In Woolley's previous memory, his mother always liked to say something like, "A rat poop spoils a pot of soup."

Wu Lai agrees with this sentence, because although this saying is vulgar and down-to-earth, it is the same as "a thousand miles of embankment destroyed in an anthill".

Woolley had read the information in Salt Marsh Town very carefully, so he knew that the pot of soup in Salt Marsh Town had been spoiled by "rat poop".

Salt marsh town has prospered, at least more than fifty years ago, it is still so prosperous that the people in the city of Lunvington are envious, at that time, the town is heavily defended, bandits are easy to dare not approach, there is basically no room for small thieves to live on the streets, merchants from all over the country come and go frequently, transport carts of goods into salt marsh town, and transport a large amount of salt from salt marsh town, merchants will naturally not only make money, they will also spend money in salt marsh town, it is said that salt marsh town in its heyday, the town of thousands of people has more than 70 taverns, There are also more than two hundred ...... of men and women with skin and flesh

But now that all has changed, and the town of Salt Marsh is like a dying old woman, there is no more style, and all that remains is memories.

Of course, Woolley didn't want to stay in a dead town, which would not only consume his time, but also his fighting spirit, in which time and fighting spirit would be incomparably precious, and he certainly didn't want them to slip through his fingers silently.

The town of Salt Marsh has a long history of ills, and Gruul advises Woolley to analyze the causes and then prescribe the right medicine.

It was a good suggestion, but Woolley didn't take it, and instead said to Gruul, "Instead of taking the time to go back in time, you should just follow your own ideas."

Gruul was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly, he had to admit that Woolley's method was better and easier than his.

Turce thought that Woolley went to the salt works to make a big move, but he didn't think that Woolley just made a symbolic turn, neither looked closely, nor approached those salt workers and little stewards, except for the courtesy praise, Woolley didn't say a word, just two salt bricks, said it was a commemoration, and then left in a hurry.

This somewhat made Turce a little confused, and he watched Woolley's carriage drift away in a daze, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart: "This little bastard won't want to play any tricks again, right?"

He was really wrong to think so, Woolley didn't plan to take a closer look at it today, because he knew that he couldn't see anything to rely on when he was accompanied by Tours, and besides, he still had a big thing to do today.


looking at the name, it is easy to think of street sweeping, cleaning, and the like, in fact, it is similar, but what Woolley wants to sweep is not such things as dirty and rotten vegetable gangs, and such things, but thieves, scoundrels, and men and women who run the skin and meat business.

Henry, the tribune, is the broom in Woolley's hand, but Woolley doesn't think this broom is up to the task, but no matter what, he must first let him sweep the streets and alleys of Salt Marsh Town.

Henry was indeed sweeping, but he was not sweeping seriously, because the thieves and scoundrels in the salt marsh town were somewhat involved with him, and without these involvement, Henry's family in the city of Rincington would not have thought of living as well as they do now.

Henry didn't want Woolley to cut off his financial resources, but he had to carry out Woolley's first order, because if he didn't do it, he would definitely become Woolley's first target for bows and arrows, and you must know that he was not among the people who could afford to provoke Woolley, Henry Valen.

Therefore, last night Henry was busy until midnight before resting, caught three thieves who had nothing to do with him, and kidnapped two widows who were old and decrepit and part-time in charge of the leather and meat business.

When Woolley hurried back to the residence, Henry had been waiting for a long time, and the five unlucky men and women were tied together by a thick hemp rope, crouching against the wall, and on both sides of the street there were large crowds of people watching the excitement, pointing and talking, quite lively.

When Woolley got out of the carriage, Henry ran up to him with a quick step: "Your Excellency, according to your orders, the Conservative Army patrolled until late yesterday and captured three thieves and two prostitutes.

Woolley glanced in the direction of Henry's finger, and said in his heart that he would catch five in one night, who would believe it?

Although he thought so in his heart, Woolley had a smile on his face, and his eyes contained a thick approving expression: "Well done, Henry Protector, I don't have to say anything about your efficiency, I am very satisfied."

