As the first rays of sunlight cast through the gaps in the branches and leaves of the large tree onto Woolley's face, he frowned fiercely and sat up from the rope bed with squinted eyes. Last night's sleep was not sweet, because the rope bed was not woven carefully enough, so that there were marks everywhere on the shoulders, back, and limbs, and in addition to pain, it also brought a faint feeling of paralysis.

Breakfast was eaten on a rope bed, and as he munched on the dry bread, Woolley felt lonely and confused again, as always.

After picking up all the crumbs of dough that had fallen on the placket and stuffing them into his mouth, Woolley felt that he should have eaten enough, so he stuffed the remaining half of the dough into the package, and carefully slid to the ground with the trunk of the tree.

The bodies were still there, but they seemed to be missing, perhaps sinking to the bottom of the water, or floating from decomposing, and then carried away by the current, which rose a little later. There is only one thing Woolley can be sure of, and that is that the stench is much stronger today than it was yesterday.

Let's get to work. As he said this, Woolley took out a two-cubit-long piece of linen from his bosom and folded it loosely around his neck, and after testing it a few times to make sure that it was the same as he had imagined, Woolley untied it again and sprinkled some wine on it—it was not a good wine, but the alcohol concentration was not low, and it was still competent for simple disinfection, and Woolley did not want to make himself sick by fiddling with corpses.

Fiddle with the ropes, make them into a noose, and throw them into the bend.

A few minutes later, after several failures, Woolley finally wrapped himself around the neck of a corpse, which undoubtedly gave him another step in the direction of success. It is easy to drag a floating corpse to shore, but it is more difficult to get it ashore. Realizing that his strength was not enough to do so, Woolley looked to the tree closest to the riverbank.

It would be nice to have a pulley. Woolley thought as he pulled out the dagger pinned to his belt. The dagger was a gift from his father on his 10th birthday, a rare experience in Woolley's memory, a bronze dagger beautifully crafted, but not very sharp, and Woolley even felt that the only merit of the dagger was its scabbard, because the rose engraved on it was very admirable.

After pulling out the dagger and taking a closer look, Woolley began to think about it again, since he came to this world and was able to speak, he secretly did nothing more than two things, one was to judge the backwardness of this world, and the other was to exercise rigorously, but both of these things seemed a little boring at least for now.

"Anyway, my parents gave me some start-up capital, and this time it's a good ......," Woolley muttered as he looked up for a suitable branch, and without pulleys, it was not difficult to combine a labor-saving lever bracket to pull the body up.

After more than an hour, the first body was finally dragged from the bay to the shore.

After looking at it twice, Woolley's face suddenly turned pale, and then, his stomach churned uncontrollably, and before he could take two steps, a fluid with a sour smell squirted out of his mouth and nostrils, but fortunately, he finally lifted the strip of cloth covering his mouth and nose in time.

Two minutes later, Woolley wiped away the tears from the vomiting and the saliva that had remained at the corners of his lips and staggered back to the body.

It can be seen that the body had collided with a reef in the river after falling into the water, so its face was absent from the forehead to the back of the head - which was one of the important factors that caused Woolley to vomit. Because of the long immersion in the water, the skin on the corpse had disappeared in many places, revealing a slightly whitish layer of fat, and the muscles had turned dark brown from the wounds caused by the slash or the collision, and they were revealing a faint blue-green color. The corpse's stomach was high, but Woolley knew it wasn't because of drowning, but because the corpse's internal organs were rotting—if it had been another day or two, the corpse's stomach might have opened.

As he approached the corpse, Woolley reduced the frequency and intensity of his breathing as much as possible, and then stretched out his hands wrapped tightly in fine linen to the corpse with trembling eyes.

A minute later, he untied the corpse's belt ......

Five minutes later, he tore off the corpse's half-body armor ......

After another five minutes, he pulled out the corpse's boots ......

He then used his dagger to cut the rope around the corpse's neck and kicked it into the river bay with his eyes closed.

After retreating to the side to catch his breath for a long time, Woolley returned to the place where the body had been lying and began to count the harvest.

A belt with a silver medal weighing about five shekels, which could be exchanged for four silver coins, according to Seneca convention, and although it weighed as much as five silver coins, it could not be used directly as currency.

This bust is not heavy, about one hundred and twenty shekels, except for the worthless liner and belt, Woolley estimated that he could recover ninety-six shekel brass from it, according to the price of Seneca City, ninety-six shekels of brass is worth up to eight silver coins, but that is for brass alone, you must know that what Woolley has in front of him is not a pile of brass, but dozens of pieces of brass armor- If it is sold with this concept, the price can at least double, and who makes brass the most important strategic material in the world.

