I am Really an Insider

Chapter 73 071: Long-lost upgrade tips

Tony Allen put on his apron, turned on the stove, and started his day as a full-time nanny.

He still hasn't figured out why it was the Detroit Pistons who reached the finals.

Of course, he couldn't figure out why he promised Wayne to make breakfast for three days.

Sure enough, impulse is the devil.

Amidst the sound of fried eggs sizzling, Wayne, who had just woken up, walked down from the second floor.

"Hey, morning Tony."

"Can you be early?" Teacher Tony muttered quietly.

In order to allow Wayne and Tony Allen to train with peace of mind, Schwartz threw them into a two-story villa on the outskirts of Stillwater City.

It's only ten minutes away from here and the rented basketball gym, and the surroundings are quiet and undisturbed.

The most important thing is - there is nothing to entertain.

It takes an hour to drive into the city from here. Wayne and Tony don't have a car yet, so they basically can't stay away from this circle.

As a result, all Wayne and Tony Allen can do every day is to concentrate on training for trials.

For Wayne and Tony, Schwartz did spend a lot of money.

The small villa was rented, the basketball gym was rented, the trainer was hired, and Schwartz paid for the trainer's residence.

This does not include daily expenses such as eating, drinking, and diarrhea.

Wayne couldn't help but think that he and Tony were like this, how luxurious the No. 1 pick candidate would be.

In fact, Okafor's treatment is similar to that of Wayne and others, and the basic market conditions are the same.

Speaking of which, Wayne was not taken to any business activities by Schwartz during this period.

It stands to reason that the share of commercial activities is the bulk of the broker's income.

Under normal circumstances, the agent's commission on players' wages is between 3% and 5%, while the commission on commercial income can reach 12% to 15%.

Taking Wayne to participate in various business activities is the fastest way for Schwartz to make back his money.

But he didn't do that, and even the most basic sneaker contract was left after the draft.

Not only was he not busy making money, he also told Wayne and Tony more than once: "Don't think about anything else during this period, just concentrate on training."

Well, it is not difficult to see from this that Schwartz is not a person who only focuses on immediate interests.

What he values ​​more is long-term development and profits.

If he takes Wayne to participate in business activities every three days, he will make money, but Wayne will never be happy.

After eating Tony's "reluctant little breakfast", the brothers headed towards the basketball gym.

After passing through a tree-lined path, a very old-looking gymnasium came into view.

When Wayne saw this gym for the first time, he was worried about the level of hardware inside.

However, it turned out that he was overly worried.

Although the appearance is relatively old, it is fully functional inside.

All kinds of instruments and equipment are available.

It's definitely not comparable to NBA-level hardware facilities, but for personal training in the summer, it's pretty good.

Walking into the training hall, the trainers were already in place.

Schwartz prepared an 11-person training team for Wayne and Tony.

We have everything from coaches to nutritionists to meet Wayne and Tony's completely different training programs.

As soon as Wayne entered the training hall, a short man with an unattractive appearance ran up to Wayne: "Wei, do you feel any discomfort?"

"No, I feel fine, Mike." Wayne smiled and nodded.

"That's good. During the weight gain period, if you have any physical discomfort, please tell me. Don't hold on." The short man smiled with satisfaction, "Then, let's start today's training."

A man named Mike patted Wayne on the back and sent him into the gym.

Mike Mancias, the trainer mainly responsible for Wayne's weight gain plan.

He is the apprentice of the gold medal physical trainer Grover. He graduated from college in 2000 and became Grover's intern assistant in 2001.

Grover can be said to be one of the most well-known trainers in the NBA. His clients include superstars such as Jordan, Pippen, Rodman and Barkley. He is mainly responsible for physical training.

In 2001, Michael Jordan was preparing for his comeback, so he hired Grover, his regular trainer, to actively resume training.

Mancias also entered the industry at that time, and as an intern assistant, he was fortunate to work with the "God of Basketball."

Mancias performed extremely well and made a name for himself.

So when selecting a trainer this year, Wayne specifically chose Mancias.

Of course, Wayne didn't know that Mancias' resume was so impressive.

The reason why he chose Mancias was because in Wayne's previous life, Mancias was James' official trainer!

Just look at James' body and you'll know that Mancias is pretty good.

Of course, Lao Zhan is already very physically gifted. Even without Mancias, he would be one of the most physically fit people in the league.

But to be able to maintain it for so many years without major injuries, and to have a healthy body without any serious decline in my thirties, it is impossible to say that the trainer has no contribution at all.

Wayne is a weak link physically, so he naturally needs a great trainer to take care of him.

In the original history, Mancias would not be recruited by Mousse until 2005.

Therefore, Wayne decided to strike first.

