The dinner brought by An Duxiu included, in addition to people from the Songjiang School, a few old men who had retired from Factory 109.

There is nothing special about the status of these old men, except that they can chat with the Best Actor of Xinwen Network. After all, they sang "Turandot" together at the Xishan Hotel.

During this period, Zhang Haonan linked up the causes and consequences of the incident, and discovered that although the government and the school attached great importance to this matter, "嘁婷偓偓" was just regarded as a normal scientific research investment.

Guo Wei also wanted to do some wireless value-added services with Liangjiang Mobile Company, or directly jointly provide some recharge.

Gein Guowei wants to turn "Magic Three Kingdoms" into an online game, and it will be an online game in three versions.

One is the adventure game of "Dungeons and Dragons", but it is not complicated. The selling point is not the world view of the game, but the battle system, that is, PK; the other is a casual game, which was found on the derivative RPG "Guardian Diao Chan" Inspiration is currently in trial operation of the "Panda Battle Platform", and the proportion of female players reaches an astonishing 46%.

Because of this, the original plan of selling meat was changed to a fashionable and cute style, and the first official game store was opened.

The third type is a role-playing game with a rich worldview. This is a big project. Guo Wei reported it to Zhang Haonan, and Zhang Haonan let him do it casually. It is reasonable to burn tens of millions every year.

While burning money, they also want to make money, and cooperation with mobile companies is one of them. It happened that the person in charge of the Chuzhou Customer Service Center of Liangjiang Mobile Company also wanted to make a contribution, and the wireless business expansion of Huaban Company was going smoothly, so the three parties As a basis, projects led by Liangjiang University of Technology and involving the Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology, Songjiang Jiaotong University, Aurora University, Jiankang University and state-owned companies in various cities were connected in this way.

Many sub-projects do not require R\u0026D and are ready-made. In fact, there were more than 200 sets of mobile terminals in Europe last year that passed European standards. In addition, Songjiang State-owned Assets Company and Songjiang Microelectronics have a good relationship with Frank. This is also Why did An Duxiu say they could buy Alcatel’s patent assets?

Many historical events are accidental, of course there is also inevitability, but Zhang Haonan caught up.

Guo Wei himself didn't think about how much money he could make. That was just because Guo Wei's working environment was completely out of touch with this thing.

With Zhang Haonan's channel strength and personal connections, if he can find someone to promote this new integrated solution, there will be many domestic companies interested in making domestic mobile phones.

It can be said that this "cash cow" is not simple.

But asking Zhang Haonan to make mobile phones and sell them by himself, I'm sorry, I'm not interested.

The company that sells the best domestic mobile phones these days ranks fifth in the country in terms of market share, with a total of about three million domestic mobile phones.

At this time, the domestic mobile phone assembly volume is about to reach 100 million, a difference of more than 10 million, but it is only a quarter.

China's share of global mobile phone manufacturing is about 20 points. From the perspective of the industrial chain structure, it is just about making some hard money.

Zhang Haonan has no interest in doing this job, but An Duxiu and other old comrades have great ideas.

People from the first institute also expressed emotion to Zhang Haonan, probably because the growth rate of domestic mobile phone users is not as good as that of Latin America...

Don't blame this group of scientists for lamenting that their eyes have always been on Europe, America, Latin America... What is that? Aren’t those brothers from the third world class?

In short, it is such a complicated mentality, so I really hope that Zhang Haonan can spend a lot of money and take a small bite of high value-added industries.

It doesn’t need to be too big, just a little bit will do.

At the same time, the overseas business manager of Songjiang State-owned Assets Company also joked and said kindly to Zhang Haonan: "Mr. Zhang, products like mobile phones can promote the development of our high-tech industry. Like cars, they are highly integrated. The industrial chain involved in products and the entire system engineering is very large and can create a lot of jobs..."

Zhang Haonan immediately dismissed these as farts. He was still not interested, so he said directly: "To be honest, even if I sell mobile phones, I can earn a thousand yuan per phone. The best-selling domestic mobile phone last year was There’s no one with a price over one million, right? I’ll just calculate it as one million, which is only one billion. I might as well sell Crocs.”




Everyone here is aware of the current situation. The four best-selling mobile phone manufacturers are all foreign. "Sable" and "Calvin" are the standard equipment for everyone at today's dinner.

Has anyone used domestically produced ones?


Isn't it easy to use?


It’s made in China and it’s too cheap…

What about your “fighter on your phone”?

Why don't I spend three thousand yuan to buy a "sable" 8850 metal slider?

Of course, this reason will be silly twenty years later, but it is so hard now.

Before his rebirth, Zhang Haonan also used the flip cover of "Calvin" to inform the two Huang Youwei brothers to change the size of the flange, not for any other reason, just to show off the moment when the cover was closed...

"Mr. Zhang, you are a powerful figure in the international arena. Your business is spread all over the world. If you can't sell it domestically, you can still sell it abroad. You can definitely do what others can't do."


This time it was Zhang Haonan's turn.

