I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 537 A little excitement

"You know, I have always been very professional in the diversification of investments. The 'China trip' not long ago was a great inspiration to me. The most impressive thing about me is that the Chinese people respect me very much. I mean , very, very respected, even the best entrepreneurs among them..."

"Can you tell us who it is, sir?"

"Oh no, I'm sorry this is a privacy issue, privacy issue, you know, so as for who it is, I can only say it is a big company, a multinational company, a very big company. And a very powerful one. Big shot, he discussed with me for many days about business models, investment strategies, modern management, etc..."

"Is there cooperation, sir?"

"I can't say, you know, business secrets, but he is an industrialist, just like Rockefeller, DuPont or other big shots many years ago. But he is not very familiar with securities investment, so he asked me a lot, You know, I also made money in the stock market, a lot of money, that's a lot of money. So I'm still very professional in this area. I talked a lot with him about my experience, and he said I was 'Wo The combination of Lun' and 'Jesse'..."

In the lobby of the Doral Golf Resort and Spa, the golden-haired old man chatted and boasted to reporters. In terms of "bragging", the golden-haired old man had reached a certain height.

At least the reporters were stunned.

It's quite nice to take a vacation in Miami in September, and the golden retriever came here to see if it was possible to buy one or two resort hotels.

Because he feels that if he makes larger overseas investments in the future and welcomes overseas partners to America, he can definitely make a fortune in this area.

And it can also create a reputation internationally.

At the same time, I like golf, so it makes sense to come to Doral in Miami.

Close to the airport, close to the beach, close to bikinis...perfect.

One thing to say is that the tanned girls here have really great figures. The golden-haired old man feels like he is rejuvenated again. He likes fat girls.

Suddenly I thought of the Chinese "Sigel". He also likes big things. This is good. He is a real man.

"So will you go to China to invest?"

"Why not? Everyone will invest in China, and I tell you, no one understands China's investment environment better than me. It's very good, I mean very, very good. There's electricity, there's roads, there's workers, it's clean. Water, plenty of food... I think as long as the strategy is correct, you can definitely make money."

"But according to environmental protection..."

"Please, this is business, this is just business, forget about environmental protection or other things. I don't mean that environmental protection is bad, but it cannot be said together. That is another matter to discuss. Just like I am My Chinese partner, he is an industrialist, but he will also ask me for advice on securities investment."

"OK, sir, we still have..."

"Sorry, I'm going to play golf. Goodbye."

"Wait sir, sir, sir, last question, last question..."

However, the golden-haired old man has left, wearing a golf hat. Today he will transform into "Tiger" Woods!

But when he thought of "Tiger", he thought of "Sigel" again.

After returning to China, Sichuan Province commissioned a business survey company to conduct surveys in Russia and other CIS countries. The feedback surprised him.

SF Group occupies a large share of the commercial business for enterprises, and also performs well in the business for individuals.

It's just that SF Group has not yet developed a terminal brand for consumer business and has not invested in Ross's consumer market.

In addition, ugly things like "crocs" are actually the property of the owner of SF Group. An old man with golden hair also wore a pair and walked around the Palm Beach in Miami...it felt good.

It's a bit ugly, but it's comfortable, convenient and even light. It's not as heavy as ordinary convenient slippers, so you can wear it freely.

These extremely ugly shoes have a market potential of at least one billion US dollars.

One billion dollars...

The golden-haired old man was greedy at that time.

Although he spent hundreds of thousands in consulting fees, it was all worth it, especially since he also knew that "Sigel" had a security company called LoongShield, which made him feel more at ease.

The reporters were still lingering at the Doral Golf Resort, but they could only take photos from a distance, and there was no way they could go in again.

While chatting with the assistant, the assistant reminded the golden retriever old man that the files were left in the office.

"Which document, Joe?"

"Have you forgotten? 'Sigel' said he would give you a share of 100,000 US dollars. The contract will be ready when we leave China."

"Aha, I remembered."

The golden-haired old man nodded immediately, "That little game."

"Yes, there may be tens of thousands of dollars left, but it's not bad anyway."

"Why? Will you definitely lose money?"