"It is an honor to serve His Excellency the Consul. Henry said with a fake smile.

Woolley nodded, his eyes swept around, and seeing that there were many onlookers, he stood on the driver's seat with a smile, and waved his hand: "Residents of Salt Marsh Town, please be quiet!"

"Hello everyone, introduce yourself, I'm Woolly Green, the new consul of Salt Marsh Town!" As soon as Woolley's voice fell, there was a buzz around him, no wonder, Woolley was too young, it looked like a noble boy at all, where would anyone think that he was the new consul.

"Quiet!" Henry drew his sword from his waist and raised it, and the soldiers under his command immediately began to curse loudly and scold the onlookers.

It seems that the People's Liberation Army can't do anything else, but it is a good hand to scare the people. Woolley thought in his heart, frowned, and raised his voice: "Everyone! I, Woolley Green, have not come to this salt marsh town to enjoy happiness and make money! I am here for the purpose of making everyone live a good life! I want to restore the prosperity of Salt Marsh Town in the past! I want to make Salt Marsh Town the most beautiful place within the city-state of Lunwinton!"

As soon as Woolley finished his impassioned truth, whispers rang out again from the scene, but the most obvious was the suspicious expressions on everyone's faces.

Over the past few decades, the consuls of Salt Marsh Town have changed one after another, but the situation of the town has deteriorated, and at the beginning of last year, it was difficult for someone to do something practical, but he was clicked again, and then again, not to be an official in Salt Marsh Town to make money for enjoyment? Who believes it?

Seeing that the scene was a little stiff, Guru on the side smiled slightly, and gave Henry a look, and he was the first to applaud.

Henry hesitated for a moment, put his sword back into the sheath, and also applauded, and when the soldiers under him saw this, they naturally followed suit, and the crowd of onlookers immediately burst into sparse applause, which did not embarrass Woolly too much.

"It seems that everyone is skeptical of my words! It doesn't matter! Those of you who are here today will remember what I said today! Be a witness! If I don't do it within a year! You can come to this consul's mansion and throw rotten eggs!" Woolley said with a smile, and raised his hand, "I! Salt Marsh Governor Woolley Greenor! Announce! From now on, Salt Marsh Town will launch a permanent street

clean-up operation!" "Street clean-up operation? Is it permanent? Everyone was a little confused, thinking that this was going to sweep the streets?

"Thieves, thieves, and scoundrels are rampant in Salt Marsh, they steal, they deceive, they oppress the good, they disturb the peace of the town, and they ruin the reputation of the town!" Woolley cried out, "or to discredit my face as an archon! So! The first thing I did when I came to Salt Marsh was to drive these black sheep off the streets!"

"Operation Clean Streets! It can't just be the business of the National People's Army! Because I have received a complaint that there are people in the National People's Liberation Army who collude with these thieves, thieves, and scoundrels! In exchange for providing them with shelter! Moreover, they have formed gangs to prostitute themselves! Squeeze them! Take away their meager income!" Woolley's brows furrowed more and more, and his raised right hand was already clenched into a fist, "So, Operation Clean Street, I don't plan to use them as the main force! The main force, it should be you! It should be the residents of the whole town!"

Henry was stunned, and the soldiers of the Conservative Army were stunned, because they didn't expect Woolley to come out in public.

The people were stunned, because they did not expect that the operation would be like this, and that the new consul did not want the People's Army to participate, so it seemed that this thing might really be able to do a good job.

"Lord Woolley......" Henry couldn't help but come to Woolley's side, Woolley's words just now were clearly accusing him in public, how could he hold his face.

Seeing Henry's unhappy face, Woolley simply straightened his face: "Henry, didn't you see that I was busy, why don't you talk about it later." With that

, Woolley waved his hand, and Gruul stepped into the car quickly, pulled out four leather bags from the carriage, and ripped them open.

The onlookers suddenly became in an uproar, and the four bulging leather bags were filled with silver coins.