As for the beautiful looking boots, Woolley was disappointed, for he had not found anything of value in the boots, nor had he been able to have the confidence to keep them for later when they fit - although he was doing something that made a fortune, he could have made some sense of guilt with proper care.

Half an hour later, the second body was pulled ashore, and this time, Woolley had only harvested a pile of brass armor ......

After a short break, Woolley threw the remade loop to the third ......

Three days later, Woolley had to consider leaving, and although he had dragged a total of forty-one corpses during these three days, there were more corpses in the bay than he had imagined, especially after a few short wooden sticks and a stone were put in front of the rope loop, and the corpses that sank at the bottom of the bay became his "prey".

When Woolley decided to stop, at least a third of the bodies in the bend had not been "looted" by him.

The three days of madness were fruitful, with nearly 2,600 shekels collected for brass armor alone, and brass alone was worth more than 200 silver coins. But the brass armor was by no means the largest part of the harvest, and Woolley also found seven money bags, which contained a total of one hundred and sixty-two silver Hurits and five gold Hurits, although the Assyrians and Hurlits had been hostile for generations, but the weight and calculation of the currency were the same, and one Assyrian silver coin or Hurit silver coin weighed one shekel, and each Assyrian gold or Hurit coin could be exchanged for sixty silver coins. In other words, the "looting of the money bag" alone brought Woolley a "reward" of 462 silver coins, but this was still not the largest part of the harvest.

The richest of the harvest was a necklace - a thumb-sized sapphire was set on this gold necklace weighing about six shekels, and Woolley could not guess the actual price of this crystal clear and lustrous gemstone, but he knew at least two things, first, that the conditions and craftsmanship of synthetic gemstones were not yet available in this world, and second, compared to this natural sapphire, the gold necklace weighing six shekels was a small head.

The reason why Woolley was able to come to the second conclusion with great certainty was that he knew that the world has a wide range of love and grading of gemstones, and that among the universal gemstones of this world, sapphires are ranked more than emeralds, dindilites, rubies, rubellites, and rumoredes, and are second only to azurzite and amethyst.

So, it's the biggest part of Woolley's harvest.

"The man wearing it must be a little nobleman at the very least. Woolley thought to himself, because civilians would never be able to afford something like this.

Its appearance also made Woolley have the idea of giving up the brass armor, because the brass armor is too much and too heavy, with Woolley's current physical condition, it is afraid that it will be a little difficult to just take those gold and silver coins out of here, the basic weight unit of this world "Shekeler" is basically equal to the ounce of Woolley's previous life, that is to say, only the one hundred and sixty-two silver coins and five gold coins plus the gold necklace are more than ten catties.

Woolley, who had inherited a little miserly instinct from the bloodline of his drunkard father, struggled for half an hour over the question of whether to leave the brass armor, and finally gave up in distress - the last two pieces of dough in the package were not enough to provide him with the heat to carry the brass armor, and besides, the slope of nearly seventy-five degrees also made him question his confidence strongly.

"More than two hundred silver coins, maybe you can buy an old gladiator with good skills, the disabled one, hehe. When Woolley laughed at himself in such a fragmented way, he remembered an American drama he had watched in a world with only one moon. The Colosseum was found in every city-state in the Assyrian realm, but not Seneca, because although it was also called a city, it was the least inferior in size and population of the Assyrian territory less than 160 years ago, so according to the highest group of Assyrian nobles, Seneca was not yet qualified to own the gladiatorial arena.

"Thousands of high-rise buildings rise from the ground, come step by step, alas, I didn't expect that this life actually began the struggle for tickets, houses, cars, wives, and faces from the age of twelve......" Wu Lai sighed as he climbed to the top of the mountain.

That night, Woolley wrote a long "cave diary" by the light of the fire in a cave halfway up the mountain on the other side of the mountain—"With this money, my life can begin freely...... For the past twelve years, I have been thinking about my past every day, and I have thought that I am just like the soul in those novels, but just now, how did I suddenly feel that maybe I didn't come to this world because of my soul with memories, but the original Woolley of this world, and I was born with the memory of Woolley in another world, if this is the case, then which Woolley am I? 'Scoundrel' is exactly the same, and it is really ridiculous to be called a scoundrel for twelve years...... As I wrote, I suddenly remembered my father, the drunkard and miser named Simon Glindo, and if the soul of this world is immortal and there is a place to go, I sincerely hope that his soul will be able to spend all day drinking...... "

This diary was not finished in the end, and the reason was simple - he was too tired.

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