I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 502: Poaching people to the central government

This time someone from the central government presided over Songjiang's strategic meeting, and Zhang Haonan was also invited as a special guest. Apart from some miscellaneous domestic factors, the focus was still on international issues.

The central government is also a little unsure about the energy contract negotiated with Mao Zi this year. One moment and the other, twenty years from now, it will definitely be signed with eyes closed. If not, wouldn’t it be a fool?

But now we put aside various political factors and only consider economics. It is a bit uncertain whether the economy will collapse. In addition, we do not know whether there will be positive feedback from the domestic economic boost.

Therefore, the policy research room is also stepping up its research and communicating with many parties, including domestic economists, industry giants, and famous overseas economists.

It doesn’t mean to adopt opinions immediately, it just means to listen, watch and discuss more.

Zhang Haonan is also talking about the same thing here, but the policy research room is very interested in Zhang Haonan's previous "May 2nd" assertion.

In fact, "new imperialism theory" is occasionally used in various provinces, but Zhang Haonan's speech is still an isolated case.

In particular, the "European traitor theory" and "Euro-attack theory" that are currently proposed have not been deconstructed by anyone, and have initially gained some recognition, because when analyzing the political ecology of German domestic cities, there are indeed too many non-German factors.

But to say that this is the Japanese slave in Europe, it is impossible to draw a conclusion for a while.

But Zhang Haonan told the second-in-command of the policy research room directly that Germany is just a donkey dung egg. It looks very glamorous, but in reality it is the same as the Japanese slaves. They are dogs and have no autonomy.

And in the field of cutting-edge technology, it is obvious that Europe does not use Germany as the benchmark. Instead, Frank next door has truly taken the independent route and is Europe's smaller America.

These boastful things are just personal opinions, and supporting data requires data. Zhang Haonan can't provide data, but it's nonsense. If the logic makes sense, it makes sense.

Let's still take the automobile industry as an example. Zhang Haonan's view is also very simple. It depends on whether the German multinational automobile group has provided supplies to America. If it provides supplies regularly and honestly, then it is a dog.

In addition, are the supporting industry clusters derived from the automobile industry regularly provided? Is the holding capital above the industrial cluster provided?

There were actually two major cases during this period. One was the huge fine imposed on biopharmaceuticals the year before last. How high was the fine issued by America?

462 million euros. At that time, the euro had not yet begun to circulate.

Why not use US dollars to calculate the price?

Second, Siemens, a giant in the field of electrification, is currently under investigation. Domestic intelligence in North America is also very well-informed. The policy research room also knows about this matter, because in the future, it will also have to compete in the American version of the "antitrust" game. .

Of course, this also reflects the mentality of the country's top leaders. We are now a little poorer, but we have always had a desire to "monopolize" the free market...

The information received by the policy research room is that the starting price is US$800 million, and the upper limit is hard to say. Someone in America wants to make a huge fine of US$7 billion...

I can only say that it is worthy of being a "lighthouse", but my appetite is different.

Zhang Haonan's argument has not been written down. Only the "new imperialism theory" in "Imperialism Never Left" has something to say. The policy seminar room hoped that Zhang Haonan would sort out his thoughts. Then Boss Zhang showed a very perverted attitude at that time. smile.

"Chief, do you think you can lend me two people?"


"To be honest, I'm not good at pen holders, and I'm usually too busy with classes, office work, and frequent business trips. I really don't have the extra energy to polish my articles. As for me, I'm just wondering if there is a suitable pen holder that I can borrow. I'll use it for a while (lifetime)."


When they arrived, everyone in the policy seminar room was actually greeted by Wei Gang, saying that the beast was inhumane and if he offended everyone, please forgive me.

And Zhang Haonan's current performance...

It feels like a picture, as if you have seen it somewhere.

I am asexual. If people scold me, I won’t be angry. If someone hits me, I won’t be angry either. It’s just a courtesy. I will be asexual all my life.

"You see, when Xiao Jin'er calls 'Grandpa', he is considered one of his own. I just want to use the two of them to polish my writing. To be honest, although I am a liberal arts student, my Chinese is not very good."



The few young cadres who followed were quite speechless. They knew that Zhang Haonan was very thick-skinned when he started a big business, but to be so thick-skinned was a little admirable.

"Well, I can't give you an answer right now. I'll make arrangements after I return to Beijing."

"Okay, okay, okay, thank you so much, thank you so much."

Zhang Haonan had a sincere look on his face. His appearance was rough, and he looked sincere and enthusiastic, adding a bit of honesty and honesty, but the people around him knew very well that this guy...had something.

