I am Really not a Big Shot

Chapter 272 Want to cry but have no tears

The two of Luo Liang entered the No. 9 private room.

The inner layout is a semi-courtyard terrace, about 70 to 80 square meters, with vines and flowers, birds singing and flowers, and some calligraphy and painting decorations, similar to the style of the Republic of China.

Through the glass wall curtain, the line of sight is at the same level as the surrounding clouds, overlooking the bustling capital of the level 1 peak civilization.

It is not easy to book such an elegant room in the inner circle of the capital of Maple Leaf, where there are many tall buildings and every inch of land is expensive. Regardless of social status, the price alone is worth several years' income of ordinary citizens.

"Has Commander Lin not arrived?"

Luo Liang found that the private room was empty.

"Mr. Luo, this is the private room reserved by Mr. Qian of our company. We only give information about receiving guests..."

The cheongsam waitress didn't know who the owner of the private room was.

Luo Liang probably understood.

Lin Yuhan is about to be promoted to a major general. He is a rising star in the Maple Leaf Army, and he is not an ordinary figure on the capital planet. His daily whereabouts will not be exposed to the public casually.

Lin Yuhan should be a private room reserved by someone.

The level of the waiter does not know the true identity of the customer in advance. This may be the normal life of military and political figures.

"Luo Liang! It's better to come early than coincidentally. Fortunately, I didn't make you wait."

From the depths of the private room, came a clear and clear male voice.

The elevator doors decorated with rattan wood opened, and a handsome young man with white hair stepped into the private room.

Only then did Luo Liang notice that there was a hidden elevator in the private room.

Obviously, there is an elevator directly leading to the private room of the restaurant on the roof apron, which is really different in style.

It's his first time here, so he doesn't know this, it should be exclusive to VIP customers.

Lin Yuhan waved his hand to let the dazed cheongsam waitress back down.

The waitress' face was flushed and she was a little agitated. ,

She recognized Lin Yuhan, an extremely talented and talented commander, who was the dream-god of countless girls on Maple Leaf Star.

"Luo Liang, I invited you to dinner this time, saying that I was entrusted by Cai Wenjing to take care of you. In fact, the senior wants to thank you for the banquet."

Lin Yuhan politely asked Luo Liang to sit down.

"Thank you? Senior Lin, don't let me down."

Luo Liang waved his hands and said, as if you don't make fun of me.

This time he secretly declared his merits, gold-plated, and mixed seniority, and he still needed the cooperation of important figures in the military such as Lin Yuhan.

"You think I'm joking?"

Lin Yuhan shook his head and smiled, and said straightly: "I have just been transferred to the Maple Leaf Star Military Region recently, and am in charge of patrolling the surrounding starry sky territory. The place where the spaceship was hijacked by the black skull happens to be the fringe area under my jurisdiction."

"So that's it. It seems that I have a good relationship with Senior Lin, and we have social relations in both incidents."

Luo Liang said in surprise.

No wonder Lin Yuhan said he wanted to thank him.

If it hadn't been for Luo Liang's actions to control the overall situation, the vicious incident of Star Thief hijacking a civil aviation spacecraft involving a retired general would have had too much negative impact.

Once it is not handled properly, Lin Yuhan, the person in charge, cannot blame him.

This is definitely a fatal blow to his military and political career.

Especially at the critical moment when major generals are to be promoted.

With the alumni relationship and this kind of good relationship, Luo Liang and Lin Yuhan chatted very happily.

The two of them didn't have any stereotypes, and they spoke calmly and concisely, which was more to their liking.

"Luo Liang, I'll give you a cup first, to show the friendship of the landlord."

Lin Yuhan didn't have the arrogance of a township or commander, so he offered a toast to Luo Liang and the two of them.


Restaurant bathroom.

"Mr. Chen! I'm not kidding! I did meet Luo Liang and her girlfriend at the 'Benz Restaurant'..."

The blonde beauty in a beige office dress reported to "Chen Fuzhong", the vice president of Ailan Angel, on the other end of the phone.

"Oh! I know that you are stationed at Xinggang, and you have arranged manpower... I didn't expect that Luo Liang would suddenly appear here, maybe he was riding on a friend's private spaceship."

It turned out that this blonde beauty was Chen Fuzhong's secretary.

The last time Luo Liang set off, he met "Chen Fuzhong", the vice president of Alan Angel, and the accompanying female secretary at the sky blue star space port.

