I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1029: The identity that is about to be revealed (Second update, please give me a monthly tic

Xia Chujian no longer hesitated, soared into the air, as fast as a meteor, and arrived in the air in an instant.

This position allowed her to look down from a high place, and she was at the same distance from the four snipers below.

Then she raised the sniper rifle loaded in her mecha without hesitation.

Click! Click! Click! Click! Click!

Four shots were fired in a row like a wheel!

The four long-range snipers who were ambushing on the mountain were all shot in the head in an instant, and their necks were directly pierced, including the aorta in their necks.

They didn't make a sound, blood gushed from their necks, and they fell at their sniper points.

Xia Chujian's movements were clean and neat. After four shots, the mecha accelerated and flew directly back to the woods behind.

She also used a silencer on the sniper rifle loaded in her mecha.

On Qiu Zining's side, a group of people were cheering and cheering for the noble lady's shooting skills, and they didn't hear the slight sound from the air.

Only Qiu Shiba felt more severe palpitations in his heart.

He covered his chest and moved his eyes from mid-air to the forest, but he was a step too late and saw nothing.

Xia Chujian returned to Quan Yuxun and whispered: "The four long-range snipers have been killed."

Quan Yuxun: "..."

Can he say that he didn't see clearly what happened?

At this moment, Quan Yuxun deeply understood what it meant not to use his hobbies to challenge other people's professional skills.

Quan Yuxun nodded: "What are you going to do next?"

Xia Chujian said: "What else can I do? Of course, I will take action. Before they find out that their sniper is dead."

As he said that, Xia Chujian had already rushed out, and said to Quan Yuxun through the built-in intercom of the fully enclosed helmet: "Qilin, you should be alert."

"If anyone from Qiu Zining tries to run out, you shoot to clear the scene!"

Quan Yuxun: "... Got it."

The tone was not very confident.


Xia Chujian drove Shao Siming's black and silver mecha to fly out again.

This time, the protective color of her mecha was still the camouflage color of the forest.

In the open space in the valley ahead, Qiu Zining was still holding her Judge No. 2 sniper rifle, smiling and shooting at the flying humanoids in the air.

Her shooting skills were not accurate, but she wanted to learn from Xia Chujian to turn the sniper rifle into an intelligent machine gun, so she didn't hurt many humanoids.

But as long as she hurt one, the opponent would be torn into pieces, and the scene was very bloody.

The bodyguards around Qiu Zining behaved differently.

Some showed reluctance and were passive.

Some followed in the joy and excitement, and it was obvious that they were the same as Qiu Zining, and they were bloodthirsty.

Xia Chujian wanted to catch the thief first, so he raised his sniper rifle and shot at Qiu Zining first.


Qiu Zining is worthy of being an S-level gene evolver.

At this time, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and without thinking, she stretched out her arm and pulled the bodyguard who was closest to her and laughed the loudest and most arrogantly in front of her as a shield.

Once the bullet left the barrel, it couldn't turn.


The bodyguard screamed and his head exploded in front of Qiu Zining.

Qiu Zining retreated quickly and quickly adjusted her helmet to a fully enclosed state.

She was wearing a one-piece bulletproof vest, and with this fully enclosed bulletproof helmet, her overall defense was no worse than that of a mecha.

At the same time, she subconsciously launched a mental attack.

For gene evolutionists, launching mental attacks has always been their first choice.

When mental attacks don't work, they launch physical attacks.

Of course, their physical attack capabilities also increase in proportion to the increase in the level of genetic evolution.

But it seems that it doesn't work at all.

Because Xia Chujian missed the first shot, he fired a second shot directly at Qiu Zining.

Qiu Zining was shocked.

She is already an S-level gene evolutionist, and her mental attack doesn't work. Could it be that the opponent's genetic evolution level is higher than hers? !

Because Xia Chujian's current mecha was in an ordinary type of mecha with a fully enclosed structure, Qiu Zining couldn't see who was in the mecha at all, so she could only speculate whether a high-level genetic evolutionist was attacking her...

Thinking of this, she lost all her resistance and turned around to run in the valley in a panic, pulling her bodyguards to block her bullets from time to time.

A few bodyguards who reacted slowly were caught off guard and fell in a pool of blood.

The bodyguards who reacted quickly had already fallen to the ground, holding their heads with both hands, and then quickly rolled under the big tree on the side of the mountain.

Qiu Zining couldn't pull more bodyguards to block her bullets, and quickly came to her senses and shouted: "Qiu Shiba! Stop her!"

Qiu Shiba launched a mental attack on the gunman who suddenly broke in, while speeding up to fly over.

But just halfway through the flight, Qiu Shiba suddenly came to his senses.

He felt it, felt who this person was!

This shooting skill! This speed!

There is no second person except that person!

Qiu Shiba made a sharp 90-degree turn in mid-air and flew out of the valley quickly, saying, "Lady! Don't worry! I'll go get you some help!"

His speed suddenly increased, leaving an afterimage in the air.

Quan Yuxun raised his gun to shoot in the outer circle, but when he pulled the trigger, Qiu Shiba had already flown out of his range!

This speed is rare even among S-level gene evolvers.

Quan Yuxun failed to hit Qiu Shiba, and immediately said to Xia Chujian, "One person escaped, let's fight quickly!"

Xia Chujian muttered in her heart that Quan Yuxun was useless, but she also knew that Qiu Shiba, that sly guy, would run away when he saw danger. It was really not easy to catch him.

But here, she really had to speed up.

Just after a round of shooting, the sniper rifle ran out of bullets.

Xia Chujian quickly pressed a magazine, raised the gun again, and aimed at Qiu Zining, who was fleeing in panic and preparing to escape.


Another shot.

