As Woolley told Anthony, within a month, almost all of the imitations were in trouble, but the originals Woolley sold were still working their magic.

This undoubtedly aroused the interest of more nobles, and many began to look for opportunities to get acquainted with Woolley, and a handful of them even asked Mikoyan to be his introducer, but in the end they were able to do so very little, because Woolley was too busy.

Woolley, who had made a lot of money with the help of alloy, had no plans to develop the project for the time being, and instead invested his energy in expanding the White Rock Building, because it was no longer comparable to Woolley's current status and wealth, and it could not protect Woolley's secrets well.

So, expansion is imminent.

At the same time, there is also an armory workshop that needs to be expanded.

In the shortest possible time, Woolley bought the mansions on the left and right sides of the White Stone Building and the large mountainous area behind the White Stone Tower, and roughly estimated that the expanded White Stone Tower would become a small castle, standing on a land of 1,250 cubits horizontally and 3,720 cubits vertically, according to Woolley's habitual unit of area, it was almost more than 245,300 square meters, and that's it, just the plane area.

"I can finally live in a big house. Woolley said with a grin as he sketched the drawings.

Gauguin bought a hundred new slaves for Woolley in the fastest time, and as Woolley's wealth and fame soared, Gauguin's waist became more and more straight, and now he not only often commanded the commoners, even in the face of ordinary small aristocrats, he would raise his chin arrogantly, and never hesitate to let the other party see his pride.

A large number of stonemasons flocked to the White Stone Tower from all over the place.

A large number of slaves were hired by Gauguin from various estates.

Soon, the White Stone Building and the houses on both sides of it were torn down to a large pile of stones, and Woolley moved into the temple to borrow it—before that, Lady Leah had warmly invited him back to Glyndor Manor several times to stay temporarily, but Woolley felt that it was better to live in the temple, at least, without worrying about his lack of concentration.

After consulting with Mikoyan, the Printing Workshop began to temporarily reduce the printing volume of the canon, and in Woolley's plan, after the completion of the White Stone Building, the Armory Workshop would completely encompass the area of the Printing Workshop, and only then would the Armory Workshop have enough space to manufacture the objects he needed.

At Woolley's behest, Gauguin announced the recruitment of a butler in the city-state of Seneca, because with the increase in Woolley's affairs, he and Nepton alone could no longer guarantee the smooth flow of affairs.

On the day of the announcement of the butler's recruitment, Woolley increased Gauguin's and Nepton's monthly salaries by fifteen and ten silver coins, respectively, and at the same time, he gave Hippo freedom and then appointed her as housekeeper.

The aura of the divine favor and the reputation of generosity and benevolence made the commoners eager to apply for the position of steward of the White Rock Building, so it was destined to disappoint many people, after carefully selecting for ten days, Woolley finally added three butlers to himself - Klee, Foss and Moniga, Klee and Foss are all middle-aged men who have served in a small aristocratic family for more than fifteen years. Able and literate, Moniga is a woman of about their same age and experience, but unlike Klee and Foss, she is from Kati City.

Gauguin became the head of the stewards, and until Woolley allowed him to retire, he would continue to take care of the White Rock House for Woolley, and of the five butlers under his command, Nepton was in charge of the mill and paper mill, Klee was in charge of purchasing everything Woolley needed, Foss was in charge of the sales and settlement of horses and ordnance, Monica was in charge of managing and training slaves, and Hippo was only in charge of Woolley's personal life.

One of the first jobs Klee did for Woolley was to buy back 150 child slaves with an average age of 12.

When Moniga asked Hippo with some curiosity, Hippo frowned and reminded her, "Young Master Woolley has never liked that people are too curious. After hearing this, Monica hurriedly begged Hippo to keep her suitability a secret, because she knew what it meant to be in the service of a middle-class aristocratic family.

The White Rock Building was expanding in a tense and orderly manner, and when the people in Senecari were talking about it and envious of it, Mrs. Leah became more and more annoyed that she had driven Woolley out of Lyndor Manor in disguise, and she was more and more eager for Tina to go further with Woolley, but she had nowhere to start, because Woolley not only rarely met once a month, but also hugged a group of housekeepers and maids with her every courtesy visit, which made her sigh and envy and secretly regret the beginning.

However, Lady Leah's hopes were not lost, for on Tina's birthday at the end of last month, Woolley, although he did not attend the birthday party prepared for Tina at Glyndor Manor, had his butler Moniga deliver a birthday present - twenty gold coins in a delicate purse and a well-decorated carriage.

The carriage was undoubtedly more luxurious than any other in the city-state of Seneca - not only was it beautiful, but it also had soft cushions and beautiful wall decorations, and it was even uncomfortably smooth on the ride, except for the roof that could be folded into the rear of the carriage or removed at any time as needed.

While Tina happily circled the carriage, Lady Leah's friends from the small circle of nobles were also admiring the carriage, and Monica stood quietly watching the crowd's performance, until Tina's lead began to be attempted.

It didn't take long for Monica to walk into the temple.

"Moniga, do you like the gift I have for her?" asked Woolley, his eyes still fixed on the stack of papers in his hand.

