I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1014: Get your luck back (two chapters in one)

Xia Chujian listened with great interest, gave Doctor Lin a thumbs up and said: "You really deserve to be our chief school doctor! I think your ability is no worse than the imperial doctors of the emperor!"

Dr. Lin's eyes flashed.

She had indeed been selected as an imperial doctor before...

She also worked in the Imperial Medical Bureau for a period of time, but later she was exhausted by the mess in the royal family and quit.

Now she is a school doctor in the first military academy of the empire, I don't know how comfortable it is.

The most important thing is that there is no mental pressure.

So at this time, Doctor Lin felt deep sympathy for Xia Chujian.

Those who are targeted by His Majesty the Emperor will not have an easy life...

The school leaders present didn't know what Doctor Lin and Xia Chujian were thinking, but they all heard what Doctor Lin said, and they also agreed with it.

Even Zong Ruoning said: "Doctor Lin is a real person who never shows his true colors. I think Doctor Lin's ability is indeed no worse than those imperial doctors."

Zong Ruoning even praised him, and the school leaders couldn't help but look at Doctor Lin differently.

In the past, they had an illusion that those who were good doctors outside and insisted on working as school doctors in the school hospital were all people who were not very good at medicine and were just filling in the gaps.

But now it seems that this is not necessarily the case.

For example, Doctor Lin, the school doctor of their school...

She cured the injuries that the imperial doctors couldn't cure.

The school leaders were very happy.

Obviously, they attributed the credit for Xia Chujian's recovery to Doctor Lin.

Xia Chujian was happy to see it happen, and didn't want her aunt to attract unnecessary attention.

Doctor Lin didn't think of this at all.

She always felt that Xia Chujian's recovery was all due to her physique, which looked ordinary but was actually not ordinary.

Xia Chujian was happy and couldn't help but urge again: "Vice President Li, please give me a definite answer, when will the bonus be issued?"

"My family is poor, we are almost eating dirt, and now I still owe the school a large amount of medical expenses!"

In fact, she knew that the emperor had decided to bear all her medical expenses.

But the problem is that at that time, she should have "collapsed consciousness" and was unable to communicate with the outside world.

So she should "not know" about this.

So she said it casually.

And because she was used to crying about poverty, no one could tell that she was pretending.

Doctor Lin immediately felt extremely guilty and said, "Student Xia, don't worry about the medical expenses. You were injured this time during the school's action. The school will bear all your medical expenses."

Xia Chujian's eyes widened, revealing a look of surprise and joy: "Ah?! Really?! You really don't want me to pay for it myself?!"

"That medical cabin is so expensive, I really can't afford it!"

Vice Principal Li, who is in charge of logistics, also felt guilty and said hurriedly, "Really! The school will pay all your medical expenses immediately."

"And your group is indeed the first place, and the bonus will be issued soon!"

Zong Ruoning's heart moved, as if he understood Xia Chujian's behavior habits a little.

He smiled and said, "It's better to do it today than to do it today, how about issuing it today?"

"It just so happens that Student Xia has recovered from his injury and can officially return to school."

Although Xia Chujian has been back for more than ten days, he has always been in a "wounded" state and has not returned to school for classes.

Since Zong Ruoning said so, the school must give him this face.

And it's not that there is no money.

The blessed daughter of Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom generously "sponsored" 20 billion Beichen coins!

Vice Principal Li, who was in charge of logistics, said: "What do you think? It just so happens that classmate Xia has recovered from her injury and returned to school. Why not give her some joy?"

Xia Chujian smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay! Ever since I was pushed behind that door, my luck has been bad..."

"Thank you, Vice Principal Li, for helping me find some good luck!"

Xia Chujian had already bowed to Vice Principal Li.

Other school leaders smiled and said: "No one objects, right? That's it. Today, while classmate Xia has recovered from his injury and returned to school, we will announce the first, second and third places in the interstellar exploration and distribute the bonuses."

Zong Ruoning said: "All leaders are really good teachers who care about students. As a political commissioner, I have posted this news on the school forum and the official Xingbo account."

Xia Chujian was stunned.

Just now, Zong Ruoning lowered his head and tapped his fingers on the carrier of his quantum optical brain watch. It turned out that he was asking someone to release the news...

