I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 573 A mouthful of Coke

"...We must further cultivate domestic demand and strive to increase the income of urban and rural residents, especially low-income earners. Continue to implement proactive fiscal policies, continue to issue long-term construction treasury bonds, maintain necessary investment incentives, and achieve sustained and rapid growth of the national economy..."

"... Expand employment and maintain social stability. It is necessary to select accurate investment projects, pay attention to investment efficiency, and avoid ineffective investment and unreasonable duplication of construction. It is necessary to establish a public finance framework, optimize the fiscal expenditure structure, and ensure that expenditures on social security and rural tax reform . It is necessary to improve and stabilize the tax system and strengthen tax collection and management..."

It was also a multi-department meeting. Zhang Haonan, as a "casual person", sat with a group of experts, some of whom had a bad relationship with him because Zhang Haonan had criticized them at the internal reference of Liangjiang Province and the "Yangtze River Agriculture Forum".

However, under the framework of the Government Affairs Council, verbal sparring is nothing. The butt determines the head. Occasionally, there will be special situations where "everyone has his own master".

Zhang Haonan did not attend the previous monetary policy meeting and did not need to, because the country was "rich" in the fourth quarter of this year.

Next year's infrastructure investment will cover six provinces and one city in East China and one Central Plains province, which will be very beautiful.

As long as Zhang Haonan doesn't treason, it won't be a big problem.

The branch meeting is mainly to further deepen the rural issues discussed over the three days.

It's very particular, and it also has something to say.

After all, Zhang Haonan also has some favors in Xiangtai, so it's not a big problem to sit here and let people take a picture of "Haonan listening to the waves."

"The central task of rural economic work in the new stage is to vigorously adjust the agricultural structure and do everything possible to increase farmers' income..."

The theme of the meeting is this: how to increase farmers' income.

All the experts present at the meeting, except Zhang Haonan, were actually not qualified to speak.

Others are poor and vain, but Comrade Zhang Haonan...he is practical.

And the results are outstanding.

"...Agricultural industrialization management is an important way to promote the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure, and it should be regarded as a major event in agriculture and rural economic work. Supporting industrialization means supporting agriculture, and supporting leading enterprises means supporting farmers..."

For this reason, Zhang Haonan is almost needed to bark twice. The central government needs Zhang Haonan to brag and suppress the voice of the intelligentsia.

They are also intellectuals and agricultural experts cannot suppress liberal economists. Their backgrounds are not on the same level at all.

There is no right or wrong here, it is just a question of weight.

Put it in America, who dares to say that America’s agricultural experts don’t have the right to bark dogs?

Turning Wall Street bastards into fertilizer is also a bold attempt at a new type of agriculture, rather than doubting the professionalism of American agricultural experts.

For strategic issues, it still depends on the chips and strength in hand.

Experts on agricultural and rural issues in the intelligentsia have no support from the masses and no capital support. They rely solely on the resonance of the central government. This is an attempt to achieve immortality.

The capital here is neutral, and there is no left or right issue. State-owned capital is also capital, but agricultural experts can’t even hire state-owned capital, so who’s to blame.

The key problem is that we still don’t have the strength to break the situation, and we can’t find a way out.

Zhang Haonan is the "God of Wealth" in this year's intellectual circles, especially in the economic field. Of course, to put it nicely, he is a "genius once in XX years."

"As for the industrialization of agriculture and the increase of farmers' income, I would also like to ask Comrade Zhang Haonan to share his views."

"Okay, then I will diverge a little and look forward to next year's work."

The speech has been prepared, but it is just an outline. The main content cannot be read from the script. This is not a government work report meeting. It is also a closed-door meeting. What is said is said, and then the speech is organized and summarized.

"First thing first."

Zhang Haonan raised a finger and said, "We must clearly realize that rural areas are a big market, and it is a big market whose depth and breadth are currently unlimited."

"But if you want to develop this market, you need very complex supporting work, of which infrastructure construction is the most important."

"Everyone must have heard the slogan 'If you want to get rich, build roads first'. Its logic in rural areas is to reduce the land surplus in rural areas... We can't say surplus, let's just talk about land output. To convert Land output, from the countryside, is transferred to the outside world for exchange.”

"The market for traditional agriculture is already quite large. Under the existing policy conditions, the 'industrial and agricultural scissors gap' itself can create tens of billions and hundreds of billions of profits. Then when agriculture also enters the modernization process, whether it is active or passive , it is absolutely possible to slightly increase capital intensification, that is, agricultural industrialization.”

"Then, how much value is added in this process, the original rural market will expand accordingly."

"Only by recognizing the first point can I lead to the second point I want to talk about next."

Wagging two fingers, Zhang Haonan continued, "We must realize that the rural market is unified, dispersed, and complex. 'Agricultural industrialization management' is a strategic issue, and strategic issues must be cautious and careful. Be careful and be careful. But objectively speaking, any organization, institution or individual, for the sake of 'efficiency', will inevitably choose the easiest and most beneficial method for its own operation, that is, 'one size fits all'."

