I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 540 Isn’t that bold?

On September 15, the Liuqiu stock market had lost 20% of its total market value at the beginning of the year. Xiao Linwang, who was still eating braised pork rice in Liubei City, now just wanted to go to China to kowtow to "Kami Sama". For The other locals have no interest in fawning over them, they just mean that they have ideas from all sides and will consider them...

At the same time, Britain's FTSE fell hard, but compared with the unlucky guy across the sea, it was still more comfortable.

Deutsche DAX has fallen the hardest among the world's major economies.

Schroeder held an emergency meeting. It was not safe and their defeated country had no right to talk nonsense, so they thought about how to stop the loss.

The initial plan is to find a safe haven.

The "yearly coins" given to America are definitely indispensable, but in terms of manufacturing, we can think of ways.

The government has increased the budget, but it does not benefit all of Germany. Instead, it will transfer some mass consumer goods industries, the main category of which is home appliances.

During this period, Zhang Haonan's vest in Berlin commissioned a lobbying agency to help with the matchmaking and wanted to "order some French fries." However, the other party was still the same as before and directly handed over the embargo list.

In fact, this is also Germany's helplessness. Even if some technologies are advanced, the market benefits are not available in the local market, such as high-speed railways, aircraft, heavy-haul railways, freight management systems, etc.

These are all good technologies, but... Germany is too small. Unless the Eurozone is your own garden, that would be a bit messy.

However, there are a lot of messes in the Eurozone. On the road to "unifying the Eurozone" relying on economic power, Schroeder himself cannot be independent at all. After Zhang Haonan's vest in Berlin conducted an investigation and analyzed the report to Boss Zhang, Zhang Haonan felt that Schroeder Rhodes didn't have much to do either.

Ever since Schroeder advocated relaxing the occupational protection laws for small businesses to lay off employees, there have been various minor issues, but one thing is certain that this wave of transfer of "low-end" manufacturing should be an established fact.

This situation will definitely attract the attention of many late-developing countries, and it is inevitable to compete for the transfer of this part of the manufacturing industry.

However, Zhang Haonan didn't care about this. Anyway, the dogs in Germany were all impotent, and there was no need for further contact. Unless the country took action, then there could still be cooperation.

On September 16, government delegations from Jiankang, Gusu, Liangxi, Piling and other places visited Shacheng, saying that they wanted to strengthen economic exchanges in the Jiangnan region and promote the long-term development of the region...

The actual situation is that they gathered around Boss Zhang at the resort to inquire about things, and then asked Boss Zhang to firmly believe that his hometown is very promising and worthy of heavy investment.

At a time when the concept of "Liangjiang people" is almost a pseudo-concept, around Zhang Haonan, the abstract concept that his hometown is Liangjiang has been re-established.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that there are overseas asset acquisitions? Is there anything about technology patents?"

After preparing a table of river delicacies, there was no struggle for power and profit during the meal. There is no need to consider how much of this situation can be realized. Anyway, the thirteen cities in Liangjiang Province already know that Boss Zhang has received a consulting fee of 100 million from the country.

Money is not important.

Proof of payment, that invoice...

Very important.

Zoom in, zoom in, and zoom in again until you can see every print clearly, and then hang it on the wall.

Any "financial tycoon" can only stop eating when he comes.

"Home appliances, automobiles, microelectronics, semiconductors, IC design, packaging technology... there are all sorts of things. Anyway, just spending money, a total of six to seven billion U.S. dollars, which is not much money, only about 5 billion. "




Boss Zhang, who was talking about the snails, didn't care at all about the complicated expressions of the top leaders of the four prefecture-level cities. Speaking of which, these snails were not simple at all. Zhang Jishen specially asked people to transport the snails from Kecheng to Shacheng in aquatic products transport trucks.

This green-shelled snail growing in clear water is the best snail. Due to its variety, it is incomparable to all other freshwater snails.

But that's not the point.

The point is, "Daoji" learned to flatter.

Boss Zhang was very pleased.

Progress has been made.

Faced with Zhang Haonan's airy appearance, the four prefecture-level city residents looked at each other. They didn't know what was going on on September 11th. Because they were not at a high level, they could only find out some information through their own channels.

After asking around, I found out that the big boss of Songjiang City specifically hosted the meeting, using the conference hall of the Shacheng City Government.

I don’t know what he said. I only know that Boss Zhang received a consulting fee of 100 million from the state.

This is enough!

I dare not think of anything more.

But now Zhang Haonan is talking six to seven billion dollars, which makes the whole dinner...no, the whole meeting a bit cold.

As for Jiankang, they are just thinking about adding more firewood to the LCD panel factory to make it prosperous.

It's much simpler here in Suzhou. I'm just thinking about building the "Gusu Industrial Park". This request... is already too much.

I never expected that they were superficial.

Comrade Liu Chen, deputy mayor of Suzhou, who was accompanying the party and was drinking, asked: "Don't pretend to be too hasty, tell me what you do... Wait a minute, you don't need to say what you do. Just tell me how much money you have now or Equivalent amounts of equipment assets and technical assets, what I mean is that they can be used by everyone to work together."