The school leaders all said: "These things are originally the responsibility of the political commissioner. Commissioner Zong is a good teacher who really cares about students..."

Zong Ruoning smiled slightly.

It is obvious that Xia Chujian's mood is visibly high, and even her pale face gradually turns into a healthy blush.

It can be seen that the spirit can affect physical health, which is really not fabricated.

But the "happy" that Xia Chujian likes is probably the golden color...

Zong Ruoning's mind quickly turned a thought, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up.

He has never worried about money in his life, and he has never thought that others attach too much importance to money.

But seeing Xia Chujian act like this, he thinks it is natural and can empathize with her.

He doesn't think she is vain at all, but thinks she is very down-to-earth, both real and open.

He doesn't mind letting her go more smoothly in the future.

Zong Ruoning even took the opportunity to transfer the treatment fee for two medical cabins to Xia Chujian's digital bank account.

He used the name of "medical subsidy".

Xia Chujian looked at him, and he nodded slightly to her, asking her not to refuse.

Chen Yanjun, who was standing in the outer circle, couldn't close his mouth at this time!

He knew that his group won the first place, but he didn't expect to get the bonus so soon!

Xia Chujian saw Chen Yanjun standing in the outer circle and said, "Student Chen, I have to go back to the dormitory first, what about you?"

Chen Yanjun was one of the students who took her to Zong Ruoning's house for treatment every day.

Now she doesn't need treatment, and Chen Yanjun and others don't have to schedule shifts.

Chen Yanjun hurriedly said, "I want to go back to the boys' dormitory! I want to tell this good news to the students in our group!"

Xia Chujian smiled and nodded: "Then you go first, I'll come later."


Xia Chujian took the discharge certificate and returned to the dormitory area with Chen Yanjun.

The male and female dormitories were in different buildings. Chen Yanjun sent her to the female dormitory area, and then sent her to the door of her dormitory. He watched her open the door before leaving and returning to his own dormitory.

It was not yet seven o'clock in the morning when Chen Yanjun returned to the male dormitory area.

Students in their major all had their own dormitories.

At this time, everyone had already gotten up and went out for morning exercises.

Because it was his turn to pick up Xia Chujian today, he didn't have to do morning exercises.

Chen Yanjun opened the virtual display screen and opened the page of his class group.

Since Gu Demao and Pan Nanjie died and Xia Chujian's life and death were unknown, the remaining seven of them formed a small group for the convenience of communication.

Chen Yanjun sent a message.

[Chen Yanjun]: The monitor has recovered from his injury and will return to class today.

After he sent this message, he sent another message to Xia Chujian.

[Chen Yanjun]: Monitor, call me when you are ready, and we will go to the teaching building together.

Xia Chujian was standing in the small living room of his dormitory at this time, looking around.

It has been almost two months since I came here, and there is no housekeeping robot to clean every day, so the dormitory is not very clean.

There is dust everywhere, and the sheets and quilts need to be changed and washed, the furniture needs to be wiped, and the kitchen and small bathroom need to be cleaned.

Fortunately, the place is not too big, and Xia Chujian has done these things before, so she cleaned it up quickly.

She only changed a set of clean sheets and quilts.

She put the changed ones in a net bag and took them back to Liushun to wash them later, which is more convenient and faster, and cleaner than washing them by hand.

After everything was done, it was not yet 7:30.

She only saw the message sent by Chen Yanjun at this time.

Does Chen Yanjun still need to take her to the teaching building?

Xia Chujian looked at her face in the mirror.

Although her body and brain have recovered, her aunt strives to be realistic in order to grasp the progress, so the changes in her appearance are not very obvious.

In addition to her clear and calm eyes, her short yellow hair and unhealthy pale face all show that she has just recovered from a serious illness.

Xia Chujian smoothed her hair to cover a small scar on her head left by the craniotomy, and sent a message.

[Xia Chujian]: OK, wait for me for ten minutes.

She went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Her hair had been cut very short, and she didn't even use a hair dryer, so it dried quickly.

Xia Chujian changed into the school uniform, still wearing the Shao Siming black and silver mecha inside, but without a helmet, and then sent a message to Chen Yanjun.

[Xia Chujian]: See you on the suspension train.

She went down from her dormitory building, carrying her schoolbag.

The dormitory building was quiet and empty.

Other students should be doing morning exercises in the big playground outside at this time.

