I am Really not a Big Shot

Chapter 630 The Battle of Eternal Silence

"We lost."

Luo Liang's aura was fading, and his expression was gloomy and bitter.

At this moment, he was seriously injured, and Taishang Zhenyuan was severely consumed. Facing Yuanxu Zhenying who had returned to the peak and was even more powerful, he felt unprecedentedly powerless.

This scene is just like the defeat of Taoist Wanjun.

At that time, Taoist Wanjun was facing the complete body, emptiness and true shadow, and struggled against the collective will and wisdom of the entire Dao, all things and all beings.

Although the current castrated version of Yuanxu Zhenying has received few blessings, his means, wisdom, and character are all extraordinary.

"There is no need to struggle uselessly! When I replace you, I will take good care of your confidante, Jie Jie Jie..."

The gray and white rigid Luo Liang laughed wantonly.

Luo Liang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, despite the arrogance and presumptuousness of the other party's surface, he was actually acting cunningly and steadily.

Before, he kept scolding Luo Liang for being a waste, for being too weak. In fact, he was waiting with all his strength and carefully prepared two lives.

"The tide is gone..."

Luo Liang sighed in his heart, closed his eyes tightly, and silently recovered and recuperated.

A trace of surprise flashed in Yuanxu Zhenying's eyes.

At this point, he has two choices.

First, consume slowly, one goes up and down the other.

After becoming the Supreme Supreme Corpse of Nirvana, Yuanxu Zhenying's strength stabilized and surpassed Luo Liang's.

At the same time, he has the bonus of the collective will and wisdom of all things on the road. Although his strength grows slowly, there is almost no upper limit to the bonus.

The longer the delay, the better his chances of winning.

Second, strike while the iron is hot, make a quick decision, and don't give Luo Liang a chance to breathe.

"If I fight now, even if he trades injuries for injuries, I have at least an 80% chance of winning."

Yuanxu Zhenying secretly estimated.

"Eighty percent chance of winning is too low! If he still has some hidden means, it will be too bad if he comes to the limit for one exchange."

"Procrastinate a little longer! Wait for my wisdom and strength to increase to another level. I have many techniques and are not afraid of any variables..."

Yuanxu Zhenying soon had a plan in mind.

He kept a distance from Luo Liang, and occasionally flicked his fingers, sending out a too corpse-like, harmless harassment.

"This guy is too steady."

Luo Liang was anxious, the other party was so steady that he didn't even give him a chance.

He has self-knowledge in his heart.

Since ancient times, no one can survive the calamity that blocked the way in the beginning.

Even Chairman Wanjun, who is three thousand in the Avenue of Good Fortune, failed, let alone Luo Liang, a salted fish.

He remembered Yang Daojun's answer.

In the duel between the original virtual and the real shadow, there have been only two results since ancient times.

One, replaced by encroachment.

Two, die together.

After Luo Liang struggled, he no longer wanted to create unprecedented miracles, but only wanted not to be robbed by the opponent.

Yuanxu Zhenying's character and philosophy are seriously contrary to him.

If it is replaced by the other party.

He couldn't imagine what kind of fate his relatives, friends, and loved ones would face in the future.

At this time, Luo Liang only wanted to die with the other party.

In that way, the Calamity of Absolute Beginning will naturally come to an end.

"I am too high. Even if I die, I will just fall into eternal silence. Someday in the future, there is still a slim chance of returning."

Luo Liang comforted himself in this way.

However, the original virtual image in front of him is really too stable.

Luo Liang wanted to die together, but there was no good chance.

Fighting against the original virtual and real shadows, only some of the masters can be killed together.

If it is killed by the original virtual real shadow, the final result is still replaced by the opponent.


In the desperate situation, Luo Liang's mind flashed.

As soon as he thought about it, he could sense the roots of existence in the heavens and worlds below, and his physical body was bright.

Not only that, but also the fate disk, as well as the information of the organization.

These are things that the original virtual real shadow does not have.

"Brother Wuhen."

Luo Liang meditated in his heart, and secretly ran the destiny abacus.

It is not appropriate for external forces to intervene in the battle between him and Yuanxu Zhenying.

If you borrow the Yuanzu of the organization to kill Yuanxu and Zhenying together, it will not be considered a success. On the contrary, after the resurrection of the original virtual real shadow, the strength will skyrocket, making it more difficult.

But at this time, Luo Liang could no longer take care of so much, so he had to find a way to borrow external power.


Luo Liang felt a burning sensation from the tissue marks on Luo Liang's left arm.

"President, we secretly help you."

A voice sounded in my mind.

The next moment.

A sky-reaching giant tree grows from the miniature of the heavens below.