At that time, Chen Fuzhong tried to strike up a conversation with Dong Mengyao, and later learned that Luo Liang was the son of Luojiang Company.

Luojiang Company's [Ning Yulu] has miraculous medicinal effects and excellent reputation. It is unrivaled in the high-end market, and naturally attracts the coveted attention of other pharmaceutical giants.

When Chen Fuzhong saw that Luo Liang was alone and had a girlfriend who was as beautiful as a fairy, he had a wrong idea, and the company also mobilized resources to cooperate with his actions.

But last time, Luo Liang fooled Chen Fuzhong, and instead of staying at Maple Leaf Star, he took the spaceship to Zitian Star instead.

"Dear Fiya, I gave you a half-day vacation and had afternoon tea, and this kind of good thing happened. You are really my lucky general! When I go back, I will reward you well and 'satisfy' you."

Chen Fuzhong laughed heartily.

"Mr. Chen, you're welcome. This is my duty. As you said, if you have something to do, you should be a secretary, and if you have nothing to do, you should be a secretary."

The blond female secretary caressed her hair with a charming voice.

Naturally, she would not say that she was dating a young high-ranking official from another company, hanging out with each other, and giving Chen Fuzhong several cuckolds.

"Fiya! Don't act rashly, Luo Liang is a superpower, don't be noticed by him!"

Chen Fuzhong ordered with a serious tone.

"I will immediately mobilize the greatest strength of the company's security department on Maple Leaf Star, including super experts hired on the dark web."

"This time we must seize the opportunity and take Luo Liang down quickly."

"Well, I understand. Luo Liang has entered private room No. 9, will he leave in a while? I'm sitting in the corner seat outside, observing secretly. You should quickly send more people to keep an eye on the location of the apron on the roof. "

"Okay, you don't need to take any action, don't show your face, just keep an eye on the door of the private room."

On Maple Leaf Star's space star port, Chen Fuzhong hung up the phone and set off quickly, dispatching troops and generals through the micro brain, and issuing orders one by one.


In private room No. 9.

"Luo Liang, I heard from General Qin that you plan to compete for the position of a tutor at the Beichen General Institute. I have limited contacts in the General Institute, so I can only help you write a letter of recommendation and do my part."

Lin Yuhan handed a prepared letter to Luo Liang.

"Thank you, Senior Lin."

Luo Liang took the letter and accepted the love.

Although Lin Yuhan did not graduate from the General Academy, he is a member of the Beichen Foundation and has a certain right to speak.

Only those who have graduated from Beichen, are extremely outstanding geniuses, and have extraordinary achievements and status in the fields of military, politics, business, etc., are eligible to join the Beichen Foundation.

The Beichen Foundation is not purely for making money. It has gathered Beichen's thousands of years of outstanding figures who have been born in the past, including many star officials, generals, federal councilors, and stars.

This is a terrifying circle of contacts.

in the ensuing conversation.

Lin Yuhan told Luo Liang something about the military.

"Although General Qin is a general of the lower reaches of the country, he comes from the faction of the Federation Headquarters and has a lot of connections in the military of various countries. In the past two hundred years, he has made great military exploits, has senior qualifications, and is very prestigious. When Elder Qin was at his peak, he was a A quasi-level 5 psychiatrist..."

"It's a good thing that you have formed a good relationship with General Qin. We must maintain this relationship well."

Lin Yuhan may be out of gratitude, or maybe he wanted to see Luo Liang differently, and the advice he gave was very sincere, and he did not treat him as an outsider.

"Faction of the Federal Headquarters? Senior Lin, you should be the local military faction of Maple Leaf Country, right?"

Luo Liang's eyes flashed.

The military power of the Federation is mainly divided into two factions.

The first is the local resident military forces in each country.

The second is the federal military headquarters. Most of the military sources come from innocent citizens of various countries, and the financial source is shared by all countries, just like the Federal General Assembly.

The significance of the existence of the Federation Military Headquarters is to facilitate the coordination of the military forces of hundreds of countries in the Federation in the interstellar war. Most of the countries have garrisons in some dangerous areas.

Once it enters a war against foreign civilizations, the federal military headquarters has the highest command authority in name.

In peacetime, the federal military headquarters also has a small part of the right to speak to the local military.

