I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1020 The only clue (two chapters in one, please vote)

Xia Chujian knew that this dog emperor only wanted to know what happened in the Kingdom of Devotion behind the "God's Gate"!

In the final analysis, he should still want to explore the whereabouts of the Maze Huangquan!

Did he think that since she could get a small piece of the Maze Huangquan, would there be more pieces? !

Did she not hand it all over!

This is normal for an emperor who is naturally suspicious.

But Xia Chujian is not the emperor, and she doesn't want to put herself in the emperor's position.

Why? !

She is a person, not a lifeless consumable!

Xia Chujian sneered in her heart, but her face showed only a panic expression.

She shrank and gradually fell to the ground, curled herself into a small ball, and hid in the corner of the small room.

She looked at these people in horror and asked tremblingly: "You...what do you want to do?"

"Your Majesty, I will tell you everything I know!"

"Don't let them attack my brain anymore!"

"I will become an idiot! I will die!"

"Please! Please!"

However, even though Xia Chujian begged on the surface, she did not kowtow to the emperor.

Only one of the eight supernatural people present realized this detail.

He glanced at her calmly, then retracted his gaze and said nothing.

It was still the withered old man named Rong who laughed and said, "In fact, if your Majesty doesn't mind, you can let me do it..."

"I know a trick to deal with the little girl."

"Just let her take off her clothes and perform a 'nudist dance' in front of us, and she will confess everything..."


Xia Chujian's heart tightened.

Nudistant dance, she knew about it, and she had followed the gossip on the Star Network.

In fact, it is just people stripping naked and dancing.

In some famous seaside resorts on tourist planets, the spontaneous nude dances on the beach are still a major tourist attraction!

Xia Chujian didn't expect that this old man was so disrespectful that he could make such a ridiculous proposal in such a place!

She looked at the shriveled old man angrily and decided not to let him live!

And the other seven supernatural people were proud of their status, how could they be willing to do such a cheap thing in front of the emperor?

They immediately stopped her and said, "Your Majesty, let's do it separately. If we can get this girl to tell that part of her memory, then it's fine."

"If none of us can get her to tell that part of her memory, then it means that her brain tissue is damaged and the memory of the hippocampus is affected."

"That can't be helped. Although memory is illusory, it does not exist independently and must be attached to the brain tissue."

"If the brain tissue is completely damaged, there is no possibility of getting that part of the memory again."

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest of the seat, and after a long time, he said, "That part of the memory is of great importance. Remember not to destroy her brain tissue."

"Before getting that part of the memory, I don't want her to get hurt."

This drew a red line to prevent these people from being presumptuous.

And these eight people did have their own plans.

The eight supernatural people stood up from their seats together and bowed in the direction of the emperor.

The eight of them discussed it and decided that the withered old man named Rong would take the first step.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan said slowly: "Mr. Rong, be careful."

"If you make another mistake, I will wipe out the entire Rong family of your lineage."

The Rong family is a big family, and it is impossible to wipe out the whole family.

But the emperor can still wipe out his entire family.

Xia Chujian pursed her lips and secretly clenched her fist.

On her wrist, the rhythmic electronic stimulation frequency came again.

Xia Chujian felt that it was indeed much lighter than the force in the imperial study just now...

So this old man obviously has a lighter way of attack, but he just said that it was the mildest!

What a lie!

Xia Chujian felt it silently, and suddenly, at the moment when the old man's mental attack increased in strength, she screamed and rolled off her seat, her limbs twitching, her eyes turned up, and a huge white eye rolled up.

It was exactly the same as the performance of someone in the video that Huo Yushen showed her.

This is the normal reaction of ordinary people after being attacked by the supernatural power of this old man.

No one noticed her performance. In fact, Rong Lao's supernatural attack had no effect on her.

Although Xia Chujian didn't have a headache, she felt that acting was too tiring...

Just the way she rolled her eyes made her dizzy.