It was Yuantian Shenmu in the organization.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The branches of Yuantian Shenmu branched out into vine-like branches and leaves, extending into Luo Liang's body.

It has the power of life moonlight, the power of dreams, and the power of reincarnation...

In an instant, Luo Liang's Supreme True Source returned to its peak, and condensed a powerful energy-driven Dao Drive.

"You dare to intervene!"

Yuanxu Zhenying was slightly startled, and instead of being angry, he laughed.

He is Luo Liang's calamity in the beginning, if outsiders dare to intervene, it will only give him a more terrifying boost.

It doesn't pay off.

"Hahaha! You castrate, you didn't get much increase."

After Luo Liang's state was full, he was also observing the original virtual real shadow, and the result was much better than expected.

"...how could this be!"

Yuanxu Zhenying let out a startled roar and lost his mind slightly.

He secretly calculated and quickly came to a conclusion.

Because Luo Liang was not the rightful owner of Ying Jie, he was only indirectly implicated.

He is a much weakened original virtual shadow.

The main reason is that there is no real response to the opposing will on the Dao, all things and all beings, and it is not closely related to him.


The ancestors of the Guiyi organization did not directly participate in the battle, at least they did not attack him.

These primordial ancestors just transferred their power to Yuantian Shenmu.

Yuantian Shenmu and Destiny Abacus can only be regarded as treasures and weapons.

Confronting Yuanxu Zhenying, you can use treasures.

According to the rules, the natal treasure owned by the robbed person can also be controlled by the original virtual and real shadow, which is equivalent to offsetting the two.

However, Yuantian Shenmu and Destiny Abacus are not Luo Liang's talismans.

They belong to organizations, and those with the highest authority are entitled to run them.

The end result is.

Luo Liang obtained this external force with Yuantian Shenmu as a bridge, which did not allow Yuanxu Zhenying to get too exaggerated a boost.

"It turns out that the organization still has such a magical effect."

Luo Liang seemed to see a glimmer of light in the darkness.

Of course, he only dared to use this power to heal his wounds. If he used it to attack, it would definitely stimulate the collective will behind Yuanxu Zhenying.

In addition, he can also use the power of the "destiny's abacus" to enhance his skills and calculate the true and false.

Through the calculation of "destiny's abacus", Luo Liang felt a chill in his heart.

His chance of killing Yuanxu Zhenying is extremely slim, it can be said to be one in a billion.

The original emptiness and true shadow, after all, represent the collective will to oppose on the Dao.

"Xiao Luo, you may not have what I have. Xibei goods are Xibei goods after all."

Luo Liang remained calm and said condescendingly.

"It's just that it's back to its prime, I really thought I couldn't handle you."

Yuanxu Zhenying's complexion was uncertain, and he sneered.

Road show forty-nine!

Luo Liang's figure was like a lake, and he took the lead.

In an instant.

In the vast chaos, forty-nine Luo Liang were born, and one of them turned into a dark chess game, changing constantly.

"Not good! This is a Dao-level agility that integrates fate."

Yuanxu Zhenying couldn't dodge in time, and was immediately besieged by forty-nine Dao Luo Liang.

At this time, he realized that due to the transformation into the Supreme Nirvana Corpse, although the defense and strength have improved a lot, the mobility has dropped a lot.

Luo Liang's avenue-level movement technique is comprehended and performed with the help of destiny abacus, and it can be called top-notch in the first step of the Supreme.

Canopy! Canopy!

Forty-nine Dao Luo Liang, the attack fell on Taishang Ji Mie's body from time to time.

Most of the attacks were resisted and resolved by Yuanxu Zhenying.

A few attacks fell on the body, leaving only some flesh wounds.

Tai Shang Ji Mie Zong is indeed tyrannical and good at defense.

At the same time, with the addition of collective consciousness, Yuanxu Zhenying already outperformed Luo Liang by a lot in strength.

During this time, Yuan Xuzhenying tried to fight back, wounding the transformed Dao Luo Liang's body, and breaking Da Dao Forty-Nine's movement skills.

But Luo Liang got the help of fate, exchanged injuries for injuries, and forcibly stopped him.


Luo Liang's arm was broken and a hole was punched out of Taishang Jimier's chest.

Injury for injury, plus backlash secret technique.

The two princes unexpectedly fell into hand-to-hand combat.

"Luo Liang, risk your life, you are definitely not my opponent."

Yuanxu Zhenying scolded angrily, and got angry directly, or could not help himself.

If Luo Liang had chosen to fight hand-to-hand before, he would have wished for it.

In terms of physical foundation, his Supreme Nirvana Corpse has an absolute crushing advantage.

At this time, Luo Liang has the support of Yuantian Shenmu, and can continue to repair the injury.