After he was selected and received his salary, the first thing he did was to recruit Mancias to be his personal trainer and protect him.

That's right, Wayne didn't want to squander it after receiving his salary, but wanted to use the money to do something that could improve himself.

Although Wayne has never experienced the feeling of being a millionaire, he is not addicted to short-term enjoyment like a fool.

Wayne has seen too many examples of bankruptcies in the NBA.

In addition to trainers, there are also press officers, investment managers, etc., all of which cost a fortune.

A player's inner circle is very important. A healthy and outstanding inner circle must be created as early as possible to make his career smooth sailing.

Players are not gods and cannot be everything in every aspect.

Therefore, whether the inner circle is outstanding is likely to directly determine whether a player's career is outstanding.

Of course, although the NBA is more than just playing basketball well, all of this is still based on playing basketball well.

If you are not strong enough, whatever you say is nonsense.

Therefore, Wayne trains extra hard every day.

This made Teacher Tony very struggling.

Because the duel between him and Wayne basically goes on every day.

Wayne was particularly motivated today. When Teacher Tony was exhausted and lay down on the floor to rest for a while, Wayne still continued to train while staying healthy.

"Wei is one of the hardest-working players I have ever seen. He is really great." Mancias looked at the sweaty Wayne with great admiration.

This is the first time that Mancias has participated in the training of rookie players. If he can train a rookie into a star, he will definitely feel a sense of accomplishment.

"Well, it's probably because the trial training is about to start." Next to Mancias, a trainer touched his chin.

According to Schwartz's plan, he will pick up Wayne and Tony tomorrow to start a nearly one-month trial training trip around the United States.

There is no doubt that everyone hopes to show their strongest strength during the trial.

Seeing that Wayne is so motivated, the trainers are full of praise for him.


They all misunderstood!

The reason why Wayne worked so hard to enter was not because the trial training was about to happen, but because he was about to be promoted!

Finally, finally, finally it’s almost time to upgrade!

If he doesn't upgrade, Wayne feels like he has almost forgotten how to use the system.

Being promoted one day before the start of the trial training was an off-field success for Wayne.

Speaking of which, Wayne was promoted last year with a "definite win" before the official start of the NCAA competition.

Sure enough, he has a killer physique.

Since the level of training in the past month or so has been very high, and there are many training items such as ball control and three-pointers that add more points, the upgrade time is a little earlier than Wayne expected.

The high level of training has also allowed Wayne's attributes to grow rapidly.

Through this period of training, Wayne's three-pointers increased from 73 to 76, and his mid-range shooting also increased from 72 to 76.

Specialized training is much more effective than training while competing.

The most exaggerated thing is ball control. Because Wayne did not relax his ball control training, his ball control increased from 32 to 40.

It’s up 8 points!

Schwartz has also considered letting Wayne play the third position, so he is very supportive of Wayne developing his ball-handling ability.

Restricting positions based on height seems foolish to Schwartz.

Which position a player is suitable to play does not depend on how tall he is, but what he is good at.

In addition, Wayne's strength also increased from 47 to 50.

During this time, Wayne's weight has increased by 3 kilograms. Of course, this is not the final result.

After all, NBA preseason training camp doesn’t start until the end of September.

Until then, Wayne can continue to gain weight, and Mancias and Wayne's goal is 8 kilograms!

Although this still can't turn Wayne into a Big Mac, but once he does, he will not take the route of a Big Mac. Secondly, you can’t become a fat man even if you eat one bite.

If he insists on gaining weight, Mancias can make Wayne gain more than 10 kilograms in one summer.

But that would actually be harmful to Wayne's body, and Mancias wouldn't do such a thing.

Gaining weight is gradual. Gaining too much weight all at once will definitely make you lose weight.

Unexpectedly, within one year, Wayne had improved his strength from 21 to 50, which was already outstanding.

If you practice slowly, this disadvantage will disappear sooner or later.

After the afternoon training, the trainers can finally take a break and enjoy the daily repertoire - bullfighting.

On the basketball court, Wayne is now able to win more and lose less when facing Teacher Tony.

Almost a year ago, Wayne basically couldn't beat Tony.

Half a year ago, the two of them could basically beat each other 50-50 in a one-on-one match.

But now, Teacher Tony can no longer bear Wayne's swing.

Wayne's ability to overtake Mr. Tony in the mock draft was not just due to the Chinese market and fame.

After another round of fierce physical fighting, Wayne suddenly froze on the spot.

Because he finally saw the long-lost text.

"The system can be upgraded. Do you want to continue?"

Wayne almost shed tears.

I have gained weight and will soon become stronger!

"Upgrade." Wayne clicked the upgrade button in his mind, and the pleasant system prompt sounded again.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for unlocking the additional badge equipment slot."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for unlocking the friend bonding function."

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