Just when everyone was speculating about the purpose of these silver coins, Woolley smiled and said: "The operation of cleaning the streets requires everyone's efforts, but we can't let everyone do it in vain, I declare! From now on, anyone has the right to catch thieves, thieves, and scoundrels and bring them here, and the reward is not high, and for each person who is sent, a reward of twenty silver coins is given! But remember one thing, only light violence is allowed, don't kill or maim me, I, the consul, like to serve these lawbreakers with whipping!"

"My lord, is what you said true?" asked someone in the crowd aloud.

"It's true!" replied Woolley in a loud voice, "I have prepared ten thousand silver coins for you to take!, I promise you, if anyone interferes with your capture, I will treat him as a thief and scoundrel, and I will be whipped

in the same way!"

"I have another way to deal with prostitution, no!" replied Woolley.

"My lord, what does flogging mean?" someone asked.

"As the name suggests, it is to be whipped with a whip, and to be whipped severely, the first time he is twisted, he will be whipped twenty lashes, and after twenty lashes, he will be imprisoned for ten days, and if he is redressed, then forget it, and if he is still twisted, he will be fined ten lashes each time!" replied Woolley.

"My lord, I have one more question...... "Someone in the crowd raised his hand ......

What everyone said, what Woolley did, Henry didn't pay attention, at this moment, in addition to being stunned, he suddenly had a strong fear in his heart, Woolley can play such a hand, maybe he will interrogate those thieves and scoundrels, in case these guys confess themselves, will Woolley take advantage of the situation to ...... himself

"Henry, Henry!" Woolley shouted twice, and Henry came to his senses.

"Lord Woolley. Henry suddenly felt that Woolley's face was very gloomy at this moment, which made him feel afraid, even though Woolley was actually smiling.

"Go, take the three thieves to the front, and flog them in public. Woolley commanded.

"Yes. "Henry has to obey obediently.

The three thieves were soon pushed to the ground by several Conservative Army soldiers, no matter how much they struggled and pleaded, and soon the three unlucky ones were stripped of their pants.

"Twenty lashes!" Woolley waved his hand, and the three soldiers immediately raised their whips ......

"Smack!" When the first crisp sound came out, a terrible, terrible cry of pain immediately spread throughout the surrounding ......

After a while, the buttocks of the three thieves were bloody and blurred, and it was difficult to even stand, and with a wave of Woolley's hand, Lauren led several handymen to step forward and dragged the three thieves into the mansion, where there was a basement in the front yard of the mansion dedicated to prisoners, which was a "good place" for the thieves.

"Henry!" Woolley took out a gold coin from his bosom and threw it to Henry, "Three thieves, exactly one gold coin, buy some food and drink for the brothers." "

Thank you, Lord Woolley. Henry smiled a little hard.

"What are you still doing, go catch it!" said Woolley with a smile and a wave of his hand to the people who were still watching.

yes, what are you doing here? It's too late, but it's money in someone else's pocket. Everyone immediately dispersed, and each ran in the direction they wanted, ganging up while running, and it was definitely a strength job to grab and twist.

"Lord Woolley, Lord Woolley, I, can we go?" asked a Conservative Army soldier whose eyes were so hot that he couldn't help but ask tentatively.

"Of course not. Woolley laughed, "However, you can take off your armor, lay down your arms, and participate as a civilian." "

Thank you, sir. The soldier ...... with joy

"My lord, I'll go too!" said another soldier with a raised hand.

"Go, go, go. Woolley nodded.

However, after a short while, the soldiers under Henry's hands "slipped" more than 30 numbers, and what made Henry most annoyed and embarrassed was that none of these 30 people actually told him anything, such as asking for a leave of absence or something.

After the group of soldiers left in droves, Woolley glanced at Henry and said, "It seems that the treatment of the Conservative Army is not very good."

Henry was stunned, his cheeks were hot, but his heart was sighing.

At this moment, in the streets and alleys not far from the consul's residence, the noise suddenly exploded.

"Catch them!" someone shouted......

When the noise reached Henry's ears, he couldn't help but sigh again.

It's messed up, it's all messed up. Henry said in his heart.

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