This shot hit Qiu Zining's chest.

"Ah——!" Qiu Zining's chest did not have a penetrating wound, but she screamed and was hit by the kinetic energy of the sniper bullet like a kite with a broken string, and flew backwards quickly.

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows: "So he was wearing a bulletproof vest."

I knew it wouldn't be so easy to kill this person.

Xia Chujian calmly raised the gun, looked at Qiu Zining through the scope, and shot again.

Click! Click! Click!

After three shots, Qiu Zining's head, arms and legs were all hit, but they were just hit by the kinetic energy of the sniper bullets and rolled to the ground.

The sniper bullets did not penetrate her bulletproof device.

Qiu Zining was indeed an S-level genetic evolver. The impact of the kinetic energy of the sniper bullets did not have much effect on her, but greatly affected her actions.

She fell to the ground and immediately got up and rushed to a tall humanoid with wings, clamped him and blocked him in front of her chest.

Xia Chujian aimed again and found that there was no way to hit Qiu Zining without hitting this humanoid.

Qiu Zining was overjoyed when she saw that the opponent's attack had eased.

She hurriedly shouted to her bodyguards: "Why are you hiding?! Come out!"

"There is only one gunman! There are so many of us, are you afraid that we can't hit him?!"

Qiu Zining shouted so much that some bodyguards could no longer hide, got up from the ground and raised their guns at Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian couldn't hit Qiu Zining directly at this time, but it was no problem to deal with these bodyguards.

She thought to herself, I wanted to let you go, but if you want to die, don't blame me...

Xia Chujian raised her hand and pulled the trigger.

The sniper rifle roared, just like an intelligent machine gun. All the bodyguards who got up and prepared to shoot in the valley were shot in the head and fell on the grass.

Qiu Zining looked at the other party's amazing shooting skills, and found that the other party did not attack her mentally!

If the genetic evolution level was higher than her, a direct mental attack would kill her, and there was no need to fire so many shots!

The gunman on the opposite side had very accurate shooting skills, but no mental attack. This style of fighting was very familiar...

Qiu Zining suddenly thought of someone.

This person's shooting skills were very accurate, and because he had a second-generation mecha, he was not afraid of S-level mental attacks, but he had no mental power to attack others.

So this person's identity is about to be revealed? !

"Xia Chujian?! Is it you?!"

"Aren't you an idiot?!"

Qiu Zining's face turned pale, and her eyes were filled with panic and fear of impending disaster.

Xia Chujian didn't say anything.

She didn't have the habit of talking nonsense in battle, and at most she would say a few harsh words to the dead.

Xia Chujian said nothing, calmly raised her gun, and aimed at Qiu Zining.

This time, Xia Chujian found that there was only one fatal place on Qiu Zining's body, which was the junction of her fully enclosed helmet and shoulder neck.

Qiu Zining's bulletproof equipment was not a mecha, so it was not fully enclosed without dead angles.

But its design was very clever.

Combined with a bulletproof fully enclosed helmet, the whole body defense function was excellent.

It only had one gap, which was the place where Qiu Zining's helmet and the bulletproof vest on her body were connected, that is, the circle around her collar.

It was very small and not easy to see.

But this place was now blocked.

Because Qiu Zining carefully blocked the winged humanoid in front of her, using the huge body of the humanoid as a shield for herself.

Xia Chujian held the gun and couldn't pull the trigger for a while.

Qiu Zining originally wanted to wait for the gunman on the opposite side to shoot, then throw away the humanoid and pull a bodyguard as a shield.

But she didn't expect that the gunman on the opposite side would refuse to shoot the humanoid!

This is really interesting!

Who would treat humanoids as human beings!

Could it be that the gunman on the opposite side was not Xia Chujian as she thought, but... a humanoid? !

Qiu Zining felt that only humanoids would hurt their own kind and would not shoot their own people!

Moreover, most humanoids have no mental power, but their defense against mental power is very high, which is also in line with the characteristics shown by the gunman just now.

So, it was really not Xia Chujian, but the humanoid gunman? !

Thinking of this, Qiu Zining's courage grew again.

She was afraid of Xia Chujian, but not humanoids!

Qiu Zining twisted the back of the humanoid's neck triumphantly and shouted, "Shoot! Why don't you dare to shoot?!"

"Your shooting skills are good! It's a pity that you are just a useless humanoid!"

"Don't dare to shoot?! Are you scared? If you want this thing in my hand to survive, just drop your gun and surrender!"

"Otherwise... humph! Don't blame me for being cruel!"

As she said this, she used the barrel of the Judge No. 2 sniper rifle to press against the back of the humanoid in front of her.

The winged humanoid stared blankly at the gunman in front of him wearing strange clothes.

He had never seen a mecha before, so he didn't know that Xia Chujian was wearing a mecha.

He just thought it was also a kind of humanoid he had never seen before.

Seeing that the other party was almost surrounded, he still refused to shoot, just because he was afraid of accidentally hurting himself, and the humanoid's eyes gradually turned red.

He took a deep look at the gunman on the opposite side, and suddenly shouted: "Run! Don't worry about us!"


Then he suddenly bumped back!

He had wings, and his body was huge, two meters tall.

He was also very strong, no worse than the low-level gene evolvers among humans.

Of course, compared with the S-level gene evolvers, it was still far behind.

His backward bump didn't have much effect, but just scared Qiu Zining who was hiding behind him.

Qiu Zining pressed her hand against his back and pulled the trigger subconsciously.


The Judge No. 2 sniper shot directly through the winged humanoid body with a watermelon-sized penetration wound.

This is the second update! It's also a big chapter!

There will be a new update after 5:00 p.m.!

Why don't you vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month? Sang Xin (;′⌒`).

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