When the epithet "Cowardly Woolley" began to spread in the Civic Academy, Gruul sat on the steps of the courtyard of his residence, his eyes red and swollen with tears.

Woolley, who was sitting next to him, was a little helpless, he didn't expect Guru to care so much, he knew that if he knew this, he would definitely choose to teach Boti a lesson and beat Boti to the point that he couldn't even recognize his mother.

"Gruul, stop crying, it's nothing. Woolley patted Gruul on the shoulder.

Guru continued to cry.

"Enough, Gruul, you're not a woman, why are you crying like this, besides, the one who doesn't dare to duel is me and not you. Woolley continued.

Gruul raised his tear-stained face: "Woolley, I am very disappointed in you, although you are the one who does not dare to duel, but I am your friend, your shame is my shame, and these things will definitely be transmitted back to Saipan and Seneca, this matter will become a shame for both of us for the rest of our lives, and you do not realize the seriousness of the problem."

Wu Lai was stunned and blurted out, "It's not that exaggerated."

"It's a fact, the impact of this matter will be beyond your imagination, you may not know it, the academy advocates bravery in all subjects, and your refusal to duel will be seen as cowardice by everyone, and no city-state will accept a cowardly official, in other words, Woolley, your future has been ruined by yourself. Gruul said with a sob.

"But, even if that's the case, it should be me crying, why are you crying?" Woolley didn't expect this to be the case.

"As I said, I'm disappointed in you, specially, specially. Gruul's voice raised a little, "You shouldn't have let down our friendship, even if it's for me, you should accept the duel."

Woolley was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly asked, "Gruul, you can't be a woman, right?"

Gruul glared at Woolley, "I'm just like you.

"I don't believe it. Woolley looked Gruul up and down a few times, reached out and touched Gruul's neck, "It's okay, there is an Adam's apple." "

Are you still in the mood for trouble at this time?" Gruul slapped Woolley's hand away.

"What else can I do? By the way, is there a way to remedy it? Why do I go to him now and challenge him to come back?" Woolley asked.

Guru hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "If you don't dare to accept Boti's dueling challenge, you just take the initiative to admit that he is the winner, according to the rules, you can't take the initiative to challenge him." "

How can there be such a rule?" Woolley almost didn't jump.

"There are many rules in the academy, some are written, some are conventional, Wu Lai, you are basically hopeless now, otherwise, you should leave the academy, at least you can avoid their ridicule. Guru wiped away his tears and said.

"I'm not leaving, I've arranged everything at home, and I have planned what I'm going to do before I came, and it's too unreasonable to leave without doing anything now, isn't it just a duel, it's a big deal, I'm going to challenge them one by one now, just start with that ancient library, what do you think?" asked Woolley.

Gruul shook his head: "I forgot to tell you that a person who has refused a duel challenge is not allowed to challenge anyone for half a year. "

Huh?" Wu Lai's mouth was wide enough to stuff an egg, "Didn't you just say that I just couldn't take the initiative to challenge Boti, why did I become anyone now?"

"Two different things, Boti there, you can't take the initiative to challenge him before you leave the academy, and the rest of the academy, you can't challenge him for half a year." Guru explained.

Don't bring such a playful person...... Woolley almost didn't suffocate himself in one breath.

All afternoon, Woolley and Gruul, who had stopped crying, stayed in the residence, and Gruul was busy writing "proposition essays", not only for himself, but also for Woolley, while Woolley lay on the bed looking at the ceiling in a daze, also annoyed.

Why don't I clean up that kid?" Woolley muttered to himself.

Maybe it's not as exaggerated as Gruul said, right?, Woolley couldn't help but comfort himself.

Before dinner, Guru walked out of the residence alone, and in addition to handing in the "proposition essay" he had written, he also brought back dinner and Mo Li, the same gate guard who had led Woolly to visit the academy the other day.

After respectfully saluting, Mo Li smiled and leaned closer to Woolley: "Citizen Woolley, you may not know it, your reputation has spread throughout the academy, and everyone is talking about you."

Wu Lei glanced at Gruul, then sighed and said, "Mo Li, I didn't bring you here to listen to you. "

Of course, then may I ask the citizens of Woolley, is there anything I can do for you?" Mo Liha asked with a smile on his face.

Woolley glanced at Gruul again and said, "I just want to ask, can you deliver food for the two of us?

