I am Really an Insider

Chapter 78 076: The potential of the third position (4K please recommend)

Larry Bird.

One of the greatest legendary superstars in the NBA, even a three-year-old child in Indiana knows the story of "Larry Legend".

Although Bird's heyday was in the 1980s, there are very few fans who have truly experienced that era.

But no matter how long it has been, anyone who is a basketball fan will know Bird's deeds very well.

His classic moments of pretentiousness added a lot of color to the basketball world.

Even if a "Larry Bird Encyclopedia" is published for this purpose, it would not be too much.

"Are you here to compete for second place?"

"You don't even need to take off your coat to teach your brother a lesson."

"Today I played with my left hand, and I'm waiting with my right hand to hit the Lakers."

"I'm going to kill you here later."

Look, is this human language?

He is simply a great people's artist walking on the basketball court.

Reggie Miller, who is now the talkative soul of the Pacers, was criticized by Bird to the point of being autistic when he first entered the league.

At this time, the great god of basketball and the leader of pretending was sitting next to Wayne, staring at Wayne with an unsettling smile.

Wayne was really afraid that Bird would blurt out the entire sentence: "To give you a brief introduction, I am the best shooter in NBA history. Yes, the best."

Fortunately, Bird is indeed much more restrained now than when he was a player.

Although he occasionally makes shocking remarks, he is no longer so unscrupulous.

"Wayne, Jeff, I'm glad you can come to Indianapolis. Really, thank you very much. After all, not all rookies who are predicted to be selected in the lottery are willing to come to Indianapolis to try out."

Bird said a few polite words at first, and then began to introduce the scenery of Indianapolis along the street.

"Did you see it? That's the iconic building in Indianapolis, the Indy 500 Speedway."

"That's Chinatown, and believe me Wayne, you feel so at home in Indianapolis."

Bird kept talking, he was no different from an ordinary middle-aged man now.

After a while, the car drove to the Bankers Life Arena.

There is also a huge poster of the Pacers' starting five hanging above the arena.

But when Bird saw those posters, his eyes dimmed a lot.

Yes, the Pacers have just experienced a huge blow.

If they hadn't lost to the Pistons, they would be competing against the Lakers in the Finals now.

Bird adjusted his mood, and then quickly smiled: "Here we are, this is the home court of the Pacers. We only started using this arena in 1999, and all the facilities are still very new."

Although the Pacers have been eliminated, there are still many fans gathered outside the arena.

There is no way, basketball is as popular in Indiana as football is in the UK.

In addition to large tracts of cornfields, the most popular area in Indiana is probably the basketball stadium.

Every small town in the state has a basketball team and its own league.

On game days, many stores will even close to watch the game.

It can be said to be the birthplace of American country basketball.

The car drove into the underground parking lot of the arena, and Wayne and Schwartz followed Bird into the interior of Bankers Life Arena.

"We have the clothes ready and the trial can start at any time. If you need a rest, we are not in a hurry.

Don't be nervous Wayne, I just want to see how good you are, okay? "

It has to be said that the Pacers attach about the same importance to Wayne as the Trail Blazers.

"Well, there's no need to rest, let's get started." Wayne didn't want to waste time. Anyway, after going around in this circle, he had almost experienced the trial training process, and there was no nervousness at all.

Therefore, there is no need to adjust your emotions.

"Haha, you are really decisive, Wayne, just like you do every time you take a key shot." Bird nodded approvingly.

The key ball is simply a pain in the Pacers' feet.

Wayne then went straight to the locker room, but as soon as he opened the door and entered, Wayne saw an old acquaintance.

"Hey, why are you here?" A strong old black man who was changing clothes in the locker room widened his eyes.

"Hey, you're here too." Wayne wasn't that surprised. It wasn't his first time training with other rookies.

David Harrison felt like he had seen a ghost. How could Wayne, who was ranked in the lottery in the mock draft, come to Indianapolis!

This damn ghost is still here!

The images of being brutally beaten by the Cowboys during the regular season were echoing in Harrison's mind.

The pain of youth made him feel uncomfortable all over.

"Are you here for a trial?" Harrison asked.

"Otherwise I'm here to eat corn?" Wayne was speechless. What's the problem?

"Are you so unsure of yourself? You should know that the Pacers only have the 29th overall pick this year, right?

Do you think you're going to fall down there? So come to the trial and find a spare tire? "Harrison smiled jokingly. It seemed that Wayne still knew what he was doing.

He also knows that his mock draft pick is only artificially high!

