Chief Connor's special presentation was somewhat unusual, as Woolley's special attendance was no news in the Council of the Highest, and as was customary, the new special attendance was at best mentioned at the end of a group meeting.

But today, Chief Connor not only introduced at the beginning of the annual meeting, but also mentioned the welcome, which is naturally intriguing.

For a while, Woolley became the focus of everyone's attention, and those who had a close personal relationship with Rini simply took the lead in applauding, and Lev also smiled and applauded, but there was some unhappiness in his eyes.

When he was a special attendee for his first annual meeting, Chief Connor didn't seem to even look at him in the eye.

Comparing the two, how can this make him not secretly annoyed.

When Woolley got up to return the salute, he thought to himself that Connor would not be able to return the favor.

Then, the meeting began, Chief Connor finished his speech, and the consuls of each city-state took the stage in turn to introduce the situation under their rule, population, food production, income, expenditure, the level of performance of officials, the difficulties existing, and the subsequent plans to govern ......

Woolley listened a little and lost interest, the debriefings of these consuls had no bright spots to speak of, and they were the same, according to Woolley, simply a secretary's speech.

Woolley didn't like to hear it, but the members listened attentively, because they didn't pay attention to Woolley, who heard a barrage of data, posturing clichés, and what the members heard was the potential and power of the city-state.

I don't like to listen, but Woolley still has to pretend to listen carefully, because Rini said that since you have entered the Supreme Noble Council, you must have the elegance and calmness that matches it.

Well, I'm elegant, I'm calm. Woolley said to himself inwardly as he caught a glimpse of Riney's preoccupation.

However, when he thought that according to the process, the first three days of the meeting would be such a boring debriefing, Wu Lai couldn't help but sigh heavily in his heart.

It seems that I have to find some after-show tonight, otherwise I will have to die of boredom. Woolley sat for a moment, and then suddenly thought.

As soon as the train of thought was opened, Woolley was distracted, and now the after-entertainment in Assyria was much more colorful than before, just a year ago, the nightlife of the nobles was nothing more than drinking and eating meat and watching the maids dance or something, at most after eating and drinking enough, they went into the bedroom and had a good time.

Now it is different, there are cyclists on the streets and squares, cards and chess in the houses and taverns, as the Gruul said, thanks to Woolley, and the citizens of today have finally gotten rid of the old and dirty entertainment to a certain extent.

Shouldn't I get mahjong upside down? When Wu Lai first thought this, there was applause in the hall, and he hurriedly slapped his face.

"Pretty good, isn't it?" asked Lev, clapping and smiling.

Woolley nodded: "Of course, he is very good. "


Shortly after noon, the first day's meeting was over, and the crowd rushed out, feeling a little hungry.

Really, such a big meeting doesn't care about food? Woolley scolded the meeting arrangement, and walked quickly to the bottom of the steps to invite the carriage to wait, Lini was still talking to his old friend at this time, and he was afraid that he would not be able to get out for a while, but Woolley had already made up his mind, and today he would drag Lini to the Green Building to have a hot pot anyway, I haven't seen him these days, but I have accumulated a lot of questions and want to discuss with him.

Just waiting, the street corner on the left suddenly came to a dozen carriages, led by one of them rushed directly to Wu Lai, fortunately Wu Lai finally did not get distracted, and immediately ran up the steps when he saw that the situation was wrong, otherwise it is difficult to say that he was not hit by the two horses that pulled the cart.

Seeing this, the surrounding participants immediately stopped and cast their eyes, and the more than ten armor soldiers on duty at the gate of the North Palace immediately pulled out the long swords on their waists, shouted, and rushed to the carriage quickly.

Dare to be so bold in front of the North Palace, isn't this clearly provoking the respect of the Supreme Noble Council.

The driver jumped out of the car and rushed to Woolley, Woolley's eyes narrowed, and then he took a few steps back, the more than ten armor soldiers were extremely fast, Woolley was still retreating, and they had already stopped the people chasing Woolley.

"Get out of the way for me!" The person chasing was Khufu, the entire city of Assyria, and I am afraid that he was the only one who would dare to do this in front of the North Palace.

"Young Master Khufu, this is the North Palace, please retreat. The armor soldier led by him was not afraid, not only did he not retreat, but he also took a step forward with his long sword.

"Don't blame me for being rude!" Khufu yelled with wide eyes.

"Stop!" Lev's voice came from behind Woolley, "Khufu, what are you doing here when you're not grounded at home?"

"Brother, don't mention the grounding, I'm grounded, it's all this Woolley Green!" Khufu angrily pointed at Woolley, "It's him! pretend to be stabbed and frame me

!". Khufu's voice was very loud, and the people around him still remembered the assassination of Woolley, and when they heard Khufu say this, they could still suppress their curiosity, so they rushed over.

"Who told you that?" asked Lev as he stepped up to Khufu with a few steps and frowned.