Xia Chujian came to the suspension train station and saw Chen Yanjun waiting there.

"Class monitor! Are you really okay? Do you want to go back and rest for a day and come back to class next week?"

Today happened to be Friday, and tomorrow was the weekend.

Xia Chujian shook his head: "It's okay, I'm fine. Today is Friday, just in time to meet everyone."


When the two of them arrived at the classroom of the central teaching building, other students were still eating breakfast in the cafeteria on the ground floor.

But soon, twos and threes of students came to the classroom on the upper floors with their schoolbags.

The first-year students of the Star Destroyer Command Major received the news from Chen Yanjun and were mentally prepared.

But when they saw Xia Chujian smiling and greeting them, they couldn't help but redden their eyes.

Is he really healed? !

They had seen the state a few days ago!

Everyone felt unspeakably sad.

So when they first saw Xia Chujian's current state, even though they had been mentally prepared because of Chen Yanjun's news, they still found it unbelievable.

They all knew that Xia Chujian's brain tissue was severely damaged, and it was said that the imperial doctors diagnosed it as "irreversible"...

In their understanding, irreversible means that it cannot be cured!

But now Xia Chujian is sitting in his seat with a smile, and he waved to them!

In just a few days, a person's condition can change so much. That top-grade medical cabin is really amazing!

Their eyes lit up and they immediately ran to sit next to her and Chen Yanjun.

Jiang Sheng said happily: "Is the squad leader recovered?!"

Xia Chujian nodded: "Healed, but the memory is still a little bit not restored..."

She nodded her head: "The injuries on the outside of the body are all healed, but the injuries here are not easy to heal."

"But it doesn't affect my daily life, and it should be fine to go to school."

She said it more subtly. If there is any problem, just blame it on her brain injury.

Xia Chujian was even a little happy.

If there are any book exams in the future courses, and she doesn't do well in the exams, everyone will probably forgive her and won't laugh at her for being the top scorer in the college entrance examination. Is it a last-minute cram?

However, Xia Chujian's good mood did not last for a second, and Qiu Zining walked in with a step that didn't recognize her relatives.

When she saw Xia Chujian sitting in the classroom, she was still surprised and said, "Huh? Why didn't you go to Commissioner Zong to lie in the medical cabin today?"

Without waiting for Xia Chujian to speak, Chen Yanjun rushed to say, "Hehe, your student status hasn't been completed yet? No wonder you are so uninformed."

Qiu Zining broke down with just one sentence.

Her face suddenly changed, her big almond eyes narrowed, and her tone was dangerous and cold: "... You...!"

But she didn't say the threatening words.

Because at the critical moment, she remembered that Chen Yanjun was the only noble in the class, and he was one of the four earls...

Although she had a strong background, the Chen family, as a powerful noble family, also had a place in front of the royal family.

Qiu Zining felt even more aggrieved.

She swallowed her anger and said coldly: "Isn't it just a forum? I can find someone to register."

Jiang Sheng also laughed and said beside him: "Why bother? You can register if you have a student status, why do you need to find someone? Hahahaha..."

He laughed very loudly, and other students laughed with him.

Qiu Zining's face turned red and white.

She glared at Jiang Sheng, thinking, he really overestimated his own abilities!

She didn't touch Chen Yanjun because of the Chen family, so what was Jiang Sheng? !

Qiu Zining's mind moved, and her mental power rose quietly like a sharp cone and attacked Jiang Sheng!

Xia Chujian was sitting between Jiang Sheng and Chen Yanjun.

When Qiu Zining launched a mental attack silently, Xia Chujian was the first to discover it.

Because the area covered by the carrier of the quantum optical brain watch on her left wrist was experiencing dense electric shocks.

However, after experiencing the physical attack of the royal lie detector, Xia Chujian found that her tolerance for electric shocks had indeed increased.

That feeling was even milder than a mosquito bite.

She suddenly stood up, her body swayed, as if she was too strong to stand, and she suddenly leaned towards Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng subconsciously stepped aside and reached out to catch Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian rubbed his head, frowned and muttered: "Sorry, I just wanted to go out for a while, but I suddenly had a severe headache..."

"Maybe the brain damage has not healed yet... Alas, memory loss is really fatal. I don't even remember what happened after I fell into that door."

This is today's update, see you tomorrow, my dears!

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