Even if the opponent's strength and physical strength are much stronger, Luo Liang may not suffer a disadvantage if he really trades injuries for injuries.

Taishang Jimie corpse is not empty at all.

As long as the Supreme True Source is immortal, the Ji Mie Corpse can be continuously repaired.

The two appeared to be fighting hand to hand.

But every reckless fight will consume and damage the opponent's Taishang Zhenyuan.

"This guy is not stable, but he fought with me."

Luo Liang found that Yuanxu Zhenying was aroused fiercely, and he fought against himself completely worthy.

The Supreme True Source of both sides has been seriously injured and is close to exhaustion.

In this case, other external forces are difficult to recover in a short time.

"I can't delay any longer..."

Luo Liang found that during the fight, Yuanxu Zhenying's aura and will became stronger and stronger.

If it dragged on any longer, the opponent would step into the second step, crushing Luo Liang several times in strength.

He reluctantly glanced at the miniatures of the heavens.

The figures of relatives, friends, and beloved are all in his vision.

"Eternal Silence"

A trace of determination flashed in Luo Liang's eyes, and the "True Source of Supreme Being" was directly burned, and the drive of the Great Dao was annihilated, producing a ring-shaped light of extinction of the Great Dao.

boom! boom!

The forty-nine Great Dao Luo Liang, as well as the Nirvana Taishang Corpse whose physical body was unparalleled, were annihilated in an instant.

Time freezes at this moment.

That was the self-destruction of a superior level, and a cloud ring of destruction was startled in the chaos.

In the world of the heavens, some of the peripheral worlds turned into dreams one by one.

Among the heavens, the few remaining Taoist ancestors couldn't help trembling.

"Taishang's true self-explosion!"

"He finally made such a choice..."

The eight ancestors in the organization had complex expressions and remained silent.

Qianqiuren and Wushuang looked at each other and sighed secretly.

Such a result, Qianqiu people had expected.

Not a bad ending.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

"... Jie Jie Jie! Didn't expect it? This seat has already expected your move!"

Above the miniatures of the heavens, at the center of the explosion, a faint wave of authenticity surged.

The corpse of Supreme Master Ji Mie returned to the original place of the ruins.

A cloud of dark mist and a spiritual light emerged, emitting residual fluctuations of authenticity.

That cloud of dark mist emitted traces of lifeless mist, enveloping another smaller aura.

"……How can this be!"

The dim aura was the only residual trace of authenticity left after Luo Liang blew himself up.

"In order to prevent you from perishing together. When I was trapped just now, on the basis of annihilating the Taishang Corpse, I comprehended the authenticity of a Taishang Corpse. Sacrificial to the Taishang Corpse, let the authenticity maintain a moment of eternity, and can invade , killing the remaining authenticity of the target."

In the dark mist of death, the proud voice of Yuanxu Zhenying came.

"This seat possesses the wisdom of the collective will above the Dao. You can be proud of yourself if you can fight this far."

The overall situation has been decided, and the winning ticket is in hand, Yuan Xuzhenying commented frankly.

"No...no...I must not be swallowed by him."

Luo Liang's residual authenticity, like a candle in a storm, is getting darker and darker, and it is about to go out.

Little by little, the consciousness fell into the darkness of eternal silence.

Luo Liang felt boundless and cold, resisted and struggled with all his strength.

However, the true nature of Yuanxu Zhenying's Taiyi Killing Corpse is too domineering, and it maintains a short-lived eternity, even if Taishang's third step comes in person, it cannot be killed.

In the silent and cold darkness, faces flashed in Luo Liang's mind, all of them were his important people in this world.

The last moment of sinking into eternal silence.


Two magnificent and beautiful eyes of tears of stars are reflected in the vision of Luo Liangmo Lake.

"Is it an illusion?"

Luo Liang laughed mockingly. It seemed that the starlight girl who had never been obtained was at the bottom of his heart.

Um? wrong……

The two eyes of star tears in the field of vision conveyed a trace of warmth.

It turned into two light silver-blue sparks.

"The first spark!"

The remaining authenticity of Luo Liang was wrapped in warmth, which stopped the complete sinking of eternal silence.

That candle-like spark was the only breath that brought warmth to Luo Liang in the endless darkness.

"A mere ants dare to take shelter!"

In the dark mist of death, Yuanxu Zhenying's frightened roar and filial piety sounded.

There was a hint of panic in the capital.

Although its true nature of Taiyi Slaying Corpse can maintain short-lived eternity, it has corresponding side effects.

If the target cannot be captured within the specified time, he will automatically sink and perish.


A dark mist, deadly, pounced on the two clusters of sparks.

The original Starfire, despite its high traits, could not stand it.

