I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 512 If I had known I would knock someone

Director Chen, who came from Songjiang, was confused. He was not mentally prepared at all. He thought that taking Liu Fei for a hundred and eighty thousand dollars would be enough.

Cultivating an athlete, from the country to the local level, has basically been a loss for decades, and very few can make money.

Of course, it's not that he is utilitarian and wants to get his money back, but that the indicators set by his superiors are not the work of humans at all. He can only learn from the spirit of the top leaders in the capital and follow the principle of catching a toad and soaking it in urine. , if the big boss can invest hundreds of thousands, then the task will be completed.

Is my mission...completed? !

Complete the egg.

"Mr. Zhang, that, that... tens of millions."

Director Chen said with a trembling voice. It was not that he had no knowledge, but that his knowledge had not passed before his eyes. A big pie fell from the sky. Where could he reason with it?

"Ten million?"

Suddenly turning his head, Zhang Haonan looked at Director Chen, "I, Zhang Haonan, went out to invest in projects. When did it become less than 100 million?"




If there weren't people around, a bald man from the capital would have almost knocked Zhang Haonan in his face. By the way, he said: Sir, I wish you well.

"You may have misunderstood the situation. Liu Fei will be my key investment asset in the future. He is an athlete and a high-quality asset. Do you understand?"




Several people shut up and listened obediently to what Zhang Haonan was saying.

"So Liu Fei's personal sports career will be decided by my professional team. I will refuse some unnecessary national tasks. Listen clearly, it is me, not Liu Fei."

Zhang Haonan got another Macrobrachium for Zhang Jin, hung the bait and threw the pole again, and then said, "I am a businessman, I have no spiritual pursuits, everything is for profit. So don't misjudge and think that I want to What kind of charity? When I said I supported sports, I was just paying lip service. I was polite just now because I thought you understood it when you came here, but now that I see it, you are very unprofessional."

The arrogance of the nouveau riche was revealed, and Qin Shichuan admired it very much. This was because he didn't dare to do things he couldn't do.

Zhang Haonan is his perfect replacement.

It is impossible for Zhang Haonan to treat the other party politely when he has such a low attitude. This is a matter of ecological niche and is not the same thing as Zhang Haonan laughing and scolding his employees.

Of course, in a few years, with the large-scale infrastructure construction in the wide area in full swing, and the resources of the General Administration of Sports becoming more and more abundant, it is natural that they will no longer be inferior to Zhang Haonan, but... that will also be a few years later.

And even after a few years, Zhang Haonan thought that with his deep roots, the dog's barking would only be louder and it would be easier to flex his muscles.

In fact, it is not that Songjiang does not have the idea of ​​​​commercial operation of star athletes. The representative figure is not Liu Fei, but the "little giant", but if the "little giant" does not win a CBA championship, Songjiang will not let him go.

To put it bluntly, I want both commercial gains and organizational honor, so I still can’t let it go.

But how can I put it, sometimes it is a good thing not to let go, which shows that there is still a sense of honor.

Of course, honor or not does not mean anything to Zhang Haonan.

In view of the awkward operation of the sports management departments of Songjiang and Beijing, Zhang Haonan directly took a roundabout way and used sports medicine to stun these people with huge sums of money. If there are still jumpers, then find someone to report them with real names. His representative status has not expired, and he has not yet Damn it, it's useless even if a minister-level official comes.

What's more, these little shrimps can be sent to Liangxiang Prison for a few million dollars.

Serious criminals, that's what they are.

It is impossible for ordinary businessmen to do it, but it is easy to do it if the student representatives and leading industrialists are included.

The value of entrepreneur representatives is not even as good as that of student representatives. Of course, if there are other achievements in the value of united front, that is a different matter.

The group came humbly and left in embarrassment, but none of them complained.

Because at least one thing is certain, the local boss of this local place in Shacheng... is not short of money.

Much more generous than the foreign devils.

You're welcome, you're welcome. When seeing off the guests, the assistant gave everyone an operation outline, which was the outline of the plan to explore Liu Fei's business value.

It involves brand development, product promotion, image design, scientific training, etc. It is very complicated. There are 24 detailed outlines. Each item has a project budget behind it, starting from one million.

A few people who went to elementary school did some calculations and found that it was indeed over 100 million.

Before, they only heard that Zhang Haonan moved a "mountain" back from Europe and started with more than two million euros. They thought this was an exaggeration, but now they know...it's drizzle.

"No, Director Qin, when I came here, I didn't even say that this boss was so powerful."

"I just knew that he wanted to invest so much. Director Chen, I didn't mean to lie to you. Boss Zhang has always been moody. There are not just one or two senior cadres in Liangjiang Province who have fallen into his hands. Some of them have Rumor has it that when Director Chen returns to Songjiang, he can find someone to inquire carefully. He must find someone more capable, and he must inquire very carefully. I am not an alarmist. This is just advice. I am one of my own, so I am saying this."

"Damn it! Is he the one who gave that deputy director to..."

"It's good to know, it's good to know!"

Qin Shichuan looked nervous and reminded the old comrades from the capital to pay attention to the occasion. They haven't even left my hometown yet.

In fact, he felt very happy. If he did this today, the old comrades in the sports department would definitely have a close relationship with him.

Good thing.

After re-understanding the development history of Wujiadai, all the old comrades from the sports department were shocked: It only took three years to co-author the development history?

In three years, five families have become my family, which just means "my family".

Bold and arrogant.

But once I saw schools, factories, communities, and "My Lake" that I hadn't seen in full before, I finally got a clearer idea.