"Can Songjiang's rural urbanization process be the same as that of Haidai Province? Factors such as natural endowment, geographical conditions, economic foundation, etc. are all different, and the capacity of the local single market is also different. So, Songjiang's experience , can it be completely copied to Hai Dai Province or other provinces?"

"When I set up the 'Rural Supply and Marketing Cooperative' of 'Shacheng Food', the first thing I had to do was research. What should I research? Is it the local yield per mu, or the policies provided by the local government? Neither."

"The first is whether all the employees of 'Shacheng Food' are local people; the second is the local customs and rural customs; the third is whether the transportation is convenient; other social security and economic levels, I don't consider. Yes, it doesn’t make much sense.”

"Why do we do this? Only with local people can we understand the specific situation and problems vertically, and then solve them concretely. Moreover, the smallest unit of society in China is the 'family', and rural society is the 'acquaintance society'. Only 'acquaintances' can do it the fastest." The most efficient way to build initial trust, even if the foundation of trust is very fragile.”

“Only by understanding the local customs and customs can we accurately find target groups with whom we can cooperate, then establish cooperative relationships, and finally form a head effect at the grassroots level.”

"The remaining traffic problems are not problems in the face of the vision of change, survival and survival. They are problems that grassroots individuals generally have the courage to overcome."

"I cite the early experience of 'Shacheng Food' just to make it easier for everyone to understand why the rural market is unified, dispersed, and complex. Because if the grassroots follows a one-size-fits-all approach, and you urbanize like this, I will do the same, then Who will provide jobs for the labor force who leave the countryside? Songjiang is the first industrial city and it can provide quite a lot of urban employment. Do all cities have this ability?"

"Therefore, we must not only industrialize agriculture, create value, and increase profits, but we must also avoid 'one size fits all' and adapt to local conditions. If the problem can be solved at the rural level, it should not be easily escalated to counties and cities. This will create very unnecessary problems. It’s troublesome and will lead to endless troubles if solved.”

At this point, Zhang Haonan took a sip of the Coke, cleared his throat, and continued, "Third, we not only want farmers to go out and see the world, but we also want grassroots cadres or leaders to go out and take the lead. Open your eyes and look at the world. Don't limit your sights to the domestic market, but look at the world as a whole. You can't say that you want to provide broadband to rural areas, but the cadres themselves can't even restart their computers, right?"

"I'm not joking when I say this. I think you can go to the grassroots in rural areas when you have time to take a look. Don't be afraid that the mountains are high and the roads are far away, and you can actually understand the implementation and publicity issues of various rural policies."

"To say something unpleasant... four words."

Zhang Haonan raised four fingers, "Shocking."

"Let me give you an example. In Andong County, Chuzhou City, Liangjiang Province, I have a schoolmate named Wang Xi who was really beaten to a bloody head and almost died in the countryside. The central government's documents, for example, strictly prohibit all How can we solve the problem in individual villages in Andong County by strictly prohibiting all kinds of arbitrary charges and apportionment? He personally went from village to village to explain it. If I didn't say that there are still "rural policy commentators" in this world, you I’m afraid I don’t even know.”

"In rural society, if the cadres themselves are ignorant, the farmers will only become more ignorant. In the end, the small market in this small society is an ignorant market. It exists, but it has no growth potential."

"I talk about these three points to remind you that there is no panacea in this world. Don't always talk about the 'America model' or the 'Japanese slave model'. There is no model that is not a model. If there is one, it can only be China. One township may have one model, while another township may have another model.”

"So, after understanding these three points, my personal suggestion is that from a macro perspective, what the country really needs to do is two points."

“First, to do a good job in guarantee work, materially we need to increase the basic construction of rural areas, and roads, bridges, water, electricity, and communications must be sent to the countryside; spiritually, we need to reshape the orientation of values ​​​​based on the actual situation, books and culture must be sent to the countryside, and ideas must be improved. Going to the countryside."

“Second, we should do a good job in cultivating cadres and let young people with knowledge and skills, especially college students, also go to the countryside. If shouting slogans and talking about ideals doesn’t work, then boldly promise benefits and don’t be afraid to talk about material things. This world is Materialistic, we cannot force everyone to be an idealist.”

"Especially the second point, even if problems arise, the risks can be controlled at the rural level, instead of eventually causing rural youths in agricultural counties to become landless farmers. As a result, they will not be able to find a way out in the county. In the end, they will inevitably evolve into People are leaving their hometowns and flocking to various big cities. This kind of urbanization, I would say is ugly, is difficult to avoid the result of 'Latin Americanization' in some areas of big cities."

"I'll stop here. If you have any questions, we can discuss them later."

He leaned back very easily, picked up the Coke, and took another sip.

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