"Let's put your request aside. What do you think of the economic situation in Russia?"

There have always been domestic economic surveys of the Russian state, and the bottom-line data may be richer than the Russian state itself, because the national economic system of the Russian state has been in a state of collapse in the past few years, relying entirely on cheap industrial products to survive.

Of course, Ross was not the only country like this in the past few years, but it was the largest.

From the central point of view, the Russian state has reached the point of second collapse and is teetering on the verge of collapse.

But Zhang Haonan believes that this has already hit the bottom. The oligarchic war in Russia has reached its final stage. The "St. Peter's Gang" has completed a comprehensive transformation of the yellow robe. The renationalization of oil and gas resources and the Chechen War have both militarily and economically. Confidence.

This confidence not only gives two more rubles, but also significantly boosts national confidence.

There won't be big fluctuations for at least a few years.

Coupled with the previous major terrorist attacks, the top management of the Russian state has completed preliminary integration through simple "nationalism". As long as there is no hot war on the doorstep of the international environment, the ability of the big country to survive is still very strong.

The question then returns to the external environment.

"Just like all our country's 'Chinese and foreign issues', in the final analysis they are the same as America's issues; the same is true for Russia. America's international actions are the weather vane and barometer. I still have the same view. The survival of the modern form of imperialism Oppression will lead to the most violent resistance, and it will take the form of heavy casualties."

"In other words, what you judge is that if there is no major killing incident, the Russian domestic economy will have major problems?"

"The problem has always existed, but it can be alleviated by decompressing the external environment. I even think that once a major event occurs, the Russian Congress will be superficially attracted, and there will be a rare period of mildness in geopolitical relations with Europe until the next hot war. Interfering in areas surrounding the Russian state.”

"About a few years of plateau?"

"It won't last long. Let's use ten years as the dividing line. After all, the financial crisis has only been three years. If we add seven years, there will probably be another economic crisis. In the future, the economic crisis cycle may become shorter and shorter. In the Pacific, The quick-money operation on the other side is like a drug addict, so difficult to handle."


The other party nodded, and then said, "I will send the person over to you after I return to Beijing. It is just a person sent by the government, and the organizational relationship cannot be left there for you."

"Then don't worry, I am a good citizen."

However, there is no need to get a certificate of good citizen in this situation, and Zhang Haonan does not look like a good citizen.

In the internal struggle of the Russian state, the country has been unsure whether "Varodia" can survive, but now at least some people in the country dare to say that "Varodia" will be crowned the great treasure. That means there is a definite argument, and it is very useful for reference. Strong.

Because Zhang Haonan is currently deeply tied to Russia's food consumption, and he does not easily get involved in retail terminals, but he is everywhere.

There is a complex causal relationship here. Many small warlords and oligarchs who were supposed to be killed by "Varodia", through the Pavlov family, used a large number of cheap Chinese goods to settle their old debts. .

So this has led to another situation, that is, at this point in time, there are many more local forces that have taken refuge in "Varoja" than before.

If the internal political situation of the Ross State before Zhang Haonan was reborn was that the "St. Peter's Gang" was small and sophisticated, then now it is large and complex.

From "Varodia's" point of view, he obviously likes to be big and complex.

Another result is that these small warlords and oligarchs who "escaped from death" still retain a certain degree of local influence or departmental power, and their private business with Zhang Haonan is also going smoothly.

Unlike those "traitors", Zhang Haonan's "Shacheng Food" and "Daqiao Food" are equivalent to a stable shelf. As long as there is a label of "Pavlov's Friend" in Russia, they can easily send it to China. fax.

The content of the international fax only requires various packaging parameters and product weight. That's it. Leave the rest to the Chinese.

Little Pavlov was able to have the confidence to go it alone because these large numbers of scattered surrender factions were kneaded together. "Varodia" obviously did not want to see the emergence of a huge Pavlov oligarch, so it With the move of asking Alexey Pavlov to dinner.

As long as "Varodia's" intelligence is normal, it can be seen that Alexei Pavlov is a fool, not only a political novice, but also extremely naive and childish in his thinking.

Who wouldn’t want such a perfect puppet?

"Sigel" in China all likes "Alyosha", then everyone will like "Alyosha".

After all, there will be bread, there will be Ferrari, there will be everything.

Zhang Haonan has not yet set up a "Shacheng Food" Ross company in Russia, which also gave Alexey Pavlov a lot of confidence. After all, if "Shacheng Food" really wants to set up a branch in Russia, then it must promote business. chain.