"Young Master Woolley, Miss Tina is very fond of the gift you have given her, especially after the test ride, and many of Lady Leah's guests have also taken the car, as you might expect, surprised and envious. Moniga replied.

"Very good, it seems that the carpenters from Kati City are still trustworthy. Woolley smiled and looked at Monica, "Inform Fox to pull another carriage out into the street tomorrow and show it, remember to write the price card bigger, such a good thing is only two hundred and eighty gold coins each, let them go and buy it." "

Okay, Master Woolley. Moniga nodded.

After Moniga left, Pompey, who had been sitting silently, sighed and said, "Woolley, you are a true profiteer, and although your carriage is exquisitely constructed, it seems that it does not cost more than ten gold coins.

"Pompeii, you can't count it that way, this carriage uses the same shock-absorbing technology as the saddle, don't underestimate those small parts, it will make the comfort more than you expect, not to mention, my carpentry workshop can now only make a maximum of eight of these carriages a month, and I don't make much money after removing everything." Woolley replied with a serious face.

"I always thought that only people like my uncle Seapherses were greedy, and he was a far cry from you. Pompeii made a joke, pointing to the manuscript paper in Woolley's hand, and asked, "What do you think?" "

Very good verse, but are you sure he fully understands what I have asked you to paraphrase?" Woolley asked.

"Of course, Huber was a wise and elegant citizen, and his dream was to make all Assyria people read his verses, and he said that your method was the most likely way to achieve this, and he was willing to pay you five hundred gold coins in advance, as you requested. Pompeii smiled wryly and shook his head, "Woolley, I guess you can profit from it again."

"Oh, no, Pompeii, you have to think about it from a different perspective, I am seriously helping the elderly citizen of Hu Bo to realize his greatest dream of this life. "Moreover, publishing is not a worry-free business, not to mention that I promised old Hu Bo that everyone would not only know his verses, but also have an impression of his appearance, which is basically difficult to do." "

Good luck. Pompey paused and then asked, "The High Priest said that you will stay here for at least two or three months, so you will have to move back in the New Year?" "

Pretty much so, but don't worry, even if I live in a cave in the mountains, I won't delay making money." Woolley laughed, and laughed merrily, for in two days Antony, the archon, would bring him ninety-six thousand gold coins, and then take the two thousand neatly draped horses with him in some valley outside Seneca. According to Woolley's understanding, these horses were not the needs of the consul Antony himself, but were purchased on behalf of an old nobleman in Assyria who was so powerful that even Antony was willing to look up to him.

It seems that everyone is still knowledgeable. Woolley pondered as he suddenly remembered the comical situation of the imitation horseshoes being kicked off by the horses' hooves in the streets.

As the expansion progressed, there were some comments about Woolley's bad reputation in Seneca City, as some nobles accused him of using a large number of child slaves in the expansion, and others claimed to have seen these poor child slaves busy on the construction site every day like adult slaves, and it seemed that Woolley had specially arranged for them to be supervised by someone to supervise their work.

Pompeii was apprehensive when he heard the rumors, so he alerted Woolly after lunch.

"Looks like I should have made a response, didn't I? My horses and carriages have been selling well lately, and I should have made a lot of people blush. After Woolley said this, he continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

A few days later, Pompeii saw Woolley's response—Klee had bought him another two hundred and forty slaves, all of them under the age of thirteen, just like the previous one.

This time, even Mikoyan frowned.

"Woolley, the use of child slavery is so great that even the most unscrupulous citizens would not dare to do it, so you better not do that. Mikoyan reminded Woolledau very seriously that as the high priest of the temple, he still could not interfere in such a matter that could easily cause discussion and shake his faith.

"Is there nothing wrong with this, High Priest, Your Excellency?" Woolley defended, "I have no strange inclinations, nor do I allow these child slaves to do more work than they can do, and you should know that many of my secrets are fundamental to my earnings, and I need more loyal slaves around me." "

That's what you're going to do?" asked Mikoyan.

"Of course so, can it be anything else?" asked Woolley rhetorically.

Mikoyan looked at Woolly for a moment, then nodded, "I'm sure you know what a good name means to a citizen, perhaps, I'm overthinking."

"Your Excellency High Priest, I am very grateful for your reminder of me, and I will always remember it. Woolley said.

"You've been getting more and more flattering lately, Woolley, you don't want to extend your time at the temple again, do you?" said Mikoyan, half-jokingly.

Wu Lai sighed and put on a helpless expression: "You said yes, I didn't expect the construction period of the White Stone Building to be so long, so I will probably spend a New Year in the temple."

Mikoyan was stunned and straightened his face: "It's okay to borrow, but I have to remind you that you must keep your distance from other priests except Pompeii." "

Why?" asked Woolley curiously.

"Because I'm afraid you'll teach them badly. Mikoyan gave the answer.

"What about Pompeii, aren't you worried?" asked Woolley with a smile.

"Because he has been taught badly by you. Mikoyan glared at Woolly and walked away.

Wu Lai was stunned, chased after Mikoyan's back and shouted: "Such an evaluation is unfounded, besides, don't forget your promise!"

The moment the voice came into his ears, the corners of Mikoyan's mouth twitched involuntarily, and then he let out a sigh in his heart.

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