"Can't say."

Zhang Haonan took a bite of snail meat and looked at Liu Chen, "I really can't say, and maybe I will only be a member of an overseas visiting group when I go abroad in the future."

"Did you hit the World Trade Center?"

Liu Chen was speechless, but he was really curious. What did this kid do?

But no one asked about it. Firstly, there is no need now, and secondly, the focus is on investment. It doesn’t matter if Zhang Haonan steals or robs, if the money obtained by his ability can be used legally, then it is good money!

At the same time, government delegations from Yandu, Chongzhou, Chuzhou, Pengcheng, and Zhongwu cities went to Songjiang. Instead of going to the Songjiang City Government for alms, they had a meal with Jiang Shanghai, the president of the Universe Bank. meal.

The reason for this friendship is a long story, and it is also related to the business of Songjiang City Bank. Many old revolutionaries in this line came from the same army.

Zhang Haonan said at the meeting that as long as he was introduced by Cosmos Bank, he could negotiate for less than 100 million euros. The news got out, but not much. It was basically just a greeting in the old relationship between six provinces and one city in East China.

No details were mentioned, especially the figure "100 million euros" was not mentioned. Anyway, when greeting, it was just to let the comrades think boldly.

Think boldly and confidently.

Open your mind to thinking without hesitation or fear.

Then Pengcheng, who has the biggest appetite, is thinking about building a generator set for the entire ten million...

The Songjiang leadership team who attended the meeting that day were speechless.

The hints are so obvious, your boldness is ten million? !

Chongzhou is separated from Songjiang by a river, and the result is worse than Pengcheng. I just thought about whether to start a whole pig farm again.

Just leave it to Waisha City, and it will also be included in Songjiang City’s “vegetable basket” in the future.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of being an official and beheading people, one of the deputy mayors laughed angrily and really wanted to behead all the way from the Huangpu River to Lusi Port Pier.

Pig farm...

Fortunately, Jiang Shanghai, the leader of Cosmos, was very polite. This time, the international business, especially the European business, was quite successful. I don’t know if it is unprecedented, but it is unprecedented.

He is quite aware of how much money Boss Zhang has made from his crazy business in Europe. According to the country's current foreign exchange of more than 200 billion US dollars, Boss Zhang's size is like a prince of a foreign vassal.

Therefore, if "Dashuai Zhang" gives face like this, he can't just say that he will just give away billions of euros to his comrades happily.

This performance still depends on the overall situation. His personal suggestion is to think more about infrastructure construction based on the needs of national development.

One thing to say, Jiang Shanghai has actually hinted very clearly at this moment, that is, we can liberalize the whole highway, railway, port, airport... As long as you dare to think, you can apply to the country, and we will not say whether it will be approved or not. , Anyway, the money... is really there.

Then the government delegations from these five prefecture-level cities, after asking for instructions from their leaders, felt that they must be leaders with courage.

So the most arrogant one is Chuzhou: Give me the entire two-way two-lane road from northeast to southwest!

Fuck you!

Jiang Shanghai felt that these people from Liangjiang Province didn't know "Dashuai Zhang"?

Impossible. In Andong County in Chuzhou, doesn’t “Dashuai Zhang” have a senior at the grassroots level?

So is this to save money for "Dashuai Zhang"?

"Comrades, in fact, in the future, we will still have quite ample funds. We can't just consider whether it is enough now, but we must also think about the future and have a little more margin. If we develop well in the future, this will not be a problem. I suddenly felt pressure."

In his conscience, it was enough for Jiang Shanghai to think about his majestic head of the Universe and come here to chat with people about this bird egg.

He couldn't say clearly that "Dashuai Zhang" could throw away 30 billion without fluttering his eyelids. Who dares to talk nonsense about this? Be responsible.

But this thing really made him want to rip his scalp off!

Because Chuzhou, the most arrogant city, has added two more lanes to the two-way lanes.

The other four delegations also looked at them with surprise, and the momentum of the Chuzhou delegation had an abstract sense of "isn't it very bold?"

The abstraction of government delegations from various parts of Liangjiang Province is also normal. After all, Suzhou's GDP last year was only 150 billion.

Jiang Shanghai estimated that "Dashuai Zhang" was the real "Su Bancheng", and it was pure cash.

If the "Shashi Department" were also put into operation, what would happen to "Zhang Bansheng"? No, it's probably "save half a card".

"Well, let me give you a suggestion. It's not a suggestion, it's just an explanation. Today, in fact, government comrades from the four places of Jiankang, Gusu, Liangxi, and Piling are all meeting in Shacheng. My thoughts Well, should comrades also go take a look, listen, and then have actual contact and exchanges, and then we can discuss it after we have confidence?"

As a matter of fact, I really don’t want to hear any more nonsense about adding two lanes!

What nonsense is there two lanes and four lanes in each direction? Think boldly, comrades!

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