"Yes, absolutely, there is no problem at all, you just need to tell me, what you like to eat and what you don't like to eat, I promise to arrange it properly for you, by the way, do you want wine? Mo Li became more enthusiastic.

"Well, ask the Gruul citizen, and he'll have the final say. Woolley pointed at Gruul and then at the clothes on Mo Li's body, "You have a good black dress, can you sell me two silver coins?"

"Don't say sell it, it's okay to give it to Citizen Woolly, thank you so much for your generosity, Citizen Woolley." Mo Li hurriedly took off the black coat on his body and handed it to Woolley, but his face had already turned to the side of the Gruul, "Dear Gruul citizen, Mo Li is very happy to serve you and Woolley citizens, may I ask, how much money do you plan to spend on food for you and Woolley citizens every month?"

"This, I have to think about it first." Guru scratched his chin and began to think.

On the side, Woolley began to fiddle with Mo Li's coat.

At night, in a certain room in the main building of the college, the candlelight flickered, and the three vice presidents, Ibbe, Lini, and Huban, each sat behind a large table, and a thick stack of manuscripts was placed on the table in front of each of them, and the three people in each of the "propositional essays" had the same serious expressions.

After a long while, Ibbe took the lead in raising his head, gently rubbing his sideburns, which were starting to hurt, and said, "Lini, Huban, I'm a little tired, I guess you are too, so let's rest first."

Hu Ban nodded and put down the manuscript in his hand.

Lini didn't even raise his head: "You guys rest, I'm not tired, no matter what tonight, I have to pick out the suitable freshmen first, don't blame me for not reminding you two, the hands are fast, the hands are slow."

Huban laughed and was noncommittal, while Ibe shook his head and said, "Rini, you have enough good students on hand, keep a few for the two of you, besides, you can't send all the students to the legion, right?"

Although Rini said this, his eyes still did not take his eyes off the text.

"By the way, Ibbe, have you heard? Some of the freshmen in the academy refused the dueling challenge today. Hu Ban said with a smile.

"Oh, who's so timid? can't be a girl. "Ibbe was in a hurry.

"Male, from Seneca City-State, called Woolley Greendo. Hu Ban also inquired carefully enough, "It was recommended by the city-state." "

No, the city-state recommended it, it won't be so cowardly, is it?Huban, are you kidding me?" Ibe frowned.

Hu Ban smiled and shook his head: "Who is kidding you, that's the case, it was Boti Xiuman who challenged Woolly Green, and it is said that Woolley Grin refused the challenge without even a trace of hesitation." "

Maybe it's because you don't know the rules of the students, or else you dare to do this?" said Ibbe.

"What would he not dare. "I have an impression of this kid, he looks pretty good, but I know at a glance that it's not a good thing, and besides, he even dares to bribe me, what else can he not do?"

"Bribe you, haha, in this way, he is not only not small, but also exaggerated. Hu Ban was happy.

Ibbe's brows furrowed quietly, and after pondering, his face turned pale, and he asked, "By the way, which of you has this Woolleglindo manuscript

?" Riney pulled one out of the stack of papers and handed it to Ibbe, "Look, it may satisfy your appetite, the paper is full of praise for the Codex."

Ibbe got up and walked over to Rini's desk, took the manuscript and glanced at it slightly, then nodded: "The handwriting is quite good, yes, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I should find a time to understand the whole story, as Riney said, he may not be a cowardly person, or, he did not realize what it means to refuse a duel before, if he is indeed not a coward, we should not indulge him to degenerate, because this will undoubtedly go against the purpose of the Academy, right?"

Hu Ban nodded: "It makes sense, Bo Ti is used to it, maybe this Woolly Greendo just doesn't want to deal with him."

"You can do whatever you like, anyway, I don't like such a student, and my mind is not right. Riney picked up another piece of paper.

Ibbe frowned, pursed her lips, and turned to her desk.

At noon the next day, the college's freshman list was posted, in fact, it was three lists, each of which represented a major course, that is, the code presided over by Vice Dean Ibbe, the military presided over by Vice Dean Rini, and the finance presided over by Vice Dean Huban, in addition, the list of teachers of each subject would be written on the edge of the list, after all, the three associate deans only presided, responsible for and took the most core part of the course, and most of the courses had full-time teachers to attend.