"Brother, I won't betray my friends. Khufu stiffened his neck and said, "But I believe that my friend will not deceive me, Woolleglindo was not injured at all that day, all of this was pretended by him in order to achieve the purpose of framing me!"

There was an uproar around him, and Khufu's sworn words, with a look of injustice, also made his words a little more credible.

After hearing this, Lev turned around and glanced at Woolley: "Woolley, is this the case?" Woolley

frowned, tasting the taste, Lev's question didn't seem like a temporary idea, the two of them sang and harmonized, and they had definitely planned it a long time ago.

"Do you think that's going to be the case?" Woolley asked rhetorically.

"Of course that's the case!Woolly Glindo, since I'm here today, don't think about fooling around again!" Khufu pointed at Woolley viciously, "Yes, you can prove in front of everyone that you were really assassinated, otherwise, you don't have to go home."

"Khufu, are you threatening me?" Woolley frowned and asked, turning his gaze to Lev, "Lev, Khufu is messing around, don't you care?"

"If he is really messing around, of course I will care." Lev smiled and said, "But I haven't found out that he's messing around yet, to be precise, he's protecting his reputation and the reputation of the Duncan family." "

Lev, if you say that, I'll think you asked Khufu to come over. Wu Lai didn't laugh angrily, "But, do you think it's rude to embarrass me in front of the North Palace in public?"

Someone on the side said.

Woolley didn't need to look to know that the person who spoke must be with the Duncan family, and after hearing this, he smiled slightly and raised his voice: "Do you think it is appropriate to do this in front of the sacred residence of the Supreme Council of Nobles

?" "What's wrong with this?" A scornful smile appeared on the corner of Khufu's mouth, "You can even do such a dirty thing as framing and framing, what else can't you do?"

Woolley gritted his teeth and glanced at Lev: " Lev, is this the style of your Duncan family?"

Lev frowned and glanced at Khufu, not talking.

"What are you doing all the noise?" Lini's voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked sideways, only to see Lini walking towards the circle of people with a straight face.

"General Rini, you've come just in time. An old man greeted him with a smile, "Khuv Duncan insisted that the assassination of Woolley Greene was a fraud, and the purpose was to frame him, General Reini, what do you think about this?"

Lini frowned, "Beigong is a heavy place, it's noisy here, what kind of system is it?"

Lev raised his eyebrows and said, "You're right, it's undoubtedly a joke to make a lot of noise here, but Khufu keeps saying that he has been wronged, and I, as an older brother, can't cover his mouth and not let him speak, I think Woolley Green might as well be more generous."

"Generous, how to be generous?" asked Woolley, frowning, "Are you going to let a citizen take off his clothes in the street

?" "Why not?" Khufu interjected, "Woolley, this is the best way to prove it, if you have a scar on your chest from an arrow, you can do whatever you want, if not, I would like to ask you to explain why you are doing this, playing tricks on the citizens of Assyria, framing my Duncan family, is it fun?"

Although Rini was not shocked on the surface, he was secretly bad in his heart, although he couldn't figure out for a while which link Woolley had gone wrong, but he could be sure that Khufu and Lev were so sure that they must have a complete grasp.

"Nonsense!" Rini frowned, and was about to feign anger to take Woolley away from the scene, when another person walked into the circle.


The Supreme Council of Nobles includes the administrative, military, and property powers, and the consuls of each city-state are members, and the commanders of each legion are naturally also, not only that, but also in the front row, and have the right to speak without losing to Rini.

That's why Rini chose to feign anger instead of simply reprimanding him.

Rini suddenly understood why Kui Huo was slowly dragging behind.

It turned out that the other father and son had been waiting for Woolly here for a long time.

As soon as the fire arrived, Khufu and Lev hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"Khufu, what are you doing here when you're not grounded at home?" asked Kui Huo in a deep voice.

Khufu pretended to tell what had happened, and after listening to it, Kui Huo glanced at everyone left and right, laughed, and asked, "Do you think Woolly Green needs to prove his innocence?"

"Of course. Someone immediately chimed in.

"Naturally, it's needed...... "

Yes, prove your innocence, so as not to misunderstand." Someone else said so.

Seeing that everyone was flattering his father as if they were following the trend, Khufu glared at Woolley triumphantly: "Woolley Greendo, it's not our Duncan family that is forcing you, everyone thinks so."

Woolley sighed heavily, clenched his fists, and looked at everyone: "Ladies and gentlemen, although I am young, I am also a special attendee of the Supreme Council of Nobles, and I have also contributed to Assyria, do you just watch me being humiliated? Let me take off my clothes in public, what does this mean with my house being invaded by robbers and bandits? Even if I want to prove it, shouldn't I choose another time and place, so that I don't have to be so watchful?".

"Impossible!" Kui Huo's eyes narrowed, "Woolledindo, don't talk so much nonsense, if you are a man, dare to act boldly, don't discredit the title of Assyrian citizen again." "

Don't go too far!" Rini's voice suddenly exploded......

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