But it wasn’t clear enough, and I realized halfway through that the “crocs” belonged to this man.

The veteran cadre from the capital immediately regretted it. If he had known it, he would have kowtowed!

In fact, many Beijing officials in non-key departments have a common problem. They are extremely well-informed about all kinds of information in the capital, but they cannot use their energy. In short, they are unable to cash out or the channels for cashing out are extremely narrow.

Of course, this is not a way to make money, but a serious market economy intervention by organizational departments, with task weight being higher than economic weight.

Zhang Haonan's method of playing is already considered bad in Europe and America. In fact, it is nothing at all in Japanese slaves and South Korea. Various "once in X years" and almost "XX immortals" are regarded as a routine of symbolic marketing. means.

No matter how much money you have, you will have plenty of money, and the gameplay will be more varied.

If you don’t have money, you can only stare.

In the early years, the "Chinese Turtle Essence" was actually a very good model, but the lower limit was too magical, causing a lot of confusion.

The General Administration of Sports has never seen someone of Zhang Haonan's level before. His political and economic status are too high, so it is normal for the people below him to be at a loss.

On the way to the reception hotel in the city, Qin Shichuan asked Zhang Haonan to brag a little bit, mainly to describe the level of Boss Zhang's strength.

"The battery car of the Spring Festival Gala's 'Zijin Technology'... also belongs to him?"

"And 'Jinqiao Computer' too?"

"Who is this? Which chief's family does this belong to?"

When Qin Shichuan said that Zhang Haonan was "unremarkable" before, a group of old comrades all wanted to be so "unremarkable".

Culture and sports do not separate families. At this time, Boss Zhao, who has returned to the "Xuanniao Culture", takes his son to fish for crayfish. She is really a rare loving mother in the world...

There is no other way, since the old comrades who practice sports are not good at words, they can only praise her as a "good wife and mother" and stop talking nonsense.

Regardless of whether Zhang Haonan was given the "invisible rich" persona, anyway, the first thing he did when he returned to the reception hotel was to re-report his work and adjust his work tasks.

As Zhang Haonan said, they are not professional enough or professional enough.

"People-friendly image", in the government, in schools, in all employees, you and others... just begging for food is not enough.

Boss Zhang’s true attitude is so real.

So true.

It caused 10,000 points of real damage, but it could only be endured honestly.

"Husband, after all, other people are also high-level cadres. Isn't it bad?"

“Can they block the launch of my product or the approval process?”

"In the sports department, there is no boundary."

"So you know, my wife, you have become smarter, and soon the crayfish will be made with thirteen flavors."


Zhao Feiyan raised her hand and patted Zhang Haonan's arm.

Zhang Ranyu, who was carrying a small bucket of crayfish, followed him. After walking for a while, he stopped, then patted his chest: "Awesome."

After all, we didn’t let our elderly parents do such heavy physical work.

After all, he is three years old, and it is time to support the family.

Zhang Jin was very happy to carry the bucket, because what she was fishing for was Macrobrachium, which was not that heavy. After the water was poured out, she could stuff a handful of mulberry leaves into it without fear of the shrimps jumping out.

"Thank you sister."

Zhang Jin offered his hand, and the two of them carried the bucket together and walked slowly behind their old parents who were leaning together.

On the way, I met a familiar old man and old woman and greeted them politely.

"Hello, Grandpa~~Hello, Madam~~"

After receiving numerous compliments and praises, the two little guys became even more energetic and followed their parents much faster.

Because of Zhang Haonan's arrogance and rudeness, the people at the General Administration of Sports treated him better, and the capable country bumpkin won the respect of "Master Jing".

It's not because of money.

Money or not is not important, the main thing is that heroes cherish heroes.

On the same day, I was able to make a decision and flew directly to Songjiang. I arrived in Shacheng at 5:30 in the afternoon, and then started a negotiation plan with the "Shashi Group" and "Xuanniao Culture".

The reason why we are negotiating with "Shashi Group" and "Xuanniao Culture" is because Changgong Shoe Factory has not established any sub-brands and has not completed its corporatization.

After Ding Yong invited people from the capital to have a meal, Zhang Jishen participated in the negotiations as his deputy, mainly because he was relatively familiar with the organizational processes of various central departments, and many doubts could be explained directly to Ding Yong.

Zhang Haonan, who still hasn't appeared, does not mean that he will continue to show off, but as the helmsman of a leading agricultural and sideline products export and processing company in the Yangtze River Delta region, he has to attend an important agricultural and sideline products academic industry conference.

The "Pujiang No. 1" cultivated by Songjiang Fisheries University was selected last year and will be promoted this year. According to the plan, it will increase revenue by one billion. But this plan is to replace all bream farming in the country with "Pujiang No. 1".

There must be some in the dream of One Billion.

In reality... Even if other "Wuchang fish" farmers changed their species last year, there would still be a process. There are not many people who dare to go directly to the wide water surface area for breeding these days.

And Songjiang Fisheries University had some disadvantages, so it was easy to find the best actor in Xinwen Network through layers of connections. Then the instructions given there were just to find Zhang Haonan directly.

So there was a trip where Boss Zhang fished for crayfish and ate "Wuchang fish".

"Wuchang fish" is not in Wuchang Lake... It doesn't seem to matter. Anyway, they are all bream, and they are also Yangtze River water. If you eat them at Songjiang Fisheries University, it won't have any impact.

Anyway, the people from the General Administration of Sports had no objection, and said that Boss Zhang must eat and drink well, and Comrade Liu Fei was not in a hurry about commercial operations, not at all.

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