There is still no such thing, so Alexei Pavlov is the largest terminal food comprador in Russia.

From the perspective of the top elites of the Russian state, they do not want to see this result.

However, if you want to defeat reality with will, spirit, and ideals, you must first have the strength.

Russia's agriculture and agriculture-related industrial sectors are still recovering slowly, and are still far from returning to the level of the former Soviet Union.

The "granary" and "cloth warehouse" that have been thrown away are not just one or two. As far as the existing land in Russia is concerned, the total amount of effective agricultural land is sufficient. Even wheat exports this year have reached 7 million tons.

But there are very few that can actually advance development.

The main thing is that people are not animals. Animals can be imprisoned somewhere so that they cannot escape, but people have long legs. Who doesn’t want to go to Mozger to find more opportunities?

In some important agricultural-producing cities, the population has dropped sharply from a peak of one million to two hundred thousand. This is not something that top Russian officials can just clap their heads and grit their teeth and then boycott Chinese goods.

The more sane people are, the smarter they are, and the more knowledgeable they are, the more they understand that the only solution is to liberalize the market in large quantities.

Either import from Europe and the United States at high prices, or import from China.

No matter how much other countries produce, they still have to resell their goods. If they accidentally enter a commodity-producing area controlled by international capital, they are waiting to be slaughtered.

The slaughter of fruits from last year to this year is just a normal phenomenon in the past ten years. Maozi himself may be almost numb.

In such a realistic situation, whoever can solve the problem will be the hero. If you are a comprador, you are also the hero. The Kremlin will authenticate all this.

Zhang Haonan's role in all this is actually not very positive from the perspective of China and Romania, because the role of integrating various regional agricultural and sideline products is wrong.

It would be more appropriate if the government took action. Unfortunately, the local forces at the turn of the century were also complex and the struggle was fierce. It was by no means a "quiet time".

Zhang Haonan took advantage of the information gap and seemed to be walking a tightrope through a minefield. In fact, he was as sure as an old dog and grasped every key point. He got stuck before the node and became a force that local political and economic forces in China and Romania need to focus on. .

In terms of integrating "stragglers", Zhang Haonan's efficiency is much easier than that of local governments that have multiple leaders. After all, fighting at Zhang Haonan's level is relatively simple.

The winner takes all, a pure law of nature, and local governments only need to look at the results of the fight between two tigers. The one who wins is right, including Wei Gang, not to mention most ordinary bureaucrats whose principles are not very strong.

The product of various coincidences, at this point in time, that is, in the six months from the second quarter to the third quarter, Zhang Haonan, as the head of local agricultural product capital, was involved in a considerable scale of cross-border trade. His opinions and suggestions were very valuable.

Even if Zhang Haonan says today that exporting stinky tofu to Milan in Southern Europe can make a lot of money, tomorrow the production chain of stinky tofu will collectively increase prices. This is a typical weather vane state.

The policy research room of the central government is actually in the same situation. The purpose of contacting Zhang Haonan is to adjust the economic and trade policies with Romania based on his views. But more importantly, when necessary, let him make two comments on the economic and trade policies with Romania. sentence.

When someone blew the whistle that there was something wrong with the decision-making and that Luo was losing money on a large-scale energy trade, all Zhang Haonan had to say was to maintain a small profit, and the party that blew the whistle would automatically shut up.

The deterrent power lies here. Zhang Haonan is not afraid of unofficial or semi-official capital groups, even if their total assets are hundreds of billions.

He is now the best economic promotion tool for the entire local bureaucracy in Liangjiang Province. Even if he is an engine in some industries, Zhang Haonan has never been greedy for the title of engine. No matter what level of government leadership he is, he will enjoy it. .

If things go wrong if things go wrong, and there is a "sand food system" to protect the government, it will not hurt the public finances. To the bureaucrats, this means "guaranteing a bumper harvest despite droughts and floods."

Therefore, when it comes to major issues, if Zhang Haonan's private sector fires or counterattacks, the 13 cities in Liangjiang Province will inevitably follow up. In the past, some cities would still be vacillating, but from last year to this year, the basic framework for the general FMCG industry layout has been released. Not to mention Everyone who sees it has a share, which can be regarded as rain and dew. Even the most greedy and corrupt officials will howl and show off their butts in this situation.

This is the quality that the policy research room values. Without strength, who are you? Can my daughter be qualified to call me "Grandpa"?

Of course, Zhang Haonan is easy to use, but sometimes it feels a bit dirty when using it.