Swinging, hitting the ball, covering the sun with his hands, the golden-haired old man asked as he looked at the trajectory of the ball in the distance.

"'Put option.'"


The old man with golden hair laughed loudly and pointed his fingers as he walked, "Count it on you, Joe, I'll give you half."

"Thank you very much, Don. Maybe I can go to Hawaii with my family this month."

"have fun."

At the same time, in the Middle East Office of the Intelligence Analysis Center in Washington, several people who were eating pizza took off their badges and loosened their ties. After someone pressed the Enter key on the keyboard, he turned his chair while holding the pizza and asked: "Are those bugs so busy every day?"

“Every minute of every day.”

"Do you want to reply?"

"That's the job...eh?"

Suddenly, the middle-aged man who spoke looked shocked, "They didn't add sausage!!!"

"Damn it, why did the pizza feel weird today?"

"Forget it, let Harley help file a complaint."


Everything is business as usual, there are still various organizations plotting terrorist attacks busy, like worker ants in an ant colony, there are too many to count.

Let the observers be surprised.

It's just like daily life.

Of course, because of the rich information, many people have made a fortune and made a lot of money. By the way, they have also accumulated a lot of funds for the department.

World fucking peace, the intelligence guys in Washington ordered a cup of coffee with, of course, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar...

"Wow, it's so painful."

Zhao Feiyan, who stuck out her tongue, really couldn't stand Zhang Haonan's behavior of drinking bitter coffee and noodles like water. At the Shacheng store of "Katyusha", Zhang Haonan calmly drank a cup. Zhao Feiyan thought it had added sugar, but it made her bitter. Almost vomited.

"Is there something wrong with you? Didn't you like to drink without adding anything in the past? I followed you and drank like this."

"That was before I got pregnant. I was still a young girl at that time."

"A girl drinks without sugar? What about you now?"

"I am a young woman now."


As she spoke, Zhao Feiyan winked at him, "Master~~Isn't this slave's family beautiful~~"

"You can just call me Da Lang."

The two of them did not speak in dialect, but in Mandarin, and the flirtatious tone suddenly became literary. If it were in dialect, it really lacked tone. Of course, if the little lady from Gusu acted coquettishly, Boss Zhang would reluctantly accept it.

"If a dog can't spit out ivory, then you are Pan Jinlian!"

"Not bad, not bad. It's different after you go to university. Your cultural level is better."

He smiled, calmly picked up the coffee and took a sip. The store was very busy at this time, and they queued up to get a seat. Zhang Ranyu and Zhang Jin were playing on the slide in the children's area, although the slide was exactly the same as the one at home. , but it seems I just can’t get enough of it.

As soon as the summer vacation comes, "Katyusha" becomes very popular. Although the second store in Shacheng is still under preparation, there are really many people looking forward to it.

KFC's daily sales are now only seven or eight points higher than "Katyusha", which is almost the same. Mainly because employees of "Satisfactory Department" like to go to "Katyusha", while ordinary employees of "Safa Food Department" like to go to "Katyusha" The ability itself is high, so even without the psychological bonus of blind worship brought by foreign brands, consumption habits have been formed peacefully.

The driving role is basically promoted by the employees of the "Sha Shi Department". This is what the "acquaintance society" is like. You don't need to brag, just see it with your eyes.

If there are people who work at "Shacheng Food" in a village, they all know that their salary is high, so they will naturally envy them. And what they envy is not only their high salary, but their invisible consumption habits are also a kind of stimulation.

Therefore, even if there is no price war, "Katyusha" occasionally offers small promotions and small products, which is always fresh.

For products like "ice cream soda", different fruit pulps are poured on top of the milkshake, which means different flavors.

The promotion of this series of small products is a big advantage for "Katyusha" because "Shashi Group" has a large number of jam product lines, such as orange jam, which is divided into two categories: lime and sweet orange.

Theoretically, one flavor of "Ice Cream Soda" can be launched every month. The promotion in September is the grape-flavored "Ice Cream Soda", and the form advertisement is "Grape Tornado", and then the fruit pulp on the milkshake is A big close-up.