Seeing her performance so intense, the old man surnamed Rong had to stop and said with regret: "Your Majesty, Xia Chujian's tolerance has reached its limit."

"I only used the supernatural attribute of the lowest intensity, and she couldn't bear it."

The emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan said expressionlessly: "Then you ask questions."

Rong Lao tentatively asked Xia Chujian a few questions, but Xia Chujian seemed to have lost consciousness, just screaming long and short, and didn't understand Rong Lao's questions at all.

The emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan frowned and pointed to the second person: "You, try it."

Looking at Xia Chujian's condition, this person also used the supernatural power of the lowest intensity, attached a little mental power, and attacked Xia Chujian's brain.

Xia Chujian's limbs had just stopped twitching and he sat up from the ground.

When the second person's superpower attacked, she had to perform the second form.

She hugged her limbs inward and twisted them into a strange ball shape, with only her head exposed from her armpits.

She looked at the ceiling of the small room in the imperial study with a lost eye, and even saliva flowed from her mouth.

The man also found that Xia Chujian's symptoms were extremely serious, so he immediately stopped the superpower attack and said to Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan: "Your Majesty, Xia Chujian may not be able to withstand any superpower attack."

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan waved his sleeves impatiently: "...Ask!"

The man had no choice but to ask Xia Chujian a few questions according to the previous plan.

Just like before, Xia Chujian's eyes were as blank as an idiot, and he did not respond to any questions.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan frowned slightly and pointed to the third person.

Then the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh.

Xia Chujian had to "perform" seven different symptoms of being attacked by special superpowers.

Although these abilities had no effect on her, she unfortunately twisted her waist when "performing" those symptoms...

But fortunately, she was already the seventh person.

There was also an eighth person, and she decided to play it badly and not "perform" any "symptoms".

Because she really couldn't straighten her waist, she could only lie on the ground and make some expressions.

This eighth person was the leader among these people, and the one who was most reluctant to Xia Chujian.

But the emperor had spoken, and it was impossible for him not to use his abilities to attack Xia Chujian.

Because the genetic evolution level of the emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan was far higher than theirs.

The emperor could clearly feel whether they had used their abilities.

This person closed his eyes and said lightly: "Xia classmate, relax your body, don't be tense, very soon... very soon..."

Then he exerted his abilities on Xia Chujian.

Among these people, his abilities were the gentlest, as if the spring breeze in March was blowing on the face, with a faint warm breath of sunshine, and it seemed to have a little healing effect.

Xia Chujian was "playing bad", although her brain didn't feel anything, but her body, which had been posing for a long time, suddenly felt comfortable.

However, she didn't move, still staring straight ahead, but her body posture was indeed not as stiff as before.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan said with satisfaction: "That's right, it's still the most flexible and rare that Li Lao's supernatural power has healing effects."

"Xia Chujian, you are blessed... With the help of Li Lao, your brain injury will be healed soon!"

Xia Chujian didn't react at all.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan felt a little embarrassed and said lightly: "Li Lao, let her speak."

This is to dislike this person's supernatural power attack is not strong enough.

Xia Chujian stared blankly ahead, her eyes began to lose focus.

The old man surnamed Li took a closer look at Xia Chujian's condition and said to Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan worriedly: "Your Majesty, do you really want to increase the intensity? "

"I think Xia's injury seems to have worsened..."

The Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan looked disapproving, standing closest to Xia Chujian, and said lightly: "How is it possible?"

"It is well known that Elder Li's ability also has the side effect of 'healing'. Xia Chujian's injury is no problem."

"Let's hurry up."

This is impatience.

He stood so close to Xia Chujian just to hear what Xia Chujian said at the first time.

The old man surnamed Li had no choice but to say "I'm sorry" to Xia Chujian in his heart, and then increased the intensity.


Xia Chujian suddenly sat up, opened his mouth, and vomited directly on the emperor.