"No, Bird insisted on me coming and picked me up at the airport. How can you be so embarrassed to refuse?"

"Bird personally picked you up at the airport?" Harrison received ten thousand points of damage.

He came to the arena by car by himself!

They are all here for trial training, but the treatment is so different.

Harrison couldn't help clenching his fists, and he put Wayne on the opposite side again in his heart.

Since the Pacers let them all come, they must fight in actual combat.

Harrison is trying to save face here!

After all, the Pacers are the last team in the first round. If Harrison cannot be selected by the Pacers, he will fall to the second round.

Harrison didn't want that to happen.

No matter what, he would avenge his shame in front of Wayne today.

This is not about face, it is about survival!

Before Wayne realized it, a pair of eyes filled with resentment had already started staring at him.

Because he found something more interesting.

"I said what are you doing?"

"Wear socks, what's wrong? You don't wear socks when you play ball." Harrison replied lightly.

"Why don't you put on three pairs of socks to go up there! I'm going to say it, just for this little height, as for you, you are already tall, okay!" Wayne, who is a defender who relies on socks and insoles to increase his height, has seen this , a big center also does this, this is really the first time Wayne has encountered him.

"I know you're a hammer, I'm doing this to protect my ankle!" Harrison blushed, stood up, walked out of the locker room, and started to warm up.

In fact, Harrison is not trying to prove how tall he is, but he has gained weight again this summer!

In order to make his weight look normal, he could only start with his height.

As long as you are tall enough, it makes sense for you to be fat!

Wayne now knows why the heights of NBA players are so unreal.

Damn it, there are routines everywhere!

After changing clothes and fully warming up, Wayne began to perform various tests on the basketball court.

The tests were all the same old stuff, and Wayne was very familiar with them.

On another adjacent court, Harrison is working on the same project.

On the sidelines, Bird and Donnie Walsh stood together, looking at the two of them respectively.

"I told you, Wayne is much better than Harrison. Not just in terms of ability, but attitude.

If you look at Wayne's body, he is a bit stronger than he was in the Final Four. He must have put a lot of effort into polishing his body in the summer. If you look at Harrison again, he's almost as fat as a ball. "

Bird proudly whispered in Walsh's ear.

Bird originally didn't want to try out Harrison, but Walsh insisted on letting him come.

After all, the two have not yet reached an agreement on the draft.

Walsh didn't want Bird to waste his chips on a rookie, so he simply chose Harrison.

And Bird believes that Wayne is the player the team needs, even if it costs some money.

Therefore, Bird simply arranged for the two of them to conduct trial training at the same time, so as to achieve the effect of judging the difference between them.

In this regard, Walsh really has nothing to say.

Harrison's fatness is beyond the standard at first glance. It is indeed rare for players to gain weight at a young age.

Based on the physical measurement data, Wayne was superior in all aspects except height and weight.

Especially when it comes to speed, Wayne's performance almost crushed Harrison.

"Wei's athletic ability is not that bad. You see, you have one less reason to convince me not to choose him. Downey, admit it, Wayne is the player we need." Once Bird started beeping, his mouth was not full. Will be free.

"Oh, so are you going to let this thin body go against Rasheed or Ben? He can't adapt to the NBA. If he is as good as you say, why can't he make the top 10?"

"Because many people have the same idea as you. You only see his body, but I see his diverse scoring methods, stable shooting, and natural big heart! You won't have forgotten how we lost. Give it to the Pistons, Donnie!"

"Big heart? Can you guarantee that he can still handle difficulties calmly in NBA games? He may be able to hit key goals in college, but the NBA and NCAA are different!"

"Oh, even so, we can also use him to play the third position. You know, I moved from the fourth position to the third position back then."

The two became more and more noisy, so much so that Schwartz couldn't help but glance at them.

Seeing this, Bird lowered his volume again.

"This is a fucking draft, I can't guarantee anything. Just like when you selected Miller, could you guarantee that he would succeed? Miller was also very thin at that time!

Walsh was silent. He couldn't compete with Bird, and he didn't want to amplify the conflict.

There is no need, they just want the best for the team.

"I stand by my opinion, but you better be right when you're in charge of basketball, Larry."

Walsh turned and left. In this case, he didn't want to see who was stronger or weaker between Harrison and Wayne.

He knew that Big Bird already had the answer.

After that, Bird arranged a half-court 3V3 duel for Wayne and Harrison and assigned the two to different teams.

It's said to be 3 versus 3, but it's actually a one-on-one match between Wayne and Harrison in a different format.

The other players participating in the 3-on-3 were all players predicted to be drafted in the second round. The protagonists were still Wayne and Harrison.