After the two children got tired of playing, they quickly put on their shoes and came over to have a drink.

"Ha...it's ice cold."

The orange soda tasted quite refreshing. Zhang Jin blew the bubbles with a smile, and Zhang Ranyu followed suit. When the lid squeaked, the two of them burst into laughter.

After they had eaten and drank enough and took a pee, the family of four pushed out the door and each put on their own pair of sunglasses. The bodyguard who was blowing the air conditioner in the car was extremely speechless.

Instead of going home directly, I went to Shacheng Park, mainly because it was cooler there, next to the canal, and with lush vegetation, it was a pretty good place to cool off.

Going to the mall is fun, but every time Zhang Jin goes to the mall, she wants to play with Transformers or an excavator. This makes Zhao Feiyan extremely painful, so she might as well come to the park to rest.

When Zhang Jin and Zhang Ranyu went to find Zhiliao Ke to catch the weaver girl, Zhao Feiyan sat down on the lounge chair, put on her sunhat and leaned on Zhang Haonan's shoulder.

"It's very hot, Boss Zhao."

"Where's the heat? Do you dislike me?"

"Fuck you, go back and fuck you to death."

"Let's go, let's go back now!"


"Come on, I just want to experience how to be fucked to death."


Zhang Haonan was too lazy to argue with her, so he picked up the drink and continued drinking.

"Give me a drink."


"Bah! There's something wrong with you, Zhang Haonan, why is the coffee still bitter! You didn't even remind me!"

"You didn't ask."


Zhao Feiyan glared at him, then rummaged through the drink cans, found her son's, picked it up and started smoking.

As for her daughter's, she really didn't want to reason with Zhang Jin, because Zhang Jin would take the trouble to tell her: Mom, we can't reuse straws that others have used. It's unhygienic. We should...

Bala, bala, bala, every time I think of that scene, Zhao Feiyan shudders, not knowing what happened, trying to reason with herself day by day.

It's better for my son.

"By the way, wife, let me tell you something."

"What's the matter? Are you interested in a little girl? Are her breasts big?"

"The money thing."

Zhang Haonan glanced at her, "Am I a casual person? I don't even look at beautiful women with no characteristics."

"Yes, the characteristic is that it is very big, right?"

"Do you listen or not? This is big money."

"Tell me, what did you do and how many billions did you earn?"

A pair of big eyes flashed, pretending to stare at Zhang Haonan seriously.

"Damn it, I'm going to fuck you to death if you take drugs when you go back!"

"You are already using high technology at such a young age. Tsk tsk, 'Brother Haonan' from Class 1 is not going to do anything..."


Raising his hand to give her a chestnut, Zhang Haonan leaned back on the park bench and said, "The largest sum may be four to five billion euros. Secondly, there is..."

puff! !

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Zhao Feiyan squirted the drink in one sip, causing her pink-as-snow neck to turn red. Zhang Haonan stroked her chest and patted her back for a while before she finally recovered.

"How much? How much did you say?"

"The largest investment, or the largest portfolio investment, is about 4 billion to 5 billion euros. The rest are very complicated, including South Korea, Wonu, Liuqiu, Xiangjiang, Paris, London and other markets. The rest There is also the exchange difference. It’s hard to say the specifics of Brescia, but there should be 11% to 18% of the income. Add in the domestic commission fee, anyway, it will be a lot of money, all added up. I can’t estimate it, but you have to be mentally prepared, you won’t be able to lose all this money in a few lifetimes, unless someone wants to kill you.”


Zhang Haonan said calmly, while Zhao Feiyan's eyes changed from shock to confusion, and then became as charming as silk...

"Husband... you don't have to go home."

"Why don't you go home?"

"Fuck me to death? You can do it here..."


Zhao Feiyan, who was trembling with excitement, felt that she had reached her peak now, and her whole body felt refreshed from the inside out.

She had no doubt that Zhang Haonan was bragging. She believed in every word Zhang Haonan said at any time and in any place.

"Get fucking normal."

"No, hubby, I'm crazy about you~~"

The two got together again. Zhang Jin, who caught a weaver not far away, poked his head out from behind the bushes, and then chuckled: "Shameful face, shameful face~~"

Zhao Feiyan suddenly felt that the atmosphere was gone. Damn little girl, get married in twenty years!