Lin Yuhan nodded: "Yes, I belong to the local military faction, but I admire General Qin very much. Mr. Qin once supported me before retiring."

Lin Yuhan is a native of Maple Leaf Country, and his ancestors have served in the army for generations. Back then, he was able to be recruited into the General Academy, but he didn't apply.


Before I knew it, more than an hour had passed.

As the lunch came to an end, Luo Liang and Lin Yuhan had a lot of conversations and benefited a lot.

Both parties got up and prepared to say goodbye.


Lin Yuhan frowned suddenly, and paused for a few seconds.

"Senior Lin, what's the matter?"

Luo Liang asked.

Lin Yuhan looked at him strangely: "You are in Maple Leaf Star, do you have any enemies or conflicts of interests?"

"Enmity, it seems that there is no..."

Luo Liang pondered.

"The vice president of Ailan Angel Group, Chen Fuzhong, do you know him?"

Lin Yuhan smiled.

"Chen Fuzhong? Isn't this guy still waiting for me at Xinggang?"

Luo Liang quickly reacted and said in surprise.

Lin Yuhan was born in Maple Leaf Star, his family has been in the army for generations, and he has a strong influence in the local area, which can be described as a deep-rooted dragon snake.

When Luo Liang came to Maple Leaf Star this time, he almost forgot about Chen Fuzhong, the Angel of Alan.

Since Lin Yuhan mentioned this name, I am afraid that Chen Fuzhong will take action.

It happened that Lin Yuhan was with Luo Liang and was discovered by the former's forces.

"Wait a minute."

The corner of Lin Yuhan's mouth hooked slightly, and a murderous coldness flashed in his eyes.


A few hundred meters away from the Mercedes restaurant, on the roof of an office building.

"Luo Liang is still in private room No. 9, should he come out soon?"

"There seems to be another person in the private room. Is it Luo Liang's friend, or a colleague who cooperates with Luo Jiang Company?"

A potbellied middle-aged man in a suit held a telescope-like observation device in his hand, looking at the situation in the restaurant opposite.

Thinking of Luo Jiang Company's [Ning Yulu] formula, and Dong Mengyao's elegant figure like a fairy, Chen Fuzhong's eyes were fiery and his breathing became tight.

"Mr. Chen! There are a lot of military vehicles nearby!"

Behind Chen Fuzhong, several power users carrying light weapons, one of them exclaimed.

Chen Fuzhong looked downstairs and was startled.

With the building where the Mercedes restaurant is located as the center, within a radius of one kilometer, more than a dozen military vehicles flew in.

Teams of super soldiers wearing battle armor and fully armed rushed to various areas of the surrounding streets with a murderous aura.

"The military is on a mission to arrest suspected terrorists!"

"Nearby citizens, please wait in a safe place and cooperate with the military investigation. No riots, no abnormal behavior is allowed, otherwise they will be regarded as terrorists..."

In the regional broadcasting, there was a voice, and many people's smart devices received relevant information.

on the roof.

"Mr. Chen! These troops are not coming for us, are they?"

Seeing this battle, several power users turned slightly pale and their voices trembled slightly.

"Bah! It's promising! The military is catching terrorists! We are legal citizens, how can we look like terrorists? Those hunters hired by the dark web are not here."

Chen Fuzhong said contemptuously.

Although he was a little bit drummed in his heart, the people present were all members of the security department of the Ailan Angel Group. First, they had no clue, and second, they didn't take any action. They couldn't be linked to terrorists anyway.

Just as Chen Fuzhong finished speaking, the sound of an engine came from the sky behind him.

"Terrorists on the roof!"

"Please lay down your weapons, put your hands up, squat down and cover your head. Otherwise we have the right to fire!"

A combat armored speeding vehicle was floating on the roof, and its black and cold gun barrels were aimed at Chen Fuzhong and the others.

Whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, at the entrance of the rooftop, a group of super soldiers in full battle armor rushed over with murderous aura.

"No...no! Master Jun, you have misunderstood."

"We are not terrorists..."

Chen Fuzhong and the others were completely bewildered, surrounded by the military's massive firepower, each and every one of them trembled in fright.

"Three countdowns, if you don't cooperate, we will open fire immediately."

There was an indifferent voice on the radio.



"I, we're really not terrorists..."

Chen Fuzhong wanted to cry, but they didn't dare to disobey, and obediently squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

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