What the hell? !

Do you think I, Zhang Haonan, am some kind of ultimate creature?

I have that kind of ability, why should I talk about tossing cans with Maozi?

Before Zhang Haonan could say that this was all nonsense, An Duxiu said immediately: "How about you contribute a little bit? The school can get a little more funds. The University of Science and Technology, Jiaotong University and Aurora also want to have talent pipelines and expand scientific research. Scope. For this matter, many senior students at MIT also helped contact some overseas investment institutions. At the alumni meeting of the University of Pennsylvania, a classmate of Lao Liu introduced a large customer who wanted to enter the Chinese market. However, The other party is mainly in the real estate and hotel industry, so it’s a bit uninteresting.”

The "Old Liu" the leader was talking about at this time was referring to Liu Chen. Liu Chen had been to the University of Pennsylvania for a little more than a year, so it was normal to have such an overseas channel.

Overseas investors who want to enter the Chinese market include, in addition to multinational corporate groups, North American rich and powerful.

Among them, MIT's science and technology projects are an important platform, which can be regarded as the link between the academic circle and the capital circle, and the alumni associations of each university are the buffer zone.

The academic exchanges and personal connections between China and America are basically concentrated on "high-end, sophisticated" people, those who can fly and bomb, and the two can overlap 70% to 80%.

"I'm not a principal. Selling mobile phones is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. I don't want to make such troublesome money, and I'm exhausted and have to worry about it. I'm already in my twenties, and I plan to retire when I'm thirty."




The chopsticks in An Duxiu's hand almost broke.

Obviously, the master's palm is very hard now!

And Zhang Haonan's words also shocked everyone who was eating. They almost forgot, this kid is only twenty-one!

Magical, so magical!

The people at Songjiang State-owned Assets Company felt that they had been killed by dogs when they were young. Others were as rich as their country at the age of 21. Why did they want to "shoot their wives" on Xueyuan Road in the capital?

Zhang Haonan's big principle is to make money without thinking...

Making money by using your brain is very boring.

I've been reborn and still work overtime... Doesn't that mean I'm not reborn?

"You should have a bigger picture. The country now needs such an increase in emerging industries..."

"I'm not the principal. We've known each other for so long. My son can even catch crayfish. You still don't know my pattern?"


An Duxiu's old face fell, he picked up a chopstick and braised black bamboo shoots in oil, chewed it expressionlessly for a while, took a sip of wine and said with dull eyes: "I made the mistake of speculative adventurism. After all, I am older." I forgot that my students have no structure at all. I am probably going to retire..."


Seeing that the leader still had the energy to have fun, Zhang Haonan smiled and said: "Okay, okay, introduce this person to me, and I'll see if there is a basis for cooperation. If it is feasible to go overseas, I will take the job. But Let me first state that I really do not recommend producing mobile phones by yourself. It is good to find someone to make them. Now that OEMs are so mature, why bother to end up on your own? And if you produce your own mobile phones, what kind of integrated solution do you come up with? Look, no one may be willing to place an order.”

"You said so! I didn't force you!"

Seeing that Zhang Haonan still respects the elderly and loves the young after all, Boss An was immediately overjoyed. He actually picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for Zhang Haonan, talking while pouring it, "In terms of industrial implementation, many departments are still coordinating, and it is not a matter of a day or two. , you don’t want to be too busy, this can be easily solved, just borrow people from Songjiang. What you did in Jiankang, just do it again in Songjiang, isn’t that enough?”

"I'm just worried that the Songjiang government won't release him."

"Don't let him go?! How dare they not let him go! From the Finance Bureau to the Port Authority, who at our table doesn't speak with some weight? Besides, organizational tasks are work, and work should be taken seriously. We must complete the tasks assigned by the organization carefully and carefully.”

Leader An, who was not very domineering, finally has a bit of "domineering spirit" now. Think about it, the old man is also a senior cadre.

The levels of HKUST, Jiaotong University, and Aurora are just a little bit higher, and they already have the right to bark, not to mention that the characteristic of universities is that they can shake people off at any time.

Especially Jiaotong University...

Seeing that Zhang Haonan was willing to make money for his comrades, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The overseas business manager of Songjiang State-owned Assets Company even said without conscience that there was a place with many beauties, and they were very big... probably because he was afraid that Zhang Haonan would turn around and run away. .

Zhang Haonan did not leave Songjiang directly, but went to the "Sha Shi Building". After all, the information about the University of Pennsylvania Alumni Association was also sent to the "Sha Shi Building".

As An Duxiu said, Liu Chen's classmate does have a big client. There is no doubt that he is also an alumnus of the University of Pennsylvania. Of course, it is the Wharton School of Business.

Ignoring other documents and materials, Boss Zhang was immediately shocked when he looked up and saw "DJT"...

What the hell?

The big client who is very interested in the Chinese market and wants to find investment channels is this guy named Donald?


What can I say, at this moment, Zhang Haonan felt that the way headed by An was quite wild.

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