I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1004: Natural Born King (two chapters in one)

Xia Chujian actually told lies. On the contrary, she is a habitual liar.

She has too many secrets that she cannot tell others, including her aunt.

It is not the first time that she has been polygraphed.

But the last time, when he was at the Special Security Bureau branch in Mulan City, Guiyuan Star, Kang Shanxing used his mental power to polygraph Xia Chujian, but she fooled him.

Huo Yushen also said: "If someone uses mental power to polygraph you, I am not worried, you will definitely be fine."

"But if someone wants to use an instrument to polygraph you physically, your ability will be useless."

"So we have to try it first."

Xia Chujian took a deep breath, nodded and said: "Then try it."

Huo Yushen pulled out the probe of the polygraph instrument and pressed it on Xia Chujian's head.

He pulled out at least a dozen probes in one breath, almost covering Xia Chujian's head from front to back.

Huo Yushen said: "Now I ask, you answer. Then look at the display on this instrument."

"If it shows red light, it means you are lying."

"If it shows green light, it means you are telling the truth."

Xia Chujian became more nervous. She swallowed and said: "...then...let's try it..."

Huo Yushen began to ask her questions one by one.

At the beginning, it was some simple questions, asking her about her experience on Green Star, and the dangers and difficulties she encountered.

Then starting from that door, the questions became complicated.

Including the world behind the door, the customs and customs, the ability and image of the Lord of the Kingdom of Familiar, and the situation of Farest's mother.

Xia Chujian answered very smoothly, not particularly fluently, but the key points of the questions were answered, and the instrument always judged that they were all true.

But when Huo Yushen asked: "How did you come back?"

Xia Chujian hesitated for a moment, and the polygraph immediately lit up red.

Xia Chujian: "..."


She hasn't said anything yet!

How can this polygraph be so sensitive? !

Huo Yushen sighed and said, "This is your biggest problem."

"You can have no loopholes in your prepared words, but your heartbeat, expression, pulse, even a little change in body temperature, a little hesitation in your tone, and your brain working a little more intensely than normal will be captured by this polygraph, and then judged that you are lying."

Xia Chujian twitched her mouth and said, "... I haven't received any training in this area. What should I do?"

She can practice some questions in advance, but what if she is asked questions she has not practiced?

Huo Yushen also said, "It's too late to train you now."

Xia Chujian pursed her lips: "What should I do?"

Huo Yushen thought about it and said, "If you can't pass this level, I will send our people around His Majesty to help you pass this level."

"But in this way, there will be one more person who knows that you have a problem."

That is their hidden line around His Majesty.

Although Xia Chujian didn't want to think badly of this person, why should she hand over her own handle to others?

Besides, it's such a big handle!

Xia Chujian frowned, thinking quickly in her mind, and at the same time, one hand couldn't help but rub the red spider lily necklace on her neck.

As soon as she touched the necklace, Xia Chujian suddenly remembered, Qilu, can you help her pass this level?

Because Qilu seems to be a natural king of electronic instruments.

It seems to have absolute dominance in this field.

Of course, except in front of Huo Yushen.

When Huo Yushen was present, Qilu never showed up and hid tightly.

Xia Chujian glanced at Huo Yushen and said, "Huo Shuai, can you let me try this lie detector myself? I'm a little nervous when you're here."

Huo Yushen said, "If someone in the palace is testing you, you won't be alone."

Xia Chujian said stubbornly, "I know, but aren't we not in the palace now?"

"I just want to get used to the function of this lie detector. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle."

Huo Yushen stared at her for a long time, stood up and said, "Okay, you can try it alone. I'll wait for you outside."

After Huo Yushen went out, Xia Chujian released Shao Siming's black and silver mecha, and then connected the lie detector to the outside of her mecha helmet.

She called softly in the fully enclosed helmet: "Qilu? Qilu? Come out! If you don't come out, your master, I will be doomed this time!"

She said harshly, and Qilu's childish voice sounded softly in her headset.

This time, its childish voice was very rigid, as if it was a perfect electronic synthesized sound, without any emotion.