After calming down a little, Zhao Feiyan held her son's drink with trembling hands. She was still calculating how much money it would cost.

Then she couldn't stop smiling, she was so happy.

But soon she became nervous again: "Husband, with so much money... you can't just get it back casually, right?"

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem. My order is nothing, just a drop in the bucket."

"A drop in the bucket?!"


Evaporating five trillion...is equivalent to sinking the Japanese slaves.

Such a big movement.

A mere four billion and a half billion euros is nothing at all, but Zhang Haonan's shop casts a wide net, so the total amount is considerable.

Zhao Feiyan didn't want to ask further questions about what happened. It was none of her business anyway. She was the one responsible for spending money on the family and saving more money for her son.

After all, her son is sixty years old, so she is probably still alive.

After returning, Zhao Feiyan couldn't wait any longer and took Zhang Haonan to the bathroom to take a bath. Her plan to have a second child this year had not been successful, which was a kind of anxiety.

After checking, it was found that there was no fart problem, so Zhao Feiyan guessed that the essence had been sucked away by those little bitches.

Today, I have to suck it myself!

He is still far away from the age of sitting on the ground and sucking dirt. Boss Zhao, who is diligent in exercising, easily beat up the strong Boss Zhang and vomited him.

Business competition is so cruel. If you are not strong enough, just strengthen yourself.

It's a pity that Zhang Haonan, who talks about taking drugs, actually doesn't have any at home, so he has to take care of himself if something happens.

"Husband, with so much money, if we invest it back and inflate it a little bit, five times...it won't turn from two to three tens of billions into over one hundred billion. If this goes public again...wow, that's really scary."

Boss Zhao, who only dares to increase the leverage by five times, cannot imagine what level of expansion it will be. She feels that "Xuanniao Culture" is really weak...

Spending millions and tens of millions in the entertainment industry is like a retard.

What a difference.

Leaning on Zhang Haonan's chest, hearing the familiar strong heartbeat, Zhao Feiyan rubbed her cheek, then jumped excitedly, turned over and kissed Zhang Haonan a few times: "Then I won't buy it with my eyes closed in the future. Something?"

"Didn't you buy it with your eyes closed now?"

"Oh, I used to have a little bit of brains. I mean, I can buy them without thinking in the future. Airplanes, yachts... bah, what yachts, cruise ships! Just buy them if you like them."

"Why don't you buy a satellite rocket?"

"Yes, buy rockets and satellites. I bought a satellite specifically to play "Huan Zhu Ge Ge"!"

"I'll buy a damn missile to knock down your satellite! Can you put something good in your head?"


The speechless Zhao Feiyan started to go crazy again, twisting like a maggot on Zhang Haonan's body. After a little stimulation, she took it out with her little hand, smiled and fucked him again.

Anyway, he didn't go downstairs until dinner. Zhang Haonan was still sleeping at around nine o'clock in the night. Zhao Feiyan felt refreshed and told Zhao Dai that if she wanted to have another baby next year, she could pay more.

"One ten million? Isn't it five million?"

"My business is good now, and I have more money than I can use up. Hurry up and give birth to a second child next year. Shen Jinman is a very clever woman. She is so virtuous. If she coaxes Zhang Nan a little, she might sleep in Daqiao Town every day. Yes. Hurry up and don’t forget it.”

"I was quite interested in her this year, but I didn't even get pregnant."

"It's better not to try your best and do something when you have time. If you do well, I will give you a big red envelope next year and the year after that."

In a good mood, Zhao Feiyan reminded Zhao Dai, and then drew a super big pie. Zhao Dai was obedient, but when she thought of one of ten million, she suddenly became full of fighting spirit. She was previously worried that Zhao Feiyan would kill her son and daughter, who are now two years old. Now, the older two children are pretty good to me, so I feel relieved.

Ten million...

After thinking about it, Zhao Dai subconsciously rubbed her legs against each other. When she went upstairs to see Zhang Haonan, who was still sleeping soundly, she was a little excited.

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