One of the clumps quickly shattered.

Another group is about to go out.

Luo Liang was enveloped by the light of the spark, and faintly perceived an elegant and noble star girl, with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, and her beautiful face was pale.

"Be obedient, you can't intervene in this battle."

Luo Liang didn't have a physical carrier, so he tried to imitate a smiling face and comforted him.

At the beginning, when the level was very low, Jiang Zhaoxue's initial spark barely saved her life.

But now, even if Jiang Zhaoxue became the star king at her peak, compared to the fairy king, she was like an ant in the eyes of the Supreme Master.

Even if it is a crippled Taishang.

Above and below are all ants. Although Yuanxu Zhenying knew about Jiang Zhaoxue, she was not included in this battle at all.

"Jiang Zhaoxue, goodbye by fate. Remember to go to Senior Brother Wuhen to avoid being..."

Covered in a cold and dark atmosphere, Luo Liang simulated waving his hands and explained the funeral.

"No! Luo Liang, don't leave..."

The spark that was about to be extinguished suddenly burst into a brighter light, faintly projecting a starlight girl with tears in her beautiful eyes, a pale complexion, but a stubborn expression of biting her cherry lips.


Luo Liang was stunned, feeling the warmth of a prairie fire, even enthusiasm.

The dark mist of death energy activated by Yuanxu Zhenying was actually dispelled.

this moment.

In the vast and vast main universe, hundreds of millions of supernova phenomena erupted, as if the great will of the entire universe was roaring.

In countless supernovas, traces of silver-blue gas flames emerged from their star cores.

Across the space, gathered in the unknown realm above the miniature of the heavens.

Jiang Zhaoxue, the instigator, merged her soul with the great source of the universe of the Star Ocean.

In the dark, a mysterious picture flashed by.

In the early days of the Big Bang.

A majestic and resolute man appeared in the desolate and primitive universe, and a deep silver-blue flame appeared in the palm of his hand.


The mysterious silver-blue flame is translucent, melting into the center of the origin of the universe.

He sensed Jiang Zhaoxue's gaze.

The resolute man smiled slightly, giving people an inexplicable sense of security.

Jiang Zhaoxue had a vague guess in her heart.

The origin of the Star God Clan may have something to do with this person.


Central Star Sea, Star God Royal Court.

"Zhaoxue! You are crazy! How can you burn the source of star blood..."

Yu Wenjun was furious, his eyes were red, and he was almost mad.

"Aunt Yun, I'm sorry..."

On the Xingwang throne, came the last weak voice.

Jiang Zhaoxue's three thousand black hair turned into snow white, her pretty face was as pale as paper, and there were tiny aging wrinkles on her world-shattering face.

She closed her eyes that were no longer bright and bright, her expression was tired, and her beautiful body was lying on the throne of the star king.

Go to sleep peacefully.

"Ginger King"

The Star God Royal Court was shaken, and the Great Prophet and others arrived one after another.

Looking at Jiang Zhaoxue, who was sleeping peacefully, with silver-white hair and a peaceful expression, who had aged twenty years in an instant.

The Great Prophet and others were silent for a long time.

Until a Supreme One asked: "Can the Star King still wake up?"


A place of cold silence.

The dead air and gray mist counterattacked frantically, but was stopped by the spark of the prairie fire.

In the end, both died out at the same time.

"The fire that devours ten thousand ways! It's you again"

Yuanxu Zhenying's desperate roar came, regretting himself. It wasn't until this moment that he saw the essence behind that spark.

The eternal immortality of the true nature of Taiyi Zhanshi has come.

"No! How could I lose..."

The remaining authenticity of the original virtual shadow is automatically annihilated.

"Jiang Zhaoxue, didn't you agree to cut off the relationship, why are you so stupid!"

Luo Liang didn't pay attention to Yuanxu Zhenying's situation, so he gave a wry smile.

At the last moment when the spark was extinguished, he caught a white-haired woman in a star robe who was once beautiful.

Lost the asylum of Starfire.

The endless darkness and coldness of the Land of Eternity engulfed Luo Liang's last sliver of authenticity.


At the same time, in the organization.

The eight ancestors looked dignified, and their senses locked on the area.

"Both the president and Yuanxu Zhenying have fallen into eternal silence."

"Did it all end together?"

If they really died together, it would be his wish for Luo Liang, not the worst outcome.

"I seem to feel that the president fell into eternal silence a moment later than Yuanxu Zhenying."

The angler pondered, not sure.

"A little later, sure?"

"Not sure, at least they all died together."

The ancestors all shook their heads.

The reason is not sure.

Because they understand a little bit, if they can be sure, what it will mean...

They dare not expect that kind of result.

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