Before that, Qilu's childish voice was like that of a child, with all kinds of emotions that Xia Chujian could feel.

Qilu's childish voice said without any fluctuation: "Master, how can Qilu help you?"

Xia Chujian said softly: "Qilu, can you connect to this polygraph and control it without being discovered?"

Qilu seemed to try it, and after a while, he replied: "Yes."

Xia Chujian was surprised: "Really?! That's great!"

"Wait, I'll take off my helmet and stick these probes on my head. Can you connect to the polygraph?"

Qilu said: "As long as the polygraph is connected to the Internet, Qilu can easily connect to it."

Xia Chujian said: "What if it is not connected to the Internet?"

Qilu said: "Then you can only connect to it through its probes."

Xia Chujian had a headache and said, "But I can't be fully armed in the palace wearing the Shao Siming black and silver mecha."

At least her fully enclosed helmet can't be switched out.

Qi Lu thought of a way for her: "Master, you can put a very small metal hairpin on your hair."

"Qi Lu will put a program into this metal hairpin."

"As long as the other party also puts so many probes on the master's head, it will definitely touch this small metal hairpin."

"In this way, even if the polygraph is not connected to the Internet, Qi Lu can connect to it."

Xia Chujian was very happy and said, "I will ask Huo Shuai for this kind of metal hairpin right away!"

Qi Lu said, "...Is there any here? This kind of thing is used by little girls."

Xia Chujian said, "This is the Special Security Bureau, what is not here?"

She put away the Shao Siming black and silver mecha and said to the intercom on the table: "Huo Shuai, you can come in."

Kang Shanxing, who was standing at the door, couldn't help but glance at Huo Yushen, who was standing outside the door with his hands behind his back.

Xia Chujian's tone was as if she was calling her subordinates...

Huo Yushen seemed to be unaware of it, and turned around, pushed open the door of the office and walked in.

Xia Chujian said: "Huo Shuai, do you have a very small metal hairpin here? My hair is a mess now, and I'm worried that it will be even messier when I take the lie detector test in the palace."

"It seems that being disrespectful in front of the emperor is also a serious crime, right?"

Huo Yushen glanced at her: "Who told you that being disrespectful in front of the emperor is a serious crime?"

Xia Chujian was a little embarrassed: "... Isn't it?"

Huo Yushen said: "There is no such crime."

Xia Chujian secretly complained, thinking, the little online article misled me...

She blinked and continued: "It's best not to have it, but my hair really makes me lose face. Can you help me find a very small metal hairpin?"

As she said that, she also pulled out the virtual display screen and found the very small mini metal hairpin on the Star Network.

It was only half the size of a fingernail, black, and worn on the head. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that you are wearing a hairpin, but your hair is well-organized.

Huo Yushen took a look and said, "Yes, it's more advanced than this."

Xia Chujian: "???"

It's just a hairpin, how advanced can it be?

However, when Huo Yushen asked Kang Shanxing to send her a few, Xia Chujian looked carefully and almost knelt down.

It's really advanced.

This hairpin is as small as a grain of rice, but there is actually a chip inside!

Huo Yushen said, "This was originally a smart eavesdropping device."

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

I really want to kneel down.

She said embarrassedly, "Can this kind of thing be brought into the palace?"

Huo Yushen took a look at her yellow and split dry hair and said, "Temporarily stop the eavesdropping device inside, and there will be no problem."

Xia Chujian asked, "What do you mean by temporarily stopping the operation?"

Huo Yushen said, "It means turning them off, they will not send out signals, it's just an ordinary hairpin that can't be more ordinary, so it won't be detected."

However, Huo Yushen changed a few hairpins that were close to the color of dead grass and personally helped her tie them on her head.

Xia Chujian went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and found that Huo Yushen's craftsmanship was not bad.

Her hair, which was yellow and split like dead grass, now neatly stuck to her head.

Her thick hair had become thin due to excessive hair loss.

Now it was all stuck to her head, which gave her a more heroic and neutral temperament.

Xia Chujian was very satisfied. She secretly put on the full-closed helmet and called Qilu, "Can you enter these hairpins?"