The clean and small room was suddenly filled with the sour smell of vomit.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan was startled, and immediately stepped back, raised his sleeve to cover his nose, and looked at himself with disgust: "Why did you vomit? Someone come——! "

A eunuch quietly walked out from behind the emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan.

The other eight people in the room suddenly discovered that there was a very hidden door behind the emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan's chair!

If you don't look carefully, you can't see there is a door there!

And there are people there!

These people are even more uneasy.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan ignored these people at all. He just stared at Xia Chujian, watched the eunuch clean up Xia Chujian's vomit, and changed clothes with the eunuch's service, and then said: "Continue."

The old man surnamed Li attacked Xia Chujian again.

Xia Chujian vomited again.

After three times, the old man surnamed Li said helplessly: "Your Majesty, she can only withstand three attacks from my superpowers at most."

"If it happens again, don't continue to interrogate her, just arrange for her burial directly. "

Xia Chujian's face was as pale as a dead person.

Although she induced vomiting three times on purpose, it was also very harmful to her body.

Her forehead was covered with cold sweat and her fingers were shaking constantly, as if she had senile tremor.

These were all manifestations after being attacked by the old man surnamed Li with supernatural powers.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan was silent for a while, called the chief imperial physician who was waiting outside in, and said: "Check her and see how many mental attacks she can withstand?"

When the chief imperial physician saw Xia Chujian's condition, he also felt a pang in his heart, thinking, what is there to check?

Wouldn't it be better to send her to the west directly?

Why torture her all the time...

He sighed in his heart, but still helped Xia Chujian out.

In another room connected to the imperial study, there was a medical cabin of the highest quality in the empire.

The chief imperial physician put Xia Chujian into the medical cabin and began to use the equipment in the medical cabin to detect her brain condition.

When he saw the state of her brain tissue, the chief imperial physician's eyes paused.

Did someone show mercy?

The state of Xia Chujian's brain tissue showed that she had been attacked by mental power again.

The brain fog phenomenon became more serious and had spread to the entire brain.

However, the brain tissue, which should have been a paste, had a slight healing phenomenon.

Thinking of the eight people he had seen in the small room just now, especially an old man named Li, he knew very well that this person, while attacking Xia Chujian with superpowers, was also using his superpowers to quietly heal her.

If it weren't for this old man, the chief imperial physician judged that Xia Chujian would now be in a state of brain death.

Since someone had already helped, the chief imperial physician finally made up his mind.

He operated on the medical cabin and quickly took out a diagnosis report and handed it to Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan who had already come out of the small room.

"Your Majesty is kind-hearted and showed mercy. If the mental attack lasted one more second, Xia Chujian would have been brain dead."

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan took the diagnosis report with some surprise: "Ah?! So dangerous?"

The chief imperial physician nodded, with a lingering fear on his face, and said: "She can survive, it is really thanks to your majesty's blessing!"

"Your Majesty, do you want to wait until she recovers before interrogating her?"

"If this goes on, your majesty will not only not get any useful information, but may also completely cut off this clue."

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan's heart tightened.

This is his only clue, and it must not be cut off!

Because of this maze, their royal family actually lost 10,000 years...

It was not easy to get a clue!

It was at this moment that Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan decided to let Xia Chujian go temporarily.

She couldn't die yet.

The places she had been to were too important to the Tan Tai Imperial Family.

Of course, he would not completely let Xia Chujian go.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan said with regret: "If that's the case, then let it be."

"You go back."

He also asked the eight people in the small room to leave, but called Huo Yushen over.

"Your Majesty."

Huo Yushen bowed to him.

Emperor Tan Tai Hongyuan said: "Xia Chujian has passed various polygraph tests, proving that she did not lie."

"But her brain memory function has not yet fully recovered."

"However, in view of her physical condition, I will not ask any more questions for the time being."

"In order to protect her safety, I want your Special Security Bureau to protect her 24 hours a day."

This is today's update.

See you tomorrow, my dears!

PS: It's the end of the month, please give me some monthly tickets.

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