The team of the policy research room originally planned to stay in Songjiang for four days and fly back to the capital on the 26th. However, Boss Zhang took advantage of the situation and thought that a young man's article was very good, so he discussed it with the second-in-command of the policy research room. After a while, he said that he wanted to borrow it first.

Of course the other party was unwilling, but Boss Zhang also acted rogue.

I just want to use it, you can use it or not.

The method is also very simple. Go directly to Xingguo Hotel and block the door. Either your flight will be delayed or someone will stay behind.

It’s not that the security guard didn’t intend to send Zhang Haonan away. Boss Zhang directly said: I am the chairman of "Dragon Shield Security". Please think carefully about whether you want to work for me in the future.

So the security guards were very organized and just watched the future boss blocking the door of the state cadre's room.

In the end, one person remained, an assistant to the economic situation tracking specialist. He graduated from Liangzhe University a few years ago, and he was also a member of the family. However, his influence in the family was very limited, because the only elder above him was his mother.

Zhang Haonan fell in love with him at first sight because he had someone check the investigative report on this person's export trade tracking in Zhejiang and Zhejiang provinces overnight, and the report was very well written.

It would be a bit of a waste if we didn't borrow it.

Seeing that various national-level projects were about to stand up, but no "strategists" with top-level vision were assembled into a high-end bureau, Zhang Haonan was quite worried that the local idiots from Shacheng would not be able to get on the stage.

So, no matter what others think, he just wants to use it.

What happened to Yongyong? No matter what.

Besides, it’s money.

That night, Wei Gang called, "Why did you intercept Zhang Jishen? He is a man in his twenties, what is the use of your coming?"

"I think he is a blessed man in heaven. He must have been in the same family as me five hundred years ago, and he was a top student who graduated from two Zhejiang universities. Now is the time to employ people. In ancient times, Zhuge Liang visited the thatched cottage three times, and now Zhang Haonan blocks the door of his house. This is a good story, Mr. Wei."


"Besides, it's just a small assistant, and he's also a small assistant who wants to go back to university to teach. It won't have much impact, right?"

"After someone else becomes a martyr, don't act recklessly. Don't bring your evil tendencies to him!"

"Tsk, do I have a virus on my body or something? Are you so afraid that I will infect others? Besides, I haven't tested this young cadre yet."

"Which young cadre can withstand your test! Don't be reckless, be restrained in your work, and having your tail raised to the sky will have a major impact!"


Hearing the bald old man praising his ability to test cadres, Boss Zhang suddenly became proud, and then said, "Then let me tell you straight, as for this man, I want to send him back to Liangzhe University to be a teacher, and then wait for the opportunity. Help me write the article."

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand what you are talking about more and more? What kind of tricks are you doing, just a beast?"

"Oh, don't worry. Don't worry. I won't do bad things. I'm just looking for a scholar to cooperate with me. What's the point? You know that I'm not good at writing official articles. It's rare to find a suitable one. Now it's not like the central government has a director. Seeing as I’m quite valuable, I’ll get some resources right away.”


Naturally, Zhang Haonan would not tell the bald old man that he planned to engage in political speculation and make arrangements in advance.

In fact, Xianzi has a sense of independent personality, so the best way is to treat others with sincerity.

Just as the person who invented the concept of "Thick-Hei Xue" has never been able to be both thick-skinned and dark-hearted, the highest state of "Hou-Hei Xue" is to be neither thick-skinned nor dark-hearted.

Making friends is Boss Zhang’s purpose after his rebirth.

Of course, some goodwill behaviors, in the eyes of the bald old man, are purely young cadres trained by corrupt organizations...

But this time Zhang Haonan did not engage in any evil deeds. He really just wanted to recruit some people with high-level vision to reorganize the strategic department of the "Sand Food Department" and then engage in political speculation.

There is no such thing as cheating. He explained his views and underlying logic, and the rest was to ask Zhang Jishen, the unlucky "Hanlin", to help polish it up.

When necessary, Zhang Jishen can also publish in provincial reference journals while returning to Zhejiang and Zhejiang provinces to teach.

Of course, it is the internal reference of Liangjiang Province, and whether it is reprinted or not by Liangjiang Province later is not his fault.

He is a very pure person with no structure.

"You'd better not cause any trouble. It's not like no one in the central government has objections to you."

"So what if you have any objections? Come and arrest me. I'm scared of you. Just get a boat and I can escape the Japanese slaves. It's useless to scare me. Today is different from the past."


After hanging up the phone, the bald old man cursed very silently: "The dog got in..."

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