden was renamed to Moda Center.

So that name change seemed to also contain the meaning of distinguishing Roy's and Lillard's eras.

The rose garden represents the fleeting glory of the past.

The Moda Center has witnessed the growth and rise of Big Cousin.

But now, the Trail Blazers are still in the Wayne era.

So, let the reputation of the rose garden continue to be famous all over the world!

As soon as the old thieves and the players stepped off the bus, they were surrounded by reporters.

The old thief didn't stay too long and quickly led the players into the tunnel.

Coming to the away locker room in the Rose Garden again, the old thief was very excited.

The winning rate against the Spurs in the playoffs is 100%, right?

Today, he must teach Wayne a lesson on his territory!

The old thief's confidence was not groundless. In order to deal with the Trail Blazers, he tailored a series of targeted defensive measures for Wayne.

Duncan, Diaw and Kawhi will all devote themselves to defending Wayne.

In the eyes of the old thief, Mosaic was easily swept 4-0 by the Trail Blazers, which was entirely his own doing.

Even Wayne was like that, Mosaic was beaten to death without double-teaming, and there was no targeted arrangement.

The old thief is also really convinced.

McHale: You know shit! Let me ask you, do you know what Blind Jiebao is? What is a multi-directional three-dimensional attack? You only saw Wayne playing easily, but why didn't you see that my team limited Tony Allen to single-digit points in a single game?

Tony, who had three misses in four games in the first round of the series, expressed concern.

If you don't target Wayne's fate, he will easily score 51 points in a single game.


The defense that the Spurs deployed for Wayne, in the eyes of the old thief, can definitely restrict Wayne.

What? You mean other people?

Others are scared shitless!

Yes, the rest of the Trail Blazers are also very capable.

For example, there is No. 30 who thinks he dunks like Carter every day.

But in the eyes of the veteran, as long as Wayne can be restricted, other people's scoring cannot kill the Spurs.

No matter how awesome that kid is, can he be better than my French supercar?

He is a man who can throw the ball in even with a big chest and a big white bear!

Parker, who is in great shape in the playoffs, might lose to a second-best player.


Let Kawaii guard him and let him know what social evil is.

As for Ganai, who can only roar and beat his chest, the old thief can't kill the game even if he shoots.

Thinking about it this way, the old thief felt that his plan was perfect and seamless.

Although in the regular season, the record between the two sides is that the Trail Blazers have the advantage.

But the old thief disagreed.

The Trail Blazers were beaten 3-1 against the Thunder in the regular season, but does anyone really think that the Trail Blazers are much weaker than the Thunder?

In the same way, although the Spurs do not have a superior record against the Trail Blazers in the regular season, this does not mean that they will definitely fail in the playoffs!

With honeyed confidence, the old thief led the Spurs generals onto the field.

On the other side, Wayne was seriously warming up by shooting.

The Spurs are strong at their peak, but...

My wife is really going to have a baby this time!

Everyone gkd, I'm in a hurry!

The game is about to start, and the ESPN director also released the support ratings of both sides.

The Spurs are far ahead with a support rate of 70%, and most Ugly fans want to see the veteran's counterattack.

Therefore, in the sideline interview before the game started, the reporter also asked Wayne what he thought of the support rate.

Wayne pointed to the enthusiastic fans in the stands. Because the Trail Blazers have officially turned red into the main color this season, the stands were full of red. The scene was like the 2008 Olympics.

"I don't care about approval ratings, I only fight for my fans!"

Good guy, these words directly brought the Portland fans to climax.

Don't say anything, Brother Wei is our biological father!

Everyone started shouting, making the people of San Antonio frightened!

Ever since, the cheers at the scene became enough to pierce the eardrums.

The Rose Garden once again showed the style of its devil's home court.

The two sides began to warm up, and Parker was shooting baskets when he overheard the conversation between Duncan and Kawhi next to him.

"Kawai, I noticed you're a little nervous." Duncan approached Kawai and patted him on the shoulder.

Parker looked confused. What a shame.

This guy obviously has no expression at all. How do you see that he is nervous?

"Well, after all, the opponent is very strong." Kawaii nodded, confirming Duncan's statement.

"It's okay, I'll teach you. If you want to relax, the easiest way is to think about happy things."

"Really? Then let me think about it carefully."

Then, Parker saw Duncan and Kawhi looking at each other expressionlessly for a few seconds.

"Well, I've thought about it. Sure enough, if you smile, you won't be so nervous."

"Hey, you are very talented, Kawaii."

After that, the two of them dispersed and continued to warm up.


Kawaii was smiling just now?

Sure enough, only those with facial paralysis can understand facial paralysis.

Facial paralysis and facial paralysis chat, and their emotions rely entirely on telepathy.

Parker shook his head and didn't think more about it.

He began to look for Curry on the court, preparing to see his opponent today.

As a result, Parker discovered that Curry was acting like a monkey, squatting on the technical stage, scratching his head and scratching his head, looking left and right. He looked retarded at first glance.

Those who knew it knew it was dancing, but those who didn't thought it was the animal world.

That's right, today's primary school students are no longer satisfied with jumping on the court.

He began to look for more exciting (sha) and exciting (diao) jumping methods.

Looking at Curry dancing, Parker couldn't believe that one day he would have to deal with such a fool.

According to tactics, Wayne will be restricted today.

So if Parker can beat Curry, the Spurs will win the game with a high probability!

I, Tony Parker, am not a first-rate superstar.

But it is impossible to lose to a fool!

Parker still doesn't know that today, the Blazers' main attack point is really not Wayne.

Carlisle has arranged many tactics for Curry these days, specifically to deal with the Spurs.

Lest people say Wayne only bullies the Spurs' No. 21 rookie.

The old thief has been thinking about restricting Wayne, but now, the game has not actually reached the stage of restricting Wayne.

If you want Wei War God to take action, you must first defeat his stupid son!

Here comes the first update~

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