The presence of Woolley and Gruul caused a small commotion, and one of the students watching the freshman list recognized Woolley, and then they began to talk and laugh.

Woolley's indifference made Gruul's cheeks redder a little, and after seeing that his name and Woolley's name appeared on the Codex Major List, he dragged Woolley out of the freshman list quickly.

"Woolley, let's hide for another day, class won't start tomorrow anyway. Gruul said as he walked.

"Why are you hiding? Maybe it's not that serious, besides, it was Boti, oh, and Guku who spread the word that I refused to fight, and there was no one else around at the time, as long as we didn't think there was such a thing, others would slowly take it as a rumor. Woolley said with a smile.

"No way, Boti and Guku will be spreading the word everywhere, believe me, they will do it. After Guru finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't think so. Woolley laughed and said.

"You're too stubborn, Woolley. Gruul turned around and suddenly asked, "You went out last night, didn't you??Why didn't you call me?"

Guru smiled and raised his chin proudly: "You must not say that I brag, I have a strong insight, when I opened your door this morning, I found fresh mud marks on the edge of your boots on the side of the bed, it rained a little near midnight last night, and your clothes were neither changed nor wet, I thought, you must have gone to do something bad." "

Yes, well analyzed. Woolley was also impressed by Gruul's short appearance, "Go on, guess what I'm doing?" Gruul

hesitated slightly, and then asked with some uncertainty, "Boti and Guku

?" Woolley was stunned: "Why do you guess that?"

"Intuition, also refer to what you just said. Gruul replied.

Woolley's eyes rolled, and he gave a thumbs up to Guru: "Guru, in my hometown, this is a compliment, give you a thumbs up." "

I didn't understand that last sentence, can you say it again?" asked Gruul.

"I'll talk about it when you catch up. Wu Lai laughed, and suddenly ran in the direction of the residence, now he was relaxed.

Woolley is easy, and Guru may be easy, but that doesn't mean everyone else will be easy.

At the same time, in a small stone building, Eddie crossed his arms against the door frame, frowning, his gaze falling on Boti's face for a while, and then moving back to Guku's face.

Boti is still yesterday's Boti, and Guku is naturally still yesterday's Guku, but the faces of the two of them, tsk, have changed radically - Boti's

face is almost one-third larger, the eye sockets are bruised, the eyes are swollen into two slits, the cheeks on both sides are swollen high, the fingerprints are impressive, and the upper lip is broken in a small piece, swollen and rolled up, so that people can see at a glance the vacancy exposed after the front teeth are knocked out.

Guku was slightly better than him, the bruises on his eye sockets were not as bad as Boti's, his eyes were not as swollen as Boti's, his cheeks were not swollen or finger marks, and his front teeth were still there, but his prideful long hair was cut in pieces, as if it had been gnawed by a pig.

After a long moment, Add almost gritted his teeth and asked, "Who did this?"

Boti and Guku shook their heads at the same time.

"Did someone sneak in and sneak attack?" Eddie asked with a frown, and Quake, who had been hiding behind her, covered his mouth desperately and couldn't help laughing, because the current appearance of Boti and Guku was too funny.

After Boti and Guku glanced at each other, Guku smiled bitterly and lowered his head, while Boti was stunned, nodded, and shook his head again.

"Speak!" Eddie became impatient and couldn't help but kick Boti.

"Add, forget it, Boti has been tossed enough. Gu Ku hurriedly stopped Eddie, "After it rained last night, before dawn, a man in black appeared in my room, woke me up first, and then he threw me a sword......" Eddie

was a little stunned after hearing this, and after being stunned for a while, he asked in disbelief: "You mean, the other party beat you with weapons like this with his bare hands?"

Gu Ku didn't dare to look at Eddie, and quickly turned his face to the side, and then nodded slightly: "I have never seen his attack routine before, the speed is very fast, the angle is tricky, and every attack and defense of mine seems to be within his calculations, in front of him, I can only be beaten." "

You two haven't messed with any martial arts instructors lately, have you?" Eddie asked.

"No, absolutely not. Guku said.

"Woolley, WoolleyGreenor. Boti said vaguely.

"Shut up, you shit, shame on the Human family, Woolleglindo is a coward, if it were him, would he refuse your challenge?" Eddie frowned, "I'll have to think about it, maybe it's the boys of the other families ......


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