Qilu's childish voice showed a hint of joy: "Great! There are chips in these hairpins! No problem! I'll put a program in!"

Soon, Qilu entered a program he copied into the chips of these "spy" hairpins on Xia Chujian's head.

Xia Chujian came out of the bathroom and said to Huo Yushen, "Can I try again?"

She wanted to try the effect of Qilu's "lie detector".

Huo Yushen said, "Try."

Xia Chujian took the initiative to stick the probes of the lie detectors to her head, and then said to Huo Yushen, "Let's start."

Huo Yushen also began to ask her questions.

The previous questions were changed, and finally asked how she came back.

Xia Chujian paused intentionally, just like last time.

But this time, the polygraph did not react at all, and still flashed green light to judge that she was not lying!

Xia Chujian finished her story, and the polygraph still did not react.

In order to test the effect, Xia Chujian even took the initiative to make herself nervous, and the secretion of adrenaline increased sharply, and even her breathing and heartbeat were different from before.

But the polygraph still flashed green light and did not judge that she was lying.

Huo Yushen did not find any clues in Xia Chujian's body.

He was just a little strange.

He felt the moment when Xia Chujian paused obviously, but the polygraph did not emit red light like last time to judge that she was lying.

Could it be that the polygraph was broken?

Huo Yushen waited for Xia Chujian to finish the polygraph, took off the probes, and ran the polygraph through the instrument again.

No problems were found.

However, although he had some doubts in his heart, he did not have more time to repeat the test.

Because the Batfighter has already come out of the atmosphere above the palace.

He cannot fly his Batfighter into the airspace above the palace unless it is outside the atmosphere.

Xia Chujian followed Huo Yushen and Kang Shanxing and got off the bat fighter in the Special Security Bureau's aircraft.

When they reached the airspace above the palace, they were allowed in after laser detection and password verification.

This was Xia Chujian's first time in the palace.

But as she walked along, she felt that this was not her first time in the palace.

Because she had walked through this palace countless times in the game.

She had also killed many people here...

Xia Chujian found that the terrain of the palace here was not much different from the palace in the game thousands of years ago.

Except for the furniture and furnishings in the palace, which were probably refurbished.

There were also various electronic intelligent instruments, which were more advanced and could not be compared with the palace thousands of years ago.

Although Xia Chujian walked along, she did not look sideways, but the corner of her eyes still paid attention to the corners of the corridor in the palace.

Led by the palace eunuchs, the three of them finally came to the outside of the imperial study of His Majesty the Emperor.

Huo Yushen was called in by Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan first.

"Your Majesty, Xia Chujian is here."

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan nodded, looking a little excited, and said: "Is she really back unharmed? Did you check her body?"

Huo Yushen showed a bitter smile on his face and said: "Your Majesty, when I went to pick her up, she was being examined in the infirmary of their school."

As he said, he handed the health data report of Xia Chujian to Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan.

This was of course the data obtained in the first military academy of the empire.

Tan Tai Hongyuan had actually seen photos of Xia Chujian and knew that she should have been injured.

But the injury was far from what he expected.

It was no different from being unharmed!

However, when he saw the health data report, he still frowned slightly and said, "...Why did she have nuclear radiation injuries?"

Huo Yushen reminded him: "Your Majesty, Xia Chujian is not a genetic evolutionist. She is an ordinary person."

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan looked up in astonishment: "She is actually an ordinary person?! How can ordinary people survive those passages and come back alive?!"

Huo Yushen said calmly: "Because she has the most advanced second-generation mecha in the empire, Shao Siming Black Silver Mecha."

"She relied on this second-generation mecha to escape with her life."

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, that's more like it."

But he didn't pay attention to a small character like Xia Chujian.

Even if he heard someone talk about her, he would forget it as soon as he heard it and never take it to heart.

Because just being the top scorer in the imperial college entrance examination was not enough for him, the emperor of the empire, to remember every bit about her.

But this time, only Xia Chujian entered the door, and she actually came back alive from behind the door!

Finally, I got an appointment with Emperor Tan Tai Hong Yuan.

This is today's update. See you tomorrow, my dears!

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