Harrison has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. This time, he and Wayne will face off directly!

He believes that he will have an overwhelming advantage on the offensive end.

Even if you can't guard against Wayne, you can still fight with Wayne.

As a result, when Harrison first made contact with Wayne in the low post, he discovered that he was wrong.

"It's so hard." Harrison sat back hard and found that he encountered a huge obstacle!

Although Harrison was not unable to push Wayne, he did not play so calmly under Wayne's tough confrontation.

Harrison then gave up the plan of pushing inside and instead turned around and hooked the ball.

However, Wayne reacted immediately and jumped to interfere. It's not easy to score a goal over Wayne in the three-second zone.

A "deterrence in the penalty area" and a "tough defense" are enough for Harrison to drink a pot.

In the first attack, Harrison fired angrily.

Wayne picked off the rebound and quickly passed the ball to his teammates outside the three-point line.

Later, Wayne also ran to the outside to catch the ball.

Playing low with Harrison, the "meat mountain", would definitely be undesirable.

Therefore, he decided to deal with the fat man outside the three-second zone.

Wayne, whose ball control skills have greatly improved recently, although he still dare not show off his skills in front of the outside, he can still control the ball and play against a heavy inside player like Harrison.

Wayne easily passed Harrison with a simple change of direction in front of his body.

Harrison's lateral movement speed is very slow now, and front-end acceleration is exactly Wayne's strength. In addition, Wayne's stride is very long, so after passing by, Wayne can throw Harrison away with just one step.

Bird's eyes lit up, can Wayne dribble past anyone now?

When Harrison caught up, Wayne made an emergency stop and then made a light jumper.

Due to too much inertia, Harrison rushed two steps away, and Wayne hit the shot without interference.

Bird's applause immediately echoed in the empty stadium.

Wayne is indeed capable of playing small forward.

Harrison gritted his teeth, that guy became stronger again!

Still hardened.

After that, Wayne showed his excellent outside skills.

Wayne can do both pull-up jump shots and breakthrough attacks.

Bird couldn't help but wonder, if Wayne, who is 2.11 meters tall, is really placed at the third position, how will others be able to defend him?

In the end, Harrison's team was beaten 21-10 by Wayne.

Wayne led the team to a great victory, and this 3-on-3 game completely became Wayne's personal show.

Harrison was obsessed with hitting hard at the basket. Although he did take a few hits from Wayne, the overall efficiency was not high.

On Wayne's side, in addition to scoring, he can also assist teammates who cut in.

At the end of the trial, Wayne glanced at the sidelines and found Bird and Schwartz chatting.

As for Harrison's agent, there was no chance to talk to Bird.

Harrison left in despair, he never wanted to see Wayne again!

Wayne also walked off the court, and the conversation between Bird and Schwartz ended.

"You performed very well, Wei." Bird patted Wayne on the shoulder.


"Then, that's the end of today's trial. Thank you for your hard work. If possible, I would like to talk to Jeff for a while."

"Well, Wayne, stay here and don't move around. I'll be right over." Schwartz also echoed.

Wayne was speechless. Although there was nothing wrong with what he said, he still felt like he was being taken advantage of.

Afterwards, Bird and Schwartz walked to the edge of the training hall and continued their conversation.

Wayne estimated that they were talking about trading. If the Pacers want to get themselves, the only way to go is through trading.

The question is, who can the Pacers trade with? At least, it has to be before the Trail Blazers' 13th pick.

This is not something that can be obtained casually.

Wayne shrugged, that was not something he should consider at this stage.

Everything you can do has been done, now just wait for the good news.

Two hours later, high school center Robert Swift completed his trial training in Seattle.

The results are satisfactory, so what Seattle still wants now is a point guard, immediate combat ability, and a shot at the playoffs.

This poor draft position has been bothering the Sonics for a long time.

Wally Walker, who was debating whether to choose Robert Swift, received a call at this time.

It was the same guy who called.

As soon as the other party came up, he said directly: "You know I have what you want, don't delay it anymore, let's make this deal."

Wally Walker smiled. How could he not kill this fat sheep that came to his door?

"You still have to raise your stakes, Larry. Let me see how much you are willing to pay for Wayne."

Bird cursed secretly. It wasn't long before the draft and he didn't have much time.

Thanks to North American Lao Zhang, GivenUp, It’s Time to Put on My Schoolbag and Three Thousand Galaxy Drunk Boss for their rewards and pen refills~ Keep begging for recommendations and rewards, please give me charity